100% developed

User:Goelette Cardabela/Sandbox/Add appendix

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Bash programs with Linux systems to add appendix to books

See also french imprimable version

Preparing for installation

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100% developed  as of 210820 (210820) - bash install directories for user to create books appendix

copy and test the library

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Install the codes annex.lib in /usr/local/lib or in ~/Add_appendix/lib or in ~/Add-appendix/tests/1-annex.lib
75% developed  as of β version-210514 (β version-210514) - annex.lib Lib with functions findbook(), ecfpb() for printable books and ecfpc() for Collections.
The findbook function is valided, The ecfp* functions must be checked
* if you want it, install tests codes in ~Add_appendix/tests/1-annex.lib/<sub-directories>
100% developed  as of β-210514 (β-210514) - Test the source code of findbook function with test_findbook.bash]
75% developed  as of β-210409 (β-210409) - Test the source code of the ecfpb function with ecfpb.sh] (extract contents from printable book)
75% developed  as of β-210415 (β-210415) - Test the source code of the ecfpc function with ecfpc.sh (extract contents from compiled book (Collections))1-annex.lib

Copy the source codes of the modules under test

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Install sources codes for all users (chmod 644) in /~/Add_appendix/src or in usr/local/src

Copy source codes with printable version

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Printable version for copy and paste
Copy sources files, paste in text editor, save in specialized directories : ~/Add_appendix/ lib, src, tests, etc.
For more details on the files see the following paragraphs


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Development stage: 90% 90% - β-210812 - pre-annex.sh The internationalization POT file of messages remains to be done


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Development stage: 90% 90% - β-210519 - header.inc.sh The internationalization POT file of messages remains to be done


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Development stage: 70% 90% - β-210822 - annex.sh


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Development stage: 90% 90% - β-210523 - list.sh


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Development stage: 90% 90% - β-210528 - download.sh

add_sclt.sh fr_sclt.inc en_sclt.inc

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Development stage: 90% 90% - β-210819 - add_sclt.sh Eglish version with gettext for internationalization.


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Development stage: 90% 90% - β-210621 - scli.inc.sh This file is common to both the classic scli file and the two custom scli files


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Development stage: 90% 90% - β-210819 - add_add_sclic.sh


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Development stage: 80% 80% - β-210710 - add_sclipco.sh


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Development stage: 90% 90% - β-210709 - add_sclipwb.sh


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Copy sources to bin

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  • compil2bin.sh compresses and copies executable shell files from the source directory to the bin directory and produces the .pot file for translation if gettext codes are included.
  • Install compil2bin for all users (chmod 755) in /usr/local/sbin whith root privileges else in ~/Add_appendix/sbin directory.

100% developed  as of 211106 (211106) - compil2bin.sh cp-src2bin.sh is the old version.

Copy all tested commands in tests directory to src and bin directories

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75% developed  as of 210822 (210822) - cp_all_to_Add_appendix.bash

Global test

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100% developed  as of 210830 (210830) - Add_appendix global test


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Standard manual

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100% developed  as of 210830 (210830) - Manuals scripts: source, plain-text, html


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100% developed  as of 210830 (210830) - Add_appendix translations


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Book for tests
User:Goelette Cardabela/Sandbox/TestBook
  1. Appendix with articles and images in classic version
  2. Appendix with articles and images from wikibooks
  3. Appendix with articles and images from wikimedia commons