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Summary: “The Night Came Slowly “by Kate Chopin is a narrative that reflects on a woman’s admiration for the night. She has lost her interest in books and men and feels that the night can speak and teach her more than a either of them could. She is fascinated by the attributes of the night and what it can show her.

Thesis: In her narrative “The Night Came Slowly”, Kate Chopin’s narrator transmits that it is better to interact with the night and its elements rather than with human beings.

The main character speaks very highly of the night. In the narrative she says, “The night is solemn, and it means mystery.” By describing the night as solemn, the darkness allows her to see the night as something that should be valued and admire even though is dark which is why she describes it as a mystery. The Darkness of the night allows for there to be mystery, looming as so much can happen in the night without being seem in comparison to daytime. Here we see an instance of personification as the night is being compared to the “fool” human as described above. The main character sees the night in such a way that is better than a human. She isolates herself to allow for her to be alone and encompass herself in the night as it is her preference.

The insects, the wind, the leaves are all components of the night that the main character focuses on. In the narrative she says “The katydids began their slumber song: they are at it yet. How wise they are. They do not chatter like people. They tell me only: “sleep, sleep, sleep.” The wind rippled the maple leaves like little warm love thrills.” Here we can see how the noises made by grasshoppers are seemed to show the wisdom of the insects as part of the night. The main character also suggests that the interaction between the leaves and wind are also filled with love. This suggests another instance of love making as it is referred to as a “thrill” as the elements of the night join together and make love. This reflects the intimacy the main character takes part in with the night and how a maternal love can be remarkable in the mentioned scene. Also, it is evident that the character views the “chatter” of the people being foolish while the katydids are “wise.” Here it is shown how the main character prefers to listen to what the night relays to her over that of people. The main character shows us the wisdom and love that exist between at night and the environment that’s around her meaning that the night can bring more useful thoughts, pleasant emotions and even happiness than humans.

As she enjoys the night and the mystery that’s making her admire and analyze its beaty and magic, the narrator notes that “Human shapes flitted by like intangible things. Some stole up like little mice to peep at me. I did not mind. My whole being was abandoned to the soothing and penetrating charm of the night.” She has become enamored of the night. She does not get distracted or bothered by anything around her. Her only interest is to admire and analyze the night and what comes with It. It is a though she is being made love to by the night. Her being, being “abandoned”, adds to the feeling of being aroused. She is in a different state as the night is “penetrating” and “soothing” her as if it were a human bringing pleasure to her. She is pleased by the elements of the night that are affecting her. She is pleased and comforted by the night and communes with the night in an intimate way.

The main character reflects on an encounter with a man who looked to teach her about God using the Bible. However, the character questions the man’s knowledge about God saying “Shall I ask a young fool who was born yesterday and will die tomorrow to tell me things of Christ? I would rather ask the stars: they have seen him.” Here it is evident that the main character sees the stars of the night sky as more intellectual than man. The night and its components are of a higher regard to the main character than humans. Shown is the main character’s preference to provide her information and enlighten her. The main character personifies the night throughout the story to relay the idea that she alone is better off at night. She isolates herself and sees the night with high regard and displays her preference for being alone with the night and its elements.


Katydids: Large group of insects in the order Orthoptera, related to grasshoppers.

Solemn: Word to describe anything that’s really serious and dignified.

Maple Tree: Symbolize balance, offering, practical magic, promise, longevity, generosity, and intelligence.

Necromancer: Conjuration of spirits of the dead for purposes of magically revealing the future.

Depression: Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest

Isolation: The state of being in a place or situation that is separate from others: the condition of being isolated

Disappointment: Sadness or displeasure caused by the nonfulfillment of one's hopes or expectations.