
From Wikibooks, open books for an open world
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Open Source stuff is great. I'm going to be switching from Winders to FreeBSD or Debian soon.

I am a native Wikibookian. I'm around most of the other "foundation" Wikis, but I spend the majority of my time here. I try to crawl around and "restructure" things as much as possible. Organization and coherency is very important.

Private Shelves

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I am currently involved with Green items. I intend to soon be involved with Yellow items. I intend to deal with Red items "sometime in the future". If you add an item, please code it Gray (). I will change it when I decide how I will be dealing with it. How To Build A Computer - A Neutral Look at Operating Systems - Note taking - Meeting_Basics - Learn_Accounting_with_Dick_and_Jane

Chess - Algebra - Applied Math Basics - AI - School of Computer Science - School of Philosophy - High_school_extensions - Physics Study Guide - PHP - Study_Skills

  • Think that there is something I need to work on or read? Feel free to stick anything suitable on either shelf! You can drop a comment about it somewhere too if you like.--Hyperlink 07:05, 25 Mar 2005 (UTC)

Noted Contributions

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  • Revamped the Hardware organization.
  • Brought the "one page book" to the level of sub-modules.
  • Founded
  • Currently working on the "basic stuff"
  • I do a lot of random crawling and editing.
  • I've been trying to "clean up" the language books. Perhaps with a little bit more structure they will be more likely to grow...

Notes to self

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