User:Ihaveahax/sandbox/LibreOffice/Writer/The user interface

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LibreOffice Writer's user interface contains tools that can help you write.

The interface

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The interface

First toolbar

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Menu Actions
File Options for saving, opening, and exporting files. There is also an option for changing the file preferences.
Edit Tools for editing such as cut, copy, paste, and find.
View Choose how the user interface looks.
Insert Options for inserting content such as pictures or text from other documents.
Format Change the format of the document and other objects in it.
Table More options for tables like inserting/deleting cells and formulas
Tools Extra tools for the document and the program, such as spell check and program options.
Window Select which window to view.
Help Get help using LibreOffice, and view the about.

Second toolbar

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Icon Action(s)
New Create a new document.
Open Open a document.
Save Save the current document.
Document as E-mail Send the document through e-mail.
Edit File Enable editing if you've opened a saved document.
Export Directly as PDF Quickly export the document as a PDF.
Print File Directly Print the document directly to the last printer used.
Page Preview View the document like it would appear printed.
Spelling and Grammar Check the entire document for spelling and grammar.
AutoSpellcheck Check for spelling and grammar while typing, and underline misspellings and bad grammar.