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What is the background to this research?

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Where is the research from?

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Where in the world was it from? Was it lab based or in a nursing home etc. Are the authors world known etc

Is the location, or group, in which this research was conducted important to share? Do the authors of the research have a track-record/reputation in the field? Are there organisational/sponsorship links that may be a conflict of interest/bias the findings?

What kind of research was this?

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What kind of study was it? Observational, an RCT, a meta-analysis? Does the level of evidence from these, and other types of studies, differ?

What did the research involve?

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Provide a lay summary of what the participants did in the study? Was the methodology the best approach? What limitations exist related to the important measures taken, or other aspects of the methodology (participant recruitment for instance)?

What were the basic results?

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What were the important findings? How did the researchers interpret the results? Do they over-emphasis the implications of their findings?

What conclusions can we take from this research?

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Provide your own insights on the conclusion (it may not quite be the same as the authors) How do the findings align with other research in the area (in particular more recent publications that won't be mentioned in the paper)

Practical advice

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What real-world implications does this research have? Are there other considerations readers should know about before taking on this practical advice? Perhaps health/safety comments?

Further information/resources

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  • What further reading may interested readers benefit from?
  • What website, or online organisations, offer further information/support to groups that are linked to your assignment?

References Add in the references using this code (if you have done the in-text referencing correctly, it will appear here - check the tips on Moodle for details, or of course the help options in wikimedia (or google it)

And add code in so this below appears (see Moodle - 2. Creating your page and editing tips - PLEASE READ):


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