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About Me

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Hello everyone! I am Joyce Ord and a current sophomore at ODU. I was born and raised in Hampton, Virginia and have lived in the same house my entire life. I was a gymnast for eleven years and am still completely in love with the sport. I am currently an Elementary Education major and plan to teach the forth grade. I am a member of ODU's sorority Alpha Phi and am blessed to be a part of such an amazing group of women. I am an eternal optimist and it is my most prized quality. I love quotes and am a sucker for a great book. Harry potter is a bit on obsession for me, and I am holding out hope that Hogwarts really does exist. Math is by far my biggest enemy in life. I am so excited for this class, because it is my first exposure to many things in the education world.

Philosophy of Education

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My philosophy on education is based around the concept of innocence and inspiration. To me a teacher should be completely rejuvenated by the innocent outlook that most children have on life. Too often adults allow themselves to be tainted by life's experiences and lose so many qualities that would enable humanity to be utterly transformed. There is nothing more encouraging to me then to hear a child's unashamed and whole hearted dreams and ambitions. Creating an atmosphere that concentrates of fostering and feeding those ambitions instead of slapping the supposed harshness of "real life" on them is the most important thing a teacher can do in my eyes.