Welcome to the KellyLawless page! I am currently a Program Manager with the NYS Office of Information Technology Services, and I manage the Project and Portfolio Management section in what is referred to as the General Government Cluster. This account was established to draft the "NYS Business Analysis Guidebook." This Guidebook is a collaborative effort started by a group of business analysts working in various NYS government agencies; initiated at the request of my CIO, Adam Gigandet. We are looking to develop a resource that can be used, modified and published by agency staff, schools that are training business analysts, vendors who offer business analysis services and all those looking for a consistent approach in the space called "Business Analysis." We have had a (PB Works) wiki in place for several years as we drafted various word documents, collected templates, offered various presentations and created a collaborative network of like minded professionals. Now is the time to begin "publishing" our material so we can gain wider input from our and the wiki community at large.
As a newbie (12/23/13), I encourage wikibookians and wikimedians to offer guidance on layout, design, readability and usability--not to mention the anticipated grammatical errors I am likely to pen as I stich together the wonderful patchwork of chapters into a rich wikibook. Rather than spend time describing our efforts here, I am itching to start "the book" and will hopefully be clear and concise while learning to use these tools. As a former project manager, I will note here that our plan is to finish drafting/editing the "book" through March 2014 and then seeking input from our NYS government colleagues shortly after that. We are hopeful from here that we can develop video segments to build an "online" course.