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User:LABoyd2/Vector to manual 150928

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A vector is a sequence of zero or more OpenSCAD values. Vectors are a collection (or list or table) of numeric or boolean values, variables, vectors, strings or any combination thereof. They can also be expressions which evaluate to one of these. A vector has square brackets, [] enclosing zero or more items (elements or members), separated by commas. A vector can contain vectors, which contain vectors, etc. The information here also applies to lists and tables which use vectors for their data.

   [3, 5, [6,7], [[8,9],[10,[11,12],13], c, "string"]
   [4/3, 6*1.5, cos(60)]

use in OpenSCAD:

  cube( [width,depth,height] )           // optional spaces shown for clarity
  translate( [x,y,z] )
  polygon( [ [x0,y0],  [x1,y1],  [x2,y2] ] )

Vectors are created by writing the list of elements, separated by commas, and enclosed in square brackets. Variables are replaced by their values.

  a1 = [1,2,3];
  a2 = [4,5];
  a3 = [6,7,8,9];
  b  = [a1,a2,a3];    // [ [1,2,3], [4,5], [5,7,8,9] ]  note increased nesting depth
elements within vectors

Elements within vectors are numbered from 0 to n-1 where n is the length returned by len(). Address elements within vectors with the following notation:

e[5]           // element no 5 (sixth) at   1st nesting level
e[5][2]        // element 2 of element 5    2nd nesting level
e[5][2][0]     // element 0 of 2 of 5       3rd nesting level
e[5][2][0][1]  // element 1 of 0 of 2 of 5  4th nesting level
example elements with lengths
e = [ [1], [], [3,4,5], "string", "x", [[10,11],[12,13,14],[[15,16],[17]]] ];  // length 6

address       length  element
e[0]          1       [1]
e[1]          0       []
e[5]          3       [ [10,11], [12,13,14], [[15,16],[17]] ]
e[5][1]       3       [ 12, 13, 14 ]
e[5][2]       2       [ [15,16], [17] ]
e[5][2][0]    2       [ 15, 16 ]
e[5][2][0][1] undef   16
e[3]          6       "string"
e[3 ][2]      1       "r"
s = [2,0,5]; a = 2;
e[s[a]]       3       [ [10,11], [12,13,14], [[15,16],[17]] ]
vector operators
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[Note: Requires version 2015.03 or later]

concat() combines the elements of 2 or more vectors into a single vector. No change in nesting level is made.

 vector1 = [1,2,3]; vector2 = [4]; vector3 = [5,6];
 new_vector = concat(vector1, vector2, vector3) // [1,2,3,4,5,6]
 string_vector = concat("abc","def");                 // ["abc", "def"]
 one_string = str(string_vector[0],string_vector[1]); // "abcdef"

len() is a function which return the length of vectors or strings. Indices of elements are from [0] to [length-1].

Returns the number of elements at this level.
Single values, which are not vectors, return undef.
Returns the number of characters in string.

See example elements with lengths

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select() performs selection and reordering of elements into a new vector. NOTE: To use, copy this function into your script.

 function select(source_vector,select_vector)=
   [ for (i = [0 : len(select_vector) - 1]) source_vector[select_vector[i]] ];
 vector1 =   [[0,0],[1,1],[2,2],[3,3],[4,4]];
 selector1 = [4,0,3];
 vector2 =   select(vector1,selector1);   //  [[4, 4], [0, 0], [3, 3]]
 vector3 =   select(vector1,[0,2,4]);     //  [[0, 0], [2, 2], [4, 4]]