User:Margav06/sandbox/Click here to continue/Software for LMIs and Optimization

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Software for LMIs and Optimization

We will be Majorly using these softwares for solving the LMIs' problems:

Gurobi :

-You can download the program from this link
-Try logging in using the University's email id.
-If you cannot proceed with downloads using your personal wifi, it may be required for you to download the program using University's wifi.
-Once downloaded, install it in the path where your MATLAB is installed.
-Upon successful installation, you should be able to run a demo code from the Gurobi dome code files.

Sedumi :

-You can download the program from this link
-Try logging in using the University's email id.
-Once downloaded, install it in the path where your MATLAB is installed.
-Upon successful installation, you should be able to run a demo code from the Sedumi dome code files.
-This is the most commonly used solver for the LMIs in Control course.
-You can use this solver to solve linear programming problems as well.

Cplex :

-This is the solver from IBM
-You can download the program from this link
-Try logging in using the University's email id.
-It may take a day or two to get your license approved. Once approved you can use the link to download the program.
-Once downloaded, install it in the path where your MATLAB is installed.
-Upon successful installation, you should be able to run a demo code from the IBM Cplex dome code files.


-You can download the program from this link
-Try logging in using the University's email id.
-Once downloaded, install it in the path where your MATLAB is installed.
-Upon successful installation, you should be able to run a demo code from the Mosek dome code files.


-This tool helps us to solve non-linear systems
-The download link for the tool is provided here:
-Once downloaded, install the tool in your MATLAB path.
-Try running a demo code from the list of demo codes in the sostools folder.