Greetings all! My name is Michael, and I am happy to be joining you all in this excellent course, ECI 301 Foundations of Education. Some notes of my background include the following. I have just completed my second year of teaching high school mathematics. A number of factors have inspired me to become a teacher. First, is my Mom. She is an excellent teacher and brings a real passion to the profession. She also cares about people. All of these qualities I find inspirationl. Second, I have been led to this field out of a concern to reach out to and make a difference to the younger generation.
This opportunity to share our philosophies of education is exciting. I find that my philosophy of education changes some as a typical school year progresses. I start out communicating high expectations and attempt to help the students of the class develop a very strong work ethic for the class. This includes helping them to develop habits paying maximum attention during class, putting forth maximum effort during work, studying hard for tests, and turning in homework consistently. Also, in the early stages, I try to communicate to students that I care about them and what them to succeed. Also, I try to help them envision that they can succeed and do better than ever before. Then, as the year progresses, I am more open to allowing for humor to make its way into class at the appropriate times and look for opportunities for students to express their feelings about the course and/or what's going on with them in general. I try to build relationships with students by attending whatever extra-curricular functions may be going on.
Diversity is certainly an issue that any teacher must take into account when coming up with a philosophy of education. Especially in contexts where classroom management can be challenging, its important that a teache figures out what makes each individual student "tick." In the case of one student, this student might fully cooperate unless he/she perceives she is being disrespected or looked down upon in the eyes of a particular friend in class. I try to figure out what makes each student tick and then adjust accordingly. I also try to develop an undestanding of what each student might be sensitive too, and I act in accordance to this consideration. Some students learn at a much slower rate than others. I plan tutoring for those who learn at a slower rate, and I give them extra individual attention in class. For those who learn more quickly, I try to create special opportunities--either after school or in groups during class-- where they can learn at a more accelerated pace. Also, I find partnering with parents can help students who previously feel uncomfortable around the majority of students and in the class can help these students feel more comfortable and be more prone to succeed.