User:Robbiemuffin/Kreyol/Chapter 3/Number

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Wikibooks Kreyol

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The first number, zero, is zewo. It is not part of the base 16.

In english, we have a base 12 number system: the first twelve numbers are unique. After that, it becomes a sort of ten+ number, util twenty (thir+teen, four+teen...). Then, going up by tens, twenty, thirty fourty, etc, in a base 10 fashion (22 = twenty+two, 49= fourty+nine).

Kreyòl uses a system like French: it is base 16 at the start, but it becomes more complicated from there. It rises in a base ten fashion until the 60s, then becomes quasi base 60 (70 = 60 and 10, 80 = four 20s, 90 = four 20s and 10) until 100. The 100s, thousands, and higher columns revert to a base 10 multiplicative system (800 = 8 100s, 2000 = 2 1000s).

number cardinal ordinal
1  youn,en prenmye
2 de desyèm

From here on, to make an ordinal from a cardinal add -yèm to it. Only exceptions are lsited in the table above.

number     3 4  5 6  7  8  10 11  12 13  14  15 16
cardinal twa   kat   senk  sis   sèt   wit   nèf   dis   onz   douz  trèz  katòz kenz  sèz  

From there it continues 17-19 as 10+n:

number cardinal
17 disèt
18 dizwit
19 diznèf

From 20-29 you can work out how single-digit numbers are added to the tens column:

number     20 21  22  23   24  25  26  27  28  29
cardinal  ven      venteyen vennde   venntwa  vennkat  vennsenk vennsis  vennsèt  ventwit  ventnèf 

The remeaining tens numbers to 60 are:

number      30  40  50 60
cardinal trant    karant  senkant swasant

From here to 100, they become quasi-base 60 numbers:

number cardinal
70 swasanndis
80 katreven
90 katrevendis
  • 100 san

For the hundreds, numbers are multiplied against the hundreds column: 200 = de san.

  • 1,000 mil

For the thousands, the count system begins again as at 1. 5,000 = senk mil, but 10,000 = di mil, 100,000 = san mil.

The higher order numbers use the million and billion familiar to english speakers, no those familiar to french:

  • 1,000,000 = milyon
  • 1,000,000,000 = bilyon

missing: multiplicative names (once, twice), partitive names (half, third, quarter)

  • Ki lè li ye? = What time is it?
  • Li inè. = It's 1:00.

time words are like the cardinal words, but with è at the end:

  • 1:00 = inè
  • 2:00 = dezè
  • 3:00 = twazè
  • 4:00 = katrè


  • 11:00 = onzè
  • 12:00 = douzè

Days of the week

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Kreyòl French English
lendi lundi monday
madi mardi tuesday
mekredi mercredi wednesday
jedi jeudi thursday
vandredi vendredi friday
samdi samedi saturday
dimanch dimanche sunday


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Kreyòl French English
janvye  Janvier January
fevriye Février February
mas Mars March
avril  Avril April
me Mai May
jen  Juin June
jiyè Juillet July
dawon Août August
septanm Septembre September
oktòb Octobre October
novanm Novembre November
desanm Décembre December

Beginning Kreyol