User:Saltrabook/Search and organise the litterature

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Literature search strategies

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Background The literature review provides both the foundation and the frame for your own research. The literature review: - Demonstrates that you know the field. - Justifies the reason for your research. - Allows you to establish your theoretical framework and methodological focus. Its preparation requires careful planning and knowledge of various theories and methods underpinning literature searches. After the module the participants should: - have the skills to handle bibliographic references in Zotero management software Contents The module focuses on which sources to search, how to plan the search process, how to design the search strategies. Furthermore, the module will address how to manage the references and how you document and report the search process. The module includes use of the medical bibliographic databases and reference management in Zotero. Format The format of the module is a combination of instructions and practical exercises.

[1] Pubmed

Google Scholar

Bibiloteca virtual de salud

Systematic Review

[edit | edit source] The following module will go through the process of doing a systematic review / metaanalysis. If your thesis includes a literature review you should consider joining this module and learn how to do the review systematically. Module description: “A systematic review attempts to collate all empirical evidence that fits pre-specified eligibility criteria in order to answer a specific research question. It uses explicit, systematic methods that are selected with a view to minimizing bias, thus providing more reliable findings from which conclusions can be drawn and decisions made” (Cochrane Handbook). This module will take the participants through the following key characteristics of a systematic review:

  • a clearly stated set of objectives with pre-defined eligibility criteria for studies;
  • an explicit, reproducible methodology;
  • a systematic search that attempts to identify all studies that would meet the eligibility criteria;
  • an assessment of the validity of the findings of the included studies;
  • a systematic presentation, and synthesis, of the characteristics and findings of the included studies.