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My name is Silvia Feliciano and I am from Chicago, IL. I was born and raised there. I enlisted in the United States Navy right after high school, and served my country for four years in Norfolk, Va. After my discharge, I went back to Chicago to pursue in education in the teaching field. I went to school for about two years when I realized that I initially left Chicago for a reason when I enlisted in the military, so I recently moved back to Virginia after I got accepted into Old Dominion University. I now reside in Virginia Beach. I am currently pursuing a Bachelors of Arts degree with a licensure in History/Social Sciences. History, as a whole, fascinates me, and I feel that if students are taught differently from an all textbook only perspective, they will be just as fascinated about History as I am.


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Growing up in the public school system, I’ve been put through different educational philosophies from teachers to see what worked. Some were very beneficial to me, while most were not. I must say that even though I disagreed with some of those teachers educational philosophies, they were neither right nor wrong. For me, it’s to show the students a different way to learn about a subject, by introducing them to different technologies. Not everyone is a visual learner, and not everyone is an audio learner. By finding out how each student learns will make things a lot smoother for the teacher. This can be done by answering questions from a survey or through Teacher-Student interactions. Being a teacher you have to understand that not all students have the same learning abilities. Teachers should want to help the students develop their creativity and critical thinking skills. Also I believe that the key to a child success in school is parental involvement. Progress reports should be sent out more often in-between report cards, so it will not be a surprise to parents when ten weeks into the school year their child receives an unsatisfactory report card. I am an open minded individual and I know that teaching is not an easy profession. I commend those who have made teaching their life’s work. I know I am capable of being an educator because I will try to reach different heights with the students that I will teach in the future.