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How do we fit vegetables in to such a busy, 'on-the-go' working lifestyle?

Setting the Scene

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Be it at the office, building site, or car yard, all working men relate to the ease of grabbing your lunch ‘grab your lunch and go’ during busy times. Being realistic, your long-term health isn't exactly a priority when e-mails are to be sent, phone calls are to be made, and deals negotiated.

Are takeaway foods healthy options?

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Commercial burgers are typical takeaway foods high in fat, salt, and refined carbohydrate

Remembering that while these foods are tasty, affordable, and most importantly, ‘time-savers’, they are high in nutrients our bodies don’t need large amounts of, like sugars, salt, saturated fats, and refined carbohydrates. These nutrients should be moderated throughout our day, as in large amounts over many weeks, months and years, they can cause us long-term health problems such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and obesity [1].

Adding nutrition to takeaway foods

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While is it very difficult to find takeaway foods that aren’t filled with the nutrients we don’t need so much of, knowing some quick and simple ways to add extra nutrition into them can be a very handy skill. Many studies have shown that vegetables offer adult men many nutritional and lifestyle benefits, so it is important that you includes vegetables where possible, so you can benefit from these.

Why eat more vegetables?

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Just 1 serve of vegetables can help give you energy to sustain concentration

The vitamins and minerals found in the vegetables you eat can help your body produce energy, and the fibre content can help you feel full for longer. These benefits mean you are less likely to grab a chocolate bar or pastry, for example, to give you that 3pm energy boost. Vegetables therefore give you proper nutrition to enable you to concentrate on the important tasks at work, get through the day without feeling sluggish, and prevent you from falling ill.

B vitamins Important for creating energy from the foods we eat
Magnesium Immune function
Zinc Immune function, improved mood, and sexual health
Vitamins, A, E & K Antioxidants for heart and vascular health

What is a Serve of Vegetables?

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Fresh vegetables in a range of types and colours may offer a range of benefits


One serve of vegetables is equivalent to:

1 cup or 75g salad vegetables
1/2 cup of cooked vegetables or legumes
1 medium potato (deep fried potato chips excluded

How Many Serves Are Recommended?

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Five and a half serves of vegetables are required for an Australian middle-aged man every day, in order to maintain good health [1], so aiming to eat 1 serve while at work is achievable.

Tasty tatakeaway foods with a serve of vegetables

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This list of takeaway foods may make your future selections easier (and healthier!) [2]

Exotic, flavorsome Greek salad
Exotic, flavorsome Greek salad
Tasty toasted tuna salad sandwich
Tasty toasted tuna salad sandwich
Hearty minestrone soup
Hearty minestrone soup
Vegetarian Japanese sushi hand rolls
Steamed Asian vegetables eaten with meat and rice
Container of minestrone soup
Garden salad
Bakery-prepared salad sandwich
Kebab wrap with added lettuce, tomatoes, onion, olives, capsicum etc...
Jacket potato/spud with added vegetables e.g. peas, carrot, corn

When selecting your choices, refrain from adding condiments such as sauces, as these are are high in salt, fat, and sugar

Some additional tips

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  • Making a salad sandwich the night before work
  • Adding vegetables to recipes for stews and casseroles, pastas, stir-fries, and BBQ beef patties
  • Adding as many vegetables e.g. grated lettuce, tomato etc... as possible to takeaway foods such as Subway sandwiches and other commercial burgers.
  • Using vegetable patties for burgers [2].

To give you some additional ideas you probably hadn't thought of, visit the Baker IDI's Healthy Eating Out & Take Away Foods Tip Sheet.

What are the long term health benefits?

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Adding vegetables to a variety of delicious foods from each of the food groups shown in the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating is a great way to achieve long-term health

Eating more vegetables now can secure improved long-term health. Aim to eat vegetables with as many healthy foods from each of the 5 food groups typical of the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating Pie Chart

Vegetables can provide:

  • Weight loss
  • Reduced blood pressure & cholesterol levels
  • Anti-cancer effects
  • Regularity with high amounts of dietary fibre
  • Improved concentration and productivity with a range of vitamins & minerals[1]

A simple vegetable addition to your takeaway food is an invaluable step towards better health. Certainly it's a worthy investment if it means spending time with family and friends, socializing, and going to the footy.

Want more healthy eating tips?

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  1. a b c d National Health and Medical Research Council, 2013. Australian Dietary Guidelines. Retrieved 21/10/2013 from: Invalid <ref> tag; name "(NHMRC, 2013)." defined multiple times with different content
  2. a b Baker Heart and Diabetes institute, 2014. Healthy Eating Out & Takeaway Foods. Retrieved 04/10/2014 from: