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How To Build An Igloo

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Step 1.

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Look for a gentle slope in the terrain, building it this way saves valuable time and energy (avoid free-standing mounds).

Step 2.

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Then you need to prepare your ice by digging a long trench. Make it as deep as you want your ice blocks to be. Position the snow from the trench on to one side of the trench and cut the snow into blocks.

Step 3.

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Dig an entrance to your trench. If you're working on a slope, dig a horizontal trench into the slope about two foot wide. If not, dig on a slope that is about ten degrees steep. be careful not to hit dirt.

Step 4.

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Did down to the sleeping platforms,dig as far down as possible and make sure is higher than the entrance.

Step 5.

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Level the top of the dugout igloo walls if necessary. If the top of the snow is sloped, level it out in stages.

Step 6.

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Temporarily block the entrance trench with snow blocks. Curve some snow blocks over the top to create the entrance hall. Doing it this way will reduce the risk of the entrance tunnel collapsing.

Step 7.

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Lay out the first ring of blocks. Because it's a circle, you must fill in the triangular gaps between the blocks with snow.

Step 8.

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Repeat step 7 on top. Don't forget to stagger the blocks like bricks.

Step 9.

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keep stacking the blocks. Use smaller blocks the higher you go.

Step 10.

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The 'cap ole' block must be inserted. cut the cap hole should be a bit larger than the hole that is on the top of the igloo. If you can, try and have more than one person lift it onto the top of the igloo.

Step 11.

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Cut an entranceway in the trench. Do not merely remove the blocks and make sure to slice an arch into your blocks which will create a strong structure.

Step 12.

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Finish the interior walls by smoothing the dome as much as possible.carve longitude grooves inside to prevent melted snow falling on you and prevent you getting hyperthermia.

Step 13.

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Build interior rooms (optional)

Step 14.

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Partially block the entrance to prevent snow falling in the entrance trench. don't block it completely or you will be suffocated.

Final product