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What is frostbite?

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Frostbite is where your fingers, toes, feet (the most common places to get frostbite),nose, ears or even cheeks are exposed to temperatures of below freezing point for long periods of time, causing injury to the body.

What happens when you get frostbite?

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Your blood carries your oxygen all over your body. When a part of your body is then exposed to the extremely cold temperatures it causes your blood vessels to narrow. To keep yourself alive, your blood and oxygen go to all vital organs in your body (e.g. the brain, heart, kidneys, liver, and lungs). The lack of oxygen/blood to the exposed part of body results in damage to the cells and vessels. But don't worry, because it is very uncommon in the UK.

The symptoms of frostbite-

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If the exposed part of the body is stinging, burning, painful, throbbing or going numb, you may have frostbite so tell an adult immediately to make sure it is treated.

Basic treatment for frostbite:

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-Shelter from the cold

-Let the area where the frostbite is dry naturally

-Put on dry clothes

-DON'T touch the affected area

-Avoid walking if you have frostbitten feet

-Wrap the affected area in a blanket

-Protect from re-freezing

-Make sure you are hydrated. If not drink plenty water

-Remove jewelry from affected area

If you have bad 2nd degree frostbite, go to a hospital. For 3rd and 4th degree frostbite go to hospital immediately.

The different degrees of frostbite:

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When you get frostbite it comes in different degrees. The worse the frostbite is, the higher the degree.

1st degree frostbite- Skin becomes white/red. Starts to feel hard, numb and stiff. Can usually recover from it.

2nd degree frostbite- Skin becomes red/blue. Feels frozen and hard. Usually starts to swell. Can get blisters.

3rd degree frostbite- Skin becomes white/blue/blotchy. Can get blisters with blood inside. Over a week black thick scab will appear. Skin will be hard and cold.

4th degree frostbite- Tissue, muscle, tendons and bone are damaged. Skin will become dark red and then turn black.

The most likely people to get frostbite are:

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-People who work in the cold


-Climbers that climb in cold conditions

Snowy mountains
Snowy mountains

How can I prevent myself from getting frostbite?

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-Get out of the cold

-If you are outside wear suitable clothing (mittens are actually better than gloves)

-Keep your neck, head and face covered when you are going out when windy

-Keep your body as dry as you can

-Wear waterproofs

-Wear multiple layers of clothing

-Make sure you wear a warm pair of boots

-Drink lots of water

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