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Initial class list Econ 452 Spring semester, 2012

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Editing plan

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Please let me know below what you intend to do for editing and improving the wikibook.

  • This might not be a one-time choice. Depending on how the work develops, you might need to (and you certainly can, if you choose) move to another area later in the semester.
  • You might decide to edit a particular page. If so, say that and provide a link to that page.
    • You may decide to keep working on the page you reviewed. If so, take into account your review and others' reviews when you do so.
    • You might decide to edit a completely different page. If so, take into account others' reviews.
    • You might decide to start working on a completely new page/topic. If so, provide enough description so that I can give you useful feedback.
    • In any of the above cases, remember two things
      1. Watch the discussion page relating to what you're editing to see comments from me or other editors.
      2. There's a good chance you won't be the only person editing that page. Try to work well with any others who are working on the same material you are.
  • Alternatively, you might decide to work in a way which spans the book.
    • If you have good writing skills, you might decide to copy-edit multiple articles for better prose.
    • If you have graphics skills, you might decide to improve or add to the graphics on various pages.
    • You might want to improve the references in various articles.
    • In a case like any of the above, indicate what you intend to do, but you don't need to provide a link to a particular page.


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I plan to edit the same section I looked at previously Strategy for Information Markets/Globalization

Sounds good, make sure to go re-visit the talk page. TDang (discusscontribs) 23:22, 16 February 2012 (UTC)


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I plan to review and edit the Google Advertising section Google advertising.

  • OK. Make sure to also look at Search engine business models. Consider whether the AdSense stuff should be on its own page or merged with the more general page. If the page is solely on Google, then try to make it as small and clean as it can be. TDang (discusscontribs) 05:50, 15 February 2012 (UTC)


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I plan to review the same section. Multiplayer computer games.

  • OK, make sure to check out the talk page. TDang (discusscontribs) 23:36, 16 February 2012 (UTC)


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I plan to review and edit the section Strategy for Information Markets/Cellular phone advertising. Cellular phone advertising

  • That page is currently too big and a bit tangential to the topic of the book. It's definitely interesting, but it needs to be whittled down to a small piece which relates it closely to course material. So-if you're up to that, this sounds like a good place to work. TDang (discusscontribs) 05:47, 15 February 2012 (UTC)


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I plan to edit the section that I reviewed earlier. It is the page titled Search engine business models


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I plan to edit the section that I reviewed last week: Compatibility and Standards

  • That sounds good, it is a very important section of the book. Make sure to carefully read both the current state of the page and the older comments on the talk page-some of those comments will have already been addressed and some not, but in any case they should help give you an idea. TDang (discusscontribs) 23:18, 16 February 2012 (UTC)


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I plan on editing a completely different topic than the page I reviewed. I plan to edit "The Market" chapter - specifically the "Search Engine Business Models" section. HERE is a link to that topic.


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Go work on Strategy_for_Information_Markets/Intellectual_Property. It's very important and can use a lot of work. Try to keep it distinct from the material on piracy. Make sure to look at the talk page. TDang (discusscontribs) 23:53, 16 February 2012 (UTC)


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I plan to review the same section as what I did last week, "Strategy for Information Markets".

  • You need to be much more specific about what part(s) or how you intend to edit, or contact me to talk about it. TDang (discusscontribs) 05:44, 15 February 2012 (UTC)


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Here's a brand-new section which the text is so far lacking. You start with a blank slate: Strategy_for_Information_Markets/Durable_goods. TDang (discusscontribs) 23:41, 16 February 2012 (UTC)

I'm sending another student to work on it as well. TDang (discusscontribs) 21:45, 28 February 2012 (UTC)


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I plan to review and edit the section regarding Sony Playstation 3. Sony Playstation 3

  • This page is tricky. It's well-done, but in terms of how it fits with the book it's a case-study rather than core material, so it shouldn't grow too big. Nonetheless, if you want to polish it, go for it. TDang (discusscontribs) 23:35, 16 February 2012 (UTC)


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I plan to edit the section I previously reviewed Strategy for Information Markets/Dynamic Competition

  • Sounds good, look at all the comments on the talk page. TDang (discusscontribs) 21:40, 28 February 2012 (UTC)


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  • Go work on Cost structure. There's some framework there, and there will be at least one other student working on it. But there's a lot of empty space to fill up. Make sure to check out the article's talk page. TDang (discusscontribs) 21:48, 28 February 2012 (UTC)


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I plan to edit the section that I reviewed last week: Bertrand competition.

  • The section on Nash equilibrium is "background" material. It's stuff which a student might need to know for other parts of the book to make sense, but not something which is central to the topic of the book or the course. Trying to edit the page to make it as concise and background-like as possible would be worthwhile, but it should not be made larger. TDang (discusscontribs) 22:52, 16 February 2012 (UTC)
  • I plan to also edit the section of the book Strategy_for_Information_Markets/Online_Stock_Trading_Sites


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Go work on Strategy_for_Information_Markets/Micropayments, see my comments at the talk page. TDang (discusscontribs) 23:47, 16 February 2012 (UTC)

I plan to review and edit the same section Expectations Management

  • That sounds good, it's very important stuff for this course, see the comments on the talk page.


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I plan to work on Networks and Network Structure. Knfritze (discusscontribs) 01:59, 14 February 2012 (UTC)

  • Sounds good, be sure to check out the talk page. TDang (discusscontribs) 23:17, 16 February 2012 (UTC)


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I plan to edit a completely different page which is "Strategy for Information Markets/e-Commerce". The link is Strategy_for_Information_Markets/e-Commerce


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Go work on Strategy for Information Markets/Cost Structure. Make sure to look at the talk page also. TDang (discusscontribs) 23:49, 16 February 2012 (UTC)


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I want to work on Expectations management Clara1 (discusscontribs) 15:52, 13 February 2012 (UTC)

  • That sounds good, it's very important stuff for this course, see the comments on the talk page. TDang (discusscontribs) 23:13, 16 February 2012 (UTC)


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I plan to work on the Google advertising section.

  • OK. Make sure to also look at Search engine business models. Consider whether the AdSense stuff should be on its own page or merged with the more general page. If the page is solely on Google, then try to make it as small and clean as it can be. TDang (discusscontribs) 23:05, 16 February 2012 (UTC)


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I plan to review and edit the same page as last week we did, Multiplayer computer games.

  • I don't see that you commented on that page but OK. Be sure to check out the talk page for what's been discussed. TDang (discusscontribs) 23:33, 16 February 2012 (UTC)


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I plan to edit the section that I reviewed before: Compatibility and standards Didi896 (discusscontribs) 06:38, 13 February 2012 (UTC)

  • That sounds good, it is a very important section of the book. Make sure to carefully read both the current state of the page and the older comments on the talk page-some of those comments will have already been addressed and some not, but in any case they should help give you an idea. TDang (discusscontribs) 23:04, 16 February 2012 (UTC)


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I am going to majorly focus on editing the page of Monopoly. Of course, some other minor editing on other pages is not yet planned but definitely possible.

  • Sounds good. Here's where I see the place of that page relative to the overall book--It's one of the most important pieces of background, meaning this text shouldn't be about monopoly, but monopoly is so important in information markets that it needs to be treated well in the text. TDang (discusscontribs) 23:02, 16 February 2012 (UTC)
  • Updates about the work I did so far: I am still working on the page of Monopoly. And same time I figured out that there was no info about the features of goods. So I created a new page under the section of "Demand-side" called Features of Goods. I made a table about the types of goods by judging if they are rival or excludable. On the other hand, I edited some equation at the page of Cost Structure. I added one graph to illustrate the situation of no MES point in a market. I am going to work more on the Monopoly page and some other minor details on other pages. I think I could do more about math equations since I'm familiar with the math languages and I would love to contribute more about the graphs part as well. Crazyjungle (discusscontribs) 19:20, 29 April 2012 (UTC)


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I intend on improving the general readability of the articles. I will read over the entries and correct awkward sentences, grammar mistakes, etc.

  • That sounds good. It will require a bit more self-direction from you since it will be harder for me to keep track of what you're doing. TDang (discusscontribs) 23:00, 16 February 2012 (UTC)
Cool. You can look at my contribution history to see my revising. Cosmopolite (discusscontribs) 05:04, 19 March 2012 (UTC)

I plan to keep working on the page I reviewed earlier. Introduction

  • That sounds good, but it will be a moving target, since the rest of the book will be changing, the Introduction which is appropriate now might be different than the one which is appropriate by the end of the semester. Nonetheless, this is worthwhile. Make sure to look at it's discussion page. TDang (discusscontribs) 23:00, 16 February 2012 (UTC)


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  • Go work on the section on network neutrality. It needs a lot of cleaning up, and there will be a good bit of more recent information than was included when it was first drafted. Make sure to look at the talk page for comments others have made. TDang (discusscontribs) 19:40, 23 March 2012 (UTC)


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I plan on copy-editing throughout the book.

  • That sounds good. It will require a bit more self-direction from you since it will be harder for me to keep track of what you're doing. TDang (discusscontribs) 05:43, 15 February 2012 (UTC)


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I plan on reviewing and editing the same page as before, Multiplayer computer games

  • I don't see that you commented on that page, but OK-make sure to check out the talk page to see what's been discussed already. TDang (discusscontribs) 23:31, 16 February 2012 (UTC)


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I will be editing Introduction

  • That sounds good, but it will be a moving target, since the rest of the book will be changing, the Introduction which is appropriate now might be different than the one which is appropriate by the end of the semester. Nonetheless, this is worthwhile. Make sure to look at it's discussion page. TDang (discusscontribs) 22:59, 16 February 2012 (UTC)


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I plan on editing the page Personal Finance


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I plan on editing Strategy for Information Markets/Background/Nash equilibrium and coordination games

  • OK, the goal is to keep it background-like, but add a little bit about empirical studies of those models. TDang (discusscontribs) 22:53, 16 February 2012 (UTC)


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i plan on editing Sony Playstation 3

  • This page is tricky. It's well-done, but in terms of how it fits with the book it's a case-study rather than core material, so it shouldn't grow too big. Nonetheless, if you want to polish it, go for it. TDang (discusscontribs) 23:36, 16 February 2012 (UTC)


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I want to edit Hand held Device

  • I don't think there's a section for that yet. I'm not sure there should be such a section, whether it fits well enough with the core material of the course or would be a tangent. If you want to to it, start by giving an outline of what you have in mind and that will help to judge whether it fits and how it fits. TDang (discusscontribs) 22:50, 16 February 2012 (UTC)
  • Instead of the above, go work on the brand-new section: Strategy_for_Information_Markets/Durable_goods. There is one other student who should be working on that, but it's mostly a blank slate. TDang (discusscontribs) 21:46, 28 February 2012 (UTC)


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I plan to review the same section. Multiplayer computer games

  • OK, make sure to check out the talk page. TDang (discusscontribs) 23:32, 16 February 2012 (UTC)