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About me

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My name is Vladimir Konushliev and currently I am a student at the Faculty of Computer Systems,Technical University of Sofia, with expected graduation date somewhere in 2009 :)

Although I study computer science, my biggest passion is mountain biking and everything else mountaineous... so if you don't find me in front of the computer, chances are high to find me in the woods ;)

Wikibooks contributions

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I have helped my teacher mr. Cyril Mechkov (known here as Circuit-fantasist) with the creation of an article describing how to make a simple transistor-based current source for his book on electronic circuits Circuit Idea. It's a quite informal and unconventional e-book, which gives a different viewpoint on electronics.

Despite teaching a not-cutting-edge-technology subject (analog circuitry), Cyril is one of very few teachers in the university, who uses advanced and modern web tools such as wikibooks and tries to stimulate creativity and out-of-the-box thinking in his students, so go check out his work ;)