User:Vinyasi/sandbox/Free Energy does not Exist/Energy versus Power

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Energy versus Power

      Free Energy is the presumption that Energy is infinitely available[note 1] due to a potentially limitless supply of Reactance (both, Magnetic and Electric) versus Power is the method of regulating the rate at which Energy is used per unit of Time. Consequently, Free Energy has more to do with the non-accountability of Power than it has to do with Energy since Reactant Energy is assumed to be extremely variable when it is stolen from its surrounding environment by the eminent domain of the electric utility grid or by perpetual motion machines. This charade makes the byproduct of Reactance, namely: Energy, appear to be limitless for all intents and purposes so long as there is always sufficient Reactance which can be stolen from somewhere. This is what makes Energy: “Free”.

      The reversal of current, which is brought about by various reactances of one kind or another, is the method by which energy may be shuffled around the Universe against voltage gradients and effectively uphill. This overrides the diffusion of energy which would have resulted in entropy and the elimination of voltage differences between any two points in space. Without these voltage differences, we are powerless to make use of energy no matter how much energy may reside within our Universe. Thus, the negation of current allows us to supersede the side-effects of the natural order of Cosmic Law as our Universe winds down from exhaustion (as described by physics) and safeguard our material existence despite its natural tendency and because of this safeguard.

What Free Energy is Not ...

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A graph of a conventional filter's gain magnitude, illustrating the concept of −3 dB at a voltage gain of 0.707 or half-power bandwidth. The frequency axis of this symbolic diagram can be linear or logarithmically scaled.
A damped oscillation. A low Q factor – about 5 here – means the oscillation dies out rapidly.

      Free Energy is not a high Quality factor, nor is it an infinite Quality factor. In fact, it possesses an undefined or an indeterminate Q factor in most situations! Why? Because the net power loss, after adding whatever overunity was effectively gained, is zero.

When , then ...

... because, zero in the denominator of any fraction is, at worst, not-a-number! At best, zero in the denominator might render as infinity within real or complex projective geometry if the numerator is not also zero.[1] But, this latter possibility is not the case.

      A normal graph of Q factor (shown on the left) cannot occur with Free Energy, because damping (shown on the right) is impossible (by the rules of multiplication and division) whenever the net power loss is zero!

An Example of What Free Energy Is ...

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Here is an example (on the left) of what Free Energy is: negative damping ...

... during certain disturbances involving generation loss in the Northern region of India's power grid. – Excerpted from: Low Frequency Oscillations in Indian Grid; VII. Conclusion. Figure #2 on PDF page 3, and Figures #6 and #7 on PDF page 4.[2]

      I suspect that the reason why the electric utility grid of Northern India generated power (seemingly, from within itself) when some its generators were offline was due to negative damping of its reactive storage elements, such as: within its capacitors, its inductors, and its conductive transmission lines. The capacitance of its grid performed the actual generation of reactive negative damping while its inductance converted this reactive format into real power which could be measured and taken notice of its eruption by those people who were, and are, responsible for managing that grid.

      Empty space, and the areas of space which are filled with matter, acts as a dielectric medium with access to all of the electrical energy of all of the matter within the entire universe. All of matter functionally serves as a collective set of conductive plates comprising a Cosmic Capacitor while the dielectric of empty space stores energy within this Cosmic Capacitance. Unlike an inductor, acting as a conductor, a capacitor does not transmit energy from the plate on one side of its dielectric to the plate on the other side. A capacitor merely stores energy in its dielectric medium which is sandwiched between its conductive plates. This storage is evenly distributed throughout its dielectric material. In the case of the Universe, every particle of matter collectively contributes to the multiple plates of our Cosmic Capacitance. And the entirety of empty space within the whole Universe has direct access to the energy which is conducted to empty space by all of the matter which resides within empty space.

So, ...
      Where does Free Energy come from? If a free energy circuit is producing overunity, where does it get its extra energy from?

      Simulators don't give us the answer. Simulations of free energy circuits suggest that free energy circuits will either steal energy from out of nearby power lines,[3] or else will miraculously manufacture free energy (over time) from out of themselves as if they had an unlimited, ‘secret’ supply.

      If you wish to play this virtual mind game in a conservative fashion, then I would suggest that all free energy is stolen from the environment via empty space. In other words, like it or not, all of material existence supplies energy for each and every free energy circuit whether or not we, or anyone else, wants to share our energy for free with anyone else is a moot point since all energy, spread across the entire Universe, is available for use by anyone who is willing and able to steal it in this fashion.

      This does not violate the Conservation of Energy since the Conservation of Energy is a fictional concept which describes an ideal case of the presumed isolation of an energetic system from its surrounding environment. This presumption is, actually, less than ideal since it presupposes an extreme lack of efficiency in which that system is purposely engineered to be so deficient as to totally ignore its environment at the cost of that system demanding, from us, a perpetual subservience to keeping that energetic system alive with additional energy continuously provided by us if we want that energetic system to function at all!

      This stinks, to me, of being the result of the mass institution of a policy than it being the byproduct of some law of physics, for it reinforces slavery to our machines.

      But if we consider that all electrical circuits are open to their environment to some extent, then Newton's Third Law[4] fails to predict the Lorentz force and overlooks free energy.[5]

Thief or Victim of Theft?

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      As mortals, we are either a thief, or else we are the victim of theft. There is no liberty for choosing neither case unless we are immortal – in which case, our immortality precludes us from having any liability imposed upon us which we do not choose to partake of.

      Mortals have no choice of any kind except the choice of whether: “to do or not to do” whenever opportunity arrives and knocks on our door of conscientious attention-span. Immortals have an infinite range of choices to choose from. Predestiny is a consequence of mortality. Free-will is exclusively available to immortals. Everything else is a fiction.

      As mortals, we are either sinners, or else we are the victim of someone else's sin.

      It is a piece of fiction for a physicist to claim that an electrical circuit can exist in isolation and be subject to entropy ...

An isolated system obeys the conservation law that its total energy–mass stays constant. Most often, in thermodynamics, mass and energy are treated as separately conserved.

Because of the requirement of enclosure, and the near ubiquity of gravity, strictly and ideally isolated systems do not actually occur in experiments or in nature. Though very useful, they are strictly hypothetical.[6] [7] [8]

Classical thermodynamics is usually presented as postulating the existence of isolated systems. It is also usually presented as the fruit of experience. Obviously, no experience has been reported of an ideally isolated system.

It is a consequential lie to claim that Current,Closing </ref> missing for <ref> tag can be (or, must be) Conserved. These are fictions born of the mind of man.

      Perpetual motion of machines is a fiction born and sustained by the imagination of physicists. This, along with the idea of the Conservation of Energy, plus its root cause emanating from the imaginary fiction of an isolated system of energy, are all lies we tell ourselves.

It is, however, the fruit of experience that some physical systems, including isolated ones, do seem to reach their own states of internal thermodynamic equilibrium. Classical thermodynamics postulates the existence of systems in their own states of internal thermodynamic equilibrium. This postulate is a very useful idealization. [Editor's note: In other words, “a very useful idealization” becomes a self-fulfilling proposition born of a circular argument which makes it acceptable to choose theft over honest toil – see, next quotation, below.]

      To glamorize this particular flavor of the “fruit of experience,” and to elevate this fictional ability for some isolated systems to reach their own state of equilibrium, we impose standards based on these lies in order to transform these lies into self-fulfilling errors of judgment. These standards require that we add the amount of energy which will run our appliance to its losses and supply this total assessment of energy to our appliance for it to sustain itself. This is a presumption; this is not a truth. The only reason it is a law is to ensure the continuation of this presumption as a self-fulfilling proposition born of a circular argument ...

... as Bertrand Russell observed, “The method of ‘postulating’ what we want has many advantages; they are the same as the advantages of theft over honest toil.”[9]

      In reality, circuits steal energy from every other circuit in existence or else circuits supply all of their energy requirements from sources of energy which exist outside of themselves. Either way, we get away with assuming that energy is fictionally conserved whether or not we actually account for all of it.[2]

      Don't get me wrong; please don't misunderstand me. I'm not against theft, for theft is practically a requirement imposed upon the impoverished intended for their short-term survival in lieu of any long-range plan of extrication. What I am against are the lies which are used by the thief to hide his/her theft from any scrutiny. For with these lies, we become idiots.

      If we lie about our sin, then we throw away our integrity. But, if we're honest about our sin, then we must have a very good reason for engaging in something that we know ahead of time is wrong.

Magical Me! Podcasts at Podbean

      Thus, I must beg to differ whenever the United States Patent Office, or any other patent office of foreign countries, claims they don't want to look at an inventor's submission if it purports to generate more output than its input since (they claim) that this violates the laws of physics (namely, the first and/or second law of thermodynamics plus the conservation laws of current and charge). I must protest their gross violation of logic because they are misrepresenting the inventor's device by implying that it is an isolated universe, for only an isolated universe (complete unto itself) could be an isolated system of energy, and only an isolated system of energy could possibly support the first and second laws of thermodynamics plus the conservation laws of current and charge. Anything, and I mean anything, inside of any universe (and, thus, comprising a mere portion of that universe) cannot possibly support these so-called laws of physics because this would be a violation of the definitions of these laws (predicated, such as they are, upon isolated systems of energy).

      No scientist has ever managed to completely isolate an experiment. Never! It has never happened.

      Yet, the patent office expects from the inventor what they, the patent office, has never accomplished, themselves! Bogus!

The Lies We Keep Telling Ourselves Become Truths

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      It may not be possible to create an isolated system. The universe, this universe in which we reside, may not be an isolated system for the following two examples ...

      Tat Wale Baba, an Indian Yogi, was considered by his peers to be indisputably accomplished in the artistry of Vedanta in which: “I am That (Immutable, Eternal Being), thou art That, [and] all [of] this [universe] is That.”[10]

      While India was still under British rule (not too long ago), a British dude came to visit with Tat Wale for the purpose of becoming Tat Wale's devotee. So, to test Tat Wale's state of accomplishment, this British dude asked Tat Wale to perform a miracle to demonstrate Tat Wale's state of consciousness. So, Tat Wale put his two hands together as if he were making namaste, and then he drew his two hands apart. And in the space between his two hands had formed a galaxy swirling around and hanging there in the space between his two hands.

Well, ...
      The British dude freaked out and ran away!

Another example, ...
      When Eric Dollard was a teenager, he'd meet with his friends in the garage of his parent's home for the purpose of performing their latest experiments in electricity. They had decided, on this one series of occasions, to take burnt out bulbs (which the city of San Francisco had removed from its streetlamps) and subject them to high intensity electrical oscillations while the bulb was held in the null space between the opposing poles of two coils. There, in that neutral zone, appeared within the bulb a swirling galaxy for a few seconds until the bulb couldn't take the buildup of pressure anymore and burst. And for a fraction of a second after the bulb had burst, this galaxy continued to swirl around without any boundaries of glass or whatever to hold it there before it eventually winked out.

      In both of these examples, someone is pumping electromagnetic and/or electrostatic energy into each of these two galaxies to keep them alive and form them in the first place. They are not isolated systems. Consequently, I have to doubt that our Creator does any differently with our Universe. I seriously doubt that our universe is an isolated system of energy. So, on this basis, I have to say that the dreamy-eyed imagination of the physicist's fantasy that our universe is isolated from everything (and everyone) else is a lie which we have been telling to ourselves for so many years that we have forgotten that it was just an hypothesis when it first began within the mind of the physicist.

The Aura of a Yogi

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      The aura of a yogi is an indication of how much life force he has focused and accumulated, by way of extraction, from his environment into his body.

      Upon the death of a yogi's body, this aura disperses back into the environment from which it was extracted. Hence, it could be said that a yogi has dispossessed the environment from some of its life force during that yogi's lifetime and the yogi allows the environment to repossess all of his life force upon his death.

      What composes the environment of a yogi? All of the living creatures who exist within the biosphere of a yogi's environment including the Earth Spirit, Herself.

      Hence, a yogi temporarily steals (borrows) energy, in the format of life force, from his environment until he is done using it upon his death.

      And if a single, or several, devotees of this yogi are lucky enough to garner the attention of this accomplished yogi, then during that yogi's lifetime, all of these devotees will enjoy the benefit of that tremendous life force while the yogi is alive. This is called: the grace of the yogi, or in the Sanskrit it is rendered as: 'darshan'. Once that yogi passes away, all of that beneficial life force which each and every devotee of that yogi had enjoyed while their master was alive, will return to the yogi's environment and each of his devotees will suddenly become devoid of the 'grace of their master.'

      If you wish, you may substitute the term of: 'parent' or 'teacher' in place of 'yogi' and replace: 'devotee' with 'child' or 'student'. They all amount to the same set of relationships.

      I merely wish to point out how similar is our life by comparison to the lifespan of a 'free energy' circuit. It is not necessary to exclusively understand engineering without recourse to everyday commonplace experience if we truly understand our topic.


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  1. ... some of the outputs or internal states growing without bounds.


[edit | edit source]
  1. Undefined vs Indeterminate in Mathematics
  2. a b Low Frequency Oscillations in Indian Grid
  3. Is it possible to obtain current indirectly from power lines? Skeptics, StackExchange
  4. What is Newton's third law? – Khan Academy
  5. Research Gate Article: Why Free energy is mathematically and physically possible, by Patrick Cornille
  6. Thermodynamics of Spontaneous and Non-Spontaneous Processes; I. M. Kolesnikov et al, pg 136.
  7. A System and Its Surroundings; UC Davis ChemWiki, by University of California – Davis.
  8. Hyperphysics, by the Department of Physics and Astronomy of Georgia State University.
  9. Feinberg, Joel; Shafer-Landau, Russ (2008). Reason and responsibility: readings in some basic problems of philosophy. Cengage Learning. pp. 257–58. ISBN 9780495094920.
  10. All This Is That, The Beach Boys – lyrics.