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From Wikibooks, open books for an open world


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(this should be a "talking outline", as opposed to just a bulleted list)

Introduction to open content, open culture, and open-education. Rising cost of education, and dearth of quality education in poor places. Mention of some of the "big names" in the area. Introduction to open-content licenses.
Overview of some of the technologies for use in open-education. Web2.0 stuff. Wikis. Online Collaboration. E-Books. Problems/criticisms with information sources like Wikipedia and Google.
Distributed Learning
Distance learning, telepresence, and classes "via satellite". Bringing learning into the classroom (as opposed to only taking learning out from it). Any-time learning. Online autodidacticism.
Free Course Materials
Where to get free materials. The quality of free materials. Quality and trustworthiness of materials created collaboratively. Timeliness of online materials, and staying up-to-date. Open Curricula, and issues with them.
Creating Course Materials
Places to write books and materials, compared/contrasted. Creating and hosting educational media (pictures/videos).
Group Collaboration
Using Web2.0 to teach classes interactively. Increased returns: Class one year creates materials for the next year. Learning by teaching. Getting students interested and involved.
Training Educators
Training educators in Web2.0 learning technologies. Comparing with traditional teaching skills.
Classroom Integration
Administering web2.0-based learning projects. Evaluating student contributions. Your class is not an island unto itself: interacting with external volunteers and communities.
Distributing technology-based materials to disconnected areas. Localization and automatic translation.