User:Whiteknight/Count Ticker/2007/November

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Thursday November 1, 2007

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Month: November 2007Total Hits: 1327200 — Threshold: 3072 — Books Listed: 50 — Posted: 21:00 (EST) (About)
Total Wikijunior Hits: 16200
Blender 3D: Noob to Pro: 296700 hits.   Main Page: 184100 hits.   LaTeX: 75700 hits.   Human Physiology: 66500 hits.   How to solve the Rubik's Cube: 32600 hits.   How to use a Motorola DVR: 31200 hits.   How To Assemble A Desktop PC: 25700 hits.   Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter: 21500 hits.   Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book: 21300 hits.   Introduction to Sociology: 16700 hits.   C++ Programming: 15600 hits.   Organic Chemistry: 13300 hits.   Blender 3D: 12200 hits.   Non-Programmer's Tutorial for Python: 12100 hits.   Tomato Firmware: 11000 hits.   IB Biology: 11000 hits.   Japanese: 10900 hits.   Social and Cultural Foundations of American Education: 10500 hits.   Guitar: 9500 hits.   Calculus: 9400 hits.   C Programming: 9300 hits.   Spanish: 9100 hits.   IB Biology Study Guide: 7600 hits.   Movie Making Manual: 7100 hits.   Bartending: 7000 hits.   X86 Assembly: 6800 hits.   Lucid Dreaming: 6400 hits.   Reverse Engineering: 6100 hits.   Wikijunior: 6000 hits.   Algebra: 5700 hits.   Haskell: 5600 hits.   French: 5600 hits.   Python Programming: 5500 hits.   Programming:Oracle PL: 5100 hits.   Programming:PHP: 5000 hits.   Ada Programming: 5000 hits.   English: 4900 hits.   Ruby Programming: 4900 hits.   Statistics: 4900 hits.   Kdenlive: 4700 hits.   Compiler Construction: 4700 hits.   Programming:Visual Basic Classic: 4500 hits.   Lord of the Flies: 4400 hits.   Map This!: 4300 hits.   German: 4100 hits.   Dutch: 4100 hits.   Cell Biology: 4100 hits.   Chess Opening Theory: 3800 hits.   Java Programming: 3700 hits.   Wikijunior:Big Cats: 3700 hits.  

Sunday November 4, 2007

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Month: November 2007Total Hits: 364050 — Threshold: 842 — Books Listed: 50 — Posted: 21:00 (EST) (About)
Total Wikijunior Hits: 4875
Blender 3D: Noob to Pro: 82500 hits.   Main Page: 50825 hits.   LaTeX: 21000 hits.   Human Physiology: 17650 hits.   How to solve the Rubik's Cube: 9025 hits.   How to use a Motorola DVR: 7925 hits.   How To Assemble A Desktop PC: 6725 hits.   Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book: 5950 hits.   Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter: 5700 hits.   C++ Programming: 5100 hits.   Introduction to Sociology: 4825 hits.   Organic Chemistry: 3300 hits.   Blender 3D: 3200 hits.   Tomato Firmware: 3125 hits.   Non-Programmer's Tutorial for Python: 3075 hits.   Guitar: 2925 hits.   Calculus: 2900 hits.   IB Biology: 2900 hits.   Japanese: 2875 hits.   Social and Cultural Foundations of American Education: 2750 hits.   Spanish: 2175 hits.   Movie Making Manual: 2125 hits.   IB Biology Study Guide: 2000 hits.   Bartending: 1975 hits.   C Programming: 1975 hits.   French: 1900 hits.   Lucid Dreaming: 1800 hits.   Reverse Engineering: 1700 hits.   Wikijunior: 1675 hits.   X86 Assembly: 1650 hits.   Algebra: 1575 hits.   Python Programming: 1525 hits.   Ruby Programming: 1425 hits.   English: 1375 hits.   Ada Programming: 1375 hits.   Programming:Oracle PL: 1350 hits.   Haskell: 1325 hits.   Kdenlive: 1325 hits.   Programming:PHP: 1325 hits.   Statistics: 1325 hits.   Compiler Construction: 1225 hits.   Lord of the Flies: 1200 hits.   Map This!: 1175 hits.   Dutch: 1150 hits.   Cell Biology: 1150 hits.   Java Programming: 1125 hits.   Programming:Visual Basic Classic: 1125 hits.   German: 1075 hits.   Chess Opening Theory: 1025 hits.   Wikijunior:Big Cats: 1000 hits.  

Monday November 5, 2007

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Month: November 2007Total Hits: 301040 — Threshold: 690 — Books Listed: 50 — Posted: 21:00 (EST) (About)
Total Wikijunior Hits: 4040
Blender 3D: Noob to Pro: 67820 hits.   Main Page: 42240 hits.   LaTeX: 17380 hits.   Human Physiology: 14800 hits.   How to solve the Rubik's Cube: 7340 hits.   How to use a Motorola DVR: 6560 hits.   How To Assemble A Desktop PC: 5440 hits.   Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book: 4980 hits.   Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter: 4420 hits.   Introduction to Sociology: 4220 hits.   C++ Programming: 3780 hits.   Blender 3D: 2660 hits.   Organic Chemistry: 2580 hits.   Tomato Firmware: 2580 hits.   IB Biology: 2420 hits.   Guitar: 2400 hits.   Calculus: 2400 hits.   Japanese: 2360 hits.   Social and Cultural Foundations of American Education: 2280 hits.   Non-Programmer's Tutorial for Python: 2280 hits.   C Programming: 1860 hits.   Spanish: 1820 hits.   Movie Making Manual: 1780 hits.   IB Biology Study Guide: 1660 hits.   Bartending: 1640 hits.   X86 Assembly: 1600 hits.   French: 1580 hits.   Lucid Dreaming: 1540 hits.   Reverse Engineering: 1380 hits.   Wikijunior: 1380 hits.   Algebra: 1280 hits.   Python Programming: 1280 hits.   Ruby Programming: 1160 hits.   Programming:Oracle PL: 1160 hits.   Ada Programming: 1160 hits.   Haskell: 1120 hits.   English: 1120 hits.   Kdenlive: 1080 hits.   Statistics: 1080 hits.   Programming:PHP: 1060 hits.   Compiler Construction: 1000 hits.   Lord of the Flies: 960 hits.   Dutch: 960 hits.   Map This!: 960 hits.   German: 940 hits.   Programming:Visual Basic Classic: 940 hits.   Cell Biology: 920 hits.   Java Programming: 900 hits.   US History: 840 hits.   Chess Opening Theory: 840 hits.  

Tuesday November 6, 2007

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Month: November 2007Total Hits: 259925 — Threshold: 596 — Books Listed: 50 — Posted: 21:00 (EST) (About)
Total Wikijunior Hits: 3231
Blender 3D: Noob to Pro: 58949 hits.   Main Page: 36733 hits.   LaTeX: 14975 hits.   Human Physiology: 12526 hits.   How to solve the Rubik's Cube: 6283 hits.   How to use a Motorola DVR: 5581 hits.   How To Assemble A Desktop PC: 4599 hits.   Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book: 4114 hits.   Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter: 3797 hits.   Introduction to Sociology: 3647 hits.   C++ Programming: 3031 hits.   Organic Chemistry: 2348 hits.   Blender 3D: 2249 hits.   Guitar: 2249 hits.   Tomato Firmware: 2166 hits.   IB Biology: 2065 hits.   Japanese: 2065 hits.   Calculus: 2048 hits.   Non-Programmer's Tutorial for Python: 2032 hits.   Social and Cultural Foundations of American Education: 1915 hits.   C Programming: 1599 hits.   Spanish: 1565 hits.   French: 1548 hits.   Movie Making Manual: 1500 hits.   Lucid Dreaming: 1499 hits.   IB Biology Study Guide: 1433 hits.   Bartending: 1398 hits.   X86 Assembly: 1365 hits.   Haskell: 1216 hits.   Reverse Engineering: 1199 hits.   Wikijunior: 1183 hits.   Algebra: 1116 hits.   Python Programming: 1116 hits.   Ruby Programming: 1016 hits.   Ada Programming: 1016 hits.   Programming:Oracle PL: 966 hits.   Programming:PHP: 932 hits.   Statistics: 916 hits.   Kdenlive: 900 hits.   Compiler Construction: 866 hits.   Lord of the Flies: 833 hits.   Dutch: 816 hits.   Map This!: 800 hits.   German: 799 hits.   GCSE Science: 799 hits.   Programming:Visual Basic Classic: 799 hits.   Cell Biology: 783 hits.   English: 782 hits.   Java Programming: 766 hits.   US History: 749 hits.  

Wednesday November 7, 2007

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Month: November 2007Total Hits: 229738 — Threshold: 524 — Books Listed: 50 — Posted: 21:00 (EST) (About)
Total Wikijunior Hits: 3011
Blender 3D: Noob to Pro: 51934 hits.   Main Page: 32800 hits.   LaTeX: 13290 hits.   Human Physiology: 11106 hits.   How to solve the Rubik's Cube: 5542 hits.   How to use a Motorola DVR: 4911 hits.   How To Assemble A Desktop PC: 4013 hits.   Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book: 3639 hits.   Introduction to Sociology: 3195 hits.   Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter: 3155 hits.   C++ Programming: 2713 hits.   Organic Chemistry: 2283 hits.   Blender 3D: 1985 hits.   Guitar: 1969 hits.   Tomato Firmware: 1871 hits.   Japanese: 1826 hits.   Non-Programmer's Tutorial for Python: 1784 hits.   Social and Cultural Foundations of American Education: 1669 hits.   IB Biology: 1642 hits.   Calculus: 1598 hits.   C Programming: 1470 hits.   Lucid Dreaming: 1371 hits.   Spanish: 1356 hits.   IB Biology Study Guide: 1342 hits.   Movie Making Manual: 1314 hits.   Bartending: 1270 hits.   French: 1184 hits.   Wikijunior: 1057 hits.   Haskell: 1042 hits.   X86 Assembly: 1041 hits.   Reverse Engineering: 1028 hits.   Algebra: 998 hits.   Python Programming: 957 hits.   Ruby Programming: 927 hits.   Ada Programming: 900 hits.   English: 869 hits.   Programming:PHP: 842 hits.   Programming:Oracle PL: 842 hits.   Kdenlive: 827 hits.   Statistics: 813 hits.   Compiler Construction: 742 hits.   Programming:Visual Basic Classic: 728 hits.   Lord of the Flies: 728 hits.   German: 727 hits.   Dutch: 727 hits.   Cell Biology: 713 hits.   Map This!: 685 hits.   GCSE Science: 684 hits.   Java Programming: 657 hits.   Chess Opening Theory: 656 hits.  

Thursday November 8, 2007

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Month: November 2007Total Hits: 207477 — Threshold: 482 — Books Listed: 50 — Posted: 21:00 (EST) (About)
Total Wikijunior Hits: 2710
Blender 3D: Noob to Pro: 46966 hits.   Main Page: 29637 hits.   LaTeX: 12355 hits.   Human Physiology: 9922 hits.   How to solve the Rubik's Cube: 4975 hits.   How to use a Motorola DVR: 4372 hits.   How To Assemble A Desktop PC: 3575 hits.   Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book: 3422 hits.   Introduction to Sociology: 2823 hits.   Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter: 2798 hits.   C++ Programming: 2448 hits.   Organic Chemistry: 1886 hits.   Guitar: 1824 hits.   Non-Programmer's Tutorial for Python: 1774 hits.   Blender 3D: 1750 hits.   Tomato Firmware: 1700 hits.   Japanese: 1611 hits.   Social and Cultural Foundations of American Education: 1486 hits.   IB Biology: 1462 hits.   C Programming: 1461 hits.   Calculus: 1412 hits.   Lucid Dreaming: 1250 hits.   Spanish: 1249 hits.   French: 1199 hits.   IB Biology Study Guide: 1187 hits.   Movie Making Manual: 1175 hits.   X86 Assembly: 1087 hits.   Bartending: 1025 hits.   Algebra: 937 hits.   Wikijunior: 925 hits.   Haskell: 924 hits.   Reverse Engineering: 924 hits.   Python Programming: 900 hits.   Ruby Programming: 824 hits.   Trigonometry: 824 hits.   Ada Programming: 799 hits.   English: 774 hits.   Programming:Oracle PL: 762 hits.   Programming:PHP: 750 hits.   Statistics: 749 hits.   Kdenlive: 737 hits.   Programming:Visual Basic Classic: 675 hits.   German: 650 hits.   Compiler Construction: 650 hits.   Dutch: 649 hits.   Lord of the Flies: 637 hits.   Cell Biology: 637 hits.   Map This!: 637 hits.   GCSE Science: 612 hits.   Java Programming: 587 hits.  

Friday November 9, 2007

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Month: November 2007Total Hits: 189627 — Threshold: 443 — Books Listed: 50 — Posted: 21:00 (EST) (About)
Total Wikijunior Hits: 2484
Blender 3D: Noob to Pro: 42864 hits.   Main Page: 27111 hits.   LaTeX: 11223 hits.   Human Physiology: 9160 hits.   How to solve the Rubik's Cube: 4622 hits.   How to use a Motorola DVR: 4073 hits.   How To Assemble A Desktop PC: 3187 hits.   Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book: 3163 hits.   Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter: 2663 hits.   Introduction to Sociology: 2563 hits.   C++ Programming: 2264 hits.   Non-Programmer's Tutorial for Python: 1753 hits.   Organic Chemistry: 1686 hits.   Guitar: 1664 hits.   Blender 3D: 1633 hits.   Tomato Firmware: 1544 hits.   Japanese: 1464 hits.   Social and Cultural Foundations of American Education: 1388 hits.   IB Biology: 1355 hits.   Calculus: 1309 hits.   Spanish: 1253 hits.   C Programming: 1187 hits.   French: 1087 hits.   Movie Making Manual: 1066 hits.   Bartending: 1065 hits.   IB Biology Study Guide: 1055 hits.   X86 Assembly: 998 hits.   Lucid Dreaming: 988 hits.   Reverse Engineering: 876 hits.   Haskell: 855 hits.   Wikijunior: 844 hits.   Algebra: 842 hits.   Python Programming: 822 hits.   Ruby Programming: 777 hits.   Trigonometry: 755 hits.   Ada Programming: 721 hits.   Programming:Oracle PL: 711 hits.   Programming:PHP: 699 hits.   Kdenlive: 688 hits.   English: 687 hits.   Statistics: 687 hits.   Programming:Visual Basic Classic: 610 hits.   Lord of the Flies: 588 hits.   German: 577 hits.   Compiler Construction: 577 hits.   Map This!: 577 hits.   Dutch: 576 hits.   GCSE Science: 565 hits.   Arabic: 533 hits.   Wiki Science: 533 hits.  

Saturday November 10, 2007

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Month: November 2007Total Hits: 174980 — Threshold: 408 — Books Listed: 50 — Posted: 21:00 (EST) (About)
Total Wikijunior Hits: 2300
Blender 3D: Noob to Pro: 40130 hits.   Main Page: 24900 hits.   LaTeX: 10290 hits.   Human Physiology: 8580 hits.   How to solve the Rubik's Cube: 4330 hits.   How to use a Motorola DVR: 3790 hits.   Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book: 2920 hits.   How To Assemble A Desktop PC: 2880 hits.   Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter: 2450 hits.   Introduction to Sociology: 2340 hits.   C++ Programming: 2060 hits.   Non-Programmer's Tutorial for Python: 1590 hits.   Organic Chemistry: 1550 hits.   Blender 3D: 1520 hits.   Guitar: 1420 hits.   Tomato Firmware: 1390 hits.   Japanese: 1320 hits.   Social and Cultural Foundations of American Education: 1300 hits.   Calculus: 1220 hits.   IB Biology: 1220 hits.   Spanish: 1170 hits.   C Programming: 1000 hits.   Bartending: 980 hits.   Movie Making Manual: 980 hits.   IB Biology Study Guide: 950 hits.   French: 920 hits.   X86 Assembly: 920 hits.   Lucid Dreaming: 910 hits.   Algebra: 820 hits.   Reverse Engineering: 820 hits.   Haskell: 780 hits.   Wikijunior: 780 hits.   Python Programming: 770 hits.   Ruby Programming: 700 hits.   Trigonometry: 690 hits.   Ada Programming: 670 hits.   Programming:PHP: 650 hits.   Kdenlive: 640 hits.   Programming:Oracle PL: 640 hits.   English: 630 hits.   Statistics: 630 hits.   Programming:Visual Basic Classic: 570 hits.   German: 540 hits.   GCSE Science: 540 hits.   Map This!: 540 hits.   Compiler Construction: 530 hits.   Lord of the Flies: 530 hits.   Dutch: 530 hits.   Arabic: 500 hits.   Chess Opening Theory: 500 hits.  

Sunday November 11, 2007

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Month: November 2007Total Hits: 162783 — Threshold: 375 — Books Listed: 50 — Posted: 21:00 (EST) (About)
Total Wikijunior Hits: 2132
Blender 3D: Noob to Pro: 37342 hits.   Main Page: 23136 hits.   LaTeX: 9571 hits.   Human Physiology: 7930 hits.   How to solve the Rubik's Cube: 4054 hits.   How to use a Motorola DVR: 3541 hits.   Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book: 2724 hits.   How To Assemble A Desktop PC: 2671 hits.   Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter: 2206 hits.   Introduction to Sociology: 2168 hits.   C++ Programming: 1924 hits.   Organic Chemistry: 1425 hits.   Blender 3D: 1399 hits.   Non-Programmer's Tutorial for Python: 1370 hits.   Tomato Firmware: 1290 hits.   Social and Cultural Foundations of American Education: 1207 hits.   Japanese: 1207 hits.   Guitar: 1198 hits.   IB Biology: 1135 hits.   Calculus: 1125 hits.   Spanish: 1089 hits.   Movie Making Manual: 1027 hits.   Lucid Dreaming: 954 hits.   C Programming: 917 hits.   Bartending: 907 hits.   IB Biology Study Guide: 900 hits.   X86 Assembly: 853 hits.   French: 852 hits.   Reverse Engineering: 781 hits.   Algebra: 744 hits.   Haskell: 736 hits.   Wikijunior: 727 hits.   Python Programming: 727 hits.   Ruby Programming: 636 hits.   Trigonometry: 636 hits.   Ada Programming: 609 hits.   Kdenlive: 599 hits.   Programming:PHP: 599 hits.   Programming:Oracle PL: 590 hits.   Statistics: 581 hits.   German: 517 hits.   Programming:Visual Basic Classic: 517 hits.   Map This!: 509 hits.   Compiler Construction: 500 hits.   Lord of the Flies: 500 hits.   Arabic: 499 hits.   GCSE Science: 490 hits.   Dutch: 490 hits.   Chess Opening Theory: 472 hits.   English: 463 hits.  

Monday November 12, 2007

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Month: November 2007Total Hits: 153789 — Threshold: 351 — Books Listed: 50 — Posted: 21:00 (EST) (About)
Total Wikijunior Hits: 2096
Blender 3D: Noob to Pro: 35289 hits.   Main Page: 21858 hits.   LaTeX: 9075 hits.   Human Physiology: 7478 hits.   How to solve the Rubik's Cube: 3783 hits.   How to use a Motorola DVR: 3313 hits.   Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book: 2606 hits.   How To Assemble A Desktop PC: 2457 hits.   Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter: 2056 hits.   Introduction to Sociology: 2055 hits.   C++ Programming: 1847 hits.   Non-Programmer's Tutorial for Python: 1447 hits.   Organic Chemistry: 1366 hits.   Blender 3D: 1316 hits.   Guitar: 1257 hits.   Tomato Firmware: 1225 hits.   Social and Cultural Foundations of American Education: 1106 hits.   IB Biology: 1090 hits.   Calculus: 1049 hits.   Japanese: 1049 hits.   Spanish: 1015 hits.   C Programming: 982 hits.   Movie Making Manual: 975 hits.   Lucid Dreaming: 882 hits.   Bartending: 857 hits.   IB Biology Study Guide: 850 hits.   X86 Assembly: 824 hits.   French: 799 hits.   Reverse Engineering: 741 hits.   Haskell: 708 hits.   Wikijunior: 683 hits.   Python Programming: 675 hits.   Trigonometry: 600 hits.   Ruby Programming: 599 hits.   Algebra: 574 hits.   Kdenlive: 566 hits.   Programming:PHP: 566 hits.   Programming:Oracle PL: 566 hits.   Ada Programming: 566 hits.   Statistics: 557 hits.   German: 499 hits.   Arabic: 483 hits.   Programming:Visual Basic Classic: 483 hits.   Map This!: 475 hits.   Lord of the Flies: 466 hits.   Compiler Construction: 458 hits.   GCSE Science: 457 hits.   Chess Opening Theory: 457 hits.   Dutch: 457 hits.   Java Programming: 441 hits.  

Tuesday November 13, 2007

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Month: November 2007Total Hits: 146269 — Threshold: 337 — Books Listed: 50 — Posted: 21:00 (EST) (About)
Total Wikijunior Hits: 1856
Blender 3D: Noob to Pro: 33299 hits.   Main Page: 20869 hits.   LaTeX: 8748 hits.   Human Physiology: 7162 hits.   How to solve the Rubik's Cube: 3584 hits.   How to use a Motorola DVR: 3157 hits.   Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book: 2496 hits.   How To Assemble A Desktop PC: 2290 hits.   Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter: 2042 hits.   Introduction to Sociology: 1941 hits.   C++ Programming: 1881 hits.   Non-Programmer's Tutorial for Python: 1381 hits.   Organic Chemistry: 1274 hits.   Blender 3D: 1238 hits.   Guitar: 1190 hits.   Tomato Firmware: 1153 hits.   Social and Cultural Foundations of American Education: 1059 hits.   IB Biology: 1037 hits.   Japanese: 1022 hits.   Calculus: 990 hits.   C Programming: 945 hits.   Movie Making Manual: 915 hits.   Spanish: 837 hits.   Lucid Dreaming: 837 hits.   IB Biology Study Guide: 800 hits.   Bartending: 799 hits.   X86 Assembly: 776 hits.   French: 752 hits.   Reverse Engineering: 706 hits.   Haskell: 669 hits.   Wikijunior: 638 hits.   Python Programming: 623 hits.   Ruby Programming: 591 hits.   Trigonometry: 561 hits.   Algebra: 538 hits.   Kdenlive: 538 hits.   Programming:Oracle PL: 538 hits.   Programming:PHP: 530 hits.   Ada Programming: 529 hits.   Statistics: 513 hits.   European History: 483 hits.   Programming:Visual Basic Classic: 476 hits.   German: 469 hits.   Arabic: 453 hits.   Map This!: 446 hits.   GCSE Science: 445 hits.   Chess Opening Theory: 445 hits.   Dutch: 445 hits.   Lord of the Flies: 438 hits.   Java Programming: 430 hits.  

Wednesday November 14, 2007

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Month: November 2007Total Hits: 139763 — Threshold: 323 — Books Listed: 50 — Posted: 21:00 (EST) (About)
Total Wikijunior Hits: 1696
Blender 3D: Noob to Pro: 31687 hits.   Main Page: 19914 hits.   LaTeX: 8505 hits.   Human Physiology: 6813 hits.   How to solve the Rubik's Cube: 3485 hits.   How to use a Motorola DVR: 2996 hits.   Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book: 2283 hits.   How To Assemble A Desktop PC: 2141 hits.   Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter: 1968 hits.   C++ Programming: 1847 hits.   Introduction to Sociology: 1837 hits.   Non-Programmer's Tutorial for Python: 1340 hits.   Organic Chemistry: 1220 hits.   Blender 3D: 1171 hits.   Guitar: 1141 hits.   Tomato Firmware: 1085 hits.   Social and Cultural Foundations of American Education: 998 hits.   IB Biology: 970 hits.   Japanese: 962 hits.   Calculus: 920 hits.   C Programming: 885 hits.   Movie Making Manual: 885 hits.   Lucid Dreaming: 813 hits.   Spanish: 805 hits.   Bartending: 763 hits.   IB Biology Study Guide: 742 hits.   X86 Assembly: 727 hits.   French: 720 hits.   Reverse Engineering: 677 hits.   Haskell: 628 hits.   Wikijunior: 592 hits.   Python Programming: 585 hits.   Ruby Programming: 557 hits.   German: 542 hits.   Trigonometry: 542 hits.   Kdenlive: 528 hits.   Algebra: 520 hits.   Ada Programming: 514 hits.   Programming:PHP: 506 hits.   Programming:Oracle PL: 500 hits.   Statistics: 485 hits.   Programming:Visual Basic Classic: 464 hits.   European History: 457 hits.   Arabic: 442 hits.   GCSE Science: 434 hits.   Chess Opening Theory: 427 hits.   Lord of the Flies: 421 hits.   Dutch: 421 hits.   Map This!: 421 hits.   Java Programming: 407 hits.  

Friday November 16, 2007

[edit | edit source]

Month: November 2007Total Hits: 128118 — Threshold: 293 — Books Listed: 50 — Posted: 21:00 (EST) (About)
Total Wikijunior Hits: 1633
Blender 3D: Noob to Pro: 29145 hits.   Main Page: 18400 hits.   LaTeX: 7738 hits.   Human Physiology: 6288 hits.   How to solve the Rubik's Cube: 3187 hits.   How to use a Motorola DVR: 2753 hits.   Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book: 2060 hits.   How To Assemble A Desktop PC: 1912 hits.   Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter: 1802 hits.   C++ Programming: 1639 hits.   Introduction to Sociology: 1580 hits.   Organic Chemistry: 1217 hits.   Non-Programmer's Tutorial for Python: 1146 hits.   Blender 3D: 1068 hits.   Guitar: 1055 hits.   Tomato Firmware: 987 hits.   Japanese: 924 hits.   Social and Cultural Foundations of American Education: 880 hits.   IB Biology: 855 hits.   Movie Making Manual: 787 hits.   Calculus: 731 hits.   Spanish: 730 hits.   Lucid Dreaming: 730 hits.   C Programming: 699 hits.   Bartending: 692 hits.   French: 674 hits.   IB Biology Study Guide: 650 hits.   X86 Assembly: 649 hits.   Reverse Engineering: 612 hits.   Haskell: 593 hits.   Wikijunior: 550 hits.   Python Programming: 537 hits.   Trigonometry: 506 hits.   Ruby Programming: 500 hits.   Programming:PHP: 487 hits.   Ada Programming: 481 hits.   Kdenlive: 468 hits.   Statistics: 462 hits.   Algebra: 461 hits.   Programming:Oracle PL: 443 hits.   Programming:Visual Basic Classic: 431 hits.   GCSE Science: 412 hits.   European History: 412 hits.   Arabic: 399 hits.   German: 393 hits.   Chess Opening Theory: 393 hits.   Lord of the Flies: 393 hits.   Map This!: 387 hits.   Java Programming: 381 hits.   Dutch: 379 hits.  

Saturday November 17, 2007

[edit | edit source]

Month: November 2007Total Hits: 122760 — Threshold: 282 — Books Listed: 50 — Posted: 21:00 (EST) (About)
Total Wikijunior Hits: 1561
Blender 3D: Noob to Pro: 28074 hits.   Main Page: 17682 hits.   LaTeX: 7497 hits.   Human Physiology: 5914 hits.   How to solve the Rubik's Cube: 3052 hits.   How to use a Motorola DVR: 2642 hits.   Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book: 1969 hits.   How To Assemble A Desktop PC: 1821 hits.   Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter: 1725 hits.   C++ Programming: 1592 hits.   Introduction to Sociology: 1507 hits.   Organic Chemistry: 1157 hits.   Non-Programmer's Tutorial for Python: 1113 hits.   Blender 3D: 1017 hits.   Guitar: 998 hits.   Tomato Firmware: 947 hits.   Japanese: 892 hits.   IB Biology: 805 hits.   Social and Cultural Foundations of American Education: 745 hits.   Movie Making Manual: 740 hits.   Spanish: 698 hits.   Lucid Dreaming: 693 hits.   Calculus: 687 hits.   Bartending: 668 hits.   C Programming: 664 hits.   X86 Assembly: 629 hits.   IB Biology Study Guide: 623 hits.   Reverse Engineering: 575 hits.   Haskell: 569 hits.   French: 569 hits.   Ada Programming: 564 hits.   Wikijunior: 535 hits.   Python Programming: 517 hits.   Trigonometry: 493 hits.   Programming:PHP: 470 hits.   Ruby Programming: 470 hits.   Kdenlive: 446 hits.   Algebra: 440 hits.   Statistics: 440 hits.   Programming:Oracle PL: 429 hits.   Programming:Visual Basic Classic: 405 hits.   GCSE Science: 399 hits.   European History: 387 hits.   Lord of the Flies: 382 hits.   Arabic: 381 hits.   German: 375 hits.   Chess Opening Theory: 375 hits.   Map This!: 370 hits.   English: 358 hits.   Java Programming: 358 hits.  

Sunday November 18, 2007

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Month: November 2007Total Hits: 118200 — Threshold: 272 — Books Listed: 50 — Posted: 21:00 (EST) (About)
Total Wikijunior Hits: 1501
Blender 3D: Noob to Pro: 27209 hits.   Main Page: 16938 hits.   LaTeX: 7161 hits.   Human Physiology: 5783 hits.   How to solve the Rubik's Cube: 2916 hits.   How to use a Motorola DVR: 2552 hits.   Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book: 1996 hits.   How To Assemble A Desktop PC: 1742 hits.   Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter: 1663 hits.   C++ Programming: 1529 hits.   Introduction to Sociology: 1447 hits.   Organic Chemistry: 1091 hits.   Non-Programmer's Tutorial for Python: 1059 hits.   Blender 3D: 988 hits.   Guitar: 959 hits.   Japanese: 953 hits.   Tomato Firmware: 900 hits.   IB Biology: 777 hits.   Social and Cultural Foundations of American Education: 738 hits.   Movie Making Manual: 727 hits.   Spanish: 682 hits.   Bartending: 666 hits.   Calculus: 665 hits.   Lucid Dreaming: 665 hits.   C Programming: 632 hits.   X86 Assembly: 592 hits.   IB Biology Study Guide: 588 hits.   French: 571 hits.   Reverse Engineering: 555 hits.   Haskell: 543 hits.   Wikijunior: 511 hits.   Python Programming: 488 hits.   Trigonometry: 466 hits.   Ada Programming: 455 hits.   Programming:PHP: 454 hits.   Ruby Programming: 454 hits.   Kdenlive: 427 hits.   Algebra: 415 hits.   Statistics: 415 hits.   Programming:Oracle PL: 411 hits.   Programming:Visual Basic Classic: 388 hits.   Arabic: 383 hits.   GCSE Science: 377 hits.   Lord of the Flies: 377 hits.   Chess Opening Theory: 366 hits.   European History: 365 hits.   German: 361 hits.   MATLAB Programming: 360 hits.   Map This!: 350 hits.   English: 343 hits.  

Monday November 19, 2007

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Month: November 2007Total Hits: 114498 — Threshold: 262 — Books Listed: 50 — Posted: 21:00 (EST) (About)
Total Wikijunior Hits: 1391
Blender 3D: Noob to Pro: 26554 hits.   Main Page: 16421 hits.   LaTeX: 6984 hits.   Human Physiology: 5585 hits.   How to solve the Rubik's Cube: 2831 hits.   How to use a Motorola DVR: 2459 hits.   Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book: 1882 hits.   How To Assemble A Desktop PC: 1667 hits.   Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter: 1612 hits.   C++ Programming: 1502 hits.   Introduction to Sociology: 1428 hits.   Organic Chemistry: 1056 hits.   Non-Programmer's Tutorial for Python: 1013 hits.   Blender 3D: 962 hits.   Guitar: 930 hits.   Japanese: 908 hits.   Tomato Firmware: 884 hits.   IB Biology: 752 hits.   Social and Cultural Foundations of American Education: 709 hits.   Movie Making Manual: 694 hits.   Spanish: 662 hits.   Lucid Dreaming: 641 hits.   Bartending: 635 hits.   Calculus: 635 hits.   C Programming: 625 hits.   IB Biology Study Guide: 563 hits.   French: 552 hits.   Reverse Engineering: 552 hits.   Haskell: 526 hits.   Wikijunior: 494 hits.   X86 Assembly: 493 hits.   Python Programming: 473 hits.   Ada Programming: 447 hits.   Trigonometry: 446 hits.   German: 441 hits.   Ruby Programming: 441 hits.   Programming:PHP: 436 hits.   Kdenlive: 410 hits.   Programming:Oracle PL: 410 hits.   Algebra: 394 hits.   Statistics: 394 hits.   GCSE Science: 378 hits.   Programming:Visual Basic Classic: 378 hits.   Arabic: 368 hits.   Lord of the Flies: 363 hits.   Chess Opening Theory: 357 hits.   MATLAB Programming: 351 hits.   Map This!: 347 hits.   European History: 346 hits.   English: 330 hits.  

Tuesday November 20, 2007

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Month: November 2007Total Hits: 111410 — Threshold: 255 — Books Listed: 50 — Posted: 21:00 (EST) (About)
Total Wikijunior Hits: 1345
Blender 3D: Noob to Pro: 25790 hits.   Main Page: 15960 hits.   LaTeX: 6810 hits.   Human Physiology: 5425 hits.   How to solve the Rubik's Cube: 2755 hits.   How to use a Motorola DVR: 2375 hits.   Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book: 1835 hits.   How To Assemble A Desktop PC: 1605 hits.   Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter: 1490 hits.   C++ Programming: 1445 hits.   Introduction to Sociology: 1405 hits.   Organic Chemistry: 1010 hits.   Non-Programmer's Tutorial for Python: 980 hits.   Blender 3D: 925 hits.   Guitar: 885 hits.   Tomato Firmware: 860 hits.   Japanese: 795 hits.   IB Biology: 725 hits.   Movie Making Manual: 685 hits.   Social and Cultural Foundations of American Education: 675 hits.   Spanish: 645 hits.   French: 630 hits.   C Programming: 630 hits.   Calculus: 620 hits.   Bartending: 610 hits.   Lucid Dreaming: 610 hits.   IB Biology Study Guide: 540 hits.   Reverse Engineering: 535 hits.   Haskell: 510 hits.   Wikijunior: 485 hits.   X86 Assembly: 480 hits.   Python Programming: 455 hits.   Ada Programming: 435 hits.   German: 430 hits.   Trigonometry: 430 hits.   Ruby Programming: 425 hits.   Programming:PHP: 420 hits.   Kdenlive: 410 hits.   Programming:Oracle PL: 410 hits.   Algebra: 385 hits.   GCSE Science: 380 hits.   Statistics: 380 hits.   Arabic: 360 hits.   Programming:Visual Basic Classic: 360 hits.   Lord of the Flies: 350 hits.   Chess Opening Theory: 340 hits.   Map This!: 335 hits.   European History: 330 hits.   English: 325 hits.   Dutch: 325 hits.  

Wednesday November 21, 2007

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Month: November 2007Total Hits: 107977 — Threshold: 251 — Books Listed: 50 — Posted: 21:00 (EST) (About)
Total Wikijunior Hits: 1220
Blender 3D: Noob to Pro: 25282 hits.   Main Page: 15580 hits.   LaTeX: 6630 hits.   Human Physiology: 5278 hits.   How to solve the Rubik's Cube: 2671 hits.   How to use a Motorola DVR: 2308 hits.   Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book: 1788 hits.   How To Assemble A Desktop PC: 1531 hits.   Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter: 1435 hits.   C++ Programming: 1397 hits.   Introduction to Sociology: 1352 hits.   Non-Programmer's Tutorial for Python: 949 hits.   Organic Chemistry: 926 hits.   Blender 3D: 880 hits.   Guitar: 864 hits.   Tomato Firmware: 842 hits.   Japanese: 755 hits.   IB Biology: 694 hits.   French: 674 hits.   Movie Making Manual: 651 hits.   Social and Cultural Foundations of American Education: 642 hits.   Spanish: 627 hits.   C Programming: 603 hits.   Calculus: 598 hits.   Bartending: 579 hits.   Lucid Dreaming: 579 hits.   Reverse Engineering: 523 hits.   IB Biology Study Guide: 514 hits.   Haskell: 490 hits.   X86 Assembly: 469 hits.   Wikijunior: 466 hits.   Python Programming: 442 hits.   Programming:PHP: 428 hits.   Ada Programming: 427 hits.   German: 413 hits.   Ruby Programming: 408 hits.   Trigonometry: 408 hits.   Programming:Oracle PL: 400 hits.   Kdenlive: 394 hits.   Algebra: 374 hits.   GCSE Science: 366 hits.   Arabic: 357 hits.   Programming:Visual Basic Classic: 347 hits.   Map This!: 342 hits.   Lord of the Flies: 338 hits.   Chess Opening Theory: 332 hits.   Dutch: 317 hits.   European History: 313 hits.   English: 308 hits.   Java Programming: 304 hits.  

Sunday November 25, 2007

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Month: November 2007Total Hits: 98008 — Threshold: 225 — Books Listed: 50 — Posted: 21:00 (EST) (About)
Total Wikijunior Hits: 1012
Blender 3D: Noob to Pro: 23292 hits.   Main Page: 14116 hits.   LaTeX: 5984 hits.   Human Physiology: 4796 hits.   How to solve the Rubik's Cube: 2484 hits.   How to use a Motorola DVR: 2224 hits.   Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book: 1680 hits.   How To Assemble A Desktop PC: 1340 hits.   Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter: 1264 hits.   Introduction to Sociology: 1212 hits.   C++ Programming: 1208 hits.   Blender 3D: 848 hits.   Guitar: 844 hits.   Non-Programmer's Tutorial for Python: 844 hits.   Organic Chemistry: 832 hits.   Tomato Firmware: 784 hits.   Japanese: 680 hits.   Movie Making Manual: 604 hits.   IB Biology: 600 hits.   Social and Cultural Foundations of American Education: 560 hits.   Spanish: 556 hits.   French: 536 hits.   Bartending: 532 hits.   Calculus: 528 hits.   Lucid Dreaming: 504 hits.   Reverse Engineering: 472 hits.   Haskell: 448 hits.   IB Biology Study Guide: 436 hits.   Algebra: 412 hits.   Programming:PHP: 404 hits.   Wikijunior: 400 hits.   C Programming: 400 hits.   German: 392 hits.   Ada Programming: 392 hits.   Python Programming: 388 hits.   Ruby Programming: 372 hits.   Kdenlive: 368 hits.   Trigonometry: 356 hits.   Programming:Oracle PL: 340 hits.   X86 Assembly: 336 hits.   Map This!: 328 hits.   GCSE Science: 324 hits.   Arabic: 324 hits.   Programming:Visual Basic Classic: 312 hits.   Chess Opening Theory: 312 hits.   Lord of the Flies: 300 hits.   Dutch: 296 hits.   Java Programming: 292 hits.   European History: 292 hits.   English: 288 hits.  

Tuesday November 27, 2007

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Month: November 2007Total Hits: 94641 — Threshold: 219 — Books Listed: 50 — Posted: 21:00 (EST) (About)
Total Wikijunior Hits: 1104
Blender 3D: Noob to Pro: 22336 hits.   Main Page: 13607 hits.   LaTeX: 5797 hits.   Human Physiology: 4605 hits.   How to solve the Rubik's Cube: 2414 hits.   How to use a Motorola DVR: 2169 hits.   Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book: 1654 hits.   C++ Programming: 1256 hits.   How To Assemble A Desktop PC: 1254 hits.   Introduction to Sociology: 1237 hits.   Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter: 1189 hits.   Non-Programmer's Tutorial for Python: 871 hits.   Blender 3D: 825 hits.   Guitar: 824 hits.   Organic Chemistry: 790 hits.   Tomato Firmware: 744 hits.   Japanese: 645 hits.   Spanish: 602 hits.   Movie Making Manual: 581 hits.   IB Biology: 569 hits.   Social and Cultural Foundations of American Education: 543 hits.   Bartending: 506 hits.   French: 505 hits.   Calculus: 498 hits.   Lucid Dreaming: 477 hits.   Reverse Engineering: 454 hits.   Haskell: 439 hits.   IB Biology Study Guide: 411 hits.   Programming:PHP: 406 hits.   Python Programming: 392 hits.   Wikijunior: 388 hits.   German: 376 hits.   Ada Programming: 374 hits.   C Programming: 370 hits.   Kdenlive: 362 hits.   Ruby Programming: 355 hits.   Programming:Oracle PL: 344 hits.   Trigonometry: 343 hits.   GCSE Science: 332 hits.   X86 Assembly: 322 hits.   Algebra: 321 hits.   Arabic: 314 hits.   Map This!: 314 hits.   Programming:Visual Basic Classic: 307 hits.   Chess Opening Theory: 306 hits.   Lord of the Flies: 285 hits.   Java Programming: 281 hits.   European History: 280 hits.   Dutch: 280 hits.   English: 273 hits.  

Wednesday November 28, 2007

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Month: November 2007Total Hits: 93142 — Threshold: 215 — Books Listed: 50 — Posted: 21:00 (EST) (About)
Total Wikijunior Hits: 1104
Blender 3D: Noob to Pro: 21794 hits.   Main Page: 13371 hits.   LaTeX: 5713 hits.   Human Physiology: 4555 hits.   How to solve the Rubik's Cube: 2378 hits.   How to use a Motorola DVR: 2137 hits.   Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book: 1555 hits.   C++ Programming: 1243 hits.   Introduction to Sociology: 1222 hits.   How To Assemble A Desktop PC: 1219 hits.   Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter: 1168 hits.   Non-Programmer's Tutorial for Python: 875 hits.   Guitar: 805 hits.   Blender 3D: 803 hits.   Organic Chemistry: 780 hits.   Tomato Firmware: 728 hits.   Japanese: 635 hits.   Spanish: 605 hits.   Movie Making Manual: 578 hits.   IB Biology: 553 hits.   Social and Cultural Foundations of American Education: 527 hits.   Bartending: 498 hits.   Calculus: 491 hits.   Lucid Dreaming: 466 hits.   Reverse Engineering: 445 hits.   French: 435 hits.   Haskell: 431 hits.   IB Biology Study Guide: 407 hits.   Programming:PHP: 396 hits.   Python Programming: 389 hits.   Wikijunior: 378 hits.   C Programming: 378 hits.   German: 370 hits.   Ada Programming: 360 hits.   Kdenlive: 356 hits.   Ruby Programming: 349 hits.   Trigonometry: 345 hits.   European History: 340 hits.   Programming:Oracle PL: 335 hits.   GCSE Science: 325 hits.   X86 Assembly: 317 hits.   Arabic: 317 hits.   Algebra: 313 hits.   Map This!: 310 hits.   Programming:Visual Basic Classic: 306 hits.   Chess Opening Theory: 300 hits.   Lord of the Flies: 289 hits.   Java Programming: 275 hits.   Dutch: 274 hits.   English: 267 hits.