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User:Whiteknight/Embedded Systems

From Wikibooks, open books for an open world
This page is an outline for a proposed book or project. This is only a planning page, not an actual book.
  1. Do not add sub-pages to this outline.
  2. Any user may edit this outline, but Whiteknight maintains complete editorial control on this page.
  3. This page may be deleted without warning.

This outline was last edited on 20 November 2008. Last edit over 194 months ago. Please update.

(Whiteknight) (Discuss) (Book Foundry) (Current Books) (VBD Edit)

The Plan

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The Embedded Systems book is sprawling and contains a lot of stubs on various topics, some of which are only tangentially related to the topic. I am thinking (but am not yet self-convinced) that this book could be better served if it was broken up into a series of smaller books on more focused topics.


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