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Veterinary Medicine/Introduction

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Veterinary medicine is one of the most diverse of all universitarian studies. A veterinary student on his way to his approbation as a veterinary doctor will have at least the following subjects: Botany, Zoology, Veterinary Anatomy, Parasitology, Microbiology and Immunology ,Histology, Pathology, Histopathology, organic, inorganic and Bio-Chemistry, Molecular Pathology, Physiology, Pharmacology, animal nutrition and feeding, animal care and management,Dairy and poultry science,animal genetics and breeding,animal surgery,obstetrics and gynaecology,embryology and theriogenology,Veterinary medicine, Toxicology and vet jurisprudence, Fodder cultivation and agronomy,agricultural extension,statistics ,Wild life and zoo animal medicine ,vet public health ,Lab animal management,vet ethics and legal aspects, etc. This is a book with everything needed to get a degree in Veterinary Medicine, it's here to satisfy public interest in medical care for animals, with self-help advice how to keep your pet healthy for example. Nothing here is intended to replace professional health care by qualified Vets!