Video Production/Save dvavi from premiere pro
To save a timeline from Premiere pro to a DVavi
This is useful when you need a dvavi for an external encoding application, or for archiving files. DVAVI files are as good a quality as you can get when editing with Premiere Pro. They are also large in filesize so are not very good for archiving but a DV avi file may be more readily accessible than storing the Video on tape.
Select File > Export > Movie
Then click on settings button
Select the General tab on the left and make sure that Microsoft DVAVI is selected under File Type
Select the Video tab on the left and make sure Compressor is set to DV(PAL) [only NTSC if you are in N.America]
Select the Audio tab on the left and make sure the Sample type is set to 48000
Click OK
Give the file a name and save it