Visual Basic for Applications/The Knuth String Shuffle
[edit | edit source]- This code module includes both a Fisher-Yates character shuffling routine for strings, and a Durstenfeld-Knuth routine to shuffle one-dimensional arrays.
- The procedure FisherYatesStrShuffle() shuffles characters of a single string. This is limited to shifting single characters around within one string.
- Procedure KnuthArrShuffle() sorts the elements of a one-dimensional array. The procedure is limited only by what can be stored in array elements.
- The two methods are pseudo-random and bias-free. Elsewhere, the use of a random generator does not necessarily guarantee that the results will be free from bias.
- The code can work in any of the MS Office applications that support VBA.
Code Notes
[edit | edit source]- The Fisher-Yates shuffle applies a pseudo random selection method. It is described here for characters in a string but a related method, the Durstenfeld-Knuth method is preferred for arrays.
- Taking each element of a string in sequence for repositioning leaves one end of the result string badly biased. The Knuth algorithm instead proposes a random position within the string. The element at that position is then accumulated into the output and removed from the original. Subsequent selections are made in the same way from the ever shortened string.
- Note that there is still the possibility of a given character being unmoved in the process, but only within expectation.
- Set the number of strings required with variable Cycles in the top procedure. The Immediate Window has proved the best place for display and copying.
- It should be pointed out that any attempt to avoid the unmoved elements, will not only change the random nature of the shuffle but prevent the use of other than non-repeat strings. That is to say strings with repeated characters could not then be shuffled.
- The Durstenfeld-Knuth method for arrays differs only slightly from that of the Fisher-Yates implementation.
- To reduce processing, and no doubt to overcome the burden of removing an element from the middle of an array during shortening, the algorithm instead overwrites the element selected for output with the last element. In this VBA implementation the array is then conveniently shortened by one element with Redim Preserve.
- See Fisher Yates Shuffle for a good description of both methods.
The VBA Code Module
[edit | edit source]Copy all of the code below into say, an MS Excel standard module, save the workbook as an xlsm file type, and run either of the test procedures to test the requisite code. Be sure to open the Immediate Window for output.
Option Explicit
Private Sub testFisherYatesStrShuffle()
'run this to test the string shuffle
Dim bOK As Boolean, sStr As String, sR As String
Dim sOut As String, n As Long, Cycles As Long
'set number of shuffled versions needed
Cycles = 1
'test string
For n = 1 To Cycles
bOK = FisherYatesStrShuffle(sStr, sR)
sOut = sR
If bOK = False Then
MsgBox "Problems in shuffle"
Exit Sub
End If
'output to message box and immediate window
'MsgBox "Before : " & sStr & vbCrLf & _
"After : " & sR
Debug.Print "Before : " & sStr
Debug.Print "After : " & sOut & vbCrLf
Next n
End Sub
Private Function FisherYatesStrShuffle(ByVal sIn As String, sOut As String) As Boolean
'Performs a naive Fisher-Yates shuffle on the input string.
'Returns result in sOut. Pseudo random character sequencing.
'Note: Some or all elements could occupy their original positions,
'but only in accordance with expectation based on the random generator.
'This can be seen best for very short character strings, like "ABC".
Dim sL As String, sR As String, sT1 As String, sT2 As String, sMod As String
Dim sAcc As String, i As Long, j As Long, nL As Long, n As Long
'check input string
If sIn = "" Or Len(sIn) < 2 Then
MsgBox "At least 2 characters needed - closing"
Exit Function
End If
'initial assignments
nL = Len(sIn)
sMod = sIn
For i = 1 To Len(sIn)
'first get a random number
j = Int((nL - 1 + 1) * Rnd + 1)
'find string value of jth element
sT1 = Mid$(sMod, j, 1)
DoEvents 'allow break
'accumulate jth element
sAcc = sAcc & sT1
'remove current character
sL = Left$(sMod, j - 1)
sR = Right$(sMod, nL - j)
sMod = sL & sR
'new string length
nL = Len(sMod)
DoEvents 'allow break
Next i
sOut = sAcc
FisherYatesStrShuffle = True
End Function
Private Sub testKnuthArrShuffle()
'run this to test the array shuffle
Dim bOK As Boolean, sStr As String, sOut As String
Dim Cycles As Long, n As Long, bF As Boolean
Dim vS As Variant, vA As Variant, vB As Variant
'define a typical array for shuffling
vS = Array("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", _
"N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", _
"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9")
'set number of shuffled versions needed
Cycles = 1
For n = 1 To Cycles
'shuffle array
bOK = KnuthArrShuffle(vS, vA)
If bOK = False Then
MsgBox "Problems in array shuffle"
Exit Sub
End If
'arrays to strings for display
sStr = Arr1DToStr2(vS)
sOut = Arr1DToStr2(vA)
' MsgBox "Before : " & sStr & vbCrLf & _
' "After : " & sOut
Debug.Print "Before : " & sStr
Debug.Print "After : " & sOut & vbCrLf
'return to an array in vB if needed
bF = StrTo1DArr2(sOut, vB)
Next n
End Sub
Private Function KnuthArrShuffle(vIn As Variant, vR As Variant) As Boolean
' Performs a modified Knuth random shuffle on the elements of the input array.
' The original by Fisher-Yates, was modified for computers by Durstenfeld
' then popularised by Knuth. Returns result in vR with vIn unchanged.
'Note: Some or all elements COULD occupy their original positions,
'but only in accordance with expectation based on the random generator.
'This is best seen for small arrays, say with only 3 elements or so.
Dim vW As Variant
Dim LB As Long, UB As Long, nL As Long
Dim i As Long, j As Long
'initial assignments
LB = LBound(vIn): UB = UBound(vIn)
ReDim vR(LB To UB) 'return array
ReDim vW(LB To UB) 'work array
nL = UB - LB + 1 'length of input array
vW = vIn 'transfer to a work array
For i = LB To nL
'first get a random number
j = Int((UB - LB + 1) * Rnd + LB)
'transfer jth of vW to ith of vR
vR(i) = vW(j)
'replace selection with current last of vW
vW(j) = vW(UB)
'remove last of vW by shortening array
ReDim Preserve vW(LB To UB - 1)
'get new UBound of shortened vW
UB = UBound(vW)
'exception; return if last chara
If UB = LB Then
vR(i + 1) = vW(UB)
Exit For
End If
DoEvents 'allow breaks
Next i
KnuthArrShuffle = True
End Function
Function StrTo1DArr2(ByVal sIn As String, vRet As Variant, _
Optional ByVal bLB1 As Boolean = True) As Boolean
' Loads string characters into 1D array (vRet). One per element.
' Optional choice of lower bound. bLB1 = True for one-based (default),
' else bLB1 = False for zero-based. vRet dimensioned in proc.
Dim nC As Long, sT As String
Dim LB As Long, UB As Long
If sIn = "" Then
MsgBox "Empty string - closing"
Exit Function
End If
'allocate array for chosen lower bound
If bLB1 = True Then
ReDim vRet(1 To Len(sIn))
ReDim vRet(0 To Len(sIn) - 1)
End If
LB = LBound(vRet): UB = UBound(vRet)
'load charas of string into array
For nC = LB To UB
If bLB1 = True Then
sT = Mid$(sIn, nC, 1)
sT = Mid$(sIn, nC + 1, 1)
End If
vRet(nC) = sT
StrTo1DArr2 = True
End Function
Function Arr1DToStr2(vIn As Variant) As String
' Makes a single string from 1D array string elements.
' Works for any array bounds.
Dim nC As Long, sT As String, sAccum As String
Dim LB As Long, UB As Long
LB = LBound(vIn): UB = UBound(vIn)
'join characters of array into string
For nC = LB To UB
sT = vIn(nC)
sAccum = sAccum & sT
Arr1DToStr2 = sAccum
End Function
See Also
[edit | edit source]- Fisher Yates Shuffle: A very clearly written article in Wikipedia, that explains worked examoles step by step.