Web App Development with Google Apps Script/authentication
Why authenticate?
[edit | edit source]Quite often you'll want to protect your web app to ensure only certain people can use it. When you publish your page you have a few options in two major categories:
- Who has access (who can get to the page)?
- Just you
- Anyone in your domain (hamline.edu for me)
- Anyone
- Which account is being used to run the script?
- Yours (even when other people access)
- Theirs (won't work with "anyone" above)
Those are useful but they're a little coarse grained. Sometimes you'll want only certain people to either have access and/or be able to do certain things.
Who is accessing?
[edit | edit source]For this section we'll assume you've set "who has access" to "anyone in your domain." If you do then you can determine who is accessing like this:
var email = Session.getActiveUser().getEmail();
Are they allowed?
[edit | edit source]Once you have the user's email, you can check it against a sheet in your spreadsheet that has allowed users and perhaps other information about them, like what things they're allowed to do. Let's assume you have a sheet that looks like this:
name | role | |
arundquist@hamline.edu | Andy Rundquist | admin |
test1@hamline.edu | Testy McTesterson | student |
test2@hamline.edu | Tess Tesserson | faculty |
Then we could authenticate the user like this:
var email = Session.getActiveUser().getEmail();
var usersData=SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName("my users").getDataRange().getValues();
usersData.shift() // gets rid of headers row
var user = usersData.find(r=>r[0]==email);
if (!user) {
return HtmlService.createHtmlOutput("sorry, nothing for you here");
// now do something cool with the user
var role=user[2]; // not 3, remember how array numbering works
if (role == 'admin') {
// do cool things here
// etc