< WikiLang
German language uses a decimal numeral system and uses the Arab numbers as numeric symbols, the same way English do.
# | German word |
1 | ein |
2 | zwei |
3 | drei |
4 | vier |
5 | fünf |
6 | sechs |
7 | sieben |
8 | acht |
9 | neun |
10 | zehn |
11 | elf |
12 | zwölf |
20 | zwanzig |
100 | hundert |
1,000 | tausend |
1,000,000 | million |
1,000,000,000 | milliarde |
Two-digit numbers ending with 0 will end in -zig (e.g., achtzig would translate into eighty.) For a trillion (1,000,000,000,000), a quadrillion, and a quintillion, these words would translate to billion, billiarde, and trillion respectively. German numbers are sometimes one word, not more than one word. For example, zweihundertfünfzig is used as the number 250 in German, but the single word can be split in three parts, like the English word form of that number.