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Wikibooks:Health science bookshelf

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BiologyHuman Physiology 100% developedPre-Clinical Medicine (Basic Sciences)Medical Physiology Biochemistry Neuroscience Immunology PharmacologyUSMLE Step 1 Clinical MedicineSurgery Orthopaedics Emergency Medicine Radiation Oncology Diagnostic Radiology Speech A Textbook of Community Medicine Osirix USMLE Step 2 General Medical InterestFirst Aid 100% developedDepression Genetic Counselling Jehovah's Witness Informed Consent Computational Biology Stuttering 100% developedHome Remedies Consciousness studies Pre-Medical SubjectsGeneral Biology Organic Chemistry General Chemistry

Wikibook Development Stages
Sparse text 0% Developing text 25% Maturing text 50% Developed text 75% Comprehensive text 100%

The health science Wikibooks are still being developed. Some books are being expanded almost daily by expert authors, others are not yet being written. Pages where nothing has been written yet contain external links to relevant (and preferably non-commercial) websites.

The books on Radiation Oncology and Emergency Medicine are in a more advanced stage of development.

Pages marked as [DEV] are under development and do not yet contain (sufficient) useful material. Books which are currently online or being written are marked as [ACT]. Note: Please change [DEV] and [ACT]] to development stages.

For discussion about this page or section, please use the 'discussion' option (above).

Basic Medical Sciences

Human Physiology is about how that body you live in actually works. An undergraduate, understandable, systemic approach to the human body's functions with a specific focus on homeostasis.
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Allied health professions


Alternative Medicine

Books for Medical Students

Miscellaneous Books

Stuttering, part of the series on Speech-Language Pathology, is an excellent guide for both the stutterer and the therapist.
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