Wikibooks:Wikimedia Strategy 2017
The following discussion is closed.
This cycle of the discussion is now closed for analysis and sense-making. Please join us in May for the next cycle of discussions. |
Welcome to the strategy conversation
For 16 years, Wikimedians have worked together to build the largest free knowledge resource in human history. Today, we are more than a group of websites. We are a movement with values and a powerful vision: a world in which every single human being can freely share in the sum of all knowledge.
As a movement, we are starting a discussion to start defining the future role of Wikimedia in the world.
You are warmly invited to join the conversation.
Step 1: Learn more before you begin
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This document provides an initial overview of potential topics that may come up across various strategy conversations in terms of our movement and the future. It will be updated and improved as better information emerges from research and discussions. Here you can learn more about:
Step 2: Discuss our future
[edit source]The following discussion is closed.
This cycle of the discussion is now closed for analysis and sense-making. Please join us in May for the next cycle of discussions. |
One big question[edit source]Our goal as a movement is to identify a direction that aligns and inspires us all on our path to 2030. It will help us better organize and prioritize our activities across the movement, and it will be flexible enough that it applies broadly over time. The big question that we seek to answer is the following: | |
What do we want to build or achieve together over the next 15 years? | |
You may also:[edit source] |
Next steps: Synthesis and cycles of discussion
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The discussions will be continuously summarized and sorted by topic. The major points of discussion will be shared across wikis to make it easier to know what others are thinking across the movement. | |
We are currently in the first cycle of discussion. There will be two other cycles that you may join. In the next cycles, we will try to converge on the direction and focus areas by August 2017. |