World Stamp Catalogue/Moldova/2005

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2004 ---- Stamp Catalogue of Moldova 2005 ---- 2006


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April 2. Perf 14:141/2
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
505 Steam locomotive (ЭR).
506 Shunting railway engine (ЧМЭЗ).
507 Diesel train (Dl 777-3).
508 Highway railway engine (3ТЭ10М).

Saint Gheorghe Church. The Monastery Căpriana.

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May 6. Perf 141/2:14
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
509 Saint Gheorghe Church (1905). The Monastery Căpriana.

The 60th Anniversary from the Victory over the fascism.

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May 9. Perf 141/2:14
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
510 The erected monument in honor to the liberation of Moldova from the Fascist Occupation.

Europe 2005. Gastronomy.

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May 20. Perf 141/2:14
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
511 Corn mush, ewe’s cheese and scraps.
512 “Invârtită” (Specific Moldavian food) filled with cheese.

European Women’s Individual Chess Championship. Chişinău June 10-25, 2005.

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June 10. Perf 141/2:14
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
513 The emblem of the championship, as background a chess board.

Famous Personalities.

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July 1. Perf 14:141/2
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
514 Serghei Lunchevici 1934-1995, violinist and conductor of the folk orchestra “Fluieraş”.
515 Valeriu Cupcea 1929-1989, actor and theatre producer. Stared in the movies “Facing Love Alone”, “Musicians”, “Dimitrie Cantemir” etc.
516 Anton Rubinstein 1829-1894, Russian composer, conductor and pianist. Born in Basarabia (Ofatinţi)..

The 50th anniversary from the first stamp “Europe”.

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July 20. Perf 141/2:14
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
517 The map and the flag of the Republic of Moldova.
518 The image of the first stamp “Europe”, 1956.
550, 549
Miniature sheets 33

The image of the masterpiece „ Moldavian woman” (pottery), Anatol Siliţkii. The National Art Museum of Moldova.

Michel Catalogue Number 519, 518

World Summit on the Information Society. Tunisia. November 16-18, 2005.

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September 14. Perf 141/2:14
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
520 The logotype „World Summit on the Information Society. Tunisia. November 16-18, 2005.” The informational elements, as background Planet Earth.

2005. 10 years of the National passport system.

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September 16.
Image Description Notes
Miniature sheets 34

552 The image of the identity card of the citizen of the Republic of Moldova, of the identity card of non citizens and of the staying permit for the foreign citizens.
553 (MS 34) The image of the passport of the citizen of the Republic of Moldova and of the passport of a citizen without citizenship.
554 (MS 34) The image of the staying permit for the foreign citizens (temporary) and of the staying permit for non citizens (temporary).

Michel Catalogue Number 521-523

From the Red Book of the Republic of the Moldova. Fauna. Reptiles and Amphibians.

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September 29. Perf 14:141/2
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
524 European pond turtle, Emys orbicularis.
525 Palaearctic lizard, Eremias arguta.
526 Field frog, Pelobates fuscus.
527 Steppe viper, Vipera ursini.
556a, 558a
557a, 555a
Miniature sheets 35

From the Red Book of the Republic of the Moldova. Fauna. Reptiles and Amphibians.

Michel Catalogue Number 524-527

Saint Hierarchic Nicolae Church (1937). The Monastery Curchi.

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October 30. Perf 141/2:14
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
532 Saint Hierarchic Nicolae Church (1937). The Monastery Curchi.

Christmas. Anniversaries of Monasteries and Churches.

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December 19. Perf 14:141/2
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
533 Saint Hierarchic Nicolae Church, 1795. Făleşti.
534 The Monastery Vărzăreşti, 1420.

15 years of advertising edition “Makler”.

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January 20. Perf 14:141/2
Image Michel Catalogue Number Description Reference Notes
535 The image of the advertising edition “Makler”.
2004 ---- Stamp Catalogue of Moldova 2005 ---- 2006