World Stamp Catalogue/Soviet Union/1969
Here complete descriptions of 1969 USSR stamps are given.
Здесь приведены полные описания почтовых марок СССР 1969 года.
- All available images of 1969 USSR stamps are on the Wikimedia Commons:
- Все имеющиеся изображения почтовых марок СССР 1969 года находятся на Викискладе:
Stamps of the Soviet Union, 1969, all stamps
- You can also see standard images of 1969 USSR stamps on Wikimedia commons:
- Типовые изображения почтовых марок СССР 1969 года можно также посмотреть на Викискладе:
Каталог ЦФА (3001-4000)
- You can also see standard images of 1969 USSR stamps on Wikimedia commons:
Attention! The stamps are sorted by CPA (Central Philatelic Agency) catalog numbers, not by dates of their issue!
Внимание! Марки отсортированы по номерам каталога ЦФА, а не по дате выпуска!
The names of stamps and stamp series are made according to all used 7 catalogues[1][2][3][4][5][6][7].
Названия марок и серий марок составлены по всем используемым 7 каталогам.
Names of articles of Wikipedia are whenever possible used in names of stamps and series.
В названия марок и серий по возможности использованы названия статей Википедии.
Full descriptions / Полные описания
[edit | edit source]C - Commemorative stamp (Коммеморативная марка)
Size of images / Размер картинок:
size = 0-50 mm → 4·size px
size = 50-100 mm → 3·size + 50 px
size = 100-150 mm → 2·size + 150 px
size = 150-200 mm → size + 300 px
size ≥ 200 mm → 500 px
40 CPA ##3788-3792 (5) State Museum of Oriental Art, Moscow (Founded 1918.10.30)
[edit | edit source]Full design (Полное оформление).
See also short descriptions (см. также краткие описания)
State Museum of Oriental Art, Moscow (Founded 1918.10.30). Designer: Vasili Zavyalov. Type: commemorative. General text: “ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ МУЗЕЙ ИСКУССТВА НАРОДОВ ВОСТОКА”. National ornaments are on the left side of the stamps Perforation: comb 12:12½. Paper: coated. Print: offset. Size: 30 x 42 mm (25 x 37 mm)[8]. Sheet: 25 (5 x 5). Colour, face value and quantities: see the stamps Государственный музей искусства народов Востока в Москве (основан 30/X 1918). Художник Василий Васильевич Завьялов. Коммеморативные. Общий текст: «ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ МУЗЕЙ ИСКУССТВА НАРОДОВ ВОСТОКА». Национальные орнаменты на левой стороне марок. | ||
1969.09.03 | Numbers: SC 3711-3715; Liapine 3746-3750; Scott 3634-3638; Michel 3661-3665; SG 3723-3727; Yvert 3522-3526. Codes: Scott 1745 (1); Michel dzd-dzh (5), SG 1388 (1) | |
#1969.69-40.1 C![]() 30 x 42 mm |
Turkmenian Drinking Horn. Cult drinking horn rhyton (Turkmenian, 2nd-cent B. C.). Ivory. It is found in case of Nisa's excavation - the large city of the Parthian Empire. Local text: "РИТОН. ТУРКМЕНИЯ II ВЕК ДО Н.Э.". Colour: blue[4] and multicoloured. Face value: 4k. Quantities: 5,000,000 copies. Культовый кубок-рог, Туркмения. Культовый кубок-рог ритон (Туркмения, II век до н. э.). Слоновая кость. Найден при раскопках Нисы - крупного города Парфянского царства. Локальный текст: "РИТОН. ТУРКМЕНИЯ II ВЕК ДО Н.Э.". Синяя и многоцветная. |
CPA 3788 SC 3711 Liapine 3746 Scott 3634 (A1745) Michel 3661 (dzd) SG 3723 (1388) Yvert 3522 |
#1969.70-40.2 C![]() 30 x 42 mm |
Persian Simurgh Vessel. Simurgh vessel - giant anthropomorphic bird (Iran, 13th century). Ceramic, glaze. Local text: "СОСУД СИМУРГ. ИРАН XIII ВЕК". Colour: lilac[4] and multicoloured. Face value: 6k. Quantities: 4,500,000 copies. Сосуд Симург, Персия. Симург - сосуд в форме птицы с женским лицом (Иран, XIII век). Керамика, глазурь. Локальный текст: "СОСУД СИМУРГ. ИРАН XIII ВЕК". Сиреневая и многоцветная. |
CPA 3789 SC 3712 Liapine 3747 Scott 3635 (A1745) Michel 3662 (dze) SG 3724 Yvert 3523 |
#1969.71-40.3 C![]() 30 x 42 mm |
Head of Goddess Guanyin (Kannon), Korea. Guanyin (Kannon) - goddess of the Good and mercy (Korea, 8th century). Stone. Local text: "КАНЫМ. КОРЕЯ VIII ВЕК". Colour: red [4] and multicoloured. Face value: 12k. Quantities: 4,000,000 copies. Голова богини Гуаньинь (Каным), Корея. Гуаньинь (Каным) - богиня добра и милосердия (Корея, VIII век). Камень. Локальный текст: "КАНЫМ. КОРЕЯ VIII ВЕК". Красная и многоцветная. |
CPA 3790 |
#1969.72-40.4 C![]() 30 x 42 mm |
Bodhisattva Statuette, Tibet. Bodhisattva - goddess of happiness, the Good and mercy (Tibet, 7th century). Bronze. Local text: "БОДИСАТВА. ТИБЕТ VII ВЕК". Colour: blue, violet[4] and multicoloured. Face value: 12k. Quantities: 3,500,000 copies. Статуэтка Бодхисаттвы, Тибет. Бодхисаттва - богиня счастья, добра и милосердия (Тибет, VII век). Бронза. Локальный текст: "БОДИСАТВА. ТИБЕТ VII ВЕК". Синяя, фиолетовая и многоцветная. |
CPA 3791 SC 3714 Liapine 3749 Scott 3637 (A1745) Michel 3664 (dzg) SG 3726 Yvert 3525 |
#1969.73-40.5 C![]() 30 x 42 mm |
Ebisu Statuette, Japan. Ebisu - God of happiness and wealth (Japan, 17th century). Ivory. Local text: "ЭБИЗУ. ЯПОНИЯ XVII ВЕК". Colour: pale green[4] and multicoloured. Face value: 20k. Quantities: 3,000,000 copies. Статуэтка Эбису, Япония. Эбису - бог счастья и богатства (Япония, XVII век). Слоновая кость. Локальный текст: "ЭБИЗУ. ЯПОНИЯ XVII ВЕК". Бледнохзеленая и многоцветная. |
CPA 3792 SC 3715 Liapine 3750 Scott 3638 (A1745) Michel 3665 (dzh) SG 3727 Yvert 3526 |
Short descriptions / Краткие описания
[edit | edit source]Full design (Полное оформление).
C - Commemorative stamp (Коммеморативная марка)
Size of images: / Размер картинок:
size = 0-50 mm → 2·size px
size = 50-150 mm → size + 50 px
size ≥ 150 mm → 200 px
1 1969.01.01 (Belarus)
[edit | edit source]1 50th anniversary of the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic (Belarus) 1. 50-летие Белорусской Советской Социалистической Республики | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.1-1.1 C![]() 40 x 28 mm |
2k | Revolutionaries and Monument |
3720 | 3643 | 3678 | 3568 (A1709) | 3594 (dwg) | 3655 (1351) | 3460 |
#1969.2-1.2 C![]() 40 x 28 mm |
4k | Partisans and Sword |
3721 | 3644 | 3679 | 3569 (A1709) | 3595 (dwh) | 3656 | 3461 |
#1969.3-1.3 C![]() 40 x 28 mm |
6k | Workers and Orders of Lenin |
3722 | 3645 | 3680 | 3570 (A1709) | 3596 (dwi) | 3657 | 3462 |
2 1969.01.01 (Latvia)
[edit | edit source]2 50th Anniversary of Soviet Power in Latvia (December, 1918) (Latvia) 2. 50-летие со дня установления Советской власти в Латвии (декабрь 1918) | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.4-2.1 C![]() 30 x 42 mm |
4k | Russian and Latvian Shooters |
3723 | 3646 | 3681 | 3567 (A1708) | 3597 (dwk) | 3658 (1352) | 3463 |
3 1969.01.22 (1st Team Spaceflight)
[edit | edit source]3 1st Team Spaceflights of Soyuz 4 and Soyuz 5, 1/16/69. Sheet of 1 (1st Team Spaceflight) 3. Первая в мире экспериментальная космическая станция (Союз-4 и Союз-5). Почтовый блок | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.5-3.1 C![]() 94 x 68 mm |
50k | Vladimir Shatalov, Boris Volynov, Aleksei Yeliseyev and Yevgeny Khrunov Владимир Александрович Шаталов, Борис Валентинович Волынов, Алексей Станиславович Елисеев и Евгений Васильевич Хрунов |
3724 | Бл 57 (3647) | Блок 58 (3682) | 3571 (A1710) | Block 54 (3596) (dwm (dwl)) | MS3659 (1353) | Bloc 53 |
4 1969.01.23 (Saint Petersburg State University)
[edit | edit source]4 150th Anniversary of Andrei Zhdanov Leningrad University (Saint Petersburg State University) 4. 150-летие Ленинградского государственного университета имени А. А. Жданова | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.6-4.1 C![]() 42 x 30 mm |
10k | University Buildings | 3725 | 3648 | 3683 | 3572 (A1711) | 3599 (dwn) | 3660 (1354) | 3464 |
5 1969.02.13 (Ivan Klylov)
[edit | edit source]5 Birth Bicent of Ivan Klylov, Fabulist (1769?-1844) (Ivan Klylov) 5. 200-летие со дня рождения баснописца Ивана Андреевича Крылова (1769?-1844) | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.7-5.1 C![]() 30 x 42 mm |
4k | Ivan Klylov | 3726 | 3649 | 3684 | 3573 (A1712) | 3600 (dwo) | 3661 (1355) | 3465 |
6 1969.02.23 (Heroes of World War II)
[edit | edit source]6 Heroes of World War II (Heroes of World War II) Continuation of the series (CPA 2401-2402, 2547, 2591, 2663-2664, 2826-2827, 2828, 3002-3003, 3004-3005, 3148-3149, 3324-3326, 3462-3463, 3490, 3509, 3595-3597, 3727-3728, 3746, 3802, 3855-3856, 3976-3977) (33 stamps) 6. Герои Великой Отечественной войны. Продолжение серии | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.8-6.1 C![]() 30 x 42 mm |
4k | World War II Hero First Lieutenant of the Guard Aleksandr Kosmodemyansky | 3727 | 3650 | 3685 | 3575 (A1713) | 3602 (dwr) | 3663 | 3467 |
#1969.9-6.2 C![]() 30 x 42 mm |
4k | World War II Hero Political Commissar Nikolay Filchenkov | 3728 | 3651 | 3686 | 3574 (A1713) | 3601 (dwp) | 3662 (1356) | 3466 |
7 1969.03.21 (1st Hungarian Soviet Republic)
[edit | edit source]7 50th Anniversary of 1st Hungarian Soviet Republic (1919.03.21) (1st Hungarian Soviet Republic) 7. 50-летие провозглашения 1-й Венгерской Советской Республики (21/III 1919) | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.10-7.1 C![]() 37 x 37 mm |
6k | The Whell Turns Round Again | 3729 | 3652 | 3687 | 3576 (A1714) | 3603 (dws) | 3664 (1357) | 3468 |
8 1969.03.22 (Bashkir ASSR)
[edit | edit source]8 50th Anniversary of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (1919.03.23) (Bashkir ASSR) 8. 50-летие Башкирской Автономной Советской Социалистической Республики (23/III 1919) | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.11-8.1 C![]() 52 x 37 mm |
4k | Oil Refinery and Salawat Yulayev Monument | 3730 | 3653 | 3688 | 3577 (A1715) | 3604 (dwt) | 3665 (1358) | 3469 |
9 1969.04.12 (Cosmonautics Day)
[edit | edit source]9 National Cosmonautics Day (Cosmonautics Day) | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.12-9.1 C![]() 52 x 37 mm |
10k | Sergei Korolev | 3731 | 3654 | 3689 | 3578 (A1716) | 3606 (dwv) | 3668 | 3478 |
#1969.13-9.2 C![]() 37 x 52 mm |
10k | Vostok on Launching Pad | 3732 | 3655 | 3690 | 3580 (A1717) | 3605 (dwu) | 3666 (1359) | 3480 |
#1969.14-9.3 C![]() 52 x 37 mm |
10k | Zond 5 | 3733 | 3656 | 3691 | 3579 (A1716) | 3607 (dww) | 3667 | 3479 |
#1969.15-9.4 C![]() 90 x 65 mm |
80k | Soyuz 3 | 3734 | Бл 58 (3657) | Блок 59 (3692) | 3581 (A1716) | Block 55 (3608) (dwy(dwx)) | MS3669 | Bloc 54 |
10 1969.04.18-10.21 (Lenin's Places)
[edit | edit source]10 Places in the USSR Connected with Lenin (Lenin's Places) | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.16-10.1 C 1969.06.12 ![]() 40 x 28 mm |
4k | Lenin House, Ulyanovsk | 3735 | 3658 | 3702 | 3591 (A1718) | 3632 (dxy) | 3678 | 3477B |
#1969.17-10.2 C 1969.10.21 ![]() 40 x 28 mm |
4k | Lenin Museum, Ulyanovsk | 3736 | 3659 | 3701 | 3590 (A1718) | 3681 (dzz) | 3679 | 3477A |
#1969.18-10.3 C 1969.04.18 ![]() 40 x 28 mm |
4k | Lenin University, Kazan | 3737 | 3660 | 3693 | 3582 (A1718) | 3609 (dwz) | 3670 (1360) | 3472 |
#1969.19-10.4 C 1969.04.18 ![]() 40 x 28 mm |
4k | Lenin Museum, Samara | 3738 | 3661 | 3694 | 3583 (A1718a) | 3610 (dxa) | 3671 | 3475 |
#1969.20-10.5 C 1969.04.18 ![]() 40 x 28 mm |
4k | Lenin Museum, Shushenskoye | 3739 | 3662 | 3694 | 3585 (A1718c) | 3611 (dxb) | 3673 | 3477 |
#1969.21-10.6 C 1969.04.18 ![]() 40 x 28 mm |
4k | Lenin Museum, Pskov | 3740 | 3663 | 3695 | 3584 (A1718b) | 3612 (dxc) | 3672 | 3474 |
#1969.22-10.7 C 1969.04.18 ![]() 40 x 28 mm |
4k | Hay Hut, Razliv | 3741 | 3664 | 3696 | 3586 (A1718) | 3613 (dxd) | 3674 | 3476 |
#1969.23-10.8 C 1969.04.18 ![]() 40 x 28 mm |
4k | Smolny Institute, Saint Petersburg | 3742 | 3665 | 3697 | 3588 (A1718d) | 3614 (dxe) | 3676 | 3471 |
#1969.24-10.9 C 1969.04.18 ![]() 40 x 28 mm |
4k | Lenin’s Office in Kremlin, Moscow | 3743 | 3666 | 3698 | 3589 (A1718) | 3615 (dxf) | 3677 | 3470 |
#1969.25-10.10 C 1969.04.18 ![]() 40 x 28 mm |
4k | Lenin Museum, Gorki Leninskiye | 3744 | 3667 | 3699 | 3587 (A1718) | 3616 (dxg) | 3675 | 3473 |
11 1969.04.25 (VEF)
[edit | edit source]11 50th Anniversary of VEF Electrical Works, Riga (VEF) 11. 50-летие Рижского завода ВЭФ | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.26-11.1 C![]() 42 x 30 mm |
10k | Telephone, Radio Set and Trademark | 3745 | 3668 | 3703 | 3592 (A1719) | 3617 (dxh) | 3680 (1361) | 3481 |
12 1969.05.09 (Heroes of World War II)
[edit | edit source]12 Heroes of World War II. Czech Officer Otakar Jaroš (Heroes of World War II) Continuation of the series[5][9] (CPA 2401-2402, 2547, 2591, 2663-2664, 2826-2827, 2828, 3002-3003, 3004-3005, 3148-3149, 3324-3326, 3462-3463, 3490, 3509, 3595-3597, 3727-3728, 3746, 3802, 3855-3856, 3976-3977) (33 stamps) 12. Герои Великой Отечественной войны. Чешский офицер Отакар Ярош. Продолжение серии | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.27-12.1 C![]() 30 x 42 mm |
4k | World War II First Foreign Hero Otakar Jaroš | 3746 | 3669 | 3704 | 3575A (A1713) | 3618 (dxi) | 3682 (1363) | 3483 |
13 1969.05.09 (ILO)
[edit | edit source]13 50th Anniversary of the International Labor Organization (ILO) (ILO) 13. 50-летие Международной организации труда (МОТ) | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.28-13.1 C![]() 52 x 52 mm |
6k | ILO Emblem and Globe | 3747 | 3670 | 3705 | 3593 (A1720) | 3619 (dxk) | 3681 (1362) | 3482 |
14 1969.05.15 (Figures of the Communist Party and the Soviet State)
[edit | edit source]14 Figures of the Communist Party and the Soviet State (Figures of the Communist Party and the Soviet State) 14. Деятели Коммунистической партии и Советского государства. Продолжение серии | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.29-14.1 C![]() 26 x 37 mm |
4k | Stanislav Kosior | 3748 | 3671 | 3706 | 3516C (A1688) | 3626 (dxs) | 3684 | 3486 |
#1969.30-14.2 C![]() 26 x 37 mm |
4k | Pavlo Dybenko | 3749 | 3672 | 3707 | 3516B (A1688) | 3625 (dxr) | 3683 (1364) | 3485 |
15 1969.05.15 (Suleiman Stalsky)
[edit | edit source]15 Birth Centenary of Suleiman Stalsky (1869-1937), Lezgin poet-ashik from Daghestan (Suleiman Stalsky) 15. 100-летие со дня рождения лезгинского народного поэта-ашуга Дагестана Сулеймана Стальского (1869-1937) | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.31-15.1 C![]() 42 x 30 mm |
4k | Suleyman Stalsky | 3750 | 3673 | 3708 | 3595 (A1721) | 3627 (dxt) | 3685 (1365) | 3484 |
16 1969.05.15 (Moscow Botanical Garden)
[edit | edit source]16 Moscow Botanical Garden of Academy of Sciences (Moscow Botanical Garden) 16. Главный ботанический сад имени Н. В. Цицина РАН в Москве | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.32-16.1 C![]() 37 x 37 mm |
2k | Rose Clear Glade | 3751 | 3674 | 3709 | 3596 (A1722) | 3620 (dxl) | 3686 (1366) | 3487 |
#1969.33-16.2 C![]() 37 x 37 mm |
4k | Lily Slender | 3752 | 3675 | 3710 | 3597 (A1722) | 3621 (dxm) | 3687 | 3488 |
#1969.34-16.3 C![]() 37 x 37 mm |
10k | Cattleya hybrid (orchid) | 3753 | 3676 | 3711 | 3598 (A1722) | 3622 (dxn) | 3688 | 3489 |
#1969.35-16.4 C![]() 37 x 37 mm |
12k | Dahlia Leaves Fall | 3754 | 3677 | 3712 | 3599 (A1722) | 3623 (dxo) | 3689 | 3490 |
#1969.36-16.5 C![]() 37 x 37 mm |
14k | Gladiolus Ural Girl | 3755 | 3678 | 3713 | 3600 (A1722) | 3624 (dxp) | 3690 | 3491 |
17 1969.05.22 (Ukrainian Academy of Sciences)
[edit | edit source]17 50th Anniversary of Academy of Sciences of the UkrSSR, Kiev (Ukrainian Academy of Sciences) 17. 50-летие Академии наук Украинской ССР, Киев | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.37-17.1 C![]() 42 x 30 mm |
4k | Scientific Centre | 3756 | 3679 | 3714 | 3601 (A1723) | 3628 (dxu) | 3691 (1367) | 3492 |
18 1969.06.03 (Cinema Festival in Moscow)
[edit | edit source]18 6th Moscow International Film Festival (07-22.07) (Cinema Festival in Moscow) 18. VI Московский международный кинофестиваль (7-22/VII) | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.38-18.1 C![]() 37 x 52 mm |
6k | Film, Camera and Medal | 3757 | 3680 | 3715 | 3602 (A1724) | 3629 (dxv) | 3692 (1368) | 3493 |
19 1969.06.03 (Ballet Competitions in Moscow)
[edit | edit source]19 1st International Ballet Competitions in Moscow (11-23.06) (Ballet Competitions in Moscow) 19. I Международный конкурс артистов балета в Москве (11-23/VI) | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.39-19.1 C![]() 37 x 52 mm |
6k | Ballet Dancers | 3758 | 3681 | 3716 | 3603 (A1725) | 3630 (dxw) | 3693 | 3494 |
20 1969.06.10 (Protozoologists Congress)
[edit | edit source]20 3rd International Protozoologists Congress in Leningrad (02-10.07) (Protozoologists Congress) 20. III Международный конгресс протозоологов в Ленинграде (2-10/VII) | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.40-20.1 C![]() 28 x 40 mm |
6k | Radiolaria and It Division | 3759 | 3682 | 3717 | 3605 (A1726) | 3631 (dxx) | 3694 (1369) | 3495 |
21 1969.06.14 (Estonian Song Festival)
[edit | edit source]21 Centenary of Estonian Song Festival (Estonian Song Festival) 21. 100-летие эстонского праздника песни | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.41-21.1 C![]() 30 x 42 mm |
4k | Estonian Singer and Festival Emblem | 3760 | 3683 | 3718 | 3606 (A1727) | 3633 (dxz) | 3695 (1370) | 3496 |
22 1969.06.20 (Periodic Law)
[edit | edit source]22 Centenary of the Periodic Law (Classification of Chemacel Elements), Formulated by Dmitri Mendeleev (1834-1907) (Periodic Law) 22. 100-летие Периодического закона химических элементов Дмитрия Ивановича Менделеева (1834-1907) | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.42-22.1 C![]() 52 x 37 mm |
6k | Mendeleev and Formula | 3761 | 3684 | 3719 | 3607 (A1728) | 3634 (dya) | 3696 (1371) | 3501 |
#1969.43-22.2 C![]() 76 x 103 mm |
30k | Mendeleev and Periodic Law | 3762 | Бл 59 (3685) | Блок 60 (3720) | 3608 (A1728) | Block 56 (3635) (dyc(dyb)) | MS3697 (1371) | Bloc 55 |
23 1969.06.20 (World Peace Movement)
[edit | edit source]23 20th anniversary of the World Peace Movement (World Peace Movement) 23. 20-летие Всемирного движения за мир | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.44-23.1 C![]() 40 x 28 mm |
10k | Peace Banner and World Landmarks | 3763 | 3686 | 3721 | 3609 (A1729) | 3636 (dyd) | 3698 (1372) | 3497 |
24 1969.06.20 (Soviet Scientific Inventions)
[edit | edit source]24 20th anniversary of Soviet Scientific Inventions (Decree from 30.06.1919) (Soviet Scientific Inventions) 24. 50-летие советского изобретательства (декрет от 30/VI 1919) | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.45-24.1 C![]() 28 x 40 mm |
4k | Rocket on Laser Beam, and Moon | 3764 | 3687 | 3722 | 3610 (A1730) | 3637 (dye) | 3699 (1373) | 3500 |
25 1969.06.25 (Ivan Kotliarevsky)
[edit | edit source]25 Birth Bicentenary of Ivan Kotliarevsky, Ukrainian Writer (1769-1838) (Ivan Kotliarevsky) 25. 200-летие со дня рождения украинского писателя Ивана Петровича Котляревского (1769-1838) | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.46-25.1 C![]() 42 x 30 mm |
4k | Ivan Kotliarevsky | 3765 | 3688 | 3723 | 3611 (A1731) | 3638 (dyf) | 3700 (1374) | 3498 |
26 1969.06.25 (Ice Hockey)
[edit | edit source]26 Soviet Victory in the Ice Hockey World Championships, Stockholm, Sweden, 1969 (Ice Hockey) | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.47-26.1 C![]() 40 x 28 mm |
6k | 2835 Overprinted Стокгольм. 1969 | 3766 (2835) | 3689 (2739) | 3724 (2774) | 3612 (2717) (A1306) | 3639 (2732) | 3701 (2828) (1375) | 3499 (2645) |
27 1969.07.03 (Liberation of Byelorussia from Fascism Occupation)
[edit | edit source]27 25th Anniversary of the Liberation of Byelorussia from Fascism Occupation (1944, July) (Liberation of Byelorussia from Fascism Occupation) 27. 25-летие освобождения Белоруссии от фашистской оккупации (июль 1944) | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.48-27.1 C![]() 37 x 52 mm |
4k | Minsk Mound of Glory and Minsk Offensive Map | 3767 | 3690 | 3725 | 3613 (A1732) | 3640 (dyg) | 3702 (1376) | 3502 |
28 1969.07.10 (Polish People's Republic)
[edit | edit source]28 25th Anniversary of the Polish People's Republic (1944, July) (Polish People's Republic) 28. 25-летие Польской Народной Республики (июль 1944) | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.49-28.1 C![]() 32,5 x 32,5 mm |
6k | Polish Map, Flag and Arms | 3768 | 3691 | 3726 | 3614 (A1733) | 3642 (dyi) | 3704 | 3504 |
29 1969.07.10 (Bulgaria)
[edit | edit source]29 25th Anniversary of the Socialist Revolution in Bulgaria (1944, September) (Bulgaria) 29. 25-летие социалистической революции в Болгарии (сентябрь 1944) | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.50-29.1 C![]() 32,5 x 32,5 mm |
6k | Hands holding torch, flags of Bulgaria, USSR, Bulgarian arms | 3769 | 3692 | 3727 | 3615 (A1733) | 3641 (dyh) | 3703 (1377) | 3503 |
30 1969.07.15 (Mykolaiv)
[edit | edit source]30 25th Anniversary of the Liberation of Mykolaiv from the Germans (Mykolaiv) 30. 25-летие освобождения Николаева от фашистской окупации | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.51-30.1 C![]() 42 x 30 mm |
4k | Liberation Monument to 68 Heroes | 3770 | 3693 | 3728 | 3616 (A1734) | 3643 (dyk) | 3707 (1379) | 3507 |
31 1969.07.15 (Samarkand)
[edit | edit source]31 2500th Anniversary of Samarkand (Samarkand) 31. 2500-летие Самарканда | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.52-31.1 C![]() 37 x 52 mm |
4k | Registan Square | 3771 | 3694 | 3729 | 3617 (A1735) | 3644 (dyl) | 3705 (1378) | 3505 |
#1969.53-31.2 C![]() 37 x 52 mm |
6k | Intourist Hotel | 3772 | 3695 | 3730 | 3618 (A1735) | 3645 (dym) | 3706 | 3508 |
32 1969.07.20 (Mihály Munkácsy)
[edit | edit source]32 125th Birth Anniversary of Mihály Munkácsy (1844-1900), Hungarian painter (Mihály Munkácsy) 32. 125-летие со дня рождения венгерского художника Михая Мункачи (1844-1900) | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.54-32.1 C![]() 28 x 40 mm |
6k | Munkascy and “Woman Churning Butter” | 3773 | 3696 | 3731 | 3621 (A1737) | 3648 (dyp) | 3710 (1381) | 3510 |
33 1969.07.20 (Sport)
[edit | edit source]33 International Sporting Events (Sport) 33. Международные спортивные соревнования | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.55-33.1 C![]() 28 x 40 mm |
4k | Volleyball | 3774 | 3697 | 3732 | 3619 (A1736) | 3646 (dyn) | 3708 (1380) | 3508 |
#1969.56-33.2 C![]() 28 x 40 mm |
6k | Canoe Sprint | 3775 | 3698 | 3733 | 3620 (A1736) | 3647 (dyo) | 3709 | 3509 |
#1969.55H-33.1H C | ?k | Shooting Sport | --- | --- | H82 | --- | --- | --- | --- |
#1969.56H-33.2H C | ?k | Canoe Sprint and New Text | --- | --- | H83 | --- | --- | --- | --- |
34 1969.07.20 (First Cavalry Army)
[edit | edit source]34 50th Anniversary of First Cavalry Army (19.11.1919) (First Cavalry Army) 34. 50-летие Первой конной армии (19/XI 1919) | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.57-34.1 C![]() 52 x 37 mm |
4k | Tachanka (Grekov) | 3776 | 3699 | 3734 | 3623 (A1739) | 3650 (dys) | 3712 (1383) | 3512 |
35 1969.07.20 (Donetsk)
[edit | edit source]35 Centenary of Donetsk (the Donetsk coal basin) (Donetsk) 35. 100-летие Донецка (Донецкий угольный бассейн) | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.58-35.1 C![]() 28 x 40 mm |
4k | Miners' Statue, Donetsk | 3777 | 3700 | 3735 | 3622 (A1738) | 3649 (dyr) | 3711 (1382) | 3511 |
36 1969.08.03 (Ilya Repin)
[edit | edit source]36 125th Birth Anniversary of Ilya Repin, Painter (1844-1930) (Ilya Repin) 36. 125-летие со дня рождения Ильи Ефимовича Репина (1844-1930) | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.59-36.1 C![]() 52 x 37 mm |
4k | Barge Haulers on the Volga | 3778 | 3701 | 3736 | 3624 (A1740) | 3651 (dyt) | 3713 | 3513 |
#1969.60-36.2 C![]() 52 x 37 mm |
6k | Unexpected | 3779 | 3702 | 3737 | 3625 (A1740) | 3652 (dyu) | 3714 | 3514 |
#1969.61-36.3 C![]() 37 x 52 mm |
10k | Ilya Repin, Self-portrait | 3780 | 3703 | 3738 | 3626 (A1741) | 3653 (dyv) | 3715 (1384) | 3515 |
#1969.62-36.4 C![]() 52 x 37 mm |
12k | The Refusal of Confession | 3781 | 3704 | 3739 | 3627 (A1740) | 3654 (dyw) | 3716 | 3516 |
#1969.63-36.5 C![]() 52 x 37 mm |
16k | Reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks | 3782 | 3705 | 3740 | 3628 (A1740) | 3655 (dyx) | 3717 | 3517 |
37 1969.08.09 (Spartakiad)
[edit | edit source]37 9th Summar Soviet Trade Union Spartakiad, Moscow (Spartakiad) 37. IX летняя спартакиада профсоюзов СССР, Москва | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.64-37.1 C![]() 30 x 42 mm |
4k | Running | 3783 | 3706 | 3741 | 3629 (A1742) | 3656 (dyy) | 3718 (1385) | 3518 |
#1969.65-37.2 C![]() 30 x 42 mm |
10k | Gymnastics | 3784 | 3707 | 3742 | 3630 (A1742) | 3657 (dyz) | 3719 | 3519 |
![]() 70 x 95 mm |
20k | Running and Spartakiad Emblem | 3785 | Бл 60 (3708) | Блок 61 (3743) | 3631 (A1742) | Block 57 (3658) (dza(dyy)) | MS3720 (1385) | Bloc 56 (3518) |
38 1969.08.22 (Vladimir Komarov)
[edit | edit source]38 Birth Centenary of Vladimir Komarov, Russian Botanist and Geographer (1869-1945) (Vladimir Komarov) 38. 100-летие со дня рождения ботаника и географа Владимира Леонтьевича Комарова (1869-1945) | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.67-38.1 C![]() 26 x 37 mm |
4k | Vladimir Komarov | 3786 | 3709 | 3744 | 3632 (A1743) | 3659 (dzb) | 3721 (1386) | 3520 |
39 1969.09.01 (Hovhannes Tumanyan)
[edit | edit source]39 Birth Centenary of Hovhannes Tumanyan, Armenian Writer and Public Activist (1869-1923) (Hovhannes Tumanyan) 39. 100-летие со дня рождения армянского поэта и публициста Ованеса Туманяна (1869-1923) | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.68-39.1 C![]() 42 x 30 mm |
10k | Hovhannes Tumanyan | 3787 | 3710 | 3745 | 3633 (A1744) | 3660 (dzc) | 3722 (1387) | 3521 |
40 1969.09.03 (Museum of Oriental Art)
[edit | edit source]See also full design (См. также полное оформление)
40 State Museum of Oriental Art, Moscow (Founded in 1918) (Museum of Oriental Art) 40. Государственный музей искусства народов Востока в Москве (основан в 1918) | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.69-40.1 C![]() 30 x 42 mm |
4k | Turkmenian Drinking Horn | 3788 | 3711 | 3746 | 3634 (A1745) | 3661 (dzd) | 3723 (1388) | 3522 |
#1969.70-40.2 C![]() 30 x 42 mm |
6k | Persian Simurgh Vessel | 3789 | 3712 | 3747 | 3635 (A1745) | 3662 (dze) | 3724 | 3523 |
#1969.71-40.3 C![]() 30 x 42 mm |
12k | Head of Goddess Guanyin, Korea | 3790 | 3713 | 3748 | 3636 (A1745) | 3663 (dzf) | 3725 | 3524 |
#1969.72-40.4 C![]() 30 x 42 mm |
16k | Bodhisattva Statuette, Tibet | 3791 | 3714 | 3749 | 3637 (A1745) | 3664 (dzg) | 3726 | 3525 |
#1969.73-40.5 C![]() 30 x 42 mm |
20k | Ebisu Statuette, Japan | 3792 | 3715 | 3750 | 3638 (A1745) | 3665 (dzh) | 3727 | 3526 |
41 1969.09.10 (Mahatma Gandhi)
[edit | edit source]41 Birth Centenary of Mohandas Karamchand (Mahatma) Gandhi, Preeminent Leader of Indian Independence Movement (1869-1948) (Mahatma Gandhi) 41. 100-летие со дня рождения одного из руководителей и идеологов движения за независимость Индии Мохандаса Карамчанда (Махатмы) Ганди (1869-1948) | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.74-41.1 C![]() 30 x 42 mm |
6k | Mahatma Gandhi | 3793 | 3716 | 3751 | 3639 (A1746) | 3666 (dzi) | 3728 (1389) | 3527 |
42 1969.09.10 (Białowieża Forest)
[edit | edit source]42 Biosphere Reserve Białowieża Forest (Białowieża Forest) | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.75-42.1 C![]() 40 x 28 mm |
4k | Black Stork | 3794 | 3717 | 3752 | 3640 (A1747) | 3667 (dzk) | 3729 (1390) | 3528 |
#1969.76-42.2 C![]() 40 x 28 mm |
6k | Red Deer | 3795 | 3718 | 3753 | 3641 (A1747) | 3668 (dzl) | 3730 | 3529 |
#1969.77-42.3 C![]() 80 x 28 mm |
10k | European Bisons | 3796 | 3719 | 3754 | 3642 (A1747) | 3669 (dzm) | 3731 | 3530 |
#1969.78-42.4 C![]() 40 x 28 mm |
12k | Lynx | 3797 | 3720 | 3755 | 3643 (A1747) | 3670 (dzn) | 3732 | 3531 |
#1969.79-42.5 C![]() 40 x 28 mm |
16k | Wild Boar | 3798 | 3721 | 3756 | 3644 (A1747) | 3671 (dzo) | 3733 | 3532 |
43 1969.09.10 (Komitas)
[edit | edit source]43 Birth Centenary of Komitas, Armenian Composer (Soghomon Soghomonian, 1869-1935) (Komitas) 43. 100-летие со дня рождения армянского композитора Комитаса (Согомон Геворки Согомонян, 1869-1935) | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.80-43.1 C![]() 42 x 30 mm |
6k | Komitas and Rural Scene | 3799 | 3722 | 3757 | 3645 (A1748) | 3672 (dzp) | 3734 (1391) | 3533 |
44 1969.09.20 (Sergey Gritsevets)
[edit | edit source]44 60th Birth Anniversary of Fighter Pilot Major Sergey Gritsevets, Twice Recipient of the Honorary Title of Hero of the Soviet Union (1909-1939) (Sergey Gritsevets) 44. 60-летие со дня рождения дважды Героя Советского Союза майора летчика-истребителя Сергея Ивановича Грицевца (1909-1939) | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.81-44.1 C![]() 42 x 30 mm |
4k | Sergey Gritsevets and Fighter Planes | 3800 | 3723 | 3758 | 3647 (A1749) | 3673 (dzr) | 3735 (1392) | 3535 |
45 1969.09.20 (Partisans of World War II)
[edit | edit source]45 Partisans of Great Patriotic War 1941–1945, Heroes of the Soviet Union (Partisans of World War II) Continuation of the series 45. Партизаны Великой Отечественной войны 1941-1945 гг.— Герои Советского Союза. Продолжение серии | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.82-45.1 C![]() 42 x 30 mm |
4k | Komsomolets and Partisan Girl Lisa Chaikina | 3801 | 3724 | 3759 | 3646 (A1749) | 3674 (dzs) | 3737 | 3536 |
46 1969.09.20 (Heroes of World War II)
[edit | edit source]46 Heroes of World War II (Heroes of World War II) Continuation of the series[9] (CPA 2401-2402, 2547, 2591, 2663-2664, 2826-2827, 2828, 3002-3003, 3004-3005, 3148-3149, 3324-3326, 3462-3463, 3490, 3509, 3595-3597, 3727-3728, 3746, 3802, 3855-3856, 3976-3977) (33 stamps) 46. Герои Великой Отечественной войны. Продолжение серии | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.83-46.1 C![]() 40 x 28 mm |
4k | World War II Heroes Members of Kaunas Underground Committee of Komsomol Alfonsas Ceponis, Juozas Aleksonis and Hubertas Borisa | 3802 | 3725 | 3760 | 3648 (A1750) | 3675 (dzt) | 3736 | 3534 |
47 1969.09.26 (Ivan Pavlov)
[edit | edit source]47 120th Birth Anniversary of Russian Physiologist Academician Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936) (Ivan Pavlov) 47. 120-летие со дня рождения физиолога академика Ивана Петровича Павлова (1849-1936) | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.84-47.1 C![]() 28 x 40 mm |
4k | Ivan Pavlov | 3803 | 3726 | 3761 | 3649 (A1751) | 3676 (dzu) | 3738 (1393) | 3537 |
48 1969.10.03 (East Germany)
[edit | edit source]48 20th Anniversary of East Germany (07.10.1949) (East Germany) 48. 20-летие Германской Демократической Республики (7/X 1949) | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.85-48.1 C![]() 32.5 x 32.5 mm |
6k | East German Flag and Arms, TV Tower and Brandenburg Gate | 3804 | 3727 | 3762 | 3650 (A1752) | 3677 (dzv) | 3739 (1394) | 3538 |
49 1969.10.14 (Liberation of Ukraine from Fascism Occupation)
[edit | edit source]49 25th Anniversary of the Liberation of Ukraine from Fascism Occupation (1944, October) (Liberation of Ukraine from Fascism Occupation) 49. 25-летие освобождения Украины от фашистской оккупации (октябрь 1944) | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.86-49.1 C![]() 32.5 x 32.5 mm |
4k | Arms of Ukraine and Memorial | 3805 | 3728 | 3763 | 3653 (A1754) | 3678 (dzw) | 3741 (1396) | 3540 |
50 1969.10.14 (Aleksey Koltsov)
[edit | edit source]50 160th Birth Anniversary of Russian Poet Aleksey Koltsov (1809-1842) (Aleksey Koltsov) 50. 160-летие со дня рождения поэта Алексея Васильевича Кольцова (1809-1842) | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.87-50.1 C![]() 30 x 42 mm |
4k | Aleksey Koltsov | 3806 | 3729 | 3764 | 3652 (A1753) | 3679 (dzx) | 3740 (1395) | 3539 |
51 1969.10.21-11.06 (October Revolution)
[edit | edit source]51 52nd Anniversary of Great October Socialist Revolution (October Revolution) 51. 52-я годовщина Великой Октябрьской социалистической революции | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.88-51.1 C 1969.10.21 ![]() 37 x 37 mm |
4k | Kremlin, and Red banner, Stars, Hammer and Sickle | 3807 | 3730 | 3765 | 3654 (A1755) | 3680 (dzy) | 3742 (1397) | 3541 |
#1969.89-51.2 C 1969.11.06 ![]() 100 x 62 mm |
50k | Vladimir Lenin and Quotation | 3808 | Бл 61 (3731) | Блок 62 (3766) | 3660 (A1759) | Block 58 (3687) (eag(eaf)) | MS3743 | Bloc 57 |
52 1969.10.22 (Triple Space Flights)
[edit | edit source]52 Triple Space Flights the Space Ships Soyuz 6 (11-16.10), Soyuz 7 (12-17.10) and Soyuz 8 (13-18.10) (Triple Space Flights) 52. Групповой полет на космических кораблях "Союз-6" (11-16/X), "Союз-7" (12-17/X) и "Союз-8" (13-18/X) | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.90-52.1 C![]() 42 x 30 mm |
10k | Georgi Shonin and Valeri Kubasov (Soyuz 6) | 3809 | 3732 | 3767 | 3655 (A1756) | 3682 (eaa) | 3744 (1398) | 3542 |
#1969.91-52.2 C![]() 42 x 30 mm |
10k | Anatoly Filipchenko, Vladislav Volkov and Viktor Gorbatko (Soyuz 7) | 3810 | 3733 | 3768 | 3656 (A1756) | 3683 (eab) | 3745 | 3543 |
#1969.92-52.3 C![]() 42 x 30 mm |
10k | Vladimir Shatalov and Aleksei Yeliseyev (Soyuz 8) | 3811 | 3734 | 3769 | 3657 (A1756) | 3684 (eac) | 3746 | 3544 |
53 1969.10.25 (Philatelic Exhibition)
[edit | edit source]53 1st All Union Youth Philatelic Exhibition to Commemorate Lenin's Birth Centenary, Kiev (Philatelic Exhibition) 53. 1-я Всесоюзная юношеская филателистическая выставка в Киеве, посвященная 100-летию со дня рождения Ленина | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.93-53.1 C![]() 46 x 46 mm |
4k | Lenin when a Youth and Emblems | 3812 | 3735 | 3770 | 3658 (A1757) | 3685 (ead) | 3747 (1399) | 3545 |
54 1969.10.29 (Signal Corps)
[edit | edit source]54 50th Anniversary of Signal Corps of Russian Armed Forces (Signal Corps) 54. 50-летие российских войск связи | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.94-54.1 C![]() 28 x 40 mm |
4k | Corps Emblem on Red Star | 3813 | 3736 | 3771 | 3659 (A1758) | 3686 (eae) | 3748 (1400) | 3546 |
55 1969.11.18 (Congress of Kolkhoz Men)
[edit | edit source]55 3rd All Union Congress of Kolkhoz Men, Moscow (25-27.11.1969) (Congress of Kolkhoz Men) 55. III Всесоюзный съезд колхозников в Москве (25-27/XI 1969) | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.95-55.1 C![]() 42 x 30 mm |
4k | Cover of Rules of the Kolkhoz and Worker and Kolkhoz Woman | 3814 | 3737 | 3772 | 3661 (A1760) | 3688 (eah) | 3749 (1401) | 3547 |
56 1969.11.20 (Fairy Tales)
[edit | edit source]56 Russian Fairy Tales (Fairy Tales) 56. Русские народные сказки и сказочные мотивы в литературных произведениях | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.96-56.1 C![]() 39.5 x 54 mm |
4k | Vasilisa the Beautiful (Folk Tale) | 3815 | 3738 | 3773 | 3662 (A1761) | 3689 (eai) | 3750 (1402) | 3548 |
#1969.97-56.2 C![]() 39.5 x 54 mm |
10k | Marya Morevna (Folk Tale) | 3816 | 3739 | 3774 | 3663 (A1761) | 3690 (eak) | 3751 | 3549 |
#1969.98-56.3 C![]() 54 x 39 mm |
16k | The Tale of the Golden Cockerel (Pushkin) | 3817 | 3740 | 3775 | 3664 (A1761) | 3691 (eal) | 3752 | 3550 |
#1969.99-56.4 C![]() 39.5 x 54 mm |
20k | The Feather of Finist the Falcon (Folk Tale) | 3818 | 3741 | 3776 | 3665 (A1761) | 3692 (eam) | 3753 | 3551 |
#1969.100-56.5 C![]() 39.5 x 54 mm |
50k | The Tale of Tsar Saltan (Pushkin) | 3819 | 3742 | 3777 | 3666 (A1761) | 3693 (ean) | 3754 | 3552 |
57 1969.11.25-12.26 (Space)
[edit | edit source]57 Space Exploration (Space) 57. Освоение космоса | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.101-57.1 C 1969.11.25 ![]() 37 x 52 mm |
4k | USSR Emblems Dropped on Venus, Radio Telescope and Orbits | 3820 | 3743 | 3778 | 3667 (A1762) | 3694 (eao) | 3755 (1403) | 3553 |
#1969.102-57.2 C 1969.11.25 ![]() 37 x 52 mm |
6k | Space Probe, Space Capsule and Orbits | 3821 | 3744 | 3779 | 3668 (A1762) | 3695 (eap) | 3756 | 3554 |
#1969.103-57.3 C 1969.12.26 ![]() 37 x 52 mm |
10k | Colour Photograph of Earth | 3822 | 3745 | 3780 | 3682 (A1768) | 3709 (ebf) | 3757 | 3567 |
#1969.104-57.4 C 1969.12.26 ![]() 115 x 75 mm |
50k + 50k | 1 As CPA 3822. 2 Far Side of the Moon | 3823 | Бл 62 (3746, 3747) | Блок 63 (3781-3782) | 3683 (3683a, 3683b) (A1768, A1768) | Block 60 (3710, 3711) (ebi (ebg, ebh)) | MS3758 | Bloc 59 |
58 1969.11.30 (USSR-Afghanistan)
[edit | edit source]58 50th Anniversary of USSR-Afghanistan Diplomatic Relations (USSR-Afghanistan) 58. 50-летие установления дипломатических отношений между Советским Союзом и Афганистаном | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.105-58.1 C![]() 40 x 28 mm |
6k | Flags of USSR and Afghanistan | 3824 | 3748 | 3783 | 3669 (A1763) | 3696 (ear) | 3759 (1404) | 3555 |
59 1969.11.30 (Definitive Coil Stamp)
[edit | edit source]59 The Definitive Coil Stamp for Stamp Vending Machine (Definitive Coil Stamp) | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.106-59.1 C![]() 21.5 x 26 mm |
4k | Kremlin Red Star and USSR Arms | 3825 | 3749 | 3784 | 3670 (A1764) | 3697 (eas) | 3760 (1405) | 3556 |
60 1969.12.12 (Aircraft)
[edit | edit source]60 Glory to the Soviet Aircraft Builders! 30 Years of MiG Aircraft[5][6] (Aircraft) | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.107-60.1 C![]() 52 x 37 mm |
6k | MiG Jet and First MiG Fighter Aircraft. MiG Emblem | 3826 | 3750 | 3785 | 3671 (A1765) | 3698 (eat) | 3761 (1406) | 3557 |
61 1969.12.25-31 (Aviation)
[edit | edit source]61 Develoment of Soviet Civil Aviation (Aviation) 61. Развитие гражданской авиации в СССР | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.108-61.1 C 1969.12.25 ![]() 52 x 37 mm |
2k | Airplane Tupolev ANT-2, 1924. Icarus | 3827 | 3752 | 3787 | 3673 (A1767) | 3700 (eav) | 3763 (1408) | 3559 |
#1969.109-61.2 C 1969.12.25 ![]() 52 x 37 mm |
3k | Airplane Polikarpov Po-2 (U-2), 1927. Centaur | 3828 | 3753 | 3788 | 3674 (A1767) | 3701 (eaw) | 3764 | 3560 |
#1969.110-61.3 C 1969.12.25 ![]() 52 x 37 mm |
4k | Airplane Tupolev ANT-9, 1929. Mercury | 3829 | 3754 | 3789 | 3675 (A1767) | 3702 (eax) | 3765 | 3561 |
#1969.111-61.4 C 1969.12.25 ![]() 52 x 37 mm |
6k | Helicopter TsAGI 1-EA, 1930. Aurora | 3830 | 3755 | 3790 | 3676 (A1767) | 3703 (eay) | 3766 | 3562 |
#1969.112-61.5 C 1969.12.25 ![]() 52 x 37 mm |
10k | Airplane Tupolev ANT-20 Maxim Gorky, 1934. Atlas | 3831 | 3756 | 3791 | 3677 (A1767) | 3704 (eaz) | 3767 | 3563 |
#1969.113-61.6 C 1969.12.25 ![]() 52 x 37 mm |
12k | Airplane Tupolev Tu-104, 1955. Pegasus | 3832 | 3757 | 3792 | 3678 (A1767) | 3705 (eba) | 3768 | 3564 |
#1969.114-61.7 C 1969.12.31[5] ![]() 52 x 37 mm |
16k | Helicopter Mil Mi-10, 1965. Visualization of Constellation Leo | 3833 | 3758 | 3793 | 3679 (A1767) | 3706 (ebb) | 3769 | 3565 |
#1969.115-61.8 C 1969.12.25 ![]() 52 x 37 mm |
20k | Turbojet Transcontinental Airliner Ilyushin Il-62, 1962. Visualization of Constellation Sagittarius | 3834 | 3759 | 3794 | 3680 (A1767) | 3707 (ebc) | 3770 | 3566 |
#1969.116-61.9 C 1969.12.25 ![]() 91 x 66 mm |
50k | Supersonic Transport Aircraft Tupolev Tu-144, 1968. Signs of the Zodiac | 3835 | Бл 63 (3760) | Блок 64 (3795) | 3681 (A1767) | Block 59 (3708) (ebe(ebd)) | MS3771 | Bloc 58 |
62 1969.12.25 (New Year)
[edit | edit source]62 Happy New Year 1970, Birth Centenary of Vladimir Lenin (New Year) 62. С Новым годом 1970 - годом столетия со дня рождения Владимира Ильича Ленина! | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.117-62.1 C![]() 37 x 37 mm |
4k | Lenin on Red Flag | 3836 | 3751 | 3786 | 3672 (A1766) | 3699 (eau) | 3762 (1407) | 3558 |
63 1969.12.26 (Sport)
[edit | edit source]63 Technical Sports (Sport) 63. Технические виды спорта | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.118-63.1 C![]() 52 x 37 mm |
3k | Model Aircraft | 3837 | 3761 | 3796 | 3684 (A1769) | 3712 (ebk) | 3772 (1409) | 3568 |
#1969.119-63.2 C![]() 52 x 37 mm |
4k | Speed Boat Racing | 3838 | 3762 | 3797 | 3685 (A1769) | 3713 (ebl) | 3773 | 3569 |
#1969.120-63.3 C![]() 52 x 37 mm |
6k | Parachuting | 3839 | 3763 | 3798 | 3686 (A1769) | 3714 (ebm) | 3774 | 3570 |
64 1969.12.31 (Liberation of Byelorussia from Fascism Occupation)
[edit | edit source]64 25th Anniversary of the Liberation of Romania from Fascism Occupation (1944, July) (Liberation of Byelorussia from Fascism Occupation) 64. 25-летие освобождения Румынии от фашистской оккупации (август 1944) | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.121-64.1 C![]() 32.5 x 32.5 mm |
6k | Romanian Arms and Soviet War Memorial in Bucharest | 3840 | 3764 | 3799 | 3687 (A1770) | 3615 (ebn) | 3775 (1410) | 3571 |
65 1969.12.31 (Ostankino Tower)
[edit | edit source]65 Ostankino Television and Radio Tower, Moscow (Ostankino Tower) | |||||||||
# | Vol. | Short description | CPA | SC | Liapine | Scott | Michel | SG | Yvert |
#1969.122-65.1 C![]() 32.5 x 65 mm |
10k | Ostankino Tower | 3841 | 3765 | 3800 | 3688 (A1771) | 3616 (ebo) | 3776 (1411) | 3572 |
Sources / Источники
[edit | edit source]- ↑ Stamps of USSR. 1918-1980. 2 volums. Editor M. I. Spivak. / Каталог почтовых марок СССР. 1918-1980. В 2 томах. Ред. М. И. Спивак. М.: ЦФА "Союзпечать" Минсвязи СССР, 1983.
- ↑ Zagorsky, Valeriy. "Standard Collection". / Валерий Загорский. Стандарт-коллекция. Retrieved 2015-01-05.
- ↑ Liapine, Viktor. Catalog of stamps of Russia (1856-1991). 2008. / Ляпин Виктор. Каталог почтовых марок России (1856-1991). М.: Издатель И. В. Балабанов, 2008.
- ↑ a b c d e f g Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue. 2009. Volume 5 P-SL. Amos Press Inc., 2009. / Каталог Скотт за 2009 год. Том 5 P-SL.
- ↑ a b c d e Michel. Europa-Katalog. Band 7. 2009/2010. Osteuropa. Schwaneberger Verlag GMBH, 2009. / Каталог Михель за 2009/2010 год. 7-я книга из 7 книг Европы. Представлена восточная Европа.
- ↑ a b Stanley Gibbons. Simplified Catalogue. Stamps of the World. 2006. Volume 4. Countries N-R. 71st Edition. Stanley Gibbons Ltd., 2005. / Стэнли Гиббонс. Упрощенный каталог. Марки мира. 2006. Том 4. Страны Н-Р. 71-я редакция. Stanley Gibbons Ltd., 2005.
- ↑ Yvert et Tellier. 1980. Tome 2. Timbres d'Europe. / Каталог "Ивер и Телье". 1980. Том 2. Почтовые марки Европы.
- ↑ Natural research. / Натуральное изучение.
- ↑ a b V. U. Soloviov. Stamps of Russia and USSR / Почтовые марки России и СССР. Специализированный каталог. Том 5. СССР 1961-1991. Под ред. В. Ю. Соловьева. 2009/10. М.: ИздАТ, 2009.