World Stamp Catalogue/Vietnam/1977

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Việt Nam bưu chính

1976 ---- Stamp Catalogue of Vietnam 1977 ---- 1978
VNC 951-1007 (57)

Attention! The stamps are sorted by Viet Nam Code.

1 (321) VNC 951-958 (8) Dragonflies

[edit | edit source]
Dragonflies. 1977.01.28. Damselflies VNC 951-953 and dragonflies VNC 954-958. The stamps with the name of insects in the Vietnamese language only. Designer: Mr. Do Viet Tuan.
Multicoloured. Line 12. Offset printing. Size: 44 x 34.5 mm. Sheet: 5 x 5. Printer: USSR
Chuồn chuồn. Họa sỹ thiết kế: Đỗ Việt Tuấn
Стрекозы. Худ. Вьет Туан
Variants: imperforate
1977.01.28 VNC 951-958 Scott 856-863 Mich. 890-897 Gibb. 127-134 Yvert 32-39
External Media

Tiger dragonfly

Tiger dragonfly (Club-tailed Dragonfly) (Ictinogomphus clavatus Fabricius) (Ho). On an ocherous background. Face value: 12xu
Chuồn chuồn hổ
Тигровая стрекоза

VNC 951
Scott 856 Mich. 890 Gibb. 127 Yvert 32

External Media

Storm dragonfly

Storm dragonfly (Scarlet skimmer) (Crocothemis servilia Drury, 1770) (Bao). On a sky blue background. Face value: 12xu
Chuồn chuồn bão
Ураганная стрекоза

VNC 952
Scott 857 Mich. 891 Gibb. 128 Yvert 33

External Media

Spotted dragonfly

Spotted dragonfly (Rhinocypha fenestrella Rambur, 1842) (Canh dom). On an yellow-green background. Face value: 20xu
Chuồn chuồn cánh đốm
Мелкопятнистая стрекоза

VNC 953
Scott 858 Mich. 892 Gibb. 129 Yvert 34

External Media

Hill dragonfly

Hill dragonfly (Pied Paddy Skimmer) (Neurothemis tullia Drury, 1773) (Nuong). On a pink background. Face value: 30xu
Chuồn chuồn nương
Обитательница рисовых полей в горных районах

VNC 954
Scott 859 Mich. 893 Gibb. 130 Yvert 35

External Media

Stream dragonfly

Stream dragonfly (Neurobasis chinensis Linnaeus, 1758) (Suoi). On an orange background. Face value: 40xu
Chuồn chuồn suối
Родниковая стрекоза

VNC 955
Scott 860 Mich. 894 Gibb. 131 Yvert 36

External Media

Yellow wing dragonfly

Yellow wing dragonfly (Neurothemis fulvia Drury, 1773) (Canh vang). On a green background. Face value: 50xu
Chuồn chuồn cánh vàng
Золотокрылая стрекоза

VNC 956
Scott 861 Mich. 895 Gibb. 132 Yvert 37

External Media

Brightly coloured dragonfly

Brightly coloured dragonfly (Common Picture Wing) (Rhyothemis variegata Linnaeus, 1763) (Canh khoang). On a lilac-pink background. Face value: 60xu
Chuồn chuồn cánh khoang
Крупнопятнистая стрекоза

VNC 957
Scott 862 Mich. 896 Gibb. 133 Yvert 38

External Media

Black wing dragonfly

Black wing dragonfly (Rhyothemis fuliginosa Selys, 1883) (Canh khoang). On an yellow background. Face value: 1dong
Chuồn chuồn cánh đen
Чернокрылая стрекоза

VNC 958
Scott 863 Mich. 897 Gibb. 134 Yvert 39

External links

4 (324) VNC 971-978 (8) Capricorn (Longhorn) Beetles

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Capricorn (Longhorn) Beetles. 1977.06.15. The stamps with the name of insects in the Vietnamese language only. Designer: Mr. Le Toan.
Multicoloured. Line 12½ x 12. Ungummed paper. Offset printing. Size: 44 x 34.5 mm. Sheet: 5 x 5. Printer: USSR
Họ Xén tóc. Họa sỹ thiết kế: Lê Toàn
Жуки-дровосеки (усачи). Худ. Ле Тоан
Variants: imperforate
1977.06.15 VNC 971-978 Scott 876-883 Mich. 910-917 Gibb. 147-154
External Media

Black-spotted Capricorn beetle

Black-spotted capricorn beetle (Anoplophora bowringii White, 1858) (Citrus (orange) trunk borer (Anoplophora versteegi Ritsema, 1881)) (Dom den). Face value: 12xu
Xén tóc đớm đen
Яванский цитрусовый усач (Черноточечный усач)

VNC 971
Scott 876 Mich. 910 Gibb. 147

External Media

Yellow-spotted capricorn beetle

Yellow-spotted capricorn beetle (Anoplophora horsfieldi Hope, 1842) (Lang vang). Face value: 12xu
Xén tóc lang vàng
Золотопятнистый усач

VNC 972
Scott 877 Mich. 911 Gibb. 148

External Media

Veined capricorn beetle

Veined capricorn beetle (Aphrodisium griffithi Hope, 1839) (Van gach). Face value: 20xu
Xén tóc vân gach
Полосатый (тигровый) усач

VNC 973
Scott 878 Mich. 912 Gibb. 149

External Media

Green capricorn beetle

Green capricorn beetle (Musk beetle) (Aphrodisium faldermanni Saunders, 1850) (Nhung xanh). Face value: 30xu
Xén tóc nhung xanh
Бархатисто-зеленый усач

VNC 974
Scott 879 Mich. 913 Gibb. 150

External Media

Green-spotted capricorn beetle

Green-spotted capricorn beetle (Anoplophora tonkinea Breuning, 1943) (Calloplophora tonkinea) (Hoa xanh). Face value: 40xu
Xén tóc hoa xanh
Зеленопятнистый усач

VNC 975
Scott 880 Mich. 914 Gibb. 151

External Media

Black paste coloured capricorn beetle

Black paste coloured capricorn beetle (Thysia wallacei) (Van den). Face value: 50xu
Xén tóc vằn đen
Чернополосый усач

VNC 976
Scott 881 Mich. 915 Gibb. 152

External Media

Leopard skin-like capricorn beetle

Leopard skin-like capricorn beetle (Aristobia approximator James Thomson, 1865) (Da bao). Face value: 60xu
Xén tóc da báo

VNC 977
Scott 882 Mich. 916 Gibb. 153

External Media

Nine-spotted capricorn beetle

Nine-spotted capricorn beetle (Batocera rubus Linnaeus, 1758) (Chin cham). Face value: 1dong
Xén tóc chín chấm
Девятиточечный усач

VNC 978
Scott 883 Mich. 917 Gibb. 154