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World of Warcraft/Priest

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Priests: Lifeblood to the party, or Death sentence to the enemy

This brief summary was not created by someone with a priest over level 30, and some of this information may be incorrect. Also, this is written pre-patch 1.10, so this will need editing afterwards

Priests are the major support class in World of Warcraft. They have the strongest, most mana efficient heals, and one of the most wanted buffs in the game. However, priests are not all support, as they can dish out some major pain via shadow and mind spells.

Priest talent trees: an overview Priest talents are separated into the following trees:

Discipline-This tree is a middle ground tree. It has many talents and abilities that help both sides in combat, including additional buffs, interruption-preventing abilities, and damage boosts.

Holy-The holy tree focuses on healing your allies. Although there are some battle talents, many holy priests do not take them. (This not including the upcoming 1.10 patch for priests)

Shadow-The shadow tree focuses on direct damage to your opponents. While disliked by many players for their lack of healing ability, shadow priests can have some decent AoE heals via Vampiric Embrace. This is often considered the best way to quickly level as a priest, because your damage spells will be increased, and you will receive a spell called Mind Flay, the single most mana efficient damage spell in a Priest's arsenal.