Writing Adolescent Fiction/Character names/English
Usage note
[edit | edit source]People in England use English first names, but also the occasional Welsh (Evan), Scottish (Craig), Irish (Sean) or Cornish (Jennifer) borrowing. These first names are used in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the United States and South Africa. Your native English characters in Britain will have English surnames, and English surnames will also be the predominant surname stock for characters in Australia and New Zealand, and, to a lesser extent, Canada.
Claire, Clare, Klayre, Clayre, Klair, Clair, Klayr and other spelling variations were immensely popular in the U.K. and Ireland in the 1970's and 1980's.
Girls' names
[edit | edit source]- Abbie
- Abby
- Abigail
- Ada
- Addison
- Adelaide
- Adele
- Adeline
- Adora
- Adriana
- Ælfgifu
- Æthelburh
- Agatha
- Agnes
- Aileen
- Ainsley
- Alaina
- Alanna
- Alberta
- Albina
- Alda
- Aleana
- Aletha
- Alex
- Alexa
- Alexandra
- Alexandria
- Alexis
- Alice
- Alicia
- Alisha
- Alison
- Allyson
- Alma
- Alodie
- Althea
- Alvina
- Alyson
- Alyssa
- Amanda
- Amber
- Amberley
- Amelia
- Amy
- Ana
- Anastasia
- Andrea
- Andrée
- Andy
- Angel
- Angela
- Angelica
- Angelina
- Angella
- Angie
- Ann
- Anna
- Annabelle
- Annabeth
- Anne
- Annette
- Annie
- Antonia
- April
- Arabella
- Araminta
- Arda
- Arden
- Ariana
- Ariel
- Arlen
- Arya
- Ashley
- Astrid
- Aubree
- Aubrey
- Audra
- Audrey
- Aurora
- Autumn
- Ava
- Avena
- Averil
- Avery
- Avis
- Azalea
- Babette
- Barb
- Barbara
- Beatrice
- Beatrix
- Beau
- Becca
- Becki
- Becky
- Belinda
- Bella
- Belle
- Berenice
- Bernadette
- Bertha
- Beryl
- Betsy
- Bettina
- Betty
- Beverly
- Bianca
- Binny
- Bliss
- Blair
- Blake
- Blanche
- Bobbi
- Bobby
- Bonnie
- Braden
- Brandy
- Brenda
- Brenna
- Brianna
- Bridget
- Brielle
- Brilliana
- Britannia
- Brittany
- Bronwyn
- Brooke
- Brooklyn
- Brynlee
- Bryony
- Caitlin
- Camilla
- Carlene
- Carly
- Carol
- Caroline
- Carolyn
- Cassidy
- Catherine
- Cecily
- Celestine
- Chantelle
- Charlotte
- Chloe
- Christine
- Cicely
- Cinderella
- Claire
- Clara
- Clare
- Clarissa
- Clemency
- Clementine
- Constance
- Courtney
- Crispina
- Cynthia
- Daenerys
- Dahlia
- Daisy
- Dana
- Dani
- Danielle
- Danna
- Daphne
- Darla
- Darlene
- Davina
- Dawn
- Deanna
- Deanne
- Deb
- Debbie
- Deborah
- Dede
- Deja
- Delaney
- Delia
- Della
- Delsie
- Demetria
- Demi
- Denise
- Destiny
- Devon
- Diamond
- Diana
- Diane
- Dimity
- Donna
- Dora
- Doreen
- Doris
- Dorothy
- Dottie
- Drew
- Dulcie
- Edith
- Edna
- Edwina
- Eglantine
- Elda
- Eliza
- Elizabeth
- Ella
- Ellen
- Ellery
- Elsie
- Emeline
- Emery
- Emily
- Emma
- Ernestine
- Essie
- Estella
- Ethel
- Eugenia
- Eugenie
- Eva
- Eve
- Eveline
- Evelyn
- Faith
- Felicity
- Fiona
- Flora
- Florence
- Frances
- Frideswide (Friday)
- Gemma
- Genevieve
- Georgene
- Georgia
- Georgiana
- Georgie
- Georgina
- Geraldine
- Gertie
- Gertrude
- Gia
- Gillian
- Gina
- Ginny
- Giselle
- Gladys
- Glenda
- Glenna
- Gloria
- Gloriana
- Glynis
- Goldie
- Grace
- Gwen
- Gwenda
- Gwendolen
- Gwendoline
- Gwendolyn
- Gwyneth
- Hadley
- Hailey
- Hannah
- Harriet
- Hayley
- Helen
- Henrietta
- Hereswith
- Hester
- Honor
- Hyacinth
- Ida
- Imogen
- Iona
- Irene
- Isabella
- Isabelle
- Jacqueline
- Jacquetta
- Jane
- Janet
- Janice
- Jasmine
- Jazmyn
- Jean
- Jemima
- Jemma
- Jenny
- Jennelyn
- Jessamine
- Jessamy
- Jessamyn
- Jessica
- Joan
- Joanna
- Jocelyn
- Jodie
- Johanna
- Jolene
- Joselyn
- Josephine
- Judith
- Julia
- Julie
- June
- Kailey
- Kalla
- Kara
- Karen
- Karin
- Karlee
- Karlene
- Karli
- Karlie
- Karly
- Karolyn
- Karrie
- Karyn
- Karyne
- Kasey
- Kate
- Katey
- Katherine
- Kathleen
- Kathryn
- Kathy
- Katie
- Katina
- Katrina
- Katy
- Kay
- Kayla
- Kaylee
- Kelly
- Kelsey
- Kendall
- Kerry
- Kierra
- Kim
- Kimberly
- Kira
- Kirsteen
- Kirstin
- Kirsty
- Kitty
- Krista
- Kristen
- Kristi
- Kristin
- Kristine
- Kristy
- Kylie
- Kyra
- Laura
- Lauren
- Lauryn
- Lavinia
- Leah
- Leanne
- Lena
- Leslie
- Lilian
- Lily
- Lindsay
- Lindsey
- Linnea
- Louisa
- Louise
- Lucia
- Lucretia
- Lucy
- Lydia
- Lynsey
- Mabel
- Mable
- Macy
- Maddie
- Madelaine
- Madeleine
- Madeline
- Madelyn
- Madge
- Madison
- Madonna
- Mae
- Maggie
- Magnolia
- Mallory
- Mandy
- Mara
- Marcia
- Marcie
- Margaret
- Margie
- Margo
- Maria
- Mariah
- Marian
- Marianne
- Marie
- Marigold
- Marilyn
- Marina
- Marissa
- Marjorie
- Marlene
- Marsha
- Marta
- Martha
- Martina
- Mary
- Mary Belle
- Mason
- Matilda
- Maud
- Maude
- Maura
- Maureen
- Mavis
- Maxine
- May
- Maya
- Mayola
- McKenna
- Meara
- Medea
- Megan
- Meghan
- Mehitable
- Mel
- Melanie
- Melina
- Melinda
- Melissa
- Melody
- Mercedes
- Meredith
- Merilyn
- Merle
- Merrilyn
- Mia
- Micah
- Michele
- Michelle
- Mila
- Mildred
- Miley
- Milli
- Millicent
- Millie
- Mina
- Mindi
- Mindy
- Minnie
- Mira
- Miranda
- Miriam
- Misty
- Moira
- Molly
- Morgan
- Muriel
- Myra
- Myrna
- Myrtle
- Nellie
- Nicola
- Nigella
- Nora
- Norma
- Odette
- Olive
- Olivia
- Opal
- Ophelia
- Orpha
- Paddy
- Page
- Paige
- Palmer
- Pamela
- Paris
- Patience
- Patrice
- Patricia
- Patsy
- Patty
- Paula
- Paulina
- Pauline
- Pearl
- Peggy
- Penelope
- Penny
- Pepper
- Perry
- Persis
- Petra
- Petrina
- Petronilla
- Petula
- Petunia
- Peyton
- Philippa
- Phoebe
- Phyllis
- Pippa
- Pixie
- Polyxena
- Poppy
- Portia
- Posy
- Precious
- Primrose
- Priscilla
- Quendrida
- Rachel
- Radclyffe
- Rain
- Raleigh
- Ramona
- Randy
- Reba
- Rebecca
- Regina (Queenie)
- Renesmee
- Rhiannon
- Rhoda
- Rhonda
- Riley
- Risa
- Rita
- Roberta
- Robin
- Romilda
- Ronnie
- Rosalie
- Rosalind
- Rosalyn
- Rosamond
- Rosamund
- Rose
- Rosemary
- Rosie
- Rowan
- Rowena
- Ruby
- Russi
- Ruth
- Sally
- Salviann
- Samantha
- Sarah
- Sharon
- Sheila
- Shelby
- Sheryl
- Shirley
- Sibyl
- Skye
- Sophia
- Sophie
- Sophronia
- Susan
- Sybil
- Tabitha
- Teresa (Terri)
- Theresa (Terri)
- Thomasin
- Thomasina
- Tracey
- Unity
- Vanessa
- Vera
- Vicki
- Victoria
- Vinnette
- Violet
- Virginia
- Vivian
- Wanda
- Warburg
- Waverly
- Wednesday
- Wendy
- Whitney
- Willa
- Willow
- Wilma
- Winfred
- Winifred
- Winnie
- Winnifred
- Yancy
- Yasmin
- Yvette
- Yvonne
- Zelda
- Zoe
- Zoey
Boys' names
[edit | edit source]- Aaron
- Ab
- Abe
- Abel
- Abner
- Abraham
- Absalom
- Ace
- Adam
- Addison
- Adel
- Adger
- Adlai
- Adolf
- Adrian
- Adrien
- Ælfweard
- Aidan
- Aiden
- Aidin
- Al
- Alan
- Albert
- Albon
- Aldred
- Alec
- Alex
- Alexander
- Alexis
- Alfred
- Algernon
- Alison
- Alistair/Alistaire
- Allan
- Allen
- Alton
- Alvin
- Amadeus
- Ambrose
- Amias
- Amyas
- Andrew
- Andy
- Angus
- Anselm
- Anthony
- Antony
- Archibald
- Archie
- Arliss
- Arlo
- Armand
- Armistead
- Arnaut
- Arnie
- Arnold
- Art
- Arthur
- Ash
- Asher
- Ashley
- Ashton
- Aubrey
- August
- Augustine
- Austen
- Austin
- Aylmer
- Baden
- Badgett
- Bardila
- Bardulph
- Barnaby
- Baron
- Barry
- Bart
- Bartholomew
- Barton
- Basil
- Bayard
- Beau
- Ben
- Benedict
- Benjamin
- Bernard
- Benn
- Bert
- Blair
- Boniface
- Braden
- Bradley
- Bruno
- Casper
- Cecil
- Cedric
- Charles
- Chester
- Christian
- Christopher
- Clarence
- Claude
- Clement
- Cleve
- Clifford
- Clive
- Colin
- Crispin
- Curtis
- Cyril
- Dalton
- Damian
- Daniel
- D’Arcy
- Darren
- David
- Denis
- Derek
- Dermot
- Dermott
- Desmond
- Dickie
- Donald
- Douglas
- Dudley
- Duke
- Dylan
- Earl
- Edmund
- Edward
- Edwin
- Ellery
- Elton
- Emmett
- Eric
- Ernest
- Essex
- Ethan
- Ethelred
- Eugene
- Everard
- Fabian
- Felix
- Florian
- Francis
- Frank
- Frederick
- Gareth
- Garret
- Gary
- Gavin
- Geoffrey (Geoff)
- George
- Gerald
- Gerard
- Giles
- Glanard
- Godfrey
- Gordon
- Graham
- Gregory
- Grimbald
- Guy
- Hadrian
- Hampton
- Harold
- Harry
- Harvey
- Henry
- Herbert
- Hiram
- Howard
- Hubert
- Hugh
- Hugo
- Humphrey
- Ian
- Ignatius
- Irving
- Ivor
- Jack
- James
- Jasper
- Jennings
- Jeremy
- Jeren
- Jesse
- Joab
- John
- Jonathan
- Joseph
- Joshua
- Julian
- Keith
- Kenneth
- Kit
- Lambert
- Latimer
- Laurence
- Lawrence
- L-bert
- Lee
- Leonard
- Leopold
- Leslie
- Lester
- Levill
- Lewis
- Liam
- Linus
- Lionel
- Lloyd
- L-nard
- Lucas
- Lucian
- Mac
- Maddox
- Madison
- Mainard
- Malachi
- Malcolm
- Mandy
- Manuel
- Marcus
- Mario
- Mark
- Markus
- Marmaduke
- Marquise
- Marshall
- Martin
- Marvin
- Mason
- Mat
- Matt
- Matthew
- Matthias
- Maurice
- Maverick
- Max
- Maximillian
- Maxwell
- Maynard
- Mel
- Melton
- Melville
- Melvin
- Mervyn
- Merle
- Merlin
- Micah
- Michael
- Mickey
- Mike
- Mikee
- Mikey
- Miles
- Mills
- Milo
- Milton
- Milward
- Mitch
- Mitchell
- Moe
- Montgomery
- Montie
- Monty
- Morgan
- Mort
- Mortimer
- Morty
- Moses
- Murray
- Myles
- Myron
- Nathan
- Neil
- Neville
- Nicholas
- Nigel
- Nobby
- Noel
- Norman
- Norvelle
- Norville
- Nyles
- Obadiah
- Odin
- Oliver
- Ollie
- Orion
- Orlando
- Orville
- Osbert
- Osborne
- Oscar
- Osric
- Oswald
- Otis
- Otto
- Owen
- Ozzie
- Paddy
- Page
- Paige
- Palmer
- Paris
- Patrick
- Patsy
- Patty
- Paul
- Peleg
- Pelham
- Percival
- Percy
- Peregrine
- Perry
- Pete
- Peter
- Philip
- Philipps
- Phineas
- Pierse
- Pip
- Poe
- Porter
- Posy
- Preston
- Quantrill
- Quentin
- Quincy
- Quintin
- Raleigh
- Ralph
- Randolph
- Raymond
- Redevers
- Redvers
- Reginald
- Rex
- Richard
- Robert
- Robin
- Roger
- Roland
- Rolf
- Rollo
- Ronald
- Rowan
- Rowland
- Roy
- Rupert
- Russell
- Samuel
- Sebastian
- Shaun
- Sidney
- Sigismund
- Simon
- Stanley
- Stephen
- Stockton
- Stockwell
- Sylvester
- Tarquin
- Terence
- Terry
- Thaddeus
- Theodore
- Theophilus
- Thomas
- Thorpe
- Timothy
- Tobias
- Trevor
- Tristan
- Tyler
- Ultan
- Ulysses
- Urban
- Uriah
- Uvedale
- Valentine
- Victor
- Vincent
- Vivian
- Wade
- Wadsworth
- Walden
- Waldo
- Walker
- Wallace
- Wally
- Walt
- Walter
- Warren
- Waverly
- Waylon
- Wayne
- Wells
- Wes
- Wesley
- Whitney
- Wilber
- Wilbert
- Wilbur
- Wilfred (Wilf)
- Wilfried (Wilf)
- Wilhelm
- Will
- Willard
- William
- Willis
- Willy
- Wilmon
- Wilson
- Winford
- Winnie
- Winston
- Wolfgang
- Woodrow
- Woodruff
- Woody
- Wulfram
- Wulpher
- Wyatt
- Wyndham
- Xander
- Xavier
- Yancy
- Zabdiel
- Zach
- Zachary
- Zack
- Zadoc
- Zak
- Zane
- Zayden
- Zeb
- Zechariah
- Zedekiah
- Zeke
- Zeph
- Zephaniah
- Zion
[edit | edit source]Top 20
[edit | edit source]- Smith
- Brown
- Taylor
- Johnson
- Wilson
- White
- Wright
- Green
- Hall
- Walker
- Turner
- Lewis
- Moss
- Oliver
- King
- Ward
- Allen
- Embury
[edit | edit source]- Abbott
- Adkins
- Albert
- Alexander
- Alford
- Alston
- Armstrong
- Arnold
- Ashley
- Atkins
- Atkinson
- Austin
- Avery
- Ayers
- Bailey
- Baldwin
- Ball
- Ballard
- Banks
- Barber
- Barker
- Barnes
- Barnett
- Barrett
- Barron
- Bartlett
- Barton
- Bass
- Bates
- Battle
- Baxter
- Bean
- Beard
- Beasley
- Bell
- Benjamin
- Bennett
- Benson
- Bentley
- Benton
- Berry
- Best
- Bishop
- Black
- Blackburn
- Blackwell
- Blake
- Blankenship
- Bond
- Booker
- Boone
- Booth
- Bowman
- Boyer
- Bradford
- Bradley
- Bradshaw
- Branch
- Bray
- Brewer
- Bridges
- Bright
- Britt
- Brock
- Brooks
- Browning
- Buck
- Buckley
- Bullock
- Burch
- Burks
- Burnett
- Burns
- Burris
- Burton
- Bush
- Butler
- Byrd
- Caldwell
- Cannon
- Carpenter
- Carr
- Carson
- Carter
- Carver
- Case
- Chambers
- Chandler
- Chapman
- Charles
- Chase
- Cherry
- Christian
- Church
- Clarke
- Clay
- Clayton
- Cleveland
- Cobb
- Cole
- Coleman
- Collier
- Combs
- Compton
- Cook
- Cotton
- Cox
- Craft
- Crane
- Crosby
- Cross
- Curtis
- Dalton
- Daniel
- Davenport
- Davidson
- Dawson
- Day
- Dean
- Dickerson
- Dickson
- Dillard
- Dixon
- Dodson
- Dotson
- Drake
- Dudley
- Duke
- Durham
- Dyer
- Eaton
- Elliott
- Ellison
- Emerson
- Estes
- Everett
- Ewing
- Farley
- Farmer
- Faulkner
- Fields
- Fisher
- Flowers
- Ford
- Foster
- Fowler
- Fox
- Franklin
- French
- Frost
- Fry
- Frye
- Fuller
- Gaines
- Gamble
- Gardner
- Garner
- Garrett
- Garrison
- Gates
- Gay
- Gentry
- Gibbs
- Gibson
- Gilbert
- Giles
- Goodman
- Goodwin
- Gould
- Graves
- Gray
- Greene
- Gregory
- Grimes
- Guy
- Hale
- Haley
- Hammond
- Hampton
- Hancock
- Hardin
- Harding
- Harmon
- Harper
- Harrell
- Harrington
- Harrison
- Hart
- Harvey
- Hatfield
- Hawkins
- Hayes
- Haynes
- Hays
- Heath
- Henderson
- Henry
- Hensley
- Herman
- Herring
- Hickman
- Hicks
- Higgins
- Hinton
- Hobbs
- Hodge
- Hodges
- Holden
- Holding
- Holland
- Holloway
- Holman
- Holmes
- Holt
- Hood
- Hooper
- Hoover
- Hopkins
- Hopper
- Horn
- Horne
- Horton
- House
- Howard
- Howe
- Hoyt
- Hubbard
- Hudson
- Hull
- Hunt
- Hunter
- Hurley
- Hurst
- Hutchinson
- Hyde
- Ingram
- Irwin
- Jackson
- Jarvis
- Jefferson
- Jenkins
- Jennings
- Jordan
- Joseph
- Joyce
- Joyner
- Justice
- Kemp
- Kent
- Key
- Kirby
- Knight
- Knowles
- Lamb
- Lambert
- Lancaster
- Lane
- Lang
- Lawrence
- Lawson
- Leach
- Lee
- Leonard
- Lester
- Little
- Livingston
- Long
- Lott
- Love
- Lowe
- Lucas
- Lynn
- Lyons
- Manning
- Marks
- Marsh
- Marshall
- Martin
- Mason
- Massey
- Maxwell
- May
- Maynard
- Mays
- Meadows
- Melton
- Mercer
- Merrill
- Michael
- Middleton
- Miles
- Miller
- Mills
- Mitchell
- Moody
- Moon
- Morrow
- Morse
- Morton
- Mosley
- Nash
- Neal
- Newman
- Newton
- Nichols
- Nixon
- Noble
- Norman
- Norris
- Norton
- Odom
- Oliver
- Orr
- Osborn
- Osborne
- Pace
- Page
- Palmer
- Park
- Parker
- Parks
- Parrish
- Parsons
- Patrick
- Patterson
- Patton
- Payne
- Peck
- Pennington
- Perkins
- Phelps
- Pickett
- Pittman
- Pitts
- Pollard
- Poole
- Pope
- Porter
- Potter
- Potts
- Powers
- Pratt
- Preston
- Prince
- Randall
- Randolph
- Ratliff
- Ray
- Raymond
- Reed
- Reeves
- Reynolds
- Rhodes
- Rich
- Richardson
- Richmond
- Riddle
- Riggs
- Rivers
- Roach
- Robbins
- Roberson
- Robertson
- Rollins
- Roman
- Rose
- Rowe
- Rowland
- Rush
- Russell
- Rutledge
- Sampson
- Sanford
- Savage
- Sawyer
- Sears
- Sellers
- Sexton
- Sharp
- Sharpe
- Shelton
- Shepard
- Shepherd
- Sheppard
- Sherman
- Shields
- Short
- Simmons
- Simon
- Simpson
- Sims
- Singleton
- Skinner
- Slater
- Small
- Snow
- Solomon
- Sparks
- Spears
- Spencer
- Stafford
- Stanley
- Stanton
- Stark
- Steele
- Stephenson
- Stevenson
- Stokes
- Stone
- Stout
- Strickland
- Strong
- Summers
- Sutton
- Sweet
- Sykes
- Tanner
- Tate
- Terrell
- Terry
- Thompson
- Thornton
- Tillman
- Todd
- Townsend
- Travis
- Truitt
- Tucker
- Tyler
- Tyson
- Underwood
- Valentine
- Vance
- Vincent
- Wade
- Wall
- Waller
- Walls
- Walter
- Walton
- Ware
- Warner
- Warren
- Washington
- Waters
- Watkins
- Watson
- Watts
- Weaver
- Webb
- Webster
- Weeks
- Welch
- Wells
- West
- Wheeler
- Whitaker
- White
- Whitfield
- Whitney
- Wilcox
- Wilder
- Wilex
- Wilkerson
- Wilkins
- Wilkinson
- William
- Williamson
- Willis
- Winters
- Wise
- Wolfe
- Wood
- Woodard
- Woods
- Woodward
- Wyatt
- Yates
- York
- Young
[edit | edit source]- Abbey
- Abbot
- Abel
- Abell
- Able
- Ables
- Abner
- Abney
- Abraham
- Abrahams
- Abram
- Abron
- Absher
- Abshire
- Ackley
- Acklin
- Ackroyd
- Acland
- Acres
- Acton
- Acum
- Acy
- Adam
- Adames
- Adcox
- Adderley
- Addington
- Addison
- Adkison
- Adlam
- Adrian
- Adsit
- Agar
- Agee
- Agnew
- Agutter
- Aiken
- Aikens
- Aikin
- Ainscough
- Ainsworth
- Akers
- Akin
- Akins
- Akridge
- Alban
- Albee
- Albertson
- Albright
- Albritton
- Albro
- Alcock
- Alcorn
- Alcott
- Alden
- Alder
- Alderman
- Alderson
- Aldous
- Aldren
- Aldrich
- Aldridge
- Alewine
- Alfred
- Alger
- Alington
- Allam
- Allan
- Allbritton
- Allday
- Alldredge
- Alleine
- Allerton
- Allfrey
- Allgood
- Alligood
- Allin
- Alling
- Allis
- Allmon
- Alloway
- Allred
- Allsop
- Allsup
- Allyn
- Almon
- Almond
- Alsobrook
- Alsop
- Alsup
- Altom
- Alton
- Alvey
- Alvis
- Alvord
- Ambler
- Ambrose
- Ames
- Amison
- Ammons
- Amos
- Anderton
- Andress
- Andrus
- Angell
- Ann
- Annis
- Ansell
- Ansley
- Anson
- Apperson
- Applebee
- Appleby
- Applegarth
- Applegate
- Appleton
- Applewhite
- Appleyard
- Applin
- Appling
- Archer
- Archibald
- Arden
- Arledge
- Arlington
- Arkwright
- Armistead
- Armitage
- Armstead
- Arnett
- Arrison
- Arrowood
- Arrowsmith
- Arter
- Arthur
- Artist
- Asay
- Asbury
- Ash
- Ashbrook
- Ashburn
- Ashbury
- Ashby
- Ashcroft
- Ashe
- Ashford
- Ashlock
- Ashmead
- Ashmore
- Ashwell
- Ashworth
- Askins
- Astbury
- Astill
- Astle
- Aston
- Atchley
- Atherton
- Athey
- Atkin
- Atnip
- Attaway
- Attebery
- Attenborough
- Atterberry
- Attwood
- Atwater
- Atwell
- Atwill
- Atwood
- Aubrey
- Audley
- Augustine
- Auton
- Avera
- Averill
- Avey
- Avis
- Awkward
- Axford
- Axtell
- Aycock
- Aykroyd
- Aylesworth
- Ayres
- Ayriss
- Ayrton
- Azbill
- Babb
- Babbitt
- Babcock
- Baber
- Babington
- Bacchus
- Baccus
- Bachelor
- Back
- Backhouse
- Backus
- Bacon
- Baddeley
- Badger
- Badgley
- Badley
- Badman
- Bagby
- Baggett
- Bagnold
- Bagwell
- Bailiff
- Bain
- Bainbridge
- Baisley
- Baize
- Bakewell
- Balch
- Balding
- Baldridge
- Bale
- Bales
- Ballance
- Balls
- Bancroft
- Bandy
- Banes
- Banfield
- Bangs
- Banker
- Banner
- Bannerman
- Banning
- Bannister
- Banton
- Barbee
- Barbour
- Barclay
- Barco
- Bard
- Barden
- Bardsley
- Barefield
- Barefoot
- Barfield
- Barford
- Barham
- Barkley
- Barks
- Barlett
- Barley
- Barlow
- Barmore
- Barnaby
- Barnard
- Barnette
- Barney
- Barnhouse
- Barnum
- Barnwell
- Barraclough
- Barret
- Barrow
- Barrows
- Barrus
- Barstow
- Bartels
- Barter
- Barth
- Bartley
- Bartram
- Barwick
- Bascom
- Basham
- Basil
- Baskerville
- Baskett
- Basnight
- Bassett
- Bassford
- Bassham
- Bastard
- Basye
- Batchelder
- Batchelor
- Bate
- Bateman
- Bateson
- Batey
- Bath
- Batie
- Batman
- Batson
- Batt
- Batten
- Battershell
- Batterson
- Battin
- Battles
- Battlesby
- Batton
- Batty
- Baughn
- Bax
- Baxendale
- Baxley
- Bayard
- Bayless
- Bayley
- Baylis
- Bayliss
- Bayne
- Baynes
- Bays
- Baze
- Beach
- Beacham
- Beadle
- Beal
- Beale
- Beall
- Beals
- Beam
- Beamer
- Beamon
- Beane
- Bear
- Bearden
- Beardsley
- Beaver
- Beazley
- Bebee
- Becket
- Beckett
- Beckford
- Beckham
- Beckwith
- Beckworth
- Becraft
- Becton
- Beddingfield
- Bedford
- Bedgood
- Bedingfield
- Bedwell
- Beebe
- Beecher
- Beede
- Beedle
- Beeks
- Beeman
- Beeson
- Belcher
- Belden
- Belew
- Belfield
- Belgrave
- Belk
- Belknap
- Bellamy
- Bellard
- Bellis
- Bellman
- Bellos
- Bellows
- Belson
- Belt
- Belton
- Bement
- Bemis
- Bence
- Bench
- Benedict
- Benefield
- Benfield
- Benford
- Benge
- Benham
- Benn
- Benner
- Bennet
- Benning
- Benningsfield
- Bennington
- Bent
- Beresford
- Berkebile
- Berkeley
- Berman
- Berryhill
- Berryman
- Bertram
- Berwick
- Bessey
- Bestor
- Bettis
- Betton
- Betts
- Betty
- Bevill
- Beville
- Bew
- Bewley
- Bible
- Bickerstaff
- Bickerton
- Bickford
- Bickham
- Bicknell
- Biddle
- Bidwell
- Bigelow
- Bigg
- Biggerstaff
- Biggins
- Biggs
- Bighead
- Bigot
- Bigsby
- Bilby
- Biles
- Billingham
- Billings
- Billingsley
- Billington
- Bills
- Billups
- Bingham
- Binkley
- Binns
- Birch
- Birchall
- Birchfield
- Bird
- Birdsell
- Birdsong
- Birdwell
- Birge
- Birkhead
- Birkin
- Birmingham
- Birt
- Bisbee
- Biscoe
- Bitsh
- Bittle
- Bixby
- Bizzell
- Blacker
- Blackford
- Blacklock
- Blackmon
- Blackmore
- Blackshear
- Blackshire
- Blackson
- Blackstone
- Blackwood
- Blade
- Blagg
- Blaisdell
- Blakeley
- Blakely
- Blakeman
- Blakemore
- Blakes
- Blakey
- Blalock
- Blamer
- Blanch
- Blanchflower
- Bland
- Blandford
- Blanding
- Blank
- Blanton
- Blatchford
- Blay
- Blaylock
- Bledsoe
- Blenkinsop
- Blessing
- Blewett
- Bliss
- Blizzard
- Blogg
- Blood
- Bloodworth
- Bloomer
- Bloomfield
- Bloor
- Bloss
- Blossom
- Blount
- Blow
- Bloxham
- Bloxsom
- Blue
- Blundell
- Blunt
- Bly
- Blythe
- Boar
- Board
- Boardman
- Boatman
- Boatright
- Boatwright
- Bobbitt
- Bobby
- Bocock
- Bodden
- Boddie
- Boddy
- Boden
- Bodie
- Bodily
- Boggess
- Boggs
- Boice
- Bold
- Bolden
- Bolen
- Boles
- Bolin
- Boling
- Bolles
- Bolster
- Bolton
- Bolyard
- Boman
- Bonds
- Bone
- Bonham
- Bonney
- Bonsall
- Boomer
- Boon
- Boosey
- Boothby
- Boothe
- Boots
- Borden
- Borne
- Borrow
- Borton
- Borum
- Bosanquet
- Bosley
- Boss
- Bostick
- Boston
- Bosworth
- Botsford
- Bottomley
- Bottoms
- Botts
- Bouldin
- Boulton
- Boulware
- Bounds
- Bourchier
- Bourland
- Bourn
- Bourne
- Boutwell
- Bowden
- Bowerman
- Bowes
- Bowker
- Bowlby
- Bowler
- Bowles
- Bowley
- Bowlin
- Bowling
- Bown
- Bowra
- Bowser
- Box
- Boxx
- Boyden
- Boyland
- Boynton
- Brace
- Bracewell
- Brackett
- Brackman
- Bracy
- Bradburn
- Bradbury
- Bradfield
- Bradham
- Bradish
- Bradstreet
- Bradway
- Bradwell
- Bragdon
- Bragg
- Brain
- Brainerd
- Braithwaite
- Brake
- Bramble
- Bramblett
- Bramhall
- Bramwell
- Branam
- Brandon
- Brandow
- Branham
- Brann
- Brannum
- Branscum
- Branson
- Brant
- Brantley
- Branton
- Branum
- Brasfield
- Brass
- Brassfield
- Braswell
- Bratton
- Braxton
- Brayton
- Brazell
- Brazelton
- Brazier
- Brearley
- Breece
- Breeden
- Breeding
- Breedlove
- Brent
- Brenton
- Brereton
- Brewster
- Brickell
- Bride
- Bridge
- Bridgeford
- Bridgeforth
- Bridgeman
- Bridger
- Bridgewater
- Bridgman
- Bridwell
- Brierton
- Brigham
- Brightman
- Brighton
- Brigman
- Briley
- Brim
- Brimage
- Brimer
- Brimley
- Brindle
- Brindley
- Brinkley
- Brinson
- Brinton
- Brisco
- Briscoe
- Bristol
- Bristow
- Brittain
- Britten
- Brittingham
- Britton
- Brixey
- Brizendine
- Broad
- Broadbent
- Broadfoot
- Broadhead
- Broadhurst
- Broadnax
- Broadwater
- Broadway
- Broadwell
- Brockett
- Brocklesby
- Brockway
- Brockwell
- Brodhead
- Brogden
- Brome
- Bromley
- Bronson
- Brook
- Brooke
- Brooker
- Brookes
- Brooking
- Brookins
- Brookman
- Brookshire
- Broom
- Broome
- Broomfield
- Broomhall
- Brothers
- Brotherton
- Brougham
- Broughton
- Browne
- Brownell
- Browner
- Brownlee
- Brownlow
- Brownson
- Broxson
- Broxton
- Brumfield
- Brumley
- Brundage
- Brunt
- Brush
- Brushwood
- Bruton
- Bryd
- Bryer
- Bryon
- Bryson
- Buckingham
- Buckland
- Buckler
- Buckles
- Bucklin
- Buckmaster
- Bucknell
- Bucy
- Budd
- Buell
- Buffington
- Buffum
- Bufkin
- Buford
- Bugbee
- Bugden
- Bulkley
- Bull
- Bullard
- Bullen
- Bullied
- Bullington
- Bullins
- Bullis
- Bullokar
- Bulluck
- Bulmer
- Bulwer
- Bump
- Bumpers
- Bumpus
- Bumstead
- Bunce
- Bunch
- Bundy
- Bunker
- Bunn
- Bunnell
- Bunting
- Burbage
- Burbank
- Burcham
- Burchell
- Burchett
- Burchette
- Burchfield
- Burd
- Burdett
- Burdge
- Burdick
- Burditt
- Burgamy
- Burge
- Burges
- Burgin
- Burham
- Burkett
- Burkhead
- Burkitt
- Burleson
- Burley
- Burling
- Burlingame
- Burman
- Burnaby
- Burnes
- Burnette
- Burnham
- Burnley
- Burnup
- Burpee
- Burr
- Burrill
- Burrough
- Burroughs
- Burrow
- Burrowes
- Burrows
- Burse
- Burt
- Bury
- Busby
- Busey
- Bushnell
- Bussell
- Bussey
- Buswell
- Butcher
- Butterfield
- Butterworth
- Buttler
- Button
- Buttram
- Buxton
- Buzbee
- Byard
- Byars
- Bybee
- Byers
- Byfield
- Byram
- Byrge
- Byrom
- Byron
- Byrum
- Bytshe
- Bywater
- Cabble
- Cabell
- Cable
- Cade
- Cadle
- Cadwell
- Cady
- Cage
- Cagley
- Caine
- Caitiff
- Calcote
- Caley
- Calfee
- Calkins
- Callender
- Callis
- Calloway
- Calvert
- Calvin
- Cambridge
- Camden
- Campfield
- Candy
- Canfield
- Cann
- Canter
- Canterbury
- Canton
- Cantrell
- Cantwell
- Cape
- Capel
- Capers
- Caperton
- Caple
- Capp
- Capps
- Card
- Carden
- Carder
- Carl
- Carleton
- Carlile
- Carlisle
- Carlton
- Carlyle
- Carman
- Carmon
- Carnell
- Carraway
- Carrow
- Carswell
- Cartlidge
- Cartmell
- Cartwright
- Casebolt
- Cash
- Casson
- Cast
- Caster
- Castle
- Castleberry
- Caswell
- Catchings
- Catchpole
- Cate
- Cater
- Cates
- Catlett
- Catlin
- Catmull
- Catt
- Caudill
- Caudle
- Caulkins
- Cauthen
- Cavendish
- Cayton
- Caywood
- Cearley
- Chace
- Chadbourne
- Chadburn
- Chadwick
- Chaffee
- Chaffin
- Chalfant
- Chalk
- Chalker
- Challender
- Chamber
- Chamberlain
- Chamness
- Champion
- Champlin
- Chance
- Chancellor
- Chancey
- Chancy
- Channel
- Channell
- Chapel
- Chappell
- Chaplin
- Chapple
- Charity
- Charleston
- Charlesworth
- Charlton
- Chatfield
- Chatham
- Chatman
- Chatterton
- Cheatwood
- Cheek
- Cheeseman
- Cheesman
- Cheever
- Cherrington
- Cheshire
- Chesley
- Chess
- Chesser
- Chesson
- Chewning
- Chichester
- Chick
- Chidester
- Child
- Childers
- Childs
- Chiles
- Chill
- Chilson
- Chilton
- Chinn
- Chipman
- Chipps
- Chittenden
- Chitty
- Chitwood
- Chivers
- Choate
- Chrisp
- Christmas
- Christopher
- Chubb
- Chumbley
- Chunn
- Churchfield
- Churchill
- Churchwell
- Chute
- Cilley
- Citizen
- Clanton
- Clapham
- Clapp
- Clarkson
- Clatterbuck
- Clawson
- Claxton
- Clayborn
- Claybrook
- Claypool
- Clayson
- Cleaver
- Cleaves
- Clegg
- Clem
- Clement
- Clements
- Clemmons
- Cliff
- Clifford
- Clift
- Clifton
- Climer
- Clines
- Clinton
- Clizbe
- Clopton
- Close
- Clothier
- Clough
- Clubb
- Cluff
- Coates
- Cobbs
- Coble
- Coburn
- Cockerham
- Cocke
- Cocker
- Cockett
- Cockfield
- Cockrell
- Cockrill
- Coddington
- Coe
- Coffin
- Cofield
- Cogdill
- Coggin
- Coggins
- Cogswell
- Coit
- Coke
- Coker
- Colbert
- Colburn
- Colby
- Colclough
- Coldwell
- Coley
- Colgate
- Collington
- Collingwood
- Collinson
- Collinsworth
- Collis
- Collison
- Collum
- Collyer
- Colman
- Colpitts
- Colquitt
- Colson
- Colston
- Colton
- Colvin
- Colwell
- Colyer
- Comer
- Comfort
- Commander
- Compstock
- Comstock
- Conder
- Condit
- Conger
- Congleton
- Conkling
- Conquest
- Constable
- Constance
- Constant
- Converse
- Conyers
- Cooke
- Cooks
- Cooksey
- Cookson
- Coolidge
- Coomber
- Coombs
- Coomer
- Coomes
- Cooney
- Coop
- Coots
- Copas
- Copass
- Cope
- Copley
- Copp
- Coppage
- Coppedge
- Copper
- Coppin
- Coppock
- Corbett
- Corbin
- Corbitt
- Corby
- Cordell
- Corder
- Cordon
- Coriell
- Corley
- Cornell
- Cornett
- Corney
- Corning
- Cornwall
- Cornwell
- Corp
- Corum
- Corwin
- Cory
- Cossey
- Coston
- Cotter
- Cottingham
- Cottle
- Cottril
- Cottrill
- Couch
- Couchman
- Coulson
- Coulston
- Council
- Counter
- Countess
- Countryman
- Counts
- Court
- Courts
- Cousin
- Cousins
- Covell
- Covert
- Covington
- Coward
- Cowart
- Cowell
- Cowgill
- Cowherd
- Cowles
- Cowley
- Cowling
- Crabb
- Crabtree
- Cracraft
- Craddock
- Cradle
- Crafton
- Crampton
- Crandall
- Cranford
- Crank
- Cranmer
- Cranshaw
- Crapper
- Crase
- Crater
- Cravens
- Cray
- Crayton
- Creasey
- Creekmore
- Creel
- Crenshaw
- Cressey
- Cresswell
- Creswell
- Crew
- Cribb
- Crick
- Criddle
- Crippen
- Crippiny
- Cripps
- Crisp
- Crispin
- Crist
- Criswell
- Critchfield
- Critchlow
- Crittenden
- Crittendon
- Crocker
- Croft
- Crofts
- Cromer
- Crompton
- Cromwell
- Crook
- Crooke
- Crooks
- Cropper
- Crosland
- Crosley
- Crossfield
- Crossland
- Crossley
- Crosslin
- Crosson
- Crosswell
- Crosswhite
- Crouch
- Croucher
- Crow
- Crowe
- Crowell
- Crown
- Crowther
- Croxton
- Cruise
- Crumbley
- Crume
- Crumley
- Crumpler
- Crumpton
- Cruse
- Crutcher
- Crutchfield
- Cryer
- Cudworth
- Culbertson
- Cull
- Cullison
- Culpepper
- Culver
- Culverhouse
- Cumberland
- Cupit
- Curd
- Cureton
- Cushing
- Cuss
- Custer
- Custis
- Cuthbertson
- Cutler
- Cutmutton
- Cutshall
- Cutter
- Cutting
- Cutts
- Cyphers
- Cyrus
- Dabney
- Dade
- DaFoe
- Daft
- Daggett
- Dakin
- Dalby
- Dale
- Dales
- Dalley
- Dame
- Dampier
- Dana
- Dance
- Dancer
- Dancy
- Dandridge
- Dane
- Danforth
- Dangerfield
- Dant
- Darby
- Darbyshire
- Darden
- Dare
- Dark
- Darley
- Darling
- Darlington
- Darnall
- Darnell
- Darrell
- Darrow
- Dart
- Darwin
- Dash
- Davey
- Davison
- Daw
- Dawe
- Dawes
- Dawkins
- Daws
- Daye
- Dayton
- Deacon
- Deakin
- Deakins
- Deal
- Dear
- Dearborn
- Dearing
- Dearman
- Deason
- Deatherage
- Deathridge
- Deaton
- Debnam
- Dedman
- Dedmon
- Deer
- Deere
- Deering
- Deese
- DeFoe
- Delafield
- De La Mere
- Delbridge
- Delk
- Dell
- Demby
- Dement
- Deming
- Denbow
- Denby
- Denham
- Denison
- Denman
- Dennett
- Denning
- Dennison
- Denslow
- Denson
- Dent
- Denton
- Deputy
- Derby
- Derbyshire
- Devon
- Devonshire
- Dewberry
- Dexter
- Dial
- Dibble
- Dicken
- Dickens
- Dicker
- Dickey
- Dickinson
- Dickman
- Dicks
- Digby
- Diggle
- Diggs
- Digweed
- Dike
- Dilbeck
- Dill
- Dilley
- Dillingham
- Dimick
- Dimmick
- Dinkins
- Dinsdale
- Disbrow
- Diss
- Distin
- Ditch
- Ditmore
- Diver
- Dixion
- Dobbins
- Dobbs
- Dobson
- Doby
- Dock
- Dockery
- Dodd
- Dodds
- Dodge
- Dodrill
- Doe
- Doggett
- Doke
- Dolby
- Dole
- Doll
- Doolittle
- Dorey
- Dorman
- Dorset
- Dorsett
- Dory
- Dossett
- Doty
- Double
- Doughty
- Douse
- Dove
- Dover
- Dow
- Dowden
- Dowe
- Dower
- Dowless
- Down
- Downard
- Downer
- Downes
- Downing
- Downs
- Doxey
- Draggoo
- Dragon
- Drain
- Drakeford
- Drakes
- Draper
- Draughn
- Dray
- Drayton
- Dresser
- Drew
- Driggs
- Drinkale
- Drinkall
- Drinkwater
- Driver
- Drown
- Drummer
- Dry
- Dubbs
- Ducker
- Duckett
- Duckworth
- Dudgeon
- Duffield
- Dukes
- Duley
- Dumbleton
- Dunaway
- Dunford
- Dunham
- Dunkley
- Dunston
- Dunworth
- Durall
- Durden
- Durfee
- Durrance
- Durrell
- Dutton
- Duty
- Dwight
- Dwinell
- Dyar
- Dye
- Dyke
- Dykes
- Dyment
- Dynes
- Dyson
- Eades
- Eads
- Eager
- Eagle
- Eakins
- Eakle
- Eames
- Earl
- Earle
- Earles
- Earley
- Earls
- Early
- Earp
- Earwood
- Easley
- Eason
- Eastep
- Easter
- Easterling
- Eastham
- Eastin
- Eastland
- Eastman
- Easton
- Eastwood
- Eatmon
- Eaves
- Ebron
- Eccles
- Eccleston
- Eckles
- Eckley
- Edenfield
- Eddington
- Eddins
- Eddy
- Edens
- Edgar
- Edge
- Edgecomb
- Edgell
- Edgerton
- Edlin
- Edmonson
- Edney
- Edson
- Edwardson
- Eells
- Efird
- Egerton
- Eggleston
- Eggleton
- Elam
- Elder
- Eldred
- Eldridge
- Elem
- Eley
- Elias
- Elkington
- Elkins
- Ellard
- Ellerbe
- Ellerbee
- Ellett
- Ellingsworth
- Ellington
- Elliston
- Ellman
- Ells
- Ellzey
- Elmer
- Elmore
- Elms
- Elson
- Elston
- Elton
- Elwell
- Ely
- Embry
- Emery
- Emmanuel
- Emmons
- Emory
- Endicott
- England
- Engles
- Engram
- Enloe
- Enlow
- Eno
- Enos
- Ensign
- Enslow
- Ensor
- Entwistle
- Epley
- Ervin
- Erwin
- Eskew
- Eskridge
- Essary
- Essex
- Estabrook
- Estep
- Estepp
- Ester
- Estey
- Estill
- Etheredge
- Ethridge
- Eubanks
- Eure
- Everitt
- Evers
- Everson
- Eves
- Ewell
- Excell
- Exley
- Eyre
- Ezell
- Ezzell
- Fabian
- Fagg
- Fagley
- Fair
- Fairbanks
- Fairbrother
- Fairchild
- Faircloth
- Fairfax
- Fairfield
- Fairless
- Fairley
- Fairman
- Fales
- Falkner
- Falls
- Fane
- Fant
- Farlow
- Farnham
- Farnsworth
- Farnum
- Farr
- Farrand
- Farrer
- Farrier
- Farrington
- Farrow
- Farwell
- Fassett
- Fatt
- Faucett
- Faulk
- Faulkingham
- Fauntleroy
- Favors
- Fawcett
- Fear
- Fearn
- Feather
- Featherstone
- Felch
- Felix
- Fell
- Fellows
- Felton
- Felty
- Fenimore
- Fenn
- Fennell
- Fenner
- Fenton
- Fenwick
- Ferebee
- Fern
- Fernald
- Ferry
- Fessenden
- Few
- Ffrench
- Fickle
- Field
- Fielden
- Fielder
- Fielding
- Fifield
- Figg
- Filer
- Files
- Filkins
- Fillmore
- Finch
- Fincham
- Fincher
- Fine
- Finklea
- Finn
- Firkins
- Fish
- Fitch
- Fitchett
- Fite
- Fithian
- Fitts
- Flack
- Flagg
- Flanders
- Flasher
- Fleet
- Fleetwood
- Flesher
- Flinchum
- Flint
- Flippance
- Flood
- Flook
- Florence
- Flower
- Flowerdew
- Fludd
- Fluitt
- Fly
- Flynt
- Flythe
- Fobbs
- Fogg
- Foil
- Folger
- Folkes
- Follansbee
- Folsom
- Foote
- Fordham
- Foreman
- Forest
- Forman
- Forrest
- Forrester
- Forster
- Fort
- Forth
- Fortson
- Fortune
- Forward
- Fosdick
- Foskett
- Fossett
- Foulfish
- Foulks
- Fowles
- Fowlkes
- Foxwell
- Foxworthy
- Foxx
- Foye
- Frame
- Frampton
- Frances
- Frary
- Frecklington
- Fredericks
- Freeland
- Fregoe
- Fretwell
- Friar
- Friday
- Friend
- Frier
- Frierson
- Frisbee
- Frisby
- Fryar
- Fugate
- Fuggle
- Fulbright
- Fulcher
- Fulford
- Fulgham
- Fulghum
- Fullalove
- Fullerton
- Fullilove
- Fullington
- Fullman
- Fullwood
- Fulmer
- Furby
- Furlow
- Furness
- Furr
- Fuson
- Fussell
- Futrell
- Gable
- Gabriel
- Gadd
- Gaddis
- Gaddy
- Gadsden
- Gage
- Gallant
- Galley
- Gallion
- Gallop
- Gallup
- Galusha
- Galyean
- Gamblin
- Gammage
- Gammon
- Gammons
- Gandy
- Gannaway
- Gant
- Garbutt
- Garfield
- Garland
- Garlic
- Garlick
- Garmon
- Garnett
- Garrard
- Garraway
- Garretson
- Garris
- Garth
- Garwood
- Gaskell
- Gaskill
- Gaskin
- Gassaway
- Gatewood
- Gathers
- Gatlin
- Gaunt
- Gauntt
- Gawkrodger
- Gayden
- Gaylor
- Gaylord
- Gazaway
- Gee
- Geer
- Gent
- Gentle
- Gentleman
- Gerald
- Gerrard
- Gerrish
- Gerry
- Getchell
- Ghent
- Gholson
- Gholston
- Gibbens
- Gibbons
- Giberson
- Giddings
- Giddy
- Gidley
- Gidney
- Gifford
- Gilden
- Gilder
- Gildersleeve
- Gilford
- Gilham
- Gilkes
- Gillard
- Gilliam
- Gillingham
- Gillock
- Gilman
- Gilpin
- Gilson
- Gilstrap
- Gilyard
- Gipson
- Girton
- Gist
- Gitlin
- Gladden
- Gladney
- Gladwell
- Glassco
- Glasscock
- Glaze
- Glazier
- Gleaton
- Gleaves
- Gledhill
- Glidden
- Glidewell
- Glines
- Gloser
- Gloster
- Glover
- Glue
- Gobble
- Godbey
- Godbold
- Godby
- Goddard
- Godfrey
- Godley
- Godsmark
- Godwin
- Goforth
- Golder
- Golding
- Goldsberry
- Goldsborough
- Goldsmith
- Goldston
- Golightly
- Golson
- Golston
- Good
- Goodale
- Goodall
- Goodbeer
- Goodchild
- Goode
- Goodell
- Goodenough
- Goodenow
- Goodfellow
- Goodfriend
- Goodheart
- Goodin
- Gooding
- Goodlow
- Goodnight
- Goodrich
- Goodridge
- Goodrum
- Goodson
- Goodspeed
- Goodstaff
- Goodwill
- Goodwyn
- Goody
- Goodyear
- Gookins
- Gorby
- Gordy
- Gorrell
- Gorsuch
- Goslin
- Gossage
- Gossett
- Gotham
- Gothard
- Gotobed
- Gouge
- Goulding
- Gowell
- Gower
- Grace
- Grafton
- Grandison
- Grange
- Granger
- Grantham
- Granville
- Grasty
- Gratton
- Gravatt
- Gravley
- Grayson
- Creathouse
- Greaves
- Greeley
- Greenfield
- Greenhalgh
- Greenhaw
- Greenhill
- Greening
- Greenlee
- Greenley
- Greenly
- Greenman
- Greenough
- Greenway
- Greenwell
- Greenwood
- Greeson
- Gregg
- Greggs
- Gregson
- Gresham
- Grey
- Gribble
- Grice
- Gridley
- Grigg
- Griggs
- Grimmer
- Grimmett
- Grimshaw
- Grinder
- Grinnell
- Grinstead
- Grisham
- Grissom
- Grist
- Griswold
- Gritton
- Grizzard
- Grizzle
- Groce
- Groom
- Grooms
- Grosvenor
- Grout
- Grove
- Grover
- Groves
- Grow
- Grubbs
- Grundy
- Gudger
- Guernsey
- Guess
- Guest
- Guild
- Guilford
- Gulledge
- Gullett
- Gulley
- Gully
- Gum
- Gumboil
- Gumm
- Gump
- Gunnell
- Gunner
- Guptill
- Gurney
- Gustin
- Guthridge
- Hackett
- Hackney
- Hackworth
- Hadden
- Haddix
- Haden
- Hadfield
- Hadley
- Hadlock
- Haggard
- Haggett
- Hagood
- Hagwood
- Haight
- Hail
- Hailey
- Haislip
- Haith
- Hakes
- Halbert
- Halcomb
- Hales
- Hallam
- Halley
- Halliwell
- Hallmark
- Halloway
- Halls
- Halsell
- Halsey
- Halstead
- Halsted
- Halton
- Ham
- Hamblen
- Hamblin
- Hamby
- Hamer
- Hamlett
- Hammett
- Hammock
- Hammon
- Hamon
- Hampshire
- Hampson
- Hance
- Hanchett
- Hand
- Handley
- Handy
- Hanes
- Hanford
- Hankerson
- Hankins
- Hankinson
- Hannaford
- Hannum
- Hanover
- Hansard
- Hanscom
- Hansell
- Hansford
- Hanshaw
- Harber
- Harbour
- Hard
- Hardaway
- Hardcastle
- Harden
- Harder
- Hardesty
- Hardman
- Hardrick
- Hardwick
- Hare
- Hargis
- Hargrave
- Hargraves
- Hargreaves
- Hargrove
- Haris
- Harland
- Harlow
- Harmer
- Harn
- Harnden
- Harned
- Harness
- Harrah
- Harrel
- Harrill
- Harriman
- Harriss
- Harrod
- Harryman
- Hartford
- Hartin
- Hartley
- Hartsfield
- Hartshorne
- Hartwell
- Harvard
- Harwell
- Harwood
- Hascoat
- Hash
- Haskett
- Haskin
- Haskins
- Haslam
- Hastings
- Haswell
- Hatch
- Hatchell
- Hatcher
- Hatchett
- Hathaway
- Hathcock
- Hatley
- Hatter
- Hatton
- Haughton
- Haven
- Havens
- Hawes
- Hawke
- Hawker
- Hawks
- Haworth
- Haws
- Hawthorne
- Haycock
- Hayford
- Haygood
- Hayhurst
- Haymes
- Haymore
- Hayne
- Hayter
- Hayton
- Hayward
- Haywood
- Hayworth
- Hazard
- Hazel
- Hazelrigg
- Hazeltine
- Hazelton
- Hazelwood
- Hazen
- Hazlegrove
- Hazzard
- Heacock
- Head
- Headley
- Heal
- Heap
- Heaps
- Heard
- Hearst
- Heater
- Heathcock
- Heatherington
- Heaton
- Hebb
- Hedge
- Hedgepeth
- Hedges
- Hedgpeth
- Hedley
- Hegwood
- Height
- Helms
- Helton
- Hembree
- Hemingway
- Hemphill
- Hempstead
- Hendon
- Henley
- Henrickson
- Henshaw
- Henthorn
- Herbert
- Heritage
- Herndon
- Herod
- Herrick
- Herrin
- Herrington
- Herrod
- Herron
- Hersey
- Hervey
- Heston
- Hewes
- Hewitt
- Hewlett
- Hey
- Heybourne
- Heyward
- Hibbard
- Hibbs
- Hick
- Hickerson
- Hickey
- Hicklin
- Hickok
- Hickox
- Hickson
- Hiett
- Higbee
- Higby
- Higdon
- Higginbotham
- Higgs
- High
- Higham
- Highfield
- Highfill
- Highsmith
- Hight
- Hightower
- Higley
- Hilden
- Hildreth
- Hiles
- Hillard
- Hiller
- Hillery
- Hilliard
- Hillier
- Hillman
- Hillock
- Hills
- Hillyard
- Hillyer
- Hilton
- Hilyard
- Himes
- Hinch
- Hinchcliffe
- Hinckley
- Hindle
- Hinds
- Hine
- Hinman
- Hinson
- Hird
- Hirst
- Hitch
- Hitchcock
- Hitchens
- Hite
- Hixon
- Hixson
- Hoadley
- Hoar
- Hoard
- Hobart
- Hobby
- Hobdy
- Hobgood
- Hobson
- Hockaway
- Hodgdon
- Hodgin
- Hodgkin
- Hodgkins
- Hodgkinson
- Hodgson
- Hodson
- Hogarth
- Hogg
- Hogge
- Hogue
- Hoisington
- Hoke
- Holbert
- Holbrook
- Holcomb
- Holdaway
- Holding
- Holdsworth
- Hole
- Holeman
- Holford
- Holgate
- Holiday
- Hollandsworth
- Holley
- Holliday
- Hollie
- Hollier
- Hollifield
- Holliman
- Hollings
- Hollingshead
- Hollingworth
- Hollins
- Hollis
- Hollister
- Holloman
- Hollomon
- Holly
- Holston
- Holton
- Holyfield
- Homer
- Homes
- Hone
- Honea
- Honey
- Honeycutt
- Honeywell
- Hook
- Hooker
- Hoopes
- Hoosier
- Hooten
- Hooton
- Hope
- Hopes
- Hopewell
- Hoppe
- Hopping
- Hopps
- Hopwood
- Horace
- Hordge
- Hornbuckle
- Horner
- Hornsby
- Horrocks
- Horsey
- Horsley
- Hosea
- Hosford
- Hosier
- Hoskins
- Hoskinson
- Hotchkiss
- Hotham
- Houchens
- Houchins
- Hough
- Houghton
- Houser
- Houseworth
- Houtchens
- Hovey
- Howarth
- Howerton
- Howery
- Howes
- Howington
- Howland
- Howle
- Howlett
- Howson
- Howton
- Howze
- Hoxie
- Hoxsie
- Hoyle
- Hubbell
- Hubbert
- Hubble
- Hubbs
- Hubert
- Huckabee
- Huckins
- Hucks
- Huddleston
- Hudgens
- Hudkins
- Hudnall
- Hudspeth
- Huffington
- Hugg
- Huggins
- Hughley
- Huguley
- Huitt
- Hukill
- Huling
- Hulings
- Hulme
- Hulse
- Hulsey
- Humble
- Humphery
- Hundley
- Huneycutt
- Hungate
- Hunley
- Huntington
- Huntley
- Hurd
- Hurlburt
- Hurlbut
- Hurlbutt
- Hursey
- Hurt
- Husband
- Husk
- Huskins
- Husted
- Hutchings
- Hutchins
- Hutchison
- Hutton
- Hux
- Huxford
- Huxtable
- Hyche
- Hyden
- Hyland
- Hymas
- Hyson
- Iddings
- Ide
- Iiams
- Iles
- Iliff
- Illingworth
- Imes
- Ince
- Ingalls
- Ingersoll
- Ingham
- Ingle
- Ingraham
- Inman
- Innocent
- Inskeep
- Insley
- Irby
- Isaac
- Isabel
- Isabell
- Isham
- Isherwood
- Isley
- Isom
- Ison
- Ives
- Ivester
- Ivey
- Ivie
- Ivy
- Izzard
- Jackman
- Jacks
- Jacox
- Jagger
- Jakeman
- Jakes
- Janes
- Janey
- Janney
- Jaqua
- Jaques
- Jarman
- Jarnagin
- Jarnigan
- Jarrett
- Jason
- Jasper
- Jay
- Jayne
- Jaynes
- Jeans
- Jefcoat
- Jeffcoat
- Jeffers
- Jeffords
- Jeffrey
- Jeffries
- Jellison
- Jenkinson
- Jenks
- Jenner
- Jenney
- Jepson
- Jerkins
- Jernigan
- Jerry
- Jersey
- Jessop
- Jessup
- Jett
- Jewell
- Jewett
- Jex
- Jiles
- Jinkins
- Jinks
- Jobe
- Joe
- John
- Johnsey
- Joiner
- Joines
- Jolley
- Jolliff
- Jonas
- Jorden
- Joslin
- Joslyn
- Journey
- Jowett
- Jubb
- Judd
- Jude
- Judge
- Judson
- Julian
- Jump
- Jury
- Justis
- Justus
- Kay
- Kaye
- Keach
- Kear
- Keathley
- Keaton
- Keeble
- Keech
- Keel
- Keeler
- Keeling
- Keeton
- Kelham
- Kellett
- Kellum
- Kelp
- Kelsey
- Kempton
- Kendall
- Kendrick
- Kennard
- Kennerly
- Kennerson
- Kennett
- Kenworthy
- Kerby
- Kerfoot
- Kesterson
- Ketchum
- Ketron
- Kettering
- Kettle
- Kibbe
- Kidd
- Kidder
- Kidwell
- Kight
- Kilbourne
- Kilburn
- Kilby
- Killer
- Killingsworth
- Kimball
- Kimbell
- Kimber
- Kimberlin
- Kimberly
- Kimble
- Kimbrel
- Kimbrell
- Kimbro
- Kimbrough
- Kindle
- Kindred
- Kingsbury
- Kingsley
- Kingston
- Kinsey
- Kinslow
- Kinsman
- Kinyon
- Kirkham
- Kirkley
- Kirkman
- Kirton
- Kisser
- Kitchens
- Kite
- Kitson
- Kittredge
- Kittrell
- Kitts
- Kivett
- Knaggs
- Knighton
- Knights
- Knoll
- Knott
- Knotts
- Knowles
- Knowlton
- Knuckles
- Kyte
- Lacefield
- Lacer
- Lacey
- Lack
- Lackey
- Lacy
- Ladd
- Ladson
- Lake
- Lakey
- Lambdin
- Lamberton
- Lambeth
- Lamkin
- Lamphere
- Lampkins
- Lampley
- Lamson
- Lance
- Land
- Lander
- Landers
- Landor
- Langdon
- Langford
- Langhorne
- Langley
- Langston
- Langton
- Langworthy
- Lanham
- Lankford
- Lansford
- Lapham
- Large
- Lark
- Larkin
- Larkins
- Larrabee
- Larrison
- Larry
- Laseter
- Lashbrook
- Laskey
- Lasley
- Lassiter
- Laster
- Latham
- Lathem
- Lathrop
- Latimer
- Latimore
- Lattimer
- Lattimore
- Lattin
- Lavender
- Laver
- Law
- Lawerence
- Lawhon
- Lawhorn
- Lawing
- Lawless
- Lawley
- Lax
- Laxson
- Laxton
- Lay
- Layfield
- Layman
- Layne
- Lazenby
- Lea
- Leachman
- Leadbetter
- Leader
- Leadingham
- Leake
- Leaman
- Learned
- Leatham
- Leatherwood
- Leavens
- Leaver
- Ledbetter
- Ledford
- Ledger
- Ledlow
- Ledwell
- Leedom
- Leeds
- Leek
- Leeks
- Leeper
- Lees
- Leeson
- Leet
- Leffingwell
- Leftwich
- Legg
- Legge
- Leggett
- Leigh
- Leighton
- Leming
- Lemmon
- Lemon
- Letchworth
- Letson
- Leverett
- Leverette
- Levett
- Lew
- Lewison
- Liddell
- Light
- Lightfoot
- Lighthead
- Lightle
- Lile
- Liles
- Lilley
- Lillibridge
- Lilly
- Lincoln
- Lindley
- Line
- Lines
- Link
- Linley
- Linn
- Linney
- Linscott
- Linsey
- Linsley
- Linson
- Lipford
- Lipham
- Lippincott
- Lipscomb
- Lipsey
- Lipton
- Liptrap
- Liptrot
- Lisk
- Lisle
- Litchfield
- Litherland
- Littell
- Litten
- Litteral
- Littleboy
- Littlefield
- Littlejohn
- Littleton
- Litton
- Littrell
- Lively
- Livermore
- Liverpool
- Livesay
- Lobb
- Lobdell
- Lock
- Locke
- Locker
- Lockett
- Lockman
- Lockwood
- Lodge
- Loftin
- Loftis
- Lofton
- Logsdon
- Logston
- Lollis
- Lomax
- London
- Longacre
- Longfellow
- Longway
- Longworth
- Lonon
- Looker
- Loomis
- Loophole
- Lord
- Loring
- Losh
- Lothrop
- Lounsbury
- Loveall
- Loveday
- Lovejoy
- Lovelace
- Lovelady
- Loveland
- Loveless
- Lovell
- Lovely
- Lover
- Lovering
- Lovern
- Lovers
- Lovett
- Loving
- Lovings
- Low
- Lowder
- Lowman
- Lowndes
- Lowrance
- Lowther
- Luck
- Luckett
- Lucky
- Ludlow
- Ludlum
- Luff
- Lugar
- Luke
- Luker
- Lumb
- Lumley
- Lummus
- Lumpkin
- Lunceford
- Lundy
- Lunn
- Lunsford
- Lunt
- Lupton
- Lusby
- Lush
- Lusher
- Lute
- Luton
- Luttrell
- Lye
- Lyford
- Lyles
- Lyman
- Lynde
- Lyon
- Lytle
- Lytton
- Mabery
- Mabey
- Macey
- Machin
- Macy
- Madden
- Maddock
- Maddy
- Madewell
- Maggard
- Magness
- Maiden
- Mailman
- Maine
- Major
- Majors
- Makehate
- Makepeace
- Maker
- Makin
- Malbon
- Malbrough
- Malden
- Malin
- Mallard
- Mallory
- Malpass
- Maltby
- Manchester
- Mangham
- Mankin
- Manley
- Manly
- Manns
- Manor
- Manser
- Mansfield
- Mansir
- Manwaring
- Mapes
- Maple
- Maples
- Marable
- Marble
- Marbury
- March
- Marcum
- Marcus
- Marcy
- Marden
- Margerum
- Margeson
- Maris
- Mark
- Markham
- Markley
- Markum
- Marland
- Marlar
- Marler
- Marlow
- Marple
- Marriner
- Marriott
- Marrow
- Marsden
- Marshburn
- Marson
- Marston
- Martell
- Martens
- Martindale
- Martins
- Marvel
- Mash
- Mashburn
- Massengale
- Massengill
- Massingill
- Master
- Masters
- Masterson
- Maston
- Mather
- Matherly
- Mathies
- Matney
- Matson
- Matt
- Matthew
- Mattocks
- Maudlin
- Maughan
- Maulden
- Mauldin
- Maxcy
- Maxey
- Maxfield
- Maxham
- Maxie
- Maxon
- Mayberry
- Maye
- Mayes
- Mayfield
- Mayhew
- Mayle
- Maynor
- Mayor
- Meacham
- Meachum
- Mead
- Meade
- Meadors
- Meads
- Means
- Mears
- Meas
- Medders
- Medford
- Medley
- Medlin
- Medlock
- Meek
- Meeker
- Meekins
- Meeks
- Meigs
- Melbourne
- Mellen
- Mellor
- Melson
- Mendenhall
- Menefee
- Meriwether
- Merrell
- Merriam
- Merrick
- Merrifield
- Merriman
- Merritt
- Merriweather
- Merry
- Merton
- Merwin
- Messer
- Metcalf
- Metcalfe
- Micheals
- Michell
- Mickens
- Middlebrook
- Middlebrooks
- Midgley
- Midyett
- Mifflin
- Miggles
- Milam
- Milburn
- Millard
- Millett
- Milliner
- Millington
- Millis
- Millman
- Millward
- Millwood
- Milne
- Milner
- Milnes
- Milstead
- Milton
- Mimms
- Mims
- Miner
- Mines
- Minor
- Minter
- Minyard
- Missildine
- Mitch
- Mitcham
- Mitchel
- Mitchem
- Mitchum
- Mitton
- Mixer
- Mixon
- Mixson
- Moak
- Moats
- Moberly
- Mobley
- Molden
- Mole
- Mollett
- Molyneux
- Monday
- Money
- Moneypenny
- Monger
- Monks
- Montford
- More
- Morefield
- Morehouse
- Moreland
- Morford
- Morlan
- Morley
- Morrill
- Mortimer
- Moseley
- Mosier
- Mote
- Moton
- Mott
- Mounce
- Mount
- Mountjoy
- Mowbray
- Mowery
- Mowrey
- Mowry
- Moxley
- Moye
- Moyle
- Much
- Mudd
- Mudge
- Mugglebee
- Mulford
- Mullenax
- Mullenix
- Mullett
- Mullis
- Mumford
- Muncy
- Munday
- Munden
- Munford
- Munger
- Munn
- Munsey
- Murch
- Murrell
- Murrow
- Musgrave
- Musgrove
- Musselwhite
- Musson
- Mutton
- Myatt
- Myddelton
- Myles
- Mynatt
- Myrick
- Nabors
- Nail
- Napper
- Nasworthy
- Nathan
- Nation
- Nations
- Nave
- Naylor
- Necessary
- Nedd
- Needham
- Needles
- Neel
- Negus
- Neighbors
- Nelms
- Netherton
- Nett
- Nettles
- Nettleton
- Neville
- Nevitt
- New
- Newark
- Newberry
- Newbold
- Newborn
- Newburn
- Newbury
- Newby
- Newcomb
- Newcombe
- Newcomer
- Newhall
- Newland
- Newnam
- Newport
- Newsham
- Newsome
- Newson
- Newsum
- Niblett
- Nibley
- Nichol
- Nicholes
- Nicholls
- Nickel
- Nickerson
- Nickle
- Nicks
- Nickson
- Nicols
- Nightingale
- Nipper
- Nix
- Noakes
- Nobles
- Noblitt
- Nock
- Nokes
- Noll
- Norcross
- Norfleet
- Norrell
- Norridge
- Norsworthy
- North
- Northcott
- Northcutt
- Northern
- Northington
- Northrup
- Norvell
- Norwood
- Nott
- Nottingham
- Nourse
- Nowell
- Noyd
- Noyes
- Nuckols
- Nunley
- Nunn
- Nunnery
- Nurse
- Nutt
- Nuttall
- Nutter
- Nutting
- Nye
- Oakenfold
- Oakenshaw
- Oakes
- Oakland
- Oakley
- Oakman
- Oates
- Odoms
- Odum
- Offer
- Ogburn
- Ogden
- Old
- Oldaker
- Olden
- Oldfield
- Oldham
- Olds
- Oles
- Ollis
- Olmstead
- Olmsted
- Olney
- Oney
- Openshaw
- Oram
- Orbison
- Orchard
- Orcutt
- Ordway
- Ore
- Organ
- Orme
- Ormsby
- Orris
- Orton
- Orvis
- Osbourn
- Osbourne
- Osburn
- Osgood
- Osmond
- Ostler
- Oswald
- Otis
- Ott
- Ottley
- Otwell
- Ousley
- Outlaw
- Overall
- Overbay
- Overbey
- Overstreet
- Overton
- Overy
- Oviatt
- Owenby
- Ownby
- Owsley
- Oxford
- Oxley
- Oxnard
- Oxtoby
- Oxx
- Oyler
- Ozment
- Pack
- Packard
- Packer
- Paddock
- Padgett
- Pafford
- Paige
- Paine
- Painter
- Palmore
- Pancoast
- Pangburn
- Pannell
- Pape
- Paradise
- Paramore
- Pardee
- Parham
- Parke
- Parkes
- Parkhurst
- Parkins
- Parkinson
- Parkison
- Parkman
- Parman
- Parmelee
- Parmenter
- Parmley
- Parr
- Parramore
- Parrott
- Parsley
- Parson
- Partin
- Partington
- Partlow
- Partney
- Parton
- Partridge
- Parvin
- Pass
- Passmore
- Patch
- Patchett
- Patridge
- Pattern
- Pauley
- Pauling
- Paxson
- Payson
- Payton
- Peabody
- Peace
- Peach
- Peachey
- Peacock
- Peak
- Pear
- Pearce
- Pearcy
- Pearl
- Pearman
- Pearsall
- Peary
- Pease
- Peavey
- Peay
- Pebworth
- Peckham
- Peed
- Peek
- Peel
- Peele
- Peet
- Pegg
- Pegram
- Peirce
- Pelfrey
- Pelham
- Pell
- Pelley
- Pelton
- Pemberton
- Pembleton
- Pendelton
- Pender
- Pendle
- Pendleton
- Penick
- Peniston
- Penley
- Penn
- Pennell
- Penney
- Penniman
- Pennock
- Penny
- Pennyfeather
- Penson
- Penton
- Penwell
- People
- Percell
- Percival
- Percy
- Perham
- Perkinson
- Permenter
- Pernell
- Persons
- Pettengill
- Pettibone
- Pettis
- Pettitt
- Pettus
- Pettway
- Pettyjohn
- Peyton
- Phenix
- Philbrick
- Philbrook
- Phillip
- Philpot
- Phipps
- Pickard
- Pickens
- Pickerel
- Pickerill
- Pickering
- Pickrell
- Pickup
- Pidgeon
- Piercy
- Pierpont
- Pierson
- Pigg
- Pigman
- Pike
- Piland
- Pilcher
- Pilgrim
- Pilkington
- Pillow
- Pillsbury
- Pinchback
- Pine
- Piner
- Pingleton
- Pingree
- Pinion
- Pink
- Pinkham
- Pinkston
- Pinner
- Pinney
- Pinnock
- Piper
- Pipes
- Pipkin
- Pippen
- Pippin
- Pitcher
- Pitchford
- Pitcock
- Pitkin
- Pitman
- Pitt
- Pittard
- Pixley
- Plaisted
- Plaskett
- Platt
- Player
- Pleasant
- Pleasants
- Pledger
- Pletcher
- Plowman
- Plum
- Plumb
- Plumley
- Plummer
- Plunkett
- Poarch
- Pocklington
- Pocock
- Poe
- Poggs
- Poindexter
- Pointer
- Poland
- Polen
- Poling
- Polley
- Pollitt
- Polly
- Polyblank
- Pomeroy
- Pond
- Ponder
- Ponds
- Ponton
- Pool
- Pooler
- Poor
- Poore
- Poovey
- Popejoy
- Popham
- Poplar
- Poplin
- Porch
- Portwood
- Posey
- Post
- Poston
- Poteet
- Poteete
- Poulter
- Pound
- Pounds
- Powe
- Pownall
- Poyner
- Poynter
- Poythress
- Prall
- Pray
- Preble
- Predmore
- Prentice
- Prentiss
- Presby
- Prescott
- Presnell
- Press
- Pressnell
- Prestridge
- Prestwich
- Pretty
- Prettyman
- Prevo
- Prewett
- Prewitt
- Pribble
- Pricket
- Priddy
- Pride
- Pridemore
- Pridgen
- Pridgeon
- Pridmore
- Priest
- Priestley
- Prime
- Primm
- Primmer
- Pring
- Printup
- Procter
- Proctor
- Proffitt
- Profitt
- Proper
- Prophet
- Prout
- Prouty
- Prude
- Pruden
- Pryde
- Pryor
- Puckett
- Puffer
- Pugsley
- Pullen
- Pulley
- Pullin
- Pullman
- Pulsifer
- Purcell
- Purchase
- Purdon
- Purdy
- Purington
- Purnell
- Purrington
- Purser
- Puryear
- Pusey
- Putman
- Putnam
- Putney
- Putt
- Pyatt
- Pyburn
- Pye
- Pyle
- Pyles
- Pyne
- Qualls
- Quarles
- Quarterman
- Queen
- Quertermous
- Quimby
- Quincy
- Race
- Rackley
- Radcliff
- Radcliffe
- Radley
- Raggs
- Ragland
- Ragsdale
- Raiford
- Railey
- Rain
- Raine
- Raines
- Rains
- Rainwater
- Rake
- Raker
- Rakes
- Rakestraw
- Raley
- Ralls
- Ralph
- Ralston
- Ramsdell
- Rance
- Randle
- Randles
- Ranger
- Ransdell
- Ransom
- Ransome
- Ranson
- Raper
- Raphael
- Rascoe
- Rash
- Ratcliff
- Ratcliffe
- Rathbone
- Rathbun
- Rathburn
- Ratley
- Raven
- Ravenscroft
- Rawling
- Rawlings
- Rawlins
- Rawlinson
- Rawls
- Rawson
- Raye
- Rayford
- Raynor
- Rea
- Read
- Reade
- Reader
- Reason
- Reaves
- Reavis
- Reay
- Record
- Rector
- Red
- Redburn
- Redding
- Reddish
- Redfield
- Redford
- Redgate
- Redmon
- Redus
- Reeder
- Reeve
- Register
- Remington
- Render
- Renshaw
- Revell
- Revis
- Rew
- Rexford
- Reynold
- Rhoades
- Rhoden
- Rhymes
- Richarson
- Richerson
- Richeson
- Richins
- Richman
- Rickard
- Rickards
- Ricker
- Rickett
- Ricketts
- Rickman
- Ricks
- Riddell
- Rideout
- Ridgeway
- Ridgley
- Ridgway
- Riding
- Ridout
- Rigby
- Rigg
- Riggins
- Rigsby
- Riles
- Rimes
- Rimmer
- Rines
- Ring
- Ringgold
- Ripley
- Rippeon
- Risley
- Rist
- River
- Rives
- Rix
- Roark
- Robb
- Robbs
- Robey
- Robie
- Robjohn
- Robotham
- Robson
- Roby
- Rochester
- Rock
- Rockett
- Rockey
- Rockhill
- Rockwell
- Rockwood
- Rodden
- Roderick
- Rodman
- Rodney
- Roe
- Roebuck
- Rogerson
- Roland
- Rolfe
- Rolle
- Roller
- Rollin
- Rollings
- Rolph
- Rome
- Romriell
- Rone
- Rook
- Rooks
- Room
- Root
- Rootes
- Roper
- Roscoe
- Roseberry
- Roseboro
- Rosemond
- Rossiter
- Rosson
- Rothwell
- Roughton
- Rounds
- Roundtree
- Rountree
- Rousey
- Rowbottom
- Rowell
- Rowlett
- Royall
- Royals
- Royce
- Royer
- Royster
- Ruby
- Ruck
- Rudd
- Rudder
- Rudge
- Rudman
- Ruff
- Ruffin
- Rufus
- Rugg
- Ruggles
- Rumble
- Rumley
- Rundell
- Rundle
- Runnels
- Rupert
- Rushton
- Russ
- Rutland
- Rutt
- Rutter
- Ryals
- Ryland
- Ryman
- Rymer
- Sabin
- Sabine
- Sackett
- Saddler
- Sadler
- Safford
- Sage
- Sager
- Sagor
- Sales
- Salisbury
- Sallee
- Salley
- Sallis
- Salmon
- Salsbury
- Salter
- Salyer
- Salyers
- Sam
- Sammons
- Samples
- Sams
- Samson
- Samuel
- Sandefur
- Sandell
- Sandford
- Sandidge
- Sandifer
- Sandiford
- Sandridge
- Sands
- Sandy
- Sankey
- Sanor
- Sansbury
- Sansom
- Sappington
- Sargent
- Sarratt
- Sarrett
- Sartain
- Sartin
- Sartor
- Satchell
- Sater
- Saterfiel
- Satterlee
- Satterthwaite
- Satterwhite
- Sauders
- Saulsbury
- Savell
- Savory
- Sawin
- Sawyers
- Saxon
- Saxton
- Say
- Sayer
- Sayers
- Sayles
- Sayre
- Scaggs
- Scaife
- Scalf
- Scarberry
- Scarbrough
- Scarlett
- Scates
- Scattergood
- Schofield
- Scholes
- Scholey
- Schoolcraft
- Schooley
- Schoolfield
- Schools
- Scism
- Scofield
- Scoggins
- Scorer
- Scoville
- Scranton
- Scribner
- Scrimshaw
- Scrimsher
- Scriven
- Scrivner
- Scroggins
- Scruggs
- Scruton
- Scudder
- Scull
- Scurry
- Scutt
- Sea
- Seaborn
- Seabrook
- Seager
- Seagraves
- Seal
- Seale
- Seales
- Sealock
- Seals
- Seamans
- Seamon
- Searcy
- Seaton
- Seaver
- Seawright
- Secular
- Seddon
- Sedgwick
- See
- Seed
- Seeley
- Seely
- Seelye
- Segraves
- Selby
- Selden
- Seldon
- Self
- Sell
- Sellars
- Selleck
- Selley
- Sells
- Selph
- Selvidge
- Seneschal
- Senior
- Sensabaugh
- Senters
- Sergeant
- Session
- Sessions
- Sessoms
- Settle
- Settles
- Severance
- Severe
- Severence
- Severns
- Sewell
- Sexsmith
- Sexson
- Seymore
- Seymour
- Shackelford
- Shackelton
- Shackleford
- Shadduck
- Shade
- Shakelady
- Shakespeare
- Shamblin
- Shank
- Shanks
- Sharpless
- Sharrow
- Shattuck
- Shead
- Sheard
- Shears
- Shedd
- Sheets
- Sheffield
- Sheilds
- Shelby
- Sheldon
- Shell
- Shelly
- Shepardson
- Sheperd
- Shephard
- Shepley
- Sherburne
- Shergill (popular in India)
- Shergold
- Sheriff
- Sherrill
- Sherrod
- Sherron
- Sherwin
- Sherwood
- Shield
- Shifflett
- Shillings
- Shingleton
- Shinn
- Shipley
- Shipman
- Shipp
- Shipton
- Shire
- Shires
- Shirley
- Shivers
- Shoemaker
- Shore
- Shores
- Shorter
- Shortt
- Shotwell
- Shoulders
- Show
- Showers
- Showman
- Shrapnel
- Shreve
- Shrewsbury
- Shropshire
- Shue
- Shurtleff
- Shute
- Shutt
- Shuttle
- Shuttleworth
- Shutts
- Sibert
- Sibley
- Siddall
- Sidebottom
- Sides
- Sidle
- Sidney
- Sidwell
- Siggers
- Sikes
- Silas
- Silcox
- Sills
- Silversmith
- Silverthorn
- Silvester
- Silvey
- Simcox
- Simeon
- Simkins
- Simmonds
- Simmonite
- Simms
- Simnett
- Simonds
- Simons
- Simpkins
- Singletary
- Siniard
- Sinkfield
- Sisson
- Sitton
- Sizemore
- Skaggs
- Skates
- Skeels
- Skegg
- Skidmore
- Skiles
- Skillman
- Skipper
- Skipworth
- Slack
- Slade
- Slaton
- Slatter
- Slaughter
- Slawson
- Slay
- Slayden
- Slayton
- Sledge
- Sleeper
- Slocum
- Slough
- Sly
- Slye
- Smalley
- Smallman
- Smalls
- Smallwood
- Smart
- Smartt
- Smathers
- Smead
- Smedley
- Smithee
- Smitherman
- Smithers
- Smithey
- Smithson
- Smithwick
- Smoak
- Smotherman
- Smothers
- Smyth
- Smythe
- Snape
- Snead
- Sneed
- Snell
- Snellgrove
- Snelling
- Snelson
- Snipes
- Snook
- Snowden
- Soane
- Sockwell
- Solesbee
- Solley
- Somers
- Sommer
- Sommers
- Sones
- Soper
- Sorrell
- Sorrells
- Sosebee
- Soule
- Soulsby
- South
- Southall
- Southard
- Souther
- Southerland
- Southern
- Southwell
- Southwood
- Southworth
- Sowell
- Sowers
- Spade
- Spafford
- Spalding
- Sparkman
- Sparrow
- Spates
- Spaulding
- Speakman
- Speaks
- Spearman
- Speed
- Speight
- Speights
- Speller
- Spendlove
- Spenser
- Sperry
- Spicer
- Spight
- Spikes
- Spiller
- Spillers
- Spillman
- Spink
- Spinks
- Spinney
- Spires
- Spivey
- Splan
- Spooner
- Sprague
- Spratt
- Spray
- Spriggs
- Springfield
- Sproul
- Spruell
- Spruill
- Spurgeon
- Spurlin
- Spurling
- Spurlock
- Spurr
- Squibb
- Squire
- Squires
- Stacey
- Stack
- Stackhouse
- Stacks
- Stacy
- Staff
- Stage
- Stagg
- Staggers
- Staggs
- Stains
- Stair
- Staley
- Stallings
- Stallworth
- Stamps
- Stanaland
- Stancil
- Standard
- Standley
- Stanfield
- Stanfill
- Stanford
- Stanhope
- Stanier
- Stanman
- Stannard
- Stansberry
- Stansbury
- Stansfield
- Stanwood
- Stapler
- Stapleton
- Stapley
- Stapp
- Starbuck
- Starkey
- Starks
- Starkweather
- Starling
- Starnes
- Starr
- Starry
- Start
- States
- Statham
- Staton
- Statum
- Stayner
- Stayton
- St. Clair
- Stead
- Steadham
- Steadman
- Stebbins
- Steed
- Steel
- Steere
- Steffen
- Stegall
- Stell
- Stembridge
- Stennett
- Stenson
- Stephen
- Stepney
- Stepp
- Steptoe
- Stetson
- Steverson
- Steveson
- Stickland
- Stickles
- Stickney
- Stidham
- Stiff
- Stigall
- Stiles
- Still
- Stillman
- Stillwell
- Stilson
- Stimpson
- Stimson
- Stinchcomb
- Stinnett
- Stinson
- Stinton
- Stipe
- Stith
- Stitt
- Stiver
- St. John
- Stock
- Stockbridge
- Stockdale
- Stocking
- Stocks
- Stockstill
- Stockwell
- Stogsdill
- Stoker
- Stoneham
- Stonehouse
- Stoneman
- Stoner
- Stoney
- Stops
- Storr
- Storrs
- Story
- Stott
- Stoughton
- Stovall
- Stowe
- Stowers
- St. Paul
- Straight
- Strait
- Straley
- Strange
- Stranton
- Stratford
- Straw
- Strawbridge
- Streater
- Street
- Streeter
- Streets
- Stribling
- Stringer
- Stringham
- Stripling
- Strongfellow
- Strother
- Stroud
- Stubbins
- Stubblefield
- Stubbs
- Stuckey
- Studdard
- Studham
- Studley
- Sturdevant
- Sturdivant
- Sturgeon
- Sturgill
- Sturgis
- Sturman
- Sturtevant
- Styles
- Styron
- Sucksmith
- Sudbury
- Sudden
- Sudduth
- Sugg
- Suggs
- Sullins
- Summerfield
- Summerford
- Summerlin
- Summerton
- Sumner
- Sumpter
- Sunderland
- Supple
- Surratt
- Sutch
- Sutcliffe
- Suter
- Sutliff
- Sutter
- Sutterfield
- Suttle
- Suttles
- Swafford
- Swain
- Swallow
- Swanton
- Swasey
- Swayne
- Swayze
- Sweat
- Sweatman
- Sweetapple
- Sweeting
- Sweetland
- Sweetlove
- Sweetman
- Sweetser
- Swett
- Swift
- Swindle
- Swinford
- Swofford
- Sydnor
- Sylvester
- Symonds
- Tabb
- Taber
- Tabor
- Tacey
- Tack
- Tackett
- Tacy
- Taft
- Talbert
- Talbot
- Talbott
- Talkington
- Tall
- Talmadge
- Talmage
- Talton
- Tamplin
- Tankersley
- Tanksley
- Tant
- Tapley
- Taplin
- Tapp
- Tapper
- Tapscott
- Tarbell
- Tarbox
- Targett
- Tarkington
- Tarleton
- Tarlton
- Tarpley
- Tarrant
- Tarry
- Tart
- Tarver
- Tarvin
- Tarwater
- Tasker
- Tatham
- Tatman
- Tatom
- Tatum
- Taunton
- Tawney
- Tea
- Teal
- Teasley
- Tedder
- Teed
- Teel
- Tefft
- Temple
- Templeman
- Temples
- Templeton
- Tench
- Tennant
- Tenney
- Tennison
- Tennyson
- Tenpenny
- Terrill
- Tester
- Tewksbury
- Thacker
- Thackeray
- Thames
- Tharp
- Tharpe
- Thatcher
- Thaxton
- Thayer
- Theaker
- Theall
- Thedford
- Theodore
- Thetford
- Thicke
- Thistlethwait
- Thomason
- Thornberry
- Thornburg
- Thorndike
- Thorne
- Thornell
- Thornhill
- Thornsberry
- Thorp
- Thorpe
- Thorton
- Thrailkill
- Thrall
- Thrash
- Threadgill
- Threlkeld
- Thresher
- Throckmorton
- Throop
- Thrower
- Thrush
- Thurber
- Thurlow
- Thurman
- Thurmond
- Thwaites
- Thyfault
- Tibbetts
- Tibbits
- Tibbitts
- Tibbs
- Tichenor
- Tickle
- Tidd
- Tidwell
- Tiffany
- Tilcock
- Tiller
- Tilley
- Tillinghast
- Tillotson
- Tilson
- Tilthorpe
- Tilton
- Timberlake
- Timmins
- Timmons
- Timpson
- Tims
- Tinch
- Tincher
- Tindall
- Tindell
- Tiner
- Tingey
- Tinker
- Tinkham
- Tinsley
- Tipler
- Tippin
- Tipple
- Tipton
- Titcomb
- Titterington
- Tittle
- Titus
- Titsworth
- Toad
- Tobey
- Tobias
- Todhunter
- Tolbert
- Toler
- Toll
- Tolle
- Tolley
- Tolman
- Tolson
- Tomblin
- Tomey
- Tomlin
- Tomlinson
- Tompkins
- Tompson
- Toms
- Toney
- Tongue
- Toogood
- Toomer
- Toon
- Toone
- Tooth
- Toothaker
- Tope
- Topham
- Topping
- Topps
- Torrey
- Totten
- Tovey
- Tow
- Towe
- Towell
- Tower
- Towers
- Towery
- Towle
- Towler
- Towles
- Town
- Towne
- Towner
- Townes
- Towns
- Townson
- Towry
- Toye
- Tozier
- Trace
- Trafford
- Trafton
- Trantham
- Trapp
- Trask
- Travers
- Traylor
- Treadaway
- Treadway
- Treadwell
- Treat
- Tredgett
- Treece
- Trent
- Trew
- Tribble
- Trickett
- Trigg
- Triggs
- Trim
- Trimble
- Trimm
- Trimmer
- Triplett
- Tripp
- Trivett
- Trivette
- Trogdon
- Trosley
- Trotman
- Trott
- Trotter
- Troutman
- Trowbridge
- Trower
- Troy
- True
- Trueblood
- Truelove
- Truesdale
- Truesdell
- Truitt
- Truman
- Trumble
- Trump
- Trundy
- Truss
- Trussell
- Tryon
- Tubb
- Tubbs
- Tuck
- Tuff
- Tuft
- Tufts
- Tuggle
- Tugwell
- Tune
- Tunkes
- Tunnell
- Tunstall
- Tupper
- Turberville
- Turbeville
- Turbyfill
- Turley
- Turlington
- Turman
- Turnage
- Turvey
- Tustin
- Tuthill
- Tuttle
- Twigg
- Twiggs
- Twilley
- Twining
- Twinn
- Twist
- Twixtchell
- Twombly
- Twyman
- Tye
- Tyer
- Tyndall
- Tyner
- Tyus
- Ugly
- Underdown
- Underhill
- Unsworth
- Upchurch
- Upham
- Upright
- Upshaw
- Upshur
- Upson
- Upthegrove
- Upton
- Urton
- Usry
- Utley
- Vail
- Vale
- Vanish
- Vann
- Vantage
- Varley
- Varnes
- Varnum
- Vause
- Veal
- Veale
- Veasey
- Venus
- Verrill
- Vesey
- Vessels
- Vestal
- Vibbert
- Vick
- Vickers
- Vickery
- Victor
- Victory
- Vince
- Vine
- Vines
- Vining
- Vinson
- Vinton
- Virgin
- Vorce
- Vore
- Vose
- Voshell
- Vowell
- Waddington
- Wadley
- Wadsworth
- Wagers
- Wages
- Wagstaff
- Wagster
- Wainscott
- Wainwright
- Wait
- Waite
- Waits
- Wakefield
- Wakeham
- Wakeland
- Wakeman
- Walborn
- Walburn
- Walcott
- Wald
- Walden
- Waldo
- Waldon
- Waldron
- Walling
- Wallingford
- Wallis
- Walmsley
- Walpole
- Walston
- Walthall
- Wamsley
- Want
- Warburton
- Warden
- Wardle
- Wardwell
- Ware
- Wareham
- Warehouse
- Warf
- Warfield
- Warford
- Waring
- Warman
- Warne
- Warrick
- Warriner
- Warwick
- Wash
- Washam
- Washburn
- Washer
- Waslin
- Wass
- Wasson
- Waterbury
- Waterfield
- Waterhouse
- Wathen
- Watkin
- Watkinson
- Watrous
- Watters
- Wavell
- Waw
- Way
- Waye
- Wayland
- Waylen
- Wayne
- Wayt
- Weakley
- Weatherall
- Weatherfield
- Weatherill
- Weatherly
- Weatherman
- Weathers
- Weathersby
- Weatherspoon
- Weathington
- Webber
- Weddington
- Weddle
- Wedge
- Wedgworth
- Wedlock
- Weekes
- Weir
- Welborn
- Welcher
- Welcome
- Weldy
- Wellborn
- Welles
- Wellfare
- Wellington
- Welliver
- Welsh
- Welton
- Wentworth
- Wesley
- Wessons
- Westberry
- Westbrook
- Westbrooks
- Westbury
- Westcott
- Westfield
- Westgate
- Westlake
- Westley
- Westmore
- Weston
- Westover
- Westwood
- Wetherbee
- Wetherell
- Weymouth
- Whaley
- Wharton
- Whatley
- Wheat
- Wheatland
- Wheatley
- Wheaton
- Wheelhouse
- Wheeling
- Wheelis
- Wheelock
- Wheelus
- Wheelwright
- Wherritt
- Whicker
- Whidby
- Whidden
- Whiddon
- Whigham
- Whinery
- Whipple
- Whipps
- Whisker
- Whitacre
- Whitby
- Whitchurch
- Whitcomb
- Whiteaker
- Whited
- Whitefield
- Whitehead
- Whitehorn
- Whitehouse
- Whitehurst
- Whitelegg
- Whiteley
- Whitely
- Whiteman
- Whiteside
- Whitesides
- Whitham
- Whiting
- Whitis
- Whitlatch
- Whitley
- Whitlock
- Whitlow
- Whitman
- Whitmer
- Whitmire
- Whitmore
- Whitson
- Whitt
- Whittaker
- Whitted
- Whittemore
- Whitten
- Whittier
- Whittingham
- Whittington
- Whittle
- Whitton
- Whitwood
- Whorton
- Whyte
- Wick
- Wicker
- Wickersham
- Wickham
- Wicks
- Widger
- Wig
- Wigg
- Wiggin
- Wiggins
- Wigginton
- Wiggs
- Wightman
- Wigington
- Wigley
- Wilber
- Wilbourne
- Wilburn
- Wilcher
- Wilcoxon
- Wilcoxson
- Wilde
- Wildes
- Wildgoose
- Wilding
- Wildman
- Wile
- Wiles
- Wilham
- Wilke
- Wilkens
- Wilkes
- Wilkey
- Wilkin
- Wilks
- Will
- Willard
- Willbanks
- Willcox
- Willey
- Willie
- Williford
- Willingham
- Willits
- Willoughby
- Wills
- Willson
- Wilmarth
- Wilmer
- Wilmore
- Wilmot
- Wilmoth
- Wilsey
- Wilton
- Wiltshire
- Wimberly
- Wimbish
- Winborne
- Winch
- Winchell
- Winchester
- Winder
- Winders
- Windham
- Windley
- Windsor
- Windus
- Winfield
- Wingate
- Winget
- Wingfield
- Wingo
- Winkfield
- Winkle
- Winn
- Winner
- Winnett
- Winningham
- Winsett
- Winship
- Winslow
- Winsor
- Winstanley
- Winstead
- Winston
- Winthrop
- Winwood
- Wirth
- Wisdom
- Wiseman
- Wisham
- Witcher
- Witham
- Withem
- Witherell
- Withers
- Witherspoon
- Withington
- Withrow
- Witten
- Witter
- Witty
- Wix
- Wixom
- Wixon
- Wixted
- Wofford
- Wolford
- Wolverton
- Womac
- Womack
- Womble
- Woodall
- Woodberry
- Woodbridge
- Woodbury
- Woodcock
- Woodell
- Wooden
- Woodford
- Woodger
- Woodham
- Woodhouse
- Woodiwiss
- Woodland
- Woodley
- Woodman
- Woodmansee
- Woodring
- Woodrow
- Woodruff
- Woodson
- Woodward
- Woodworth
- Woody
- Wooldridge
- Wooley
- Woolford
- Woolley
- Woolsey
- Woolverton
- Woosley
- Wooten
- Wootton
- Worcester
- Word
- Worden
- Wordsworth
- Work
- Workman
- Works
- World
- Worley
- Wormwood
- Worrall
- Worsham
- Worth
- Wortham
- Worthen
- Worthey
- Worthing
- Worthington
- Worthy
- Wragg
- Wray
- Wren
- Wrench
- Wrigley
- Wriston
- Wyant
- Wylie
- Wymer
- Wymore
- Yale
- Yandell
- Yarber
- Yarborough
- Yarbrough
- Yard
- Yardley
- Yarnall
- Yarnell
- Yarrington
- Yearby
- Yearwood
- Yeary
- Yeast
- Yeates
- Yeaton
- Yelverton
- Yelvington
- Yemm
- Yeoman
- Yeomans
- Yerby
- Yetman
- Yielding
- Yoke
- Yorke
- Yost
- Youmans
- Younger
- Youngman
- Youngs
- Yow
- Zachary
- Zachery
- Zackery
- Zane