XSLTForms/XSLTForms only Extensions
[edit | edit source]Configuration options affecting the XSLTForms transformation are taken from the sources below,
where the value for each option is the one found first:
- externally-defined XSLT Parameters,
- config_LANG.xsl file,
- Processing-Instructions(PIs).
XSLT Params
[edit | edit source]Under the xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" the following xsl-params are accepted:
- baseuri: If unspecified, defaults to the base-name of the xsltforms.xsl href.
- xsltforms_caller:
- xsltforms_config: A nodeset having as child the configuration <properties> element that are to be copied on the result xforms-page. Defaults to the ones specified in config.xsl file.
- xsltforms_debug: 'yes' or anything else. If unspecified, assumed no-debug.
- xsltforms_lang: The suffix to use when selecting the language file config_<SUFFIX>.xsl which specifies messages, calendar and other localizations/I18Ns.
Note that xsltforms_config, xsltforms_debug, xsltforms_lang params are further applied to any subsequent transformations of documents containing a xsl-stylesheet PI, either on submission with replace="all" or SVGs, or when applying the transform() extension function.
Config File: config.xsl
[edit | edit source]Sample configuration file:
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0">
<xsl:template name="config">
<nocss><!-- When existent, no css-conversion hapens. -->
<properties> <!-- Accessible at run time from within model('xf-model-config')/instance('xf-instance-config'). -->
<language>navigator</language> <!-- navigator or default -->
<format.datetime>MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss</format.datetime>
<status>... Loading ...</status>
<!-- JS script code to add.
- When none of the following child elements exist, any elements here are copied
- just after xsltforms.js and before init-scripts.
<beforeInit/> <!-- Added in a separate <script> element, after xsltforms.js and before init-scipts. -->
<onBeginInit/> <!-- Added within init-code <script> at the beginning of initImpl() function, before any definitions. -->
<onEndInit/> <!-- Added within init-code <script> at the end of initImpl() function, after xforms.init() invocation. -->
<afterInit/> <!-- Added in a separate <script> element, after init-scripts. -->
Processing Instructions
[edit | edit source]A xforms page can specify the following processing-instructions(PI) that act as configuration parameters:
- xsltforms-options: It accepts 2 pseudo-attributes, sample:
<?xsltforms-options debug="yes" lang="en"?>
- css-conversion: sample:
<?css-conversion no?>
[edit | edit source]- xforms:tree: content-model: (xforms:label?, xforms:item/xforms:label*)
- xforms:setnode: accepts ref attribute to bind a node, inner or outer attribute whose value is an XML serialization of one or more XML nodes; the inner or outer attribute is parsed, and the resulting nodes replace either the children of the node bound by ref, or the node itself. (See separate page for setnode.)
[edit | edit source]Extension functions supported by XSLTForms:
- is-valid(nodeset?): returns true when all nodes in the nodeset are valid.
- transform(nodeset, xslt-href): transforms the node from the node-set which is first in document order using the specified xslt, see https://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=4BB26785.4070807@agencexml.com&forum_name=xsltforms-support
- serialize(nodeset?): serializes the node from the node-set which is first in document order into string(??)
User-Defined Functions
[edit | edit source]Here is a sample of how to define user-defined XPath functions:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="xsltforms/xsltforms.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
nfunc:bogus="Workaround for FF's bug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=94270"
<title>User-Defined XPath functions</title>
This is for old versions of XsltForms:
XPathCoreFunctions['http://example.net/xforms/new-functions/ new-func'] =
new XPathFunction(
false, /* is accepting context as 1st-arg? */
XPathFunction.DEFAULT_NONE, /* context-form as 1st-arg, when (args.length == 0): [ DEFAULT_NONE | DEFAULT_NODE | DEFAULT_NODESET | DEFAULT_STRING ] */
false, /* is returning nodes? */
function() {
return "NEW FUNC";
This works for new versions of XsltForms:
XsltForms_xpathCoreFunctions['http://example.net/xforms/new-functions/ new-func'] =
new XsltForms_xpathFunction(
false, /* is accepting context as 1st-arg? */
XsltForms_xpathFunction.DEFAULT_NONE, /* context-form as 1st-arg, when (args.length == 0): [ DEFAULT_NONE | DEFAULT_NODE | DEFAULT_NODESET | DEFAULT_STRING ] */
false, /* is returning nodes? */
function() {
return "NEW FUNC";
Hello to <xf:output value="concat('My ', nfunc:new-func())" />.
![]() | Notice the attribute on <html> element required for working under Firefox:
nfunc:bogus="Workaround for FF's bug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=94270"(feel free to vote for this mozilla-bug to get fixed some day...) |
Arithmetic expressions
[edit | edit source]Objects in the javascript: pseudo-URL in xf:load/xf:resource@value
[edit | edit source]When the javascript: pseudo-URL is used within the xf:load/xf:resource@value attribute, the id of the enclosing <xf:load> element is contained by the following js object-property: