Category:Half-finished books
These books are about halfway done, with additional pages still to be created and completed.
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Pages in category "Half-finished books"
More recent additions | More recent modifications |
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 375 total.
(previous page) (next page)A
- A Beginner's Arduino Guide
- A Brief Introduction to the LaTeX Typesetting Environment
- A Compendium of Useful Information for the Practical Man
- A Guide to the GRE
- A Neutral Look at Operating Systems
- A-level Chemistry
- A-level Computing
- A-level Computing 2009
- A-level Mathematics
- Abstract Algebra
- Accordion
- ACE+TAO Opensource Programming Notes
- ActionScript Programming
- Active Learning In Virtual Environment
- Adventures of Lolo 2 (Japanese)
- Advertising
- Aeroacoustics
- Afaan Oromo
- AI Art Application and Improvements Handbook
- All About Converting From Several Video Formats To DVD
- Allies vs. Axis v1.0
- Alternative Socioeconomics
- Wikijunior:Ancient Civilizations
- Ancient Greek
- Animal Care
- Annotations of The Complete Peanuts
- Announcing
- Antiracist Activism for Teachers and Students
- Applied Programming
- Applied Science BTEC Nationals
- Armour
- Aros
- Artificial Neural Networks
- Wikijunior:Asia
- AT&T Mobility FAQ
- Authoring Webpages
- C++ Programming
- Canadian Constitutional Law
- Canadian Criminal Evidence
- Canadian Criminal Procedure and Practice
- Cantonese
- Car Washing Techniques
- Card Games
- Castles of England
- CAT-Tools
- Celestia
- Cell Biology
- Cellular Automata
- Ceramicware Defects Handbook
- Chess Opening Theory
- Chess Variants
- Civic Technology
- Classical Mechanics
- Classical Nahuatl
- Climate Change
- Clojure Programming
- Cluster-Handbook
- Cognition and Instruction
- Collaborative Networked Learning: A Guide
- Common Lisp
- Communication Networks
- Communication Skills Development
- Compendium of Fiddle Styles
- Compiler Construction
- Complete Guide to Essential Oils
- Computability and Complexity
- Computational Chemistry
- Computer Information Systems in Education
- Computers for Beginners
- Concurrent Engineering
- Configuring Sound on Linux
- Conlang
- Cross-Platform Game Programming with gameplay3d
- Easy Ido
- Eggerland
- Electronics
- Elm programming language
- Embedded Control Systems Design
- Embedded Systems
- Engineering Analysis
- Engineering Tables
- English for B2 Students
- Environmental theory and collection of ideas
- ERP Internals
- Ethical Debates in Connected Culture 2019
- Ethnography of Fiddle
- Ethnomedicine
- Wikijunior:Famous Paintings
- Fedora And Red Hat System Administration
- Feng Shui
- File Checksum Integrity Verifier (FCIV) Examples
- Final Fantasy
- Fire on the Limestone Plains
- First steps towards system programming under MS-DOS 7
- Foundations and Assessment of Education
- Foundations and Current Issues of Early Childhood Education
- Foundations of Constructivism
- Freelance Instructional Designer Handbook
- The Future of Leadership
- Game Creation with XNA
- Game Maker Programming
- Game of Games
- GCSE Business Studies
- GCSE Science
- General Astronomy
- Geometry for Elementary School
- German
- Global Issues: Austria & Czech Republic
- Global Issues: Japan
- Government and Binding Theory
- Grounded Cat Martial Arts
- Group Theory
- GtkRadiant
- Guide to Dayi input
- Guide to Unix
- Guide to X11
- Haitian Creole
- Handbook for Doctoral Students in Education
- Handbook of Management Scales
- Harmonica
- High School Mathematics Extensions
- History of Embrun
- Horticultural Gardening Tips
- Horticulture
- House Construction
- Wikijunior:How Things Work
- How To Beat The Draft Board
- How To Build A Teardrop Trailer
- How to Learn a Language
- How to Play Violin
- How to use a Motorola DVR
- How to Write a Research Paper in History
- HSC Mathematics Advanced, Extension 1, and Extension 2
- HTML 5 Programming and Web development
- Hypnosis
- IB
- IB Biology
- IB Cultural Anthropology
- IB French
- Illustrated Guide to the world of Spira (FFX and FFX-2)
- Indonesian
- Indonesian Reader
- Infiltrator II
- Information Technology and Ethics
- Instructional Technology
- Interlingual Energizers
- Intermediate Algebra
- Introduction to Chemical Engineering Processes
- Introduction to Classical Music
- Introduction to Information Literacy in the K12 Classroom
- Introduction to Information Technology
- Introduction to Library and Information Science
- Introduction to Mathematical Physics
- Wikijunior:Introduction to Mathematics
- Introduction to Programming Languages
- Introductory Agrometeorology
- Introductory Chemistry Online
- Investigating Critical & Contemporary Issues in Education
- Io Programming
- Iranian History
- Irish
- Issues in Digital Technology in Education