Category:Partly developed books
These books are approximately a quarter done so far, with a majority of the book still to be worked on.
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Pages in category "Partly developed books"
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The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,040 total.
(previous page) (next page)A
- A Beginner's Guide to D
- A Beginner's Guide to MS Windows Optimization
- A Chronological Survey of Sedimentary Landforms in the Continental United States
- A Comprehensive Guide to World History
- A Field Guide to Final Fantasy's Creatures and Monsters
- A First Course to Network Coding
- A Guide To PIC Microcontroller Documentation
- A Handbook of Kyrgyz Grammar
- A History of the British Monarchy
- A Level Computer Science Programming Guide
- A New Model of the Atom
- A Textbook of Classical Tibetan
- A Textbook of Community Medicine
- A Traveler's Guide to the World of Pokémon
- A-level Applied Science
- A-level Biology
- A-level Economics
- A-level English
- Abnormal Sexual Psychology
- Accelerando Technical Companion
- Accountancy
- Acing the SQE
- ACT Study Guide
- Admission to Graduate School in the U.S.
- Adobe GoLive Guide
- Advanced Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists
- Advanced QoS for IPCop
- Advanced Structural Analysis
- Wikijunior:Africa
- Afrikaans
- Agriculture
- Agrodatabase
- Albanian
- Alcor6L
- Algebra
- Alien Hominid
- Amateur Radio Manual
- Wikijunior:American Founding Fathers
- American Literature
- American Revolution
- American Sign Language
- Among Us
- An Introduction to Python For Undergraduate Engineers
- An Introduction to Weblogs
- Analog and Digital Conversion
- Analogue Electronics
- Analytical Forensic Pharmacology
- Anarchist FAQ
- Ancient Domains of Mystery
- Ancient History
- Ancient Meitei
- Android
- Animal Crossing: Wild World
- Annotated Republic of China Case Law
- Annotated Republic of China Laws
- Annotated Republic of China Regulations
- ANSI C with Unix
- AnyLang Programming Language Comparison
- AP Biology
- AP Chemistry
- AP Computer Science
- Apache
- Apples
- AppleScript Programming
- Applicable Mathematics
- Applied Science AQA
- AQA Business Studies
- AQA Government and Politics
- AQA Information and Communication Technology
- Armenian
- Art History
- Artificial Intelligence
- Astrodynamics
- Atlas Shrugged
- Australian Esoterica
- Australian Government
- Australian History
- Authoring Foreign Language Textbooks
- AutoCAD
- Autodesk Vault Programmer's Cookbook
- Automobile Repair
- Automotive Systems
- Autonomous Technology-Assisted Language Learning
- Aymara
- Ayyavazhi
- Wikijunior:Baby Animals
- Back Pain
- Backpack Camping and Woodland Survival
- Bagpipe Maintenance
- Bahá'í Faith
- Bambara
- BarCamp - How to Run Your Own
- Bards Bluegrass Fiddle Tunebook Supplement
- Bards Irish Fiddle Tunebook Supplement
- Bards Klezmer Fiddle Tunebook Supplement
- Bartending
- Bash Shell Scripting
- Basic Algebra
- Basic Automobiles
- Basic Bitmap Image Editing
- Basic Computer Security
- Basic Electrical Generation and Distribution
- Basic Geology
- Basic Math for Adults
- Basque
- Becoming a Private Pilot
- Beekeeping
- Beginner's Guide to Interactive Fiction with Inform 7
- Beginners Guide to Ladino
- Behringer FCB1010 MIDI Pedal
- Bengali
- Bestiary of Behavioral Economics
- Biblical Studies
- Bilingual Education
- Biochemistry
- Biological Physics
- Biological Psychology
- Biomedical Engineering Theory And Practice
- Biotechnology
- Blender 3D: Blending Into Python
- BLL German
- Blogging
- Bodybuilding and Weight Training
- Bonsai
- Bookbinding
- Branding a University Media Department
- Brave New World
- Brazilian Dictionary of Legal Language
- Brazilian Portuguese
- Breaking the Mold: An Educational Perspective on Diffusion of Innovation
- Bridge
- Buddhist Philosophy
- Bug Free Programming
- Building a Beowulf Cluster
- Building Haycocks
- Building Services
- Business Integration Engine
- Business Intelligence
- Business Rule Mining Best Practices
- C Sharp for Beginners
- C Shell Scripting
- C++ Programming As A Set Of Problems
- CA Unicenter NSM Textbook
- Calculus Optimization Methods
- Cambodian Language
- Canadian Copyright Law
- Canadian Criminal Trial Advocacy
- Canadian History
- Canadian Property Law
- Canadian Tort Law
- Canadian Trade-mark Law
- Canne de Combat
- Canvas 2D Web Apps
- Card and Magic Tricks
- Carpentry
- Castle of the Winds
- Catalan
- Category Theory
- CCNA Certification
- CDuce
- Cello Handbook
- Cg Programming
- Character Creation
- Chechen
- Chemical Sciences: A Manual for CSIR-UGC National Eligibility Test for Lectureship and JRF
- Chemistry Friends
- Child Psychology and Digital Technology
- Children's and Youth Literature Writer's and Reviewer's Guide
- Chinese (Classical Mandarin)
- Chinese Checkers
- Chinese History
- Chinese Medicinal Formulas
- Chinese Stories
- Chinese Tractor Maintenance
- Chip Design Made Easy
- Chitrali
- Choose Your Own Pyventure
- Choosing a Car
- Choosing The Right File Format
- Choral Techniques and Literature for the Real World
- Chrono Cross
- Circuit Idea
- Civ
- CIW Certification
- Clarinet
- Classical Chinese
- Classical Meitei