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Croatian Discussion Wikipedia
Bosnian Discussion Wikipedia
Hrvatski jezik — Bosanski jezik
Bosansko-hrvatski lažni prijatelji
Hrvatsko-bošnjački lažni prijatelji
Cr. baba
Bo. baba ‘old woman’
Bo. baba
1. baba ‘old woman’ 2. baka ‘grandmother’
Cr. igrati
Bo. igrati ‘to play (a game)’
Bo. igrati
1. igrati ‘to play (a game)’ 2. plesati ‘to dance’
Cr. kor
Bo. hor ‘choir’
Bo. kor
Cr. korpus ‘corps’
Cr. kovčeg
1. kovčeg ‘suitcase’ 2. kovčeg ‘trunk, box, chest’
Bo. kovčeg
1. kovčeg ‘suitcase’ 2. kovčeg ‘trunk, box, chest’ 3. lijes ‘coffin’
Cr. lice
Bo. lice ‘face’
Bo. lice
1. lice ‘face’ 2. osoba ‘person’
Cr. listopad
1. listopad ‘falling of leaves’ 2. oktobar ‘October’
Bo. listopad
Cr. listopad ‘falling of leaves’
Cr. nedjelja
Bo. nedjelja ‘Sunday’
Bo. nedjelja
1. nedjelja ‘Sunday’ 2. tjedan, sedmica ‘week’
Cr. sklanjati
1. sklanjati ‘to hide; to clear away, to remove’ 2. deklinirati ‘to decline (grammar) ’
Bo. sklanjati
Cr. sklanjati ‘to hide; to clear away, to remove’
Cr. sprezati
1. sprezati ‘to put (horses) to (a coach), to harness’ 2. konjugirati ‘to conjugate’
Bo. sprezati
Cr. sprezati ‘to put (horses) to (a coach), to harness’
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