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Final Fantasy IV/Enemies

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This set of monsters is obtained from the SNES US version. Bosses are not listed on this page unless they appear in a random encounter.

At the end of each battle, you gain a set amount of Gold and Exp. Gold is added directly to the pool, while EXP is divided among all party members.

Names and stats may differ in the Japanese version.

Name HP Gold Exp Attacks/weakness Locations
Eagle 18 5 40 Nothing special Outside baron
FloatEye 20 9 42 Outside baron
Imp 6 10 20 Outside baron
SwordRat 30 66 30 Counters with Needle Outside baron
Larva <30 Misty dungeon
SandMoth 40 Misty dungeon
Sand Man 20 20 80 Outside Kaipo
Sandpede 60 25 80 Outside Kaipo
SandWorm 60 (75) 25 90 Outside Kaipo
EvilShel 58 30 55 Watery pass
WaterBug 110 80 Casts Remedy. Retreats. Watery pass
Pike 65 35 120 Watery pass
CaveToad 44 25 90 Watery pass
Jelly 35 35 140 Resistant to physical Watery pass
Aligator 150 95 80X Attacks two characters Watery pass
Waterhag 48 ~60 180 Watery pass
Zombie 40 35 120 Undead, resistant to physical attacks. Watery pass
Tinymage 69 ~60 180 Casts Lit-1, Ice-1. Counters attacks with Hold, spells with Psych. Try casting hold on them. Watery pass, Outside Dancyan
Mad Toad 59 Watery pass (waterfall)
Imp Cap. 37 50 150 Antlion cave, East Mt. Fabul
Cream 55 35 150 Resistant to physical. Vulnerable to Lit. Antlion cave
Turtle 150 80 240 Antlion
Basilisk 90 30 120 Antlion
Weeper 100 40 160 Antlion
Skeletion 50 125 240 Mt. Fabul, Ordeals
Spirit 50 125 290 Mt. Fabul
GrayBomb 100 ? ? Mt. Fabul
Bomb 50 ? ? Mt. Fabul
Cocktric 100 120 280 Can petrify
Gargoyle 160 140 320 Casts weak Mt. Fabul + East
Needler 110 55 410 Counters with Needle East Mt. Fabul
Raven 941 740 Mystidia
Red Bone 170 170 320 Mt. Ordeals
Soul 150 165 510 Mt. Ordeals
Ghoul 180 580 Mt. Ordeals
Ghast 120 Mt. Ordeals
Revenant 160 Mt. Ordeals
Lilith 320 Mt. Ordeals
Piranha 105 Under Castle Baron
ElecFish 200 Under Castle Baron
Corcdile 292 Under Castle Baron
AquaWorm 638 Under Castle Baron
Hydra 200 Under Castle Baron
Guard 200 Under Castle Baron
StingRat Near Toroian Castle
Treant Near Toroian Castle
Cave Bat 150 Dark Elf Cave
VampGirl 250 Dark Elf Cave
Panther 285 Dark Elf Cave
Mage 500 Dark Elf Cave
Ogre 865 Dark Elf Cave
Carapace 700 Tower of Zot
Ice Liz 400 Tower of Zot
Slime 50 Tower of Zot, Lunar surface
Centaur 380 or 445 Tower of Zot
IceBeast 380 or 445 Tower of Zot
FlameDog 1221 235 1720 Hits party with Fire. Weak against ice. Tower of Zot
Marion 473 (or 256) Tower of Zot
Puppet 256 (or 473) Tower of Zot
EpeeGirl 390? (could be SwordMan) Tower of Zot
SwordMan 390? (could be EpeeGirl) Tower of Zot
Dark Imp 199 45 388 Underworld
Armadillo 300 195 320 Underworld, Cave Elbana
Black Liz 700 45 260 Underworld, Tower of Babil, Cave Elbana
Tortoise 400 235 340 Underworld, Tower of Babil
Egg 700 Tower of Babil
Chimera 700 Tower of Babil
Flameman 579 Tower of Babil
Alert 1425 Tower of Babil
1221 Summoned by Alert. Tower of Babil
Tofu 102 Weak against ice Tower of Babil, Lunar Surface
Medusa 430 Tower of Babil
Stoneman 445 420 Tower of Babil
Ironman 2500 Tower of Babil
Sorcerer 1000 Tower of Babil
Vamp Bat 399 365 256 Cave Elbana
Iron Back 100 235 220 Cave Elbana
Skull 740 120 316 Cave Elbana
Balloon 600 Upper Tower of Babil, Lunar path
Black Cat 593 Upper Tower of Babil
Egg 1200 Upper Tower of Babil
Mad Ogre 1700 Upper Tower of Babil
Lamia 1200 1210 412 Upper Tower of Babil
Egg 2200 Upper Tower of Babil
Mooncell 980 Lunar Surface
Pudding 1050 Lunar Surface
Juclyote 1700 Lunar Path
Procyote 2200 Lunar Path
Grenade 820 Lunar Path
Red Worm 7000 Lunar Path
Machine 3600 Giant of Babil
Beamer 1800 Fires beam. Giant of Babil
Horseman 3000 Giant of Babil
Searcher 5500 Summons a monster when hit. Giant of Babil
??? 8500 Summoned by Searcher Giant of Babil
D.Machin 15000 Summoned by Searcher. Uses Fire (on all) Giant of Babil
RedGiant 11800 7000 3780 Lunar Lair
Ging-Ryu 7500 19000 5000 Casts Blaze against whole party. Lunar Lair
King-Ryu 8200 23000 6000 Lunar Lair
D. Bone 9000 6750 2820 Lunar Lair
D. Fossil 10000 8100 3020 Weak to Fire. Lunar Lair
Warlock 4250 2400 3460 Will sap all MP. Lunar Lair
Kary ???? 3500 2620 Lunar Lair
Behemoth 16000 65000 11740 Retaliates on physical attacks. Lunar Lair (deep)
Blue D. ???? 40200 7200 Impervious to magic. Lunar Lair (deep)
Red D. ???? 65000 10360 Weak to Ice. Lunar Lair (deep)
Fatal Eye ???? 65200 8000 Casts Count. Lunar Lair (deep)
EvilMask 25500 Casts Wall on self, then Wall on party. Begins casting White as part of delta-attack. Lunar Lair (deep)
Mind 12300 Lunar Lair (deep)