Flora of New York/Acorales & Alismatales
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Genus index |
Protected species index | Invasive species index | ||
The Acorales and Alismatales form the basal grade of the monocots (Lilianae), informally grouped as the "alismatid monocots."[1]
Clade | Order | Family | Subfamily | Tribe | Genus | Common names | # |
alismatid monocots |
Acorales | Acoraceae | — | — | Acorus | sweetflag | 2 |
Alismatales | Araceae | Orontioideae | Orontieae | Orontium | goldenclub | 1 | |
Symplocarpeae | Symplocarpus | skunk cabbage | 1 | ||||
Lemnoideae | — | Spirodela | duckmeat | 1 | |||
Lemna | duckweed | 5 | |||||
Wolffia | watermeal | 3 | |||||
Aroideae | Calleae | Calla | callalily | 1 | |||
Peltandreae | Peltandra | arrow-arum | 1 | ||||
Arisaemateae | Arisaema | Jack-in-the-pulpit | 5 | ||||
Pinellia | pinellia | 1 | |||||
Pistieae | Pistia | water-lettuce | 1 | ||||
Tofieldiaceae | — | — | Triantha | tofieldia, false asphodel | 1 | ||
Hydrocharitaceae | Hydrocharitoideae | — | Egeria | waterweed | 1 | ||
Hydrocharis | frogbit | 1 | |||||
Limnobium | spongeplant | 1 | |||||
Anacharidoideae | — | Elodea | waterweed | 3 | |||
Hydrilloideae | — | Najas | waternymph, naiad | 8 | |||
Hydrilla | water-thyme | 1 | |||||
Vallisneria | eelgrass | 1 | |||||
Butomaceae | — | — | Butomus | flowering rush | 1 | ||
Alismataceae | — | — | Sagittaria | arrowhead | 9 | ||
Alisma | water-plantiain | 12 | |||||
Helanthium | burhead | 1 | |||||
Scheuchzeriaceae | — | — | Scheuchzeria | rannoch-rush | 1 | ||
Juncaginaceae | Juncaginoideae | — | Triglochin | arrowgrass | 2 | ||
Ruppiaceae | — | — | Ruppia | ditch-grass | 1 | ||
Zosteraceae | — | — | Zostera | eelgrass | 1 | ||
Potamogetonaceae | — | Potamogetoneae | Potamogeton | pondweed | 36 | ||
Stuckenia | fineleaf pondweed | 2 | |||||
Zannichellieae | Zannichellia | horned pondweed | 1 |
Order Acorales
[edit | edit source]The order Acorales consists of only the Acoraceae (sweetflag family), with Acorus as its only genus.[1]
Family Acoraceae
[edit | edit source]Acorus
[edit | edit source]
Genus Acorus | Sweetflag | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
(Raf.) Raf. 1828. Acorus calamus var. americanus Raf. in…
1836. Acorus americanus (Raf.) Raf. in…
1954. Acorus calamus var. americanus H.Wulff |
American sweet-flag, American sweetflag, Several-veined sweetflag, Sweetflag Acore d'Amérique, Acorus d'Amérique, Belle-angélique |
Native, CoC: 5, Secure, Fertile diploid (2n = 2x = 24) OBL Perennial, Herb-forb, Sun |
NYFA: 5 NYFA: 14 counties iNat 5 counties |
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L. 1753. Acorus calamus L. in…
1764. Calamus aromaticus Garsault in…
1840. Acorus angustatus Raf. in… |
Old World sweet-flag, European sweetflag, Single-veined sweetflag, Flag-root, Myrtle flag Acore roseau, Acorus roseau, Acore aromatique, Belle-angélique |
Introduced from Asia, Sterile triploid (2n = 3x = 36) OBL Perennial, Herb-forb, Sun |
NYFA: X iNat |
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Order Alismatales
[edit | edit source]The order Alismatales as defined in the Angiosperm Phylogeny Website.[1]
Family Araceae
[edit | edit source]The plants of the Araceae (arum family) have numerous small flowers that are part of a spadix, a spike inflorescence on which the flowers are borne on a fleshy stem. The spadix is usually surrounded by a bract called a spathe.
Subfamily Orontioideae
[edit | edit source]The Orontioideae contains just two New York species, both native: Orontium aquaticum (golden club) and Symplocarpus foetidus (eastern skunk cabbage). This subfamily also includes the genus Lysichiton which comprises the western and Asian skunk cabbages, neither of which are know to have naturalized in New York.
[edit | edit source]Orontium aquaticum (golden club), the only living species of its grenus, probably reaches the northern extent of its range in New York and adjacent New England. It is considered to be threatened in New York, where it is mostly found in Hudson River tidal marshes but has been reported in acidic bogs and ponds farther inland.
Genus Orontium | Goldenclub | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
L. 1753. Orontium aquaticum L.
1895. Aronia aquatica (L.) Baill. |
Golden club | Native, CoC: 9, Threatened, NYNHP: 2[1] OBL Perennial, Herb-forb, Part shade |
NYFA: 2 |
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[edit | edit source]Skunk cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus) is the only North American native of the genus. The western skunk cabbage is in the genus Lysichiton and has not been reported to have naturalized in New York.
Genus Symplocarpus | Skunk-cabbage | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
(L.) Salisb. ex W.P.C.Barton 1753. Dracontium foetidum L.
1808. Spathyema foetida (L.) Raf. nom. inval.
1812. Symplocarpus foetidus (L.) W.Salisb.
1817. Symplocarpus foetidus (L.) Salisb. ex W.P.C.Barton
1818. Symplocarpus foetidus Nutt. |
Skunk cabbage, Polecatweed Chou puant, Tabac-du-diable |
Native, CoC: 5, Secure OBL Perennial, Herb-forb, Shade |
NYFA: 5 |
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Subfamily Lemnoideae
[edit | edit source]The Lemnoideae contains the small aquatic plants known as duckweeds, or water lentils. This subfamily contains plants previously placed in the Lemnaceae.
[edit | edit source]Common duck-meat (Spirodela polyrrhiza)
Genus Spirodela | Duckmeat | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
(L.) Schleid.
Common water-flaxseed, Common duck-meal, Common duck-meat, Greater duckweed, Giant duckweed Spirodèle polyrhize |
Native, Secure OBL Perennial, Herb-forb |
NYFA: 5 |
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[edit | edit source]Genus Lemna | Duckweed | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
L. 1753. Lemna minor L.
1771. Lenticula minor (L.) Scop.
1816. Lemna minima Thuill. ex P.Beauv.
1901. Hydrophace minor (L.) Bubani |
Lesser duckweed | Native, CoC: 2, Secure |
NYFA: 5 |
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L. 1753. Lemna trisulca L. |
Star duckweed | Native, CoC: 4, Secure |
NYFA: 5 |
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Torr. 1843. Lemna perpusilla Torr. |
Minute duckweed | Native, CoC: 4, Endangered, NYNHP: 1[1] |
NYFA: 1 |
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Phil. 1864. Lemna valdiviana Phil. |
Pale duckweed, Valdivia duckweed |
Native, CoC: 10, Endangered, NYNHP: 1[2] |
NYFA: 1 |
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Landolt 1975. Lemna turionifera Landolt |
Turion duckweed, Lenticulare turionifère |
Native, CoC: 4, Unranked OBL |
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Genus Lemna (excluded species) | Duckweed | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
L. 1753. Lemna gibba L. |
Swollen duckweed | N. America native, N.Y. excluded |
NYFA-Excluded |
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(Austin) Daubs 1965. Lemna obscura (Austin) Daubs
1867. Lemna minor var. obscura Austin |
Little duckweed | N. America native, N.Y. excluded |
NYFA-Excluded |
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[edit | edit source]The genus Wolffia (watermeal) contains the world's smallest flowering plants, each an undifferentiated, rootless floating body. These species are often found in mixed populations in still ponds, lakes, and marshes in various parts of the state.
Genus Wolffia Horkel ex Schleiden | Watermeal | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
H.Karst. 1865. Wolffia columbiana H.Karst
1892. Grantia columbiana (H.Karst.) MacMill.
1912. Bruniera columbiana (H.Karst.) Nieuwl. |
Columbian watermeal, Columbia watermeal, Columbian duckmeal Wolffie de Colombie |
Native, Secure |
NYFA: 5 |
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(Engelm. ex Hegelm.) Landolt 1868. Wolffia brasiliensis var. borealis Engelm. ex Hegelm.
1986. Wolffia borealis (Engelm. ex Hegelm.) Landolt |
Dotted watermeal, Northern watermeal, Northern duckmeal Wolffie borèle |
Native, Likely secure |
NYFA: 4 |
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Wedd. 1849. Wolffia brasiliensis Wedd.
????. Bruniera punctata
1864. Wolffia punctata Griseb.
????. Wolffia papulifera |
Brazilian watermeal | Native, Likely secure |
NYFA: 4 |
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Subfamily Aroideae
[edit | edit source]Tribe Calleae
[edit | edit source]Calla
[edit | edit source]Calla palustris is the sole species of the genus and is native to cool wetlands of the Northern Hemisphere, including those in New York State.
Genus Calla | Callalily | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
L. 1753. Calla palustris L. |
Wild calla, Water arum Calla des marais |
Native, Secure OBL Perennial, Herb-forb |
NYFA: 5 |
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Tribe Peltandreae
[edit | edit source]Peltandra
[edit | edit source]The genus Peltandra in New York contains the green arrow arum or tuckahoe (Peltandra virginica)
Genus Peltandra | Arrow-arum | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
(L.) Raf. ex Schott 1832. Peltandra virginica (L.) Raf. ex Schott |
Green arrow arum, Green arrow-arum, Arrow arum, Poison arum, Tuckahoe |
Native, Secure OBL Perennial, Herb-forb |
NYFA: 5 |
USDA-NN Go Botany ARS-GRIN BONAP Images Wikispecies | |
Tribe Arisaemateae
[edit | edit source]The Arisaemateae includes two genera that can be found in New York: Arisaema and Pinellia. These include the plants known as Jack-in-the-pulpit and green dragon.
[edit | edit source]Two species of Arisaema are native to New York: A. triphyllum (Jack-in-the-Pulpit) and A. dracontium (Green dragon).
Three subspecies of Jack-in-the-Pulpit have been reported in New York. A. triphyllum ssp. triphyllum, a tetraploid with 2n:56 chromosomes, likely originated as a hybrid of subspecies stewardsonii and pusillum, each of which is a diploid with 2n:28 chromosomes.[1] |
Genus Arisaema Mart. sect. Pedatisecta[1] | Jack-in-the-pulpit | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
(L.) Schott ssp. triphyllum1753. Arum triphyllum L.
1832. Arisaema triphyllum (L.) Schott
1835. Arisaema atrorubens (Aiton) Blume |
Common Jack-in-the-pulpit
Indian Jack-in-the-pulpit
Indian-turnip Arisème petit-prêcheur
Native, Secure FAC |
NYFA: 5 |
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(L.) Schott ssp. stewardsonii (Britton) Huttl.1901. Arisaema stewardsonii Britton
1910. Arisaema triphyllum var. stewardsonii Stevens
1920. Arisaema triphyllum f. stewardsonii Engl.
1949. Arisaema triphyllum ssp. stewardsonii Huttl. |
Stewardson's Jack-in-the-pulpit
Swamp Jack-in-the-pulpit Arisème de Stewardson
Arisèma de Stewardson
Native, Secure FAC |
NYFA: 5 |
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(L.) Schott ssp. pusillum (Peck) Huttl.1898. Arisaema triphyllum var. pusillum Peck
1901. Arisaema pusillum (Peck) Nash
1903. Arisaema acuminatum Small
1921. Arisaema triphyllum var. acuminatum Engl.
1940. Arisaema triphyllum f. pusillum Fernald
1949. Arisaema triphyllum ssp. pusillum Huttl. |
Small jack-in-the-pulpit, Peck's jack-in-the-pulpit Arisème nain |
Native, Vulnerable |
NYFA: 3 |
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Arisaema triphyllum ssp. stewardsonii × Arisaema triphyllum ssp. triphyllum |
Hybrid of Swamp Jack-in-the-pulpit & Common Jack-in-the-pulpit |
Native, Unknown FAC |
Images Wikispecies | |
Genus Arisaema Mart. sect. Tortuosa[1] | Green-dragon | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
(L.) Schott 1753. Arum dracontium L. 1832. Arisaema dracontium (L.) Schott 1903. Muricauda dracontium (L.) Small |
Green dragon, Dragon root, Dragon arum Arisème dragon, Arisèma dragon |
Native, Likely secure |
NYFA: 4 |
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[edit | edit source]Pinellia ternata (crowdipper) is being tracked as a potentially invasive plant in New York and New Jersey.[1]
Genus Pinellia | Pinellia | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
(Thunb.) Makino 1784. Arum ternatum Thunb.
1837. Alocasia ternata (Thunb.) Raf.
1837. Atherurus ternatus (Thunb.) Blume
1901. Pinellia ternata (Thunb.) Makino |
Crowdipper, Asian green dragon |
Introduced from eastern Asia, Potentially invasive, NYIS Tier: Untiered, iMapInvasives, Invasive.org: [1], USGS: L48 not listed, Unknown naturalization, SNA Perennial, Herb-forb |
NYFA: X NYFA: Kings County iNat GBIF 3 counties |
Images Wikispecies | |
Tribe Pistieae
[edit | edit source]Pistia
[edit | edit source]Water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes) is now listed with an Ecological Invasiveness rank of Very High and placed in New York State Tier 2.[1]
Genus Pistia | Water-lettuce | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
L. 1753. Pistia stratiotes L.
1803. Pistia spathulata Michx.
1878. Pistia stratiotes var. spathulata Engl. |
Water-lettuce, Tropical duckweed, Nile cabbage Laitue d'eau |
Introduced from US South, South America, Africa, Very highly invasive, NYIS: 62%[1], Impersistent |
NYFA: 2 counties iMap: 3 counties iNat: 5 counties NYFA: X |
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Tribe Colocasieae
[edit | edit source]Colocasia
[edit | edit source]
Genus Colocasia | Taro | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
(L.) Schott 1753. Arum esculentum L.
1801. Caladium esculentum (L.) Vent.
1832. Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott
1832. Colocasia esculenta var. esculenta
1832. Colocasia antiquorum Schott
1856. Colocasia antiquorum var. esculenta (L.) Schott |
Coco yam ⓘ
Introduced, Highly invasive |
NYFA-Excluded NYFA: Not listed xx counties |
Images Wikispecies | |
Family Tofieldiaceae
[edit | edit source]Triantha
[edit | edit source]Genus Triantha | Tofieldia | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
(Michx.) Baker 1803. Narthecium glutinosum Michx.
1879. Triantha glutinosa (Michx.) Baker |
Sticky false-asphodel | Native, Endangered |
NYFA: 1 |
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Family Alismataceae
[edit | edit source]The Alismataceae (water-plantain family) has about a dozen documented taxa in three genera growing outside of cultivation in New York.
[edit | edit source]
Genus Sagittaria | Arrowhead | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Broad-leaved arrowhead, Wapato, Common arrowhead, Duck-potato |
Native, CoC: 3, Secure OBL Perennial, Herb-forb |
NYFA: 5 |
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Sessile-fruited arrowhead | Native, CoC: 6, Secure OBL Perennial, Herb-forb |
NYFA: 5 |
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ssp. graminea |
Grass-leaved arrowhead | Native, CoC: 8, Secure OBL Perennial, Herb-forb |
NYFA: 5 |
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Northern arrowhead, Wapato, Wapatum arrowhead |
Native, CoC: 6, Secure OBL Perennial, Herb-forb |
NYFA: 5 |
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Acid-water arrowhead, Engelmann arrowhead |
Native, CoC: 9, Likely secure OBL Perennial, Herb-forb |
NYFA: 4 |
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Strap-leaved arrowhead | Native, CoC: 7, Rare OBL Perennial, Herb-forb |
NYFA: 3 |
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ssp. spongiosa Lophotocarpus spathulatus |
Spongy-leaved arrowhead, Tidal arrowhead, Spongy arrowhead, Hooded arrowhead |
Native, CoC: 7, Threatened OBL Annual, Herb-forb |
NYFA: 2 |
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Slender arrowhead, Quill-leaved sagittaria |
Native, CoC: 10, Endangered OBL Perennial, Herb-forb |
NYFA: 1 |
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(J.G.Sm.) Small 1897. Sagittaria longirostra var. australis J.G.Sm.
1903. Sagittaria australis (J.G.Sm.) Small
auct. Sagittaria engelmanniana ssp. longirostra non Micheli 1955
auct. Sagittaria longirostra non J.G.Sm. |
Longbeak arrowhead, Appalachian arrowhead |
N. America native, N.Y. excluded |
NYFA-Excluded |
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[edit | edit source]Three species of water-plantains (genus Alisma) have been reported in New York State.
Genus Alisma | Water-plantain | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Raf. 1808. Alisma subcordatum Raf. in Med. Repos., ser. 2, 5:362 |
American water-plantain Southern water-plantain Broad-leaved water-plantain Small water-plantain Alisma subcordé |
Native, CoC: 4, Secure, S5, G5 OBL Perennial, Herb-forb |
NYFA: 24 counties iNat: 16 counties GBIF: present in NY |
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Pursh 1808. Alisma roseum Raf. in Med. Repos., nom. nud. |
Northern water-plantain Alisma commun |
Native, CoC: 4, Secure, S5, G5 OBL Perennial, Herb-forb |
NYFA: 13 counties iNat: 13 counties GBIF: present in NY |
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Lej. 1811. Alisma gramineum Lej. in Fl. Spa 1:175 |
Narrow-leaved water-plantain Grass-leaved water-plantain Ribbon-leaf water-plantain Alisma graminoide |
Native, CoC: 7, Threatened, S4, G5 OBL Perennial, Herb-forb, 2n=14 |
NYFA: 2-3 |
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[edit | edit source]The species Helanthium tenellum (Mart. ex Schult.f.) J.G.Sm. (mud-babies or dwarf burhead) is not known to persist New York State, though specimens were collected from Queens County in 1921.
Genus Helanthium | Burhead | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
(Mart. ex Schult.f.) Britton 1830. Alisma tenellum Mart. ex Schult.f. in J.J.Roemer & J.A.Schultes, Syst. Veg. |
Dwarf burhead Mud-babies Pygmy chain sword |
Native, CoC: 10, Likely extirpated, SX, G5 OBL Perennial, Herb-forb |
NYFA: Queens (1921) iNat: No NY obs. GBIF: Not present in NY |
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Family Butomaceae
[edit | edit source]Butomus
[edit | edit source]The sole species of Butomaceae (the flowering rush family) is the aquatic Eurasian plant Butomus umbellatus, which is listed as moderately invasive in New York. Its first appearance in North America was in the St. Laurence River in 1897, and it is now a problem weed in the Great Lakes.[1]
Studies by L. C. Anderson in 1974 found that the naturalized North American Butomus populations had separate sources. Those east of Niagara Falls, introduced near the St. Lawernce River, originated in eastern Asia. Those west of the Falls were introduced near Detroit, and were from western Euraasia. R. L. Stuckey, in 1994, recognized these two groups as separate species, with B. umbellatus, from western Eurasia, found west of the Falls, and B. junceus, from eastern Asia, found east of the falls.[2] B. junceus is not widely accepted as a separate species at this time, but if it were to be accepted, New York's populations would probably be considered to be B. junceus.[3][4]
Genus Butomus | Flowering rush | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
L. 1753. Butomus umbellatus L. 1837. Butomus junceus Turcz. |
Flowering rush, Water gladiolus, Grass rush Butome à ombelle, Jonc fleuri |
Introduced from Eurasia, northern Africa, Moderately invasive, NYIS: 64%[1], USGS: L48 invasive, NE-1[2] |
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Family Hydrocharitaceae
[edit | edit source]The Hydrocharitaceae (tape-grass family) ...
Subfamily Hydrocharitoideae
[edit | edit source]Hydrocharis
[edit | edit source]European frog-bit (Hydrocharis morsus-ranae) is a recent invader of northern New York State, often occurring with Phragmites australis.
Genus Hydrocharis | Frog-bit | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
L. 1753. Hydrocharis Morsus ranae L. 1827. Pontederia dubia Blume 1925. H. dubia (Blume) Backer |
Common frogbit, European frog-bit, Frog's bit Hydrocharide grenouillette, Grenouillette, Morène, Petit nénuphar |
Introduced from Eurasia, northern Africa, Very highly invasive, NYIS: 86%[1], Prohibited[2] |
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[edit | edit source]Genus Egeria | Waterweed | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Planch. 1849. Egeria densa Planch. 1857. Elodea densa Casp. 1931. Anacharis densa Vict. 1933. Philotria densa Small |
Brazilian waterweed, Brazilian elodea, South American waterweed |
Introduced from Brazil, Highly invasive, NYIS: 75%[1], Prohibited[2], NE-2[3] |
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[edit | edit source]
Genus Limnobium Rich. 1814 | Spongeplant | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
(Bosc) Rich. ex Steud. 1807. Hydrocharis spongia Bosc 1814. Limnobium spongia Rich. 1818. Hydrocharis cordifolia Nutt. 1840. Limnobium spongia Steud. |
American frogbit, American spongeplant |
Introduced, US South native, Impersistent |
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Subfamily Stratiotoideae
[edit | edit source]Stratiotes
[edit | edit source]Although not yet found in New York, Stratiotes aloides (water soldiers) have been discovered on the Trent River in Ontario and the Ottawa River in Quebec.[1][2]
Genus Stratiotes | Water-aloe | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | 0 NPT |
L. 1753. Stratiotes aloides L. |
Water-soldiers, Water-aloe Stratiote faux-aloès, Faux-aloès, Aloès d'eau |
Introduced from Eurasia, Highly invasive, NYIS: Not ranked[1], NYS Tier 1a |
no reports iNat |
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Subfamily Anacharidoideae
[edit | edit source]Elodea
[edit | edit source]Genus Elodea | Waterweed | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
L.Rich. ex Michx. |
Canadian waterweed, Common waterweed, Broad waterweed |
Native, Secure |
NYFA: 5 |
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(Planch.) St. John |
Nuttall's waterweed | Native, Secure |
NYFA: 5 |
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H.St.John E. longivaginata H.St.John E. nevadensis (Planch.) H,St.John |
Twoleaf waterweed, Two-leaved waterweed, Long-sheath waterweed |
Introduced, Western native |
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[edit | edit source]African oxygen weed or African elodea (Lagarosiphon major) is listed on the Federal Noxious Weed list and on the Michigan prohibited aquatic plant list.[1] The New York State rank is High.[2]
Genus Lagarosiphon | Oxygen weed | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
(Ridl.) Moss |
African oxygen weed, African elodea |
Introduced, Highly invasive |
NYFA-Excluded |
USDA-X? Images Wikispecies | |
Subfamily Hydrilloideae
[edit | edit source]Najas
[edit | edit source]Genus Najas | Waternymph / Naiad | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
(Willd.) Rostk. & W.L.E.Schmidt 1798. Caulinia flexilis Willd. 1803. Najas canadensis Michx. 1824. N. flexilis Rostk. & W.L.E.Schmidt 1942. N. flexilisssp. caespitosus 1975. N. caespitosus (Maguire) Reveal |
Slender naiad, Slender naias, Slender water-nymph, Nodding water-nymph, Bushy naiad, Northern water-nymph, Wavy waternymph |
Native, Secure |
NYFA: 5 |
USDA-NN Go Botany ARS-GRIN FNA NatureServe Images Wikispecies | |
(A.Braun ex Engelm.) Magnus 1867. Najas indica var. gracillima 1870. Najas gracillima Magnus |
Thread-like naiad, Thread-like water-nymph, Slender waternymph |
Native, Likely secure |
NYFA: 4 |
USDA-NN Go Botany Images Wikispecies | |
(Spreng.) Magnus ssp. guadalupensis 1825. Caulinia guadalupensis Spreng. 1870. Najas guadalupensis Magnus |
Southern water-nymph, Southern naiad |
Native, Secure |
NYFA: 5 |
USDA-NN Go Botany ARS-GRIN ITIS FNA Tropicos Images Wikispecies | |
(Spreng.) Magnus ssp. muenscheri (R.T.Clausen) R.R.Haynes & Hellq. 1937. Najas muenscheri R.T.Clausen 1979. N.g.var. muenscheri 1996. N.g.ssp. muenscheri |
Hudson River water-nymph, Muenscher's water-nymph, Mermaid weed |
Native, Endangered, NYNHP: 1 Endemic[1] |
NYFA: 1E |
USDA-N0 ITIS FNA Tropicos Images Wikispecies | |
(Spreng.) Magnus ssp. olivacea (Rosend. & Butters) R.R.Haynes & Hellq. 1935. N. olivacea Rosend.& Butters 1979. N. guadalupensisvar. olivacea 1996. N. guadalupensisssp. olivacea |
Guadalupe water-nymph, Southern naiad |
Native, Endangered |
NYFA: 1 |
USDA-NN Go Botany FNA Tropicos Images Wikispecies | |
L. 1753. Najas marina L. 1893. Najas gracilis Morong 1903. Najas gracilis Small |
Spiny water-nymph, Spiny naiad, Holly-leaved naiad, Prickly waternymph |
Native, Endangered |
NYFA: 1 |
USDA-NN ARS-GRIN FNA Tropicos Images Wikispecies | |
1773. Najas minor All. 1807. Fluvialis minor Pers. 1808. Ittnera minor C.C.Gmel. 1845. Caulinia minor Coss. & Germ. |
Brittle water-nymph | Introduced from Eurasia, n. Africa, Moderately invasive, NYS Tier 5[2], [3] |
USDA-XX Go Botany ARS-GRIN FNA Tropicos Images Wikispecies | |
[edit | edit source]The genus Hydrilla is usually considered to contain the single species Hydrilla verticillata, which is commonly known simply as hydrilla. It's a Eurasian aquatic plant commonly used in aquariums and was probably first released in North America in the 1950s but not found in New York State until 2008, when it was discovered in Orange and Suffolk Counties.[1][2]
More recently, hydrilla has been discovered in and around Cayuga Lake, Tonawanda Creek near Buffalo, Susquehanna River near Binghamton and elsewhere. By 2021, iMapInvasives showed hydrilla in at least 12 New York counties.[3] |
Genus Hydrilla | Water-thyme | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
(L.f.) Royle 1782. Serpicula verticillata L.f. 1824. Udora verticillata Spreng. 1839. Hydrilla verticillata Royle 1888. Elodea verticillata F.Muell. |
Hydrilla, Florida elodea, Waterthyme, Water-thyme, Esthwaite waterweed |
Introduced from Eurasia, Africa, Australia, Very highly invasive, NYIS: 91%[1], NYS Tier 2[2], Discovered 2008.[3] |
NYFA: Orange, Westchester iMap: ≥ 12 counties NYFA: X1 |
USDA-X0 Go Botany ARS-GRIN ITIS FNA Tropicos Images Wikispecies | |
[edit | edit source]Genus Vallisneria | Eelgrass | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Michx. |
Eel-grass, Tape-grass, Water-celery, Wild-celery |
Native, Secure |
NYFA: 5 |
USDA-NN Images Wikispecies | |
Family Scheuchzeriaceae
[edit | edit source]The monotypic Scheuchzeriaceae (scheuchzeria family)
[edit | edit source]Genus Scheuchzeria | Rannoch-rush | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
L. S. americana (Fernald) G.N.Jones S. palustrisvar. americana Fernald |
American scheuchzeria, Rannoch-rush |
Native, Vulnerable |
NYFA: 3 |
USDA-NN Go Botany Images Wikispecies | |
Family Juncaginaceae
[edit | edit source]The Juncaginaceae (arrowgrass family)
[edit | edit source]Genus Triglochin | Arrowgrass | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
L. |
Seaside arrowgrass | Native, Likely secure |
NYFA: 4 |
USDA-NN Images Wikispecies | |
L. |
Slender bog arrow-grass | Native, Threatened |
NYFA: 2 |
USDA-NN Images Wikispecies | |
Family Ruppiaceae
[edit | edit source]The Ruppiaceae (ditch-grass family)
[edit | edit source]
Genus Ruppia | Widgeonweed | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
L. 1753. Ruppia maritima L. 1915. Buccaferrea maritima Lunell |
Ditch-grass, Beaked ditchgrass, Widgeongrass, Sea ditchgrass, Tassel pondweed Ruppie maritime, Persil d'eau |
Native, Vulnerable OBL Perennial, Herb-forb |
NYFA: 3-4 |
USDA-NN Go Botany VASCAN ITIS FNA Tropicos NatureServe BONAP Images Wikispecies | |
Family Zosteraceae
[edit | edit source]The Zosteraceae (eelgrass family)
[edit | edit source]Genus Zostera | Eelgrass | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
L. (1753) Zostera pacifica L. |
Eelgrass, Seawrack, Zostére marine |
Native, Vulnerable |
NYFA: 3 |
USDA-NN ITIS FNA Images Wikispecies | |
Family Potamogetonaceae
[edit | edit source]The Potamogetonaceae (pond-weed family)
Tribe Potamogetoneae
[edit | edit source]Potamogeton
[edit | edit source]The Potamogeton (pondweed) subdivisions used here are from Lindqvist et al. (2006).[1] Chromosome numbers are from Kaplan et al. (2013).[2]
Potamogeton clade 1A
[edit | edit source]
Genus Potamogeton clade 1A | Pondweed | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Oakes |
Robbins' pondweed, Flat-leaved pondweed, Fern pondweed Potamot de Robbins |
Native, Secure, 2n = 52 |
NYFA: 5 |
USDA-NN Go Botany FNA Images Wikispecies | |
L. 1753. Potamogeton crispus L. |
Curly pondweed, Curled pondweed Potamot crepu |
Introduced from Eurasia, northern Africa, Australia, Very highly invasive, NYIS: 80%[1], NE-1[2] Note[3], 2n = 52 |
USDA-XX Go Botany ARS-GRIN FNA Images Wikispecies | |
Potamogeton clade 1B
[edit | edit source]
Genus Potamogeton clade 1B | Pondweed | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
L. |
Floating pondweed, Floating-leaved pondweed |
Native, CoC: 4, Secure OBL Perennial, Herb-forb, 2n = 52 |
NYFA: 5 |
USDA-NN Go Botany Images Wikispecies | |
Poir. 1816. Potamogeton nodosus Poir.
1848. P. lonchites Tuck.
1893. P. americanus var. novaeboracensis (Morong) A. Benn. ex Fassett
1893. P. lonchites var. novaeboracensis Morong |
Long-leaved pondweed | Native, CoC: 4, Secure OBL Perennial, Herb-forb, 2n = 52 |
NYFA: 5 |
USDA-NN Go Botany Images Wikispecies | |
L. 1753. P. perfoliatus L. |
Claspingleaf pondweed, Clasping-leaved pondweed, Clasped pondweed, Perfoliate pondweed Potamot perfolié |
Native, CoC: 5, Secure OBL Perennial, Herb-forb, 2n = 52 |
NYFA: 5 |
USDA-NN Go Botany ARS-GRIN FNA Images Wikispecies | |
(A.Benn.) Rydb. 1889. P. perfoliatus var. richardsonii A.Benn.
1905. P. richardsonii Rydb.
1941. P. perfoliatus ssp. richardsonii Hultén |
Richardson's pondweed | Native, CoC: 6, Secure OBL Perennial, Herb-forb, 2n = 52 |
NYFA: 5 |
USDA-NN Go Botany FNA Images Wikispecies | |
Tuck. (1848) |
Largeleaf pondweed, Large-leaved pondweed, Broad-leaved pondweed Potamot à grandes feuilles |
Native, CoC: 7, Secure OBL Perennial, Herb-forb, 2n = 52 |
NYFA: 5 |
USDA-NN Go Botany VASCAN FNA Images Wikispecies | |
J.W.Robbins |
Oakes' pondweed | Native, CoC: 7, Secure OBL Perennial, Herb-forb, Chro. # unk. |
NYFA: 5 |
USDA-NN Go Botany FNA Images Wikispecies | |
Wulfen |
Whitestem pondweed, White-stemmed pondweed Potamot à longs pédoncules |
Native, CoC: 7, Secure OBL Perennial, Herb-forb, 2n = 52 |
NYFA: 5 |
USDA-NN Go Botany FNA Images Wikispecies | |
L. |
Grassy pondweed | Native, CoC: 7, Secure OBL Perennial, Herb-forb, n = 26 |
NYFA: 5 |
USDA-NN Go Botany Images Wikispecies | |
Illinois pondweed | Native, CoC: 7, Secure OBL Perennial, Herb-forb, 2n = 104 |
NYFA: 5 |
USDA-NN Go Botany Images Wikispecies | ||
(J.W. Robbins) Morong (pro sp.) Potamogeton gramineus × Potamogeton illinoensis |
Hybrid pondweed | Native, Vulnerable OBL Perennial, Herb-forb, 2n = 78 |
NYFA: 3? |
USDA-NN Images Wikispecies | |
Potamogeton gramineus × Potamogeton perfoliatus |
Hybrid pondweed | Native, Vulnerable OBL ?, Herb-forb, 2n = 52 |
NYFA: 3? |
USDA-NN Images Wikispecies | |
Hagstr. Potamogeton illinoensis × Potamogeton perfoliatus |
Hybrid pondweed | Native, Unranked OBL ?, Herb-forb |
USDA-N0 Images Wikispecies | |
Balbis |
Alpine pondweed, Northern pondweed, Red pondweed |
Native, CoC: 9, Threatened OBL Perennial, Herb-forb, 2n = 52 |
NYFA: 2 |
USDA-NN Go Botany FNA Images Wikispecies | |
Tuck. |
Spotted pondweed | Native, CoC: 10, Threatened OBL Perennial, Herb-forb, chr. # unk. |
NYFA: 2 |
USDA-NN Go Botany Images Wikispecies | |
Genus Potamogeton clade 1B (excluded species) | Pondweed | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Shining pondweed | Introduced from Eurasia, northern Africa, N.Y. excluded OBL, 2n = 52 |
NYFA-Excluded |
Images Wikispecies | ||
Potamogeton gramineus × Potamogeton lucens |
Long-leaved pondweed | Introduced from Eurasia, northern Africa, N.Y. excluded OBL, 2n = 52 |
NYFA-Excluded |
Images Wikispecies | |
Potamogeton clade 2A
[edit | edit source]Genus Potamogeton clade 2A | Pondweed | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Raf. 1808. Potamogeton epihydrus Raf.
1827. P. nuttallii Cham. & Schltdl.
1894. P. nuttallii var. ramosus Peck
1924. P. epihydrus var. ramosus (Peck) House
1932. P. epihydrus var. typicus (Raf.) Fernald (i)
1932. P. epihydrus var. nuttallii (Cham. & Schltdl.) Fernald
1965. P. epihydrus ssp. nuttallii (Cham. & Schltdl.) Calder & Roy L.Taylor |
Ribbon-leaved pondweed, Nuttall's pondweed |
Native, CoC: 6, Secure OBL Perennial, Herb-forb, 2n = 26 |
NYFA: 5 |
USDA-NN Go Botany FNA Tropicos Images Wikispecies | |
Potamogeton clade 2B
[edit | edit source]Genus Potamogeton clade 2B | Pondweed | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Tuck. 1817. P. dimorphus Raf.
1848. P. spirillus Tuck. |
Spiral pondweed, Northern snailseed pondweed Potamot spirille |
Native, CoC: 7, Secure OBL Perennial, Herb-forb, 2n = 28 |
NYFA: 5 |
USDA-NN Go Botany VASCAN FNA Tropicos Images Wikispecies | |
Fernald 1893. P. diversifolius var. trichophyllus Morong
1932. P. bicupulatus Fernald |
Snailseed pondweed, Snail-seeded pondweed |
Native, CoC: 8, Secure OBL Perennial, Herb-forb |
NYFA: 5 |
USDA-NN Go Botany VASCAN FNA Tropicos Images Wikispecies | |
Rchb. 1845. P. confervoides Rchb. P. tuckermanii |
Algae-like pondweed, Alga pondweed, Tuckerman’s pondweed Potamot confervoïde |
Native, CoC: 9, Threatened OBL Perennial, Herb-forb |
NYFA: 3 |
USDA-NN Go Botany VASCAN Images Wikispecies | |
Raf. (1808) P. capillaceus Poir. P. dimorphus Raf. |
Water-thread pondweed | Native, CoC: 10, Endangered OBL Perennial, Herb-forb, 2n = 28 |
NYFA: 1 |
USDA-N0 Go Botany FNA Images Wikispecies | |
Potamogeton clade 2C
[edit | edit source]Genus Potamogeton clade 2C | Pondweed | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
Raf. ssp. foliosus |
Leafy pondweed | Native, Secure |
NYFA: 5 |
USDA-NN Go Botany Images Wikispecies | |
L. |
Small pondweed | Native, Secure |
NYFA: 5 |
USDA-NN Go Botany Images Wikispecies | |
Fieber Potamogeton berchtoldii Fieber
Potamogeton pusillus var. tenuissimus Mert. & W.D.J.Koch
Potamogeton pusillus ssp. tenuissimus (Mert. & W.D.J.Koch) Haynes & C.B.Hellquist |
Berchtold’s pondweed | Native, CoC: 2, Secure, Herb-forb |
NYFA: 5 |
Go Botany Images Wikispecies | |
J.W.Robbins 1867. Potamogeton vaseyi J.W.Robbins |
Vasey's pondweed | Native, Secure |
NYFA: 5 |
USDA-NN Go Botany FNA Images Wikispecies | |
Fernald auct. Potamogeton compressus non L. |
Flat-stemmed pondweed, Flatstem pondweed |
Native, Secure |
NYFA: 5 |
USDA-NN Go Botany Images Wikispecies | |
Fries' pondweed | Native, Likely secure |
NYFA: 4? |
USDA-NN Go Botany Images Wikispecies | ||
Mert. & W.D.J. Koch |
Blunt-leaved pondweed | Native, Likely secure |
NYFA: 4 |
USDA-NN Go Botany Images Wikispecies | |
Morong |
Hill's pondweed | Native, Threatened |
NYFA: 2 |
USDA-NN Go Botany Images Wikispecies | |
Hellquist & Hilton |
Ogden's pondweed | Native, Endangered |
NYFA: 1 |
USDA-NN Go Botany Images Wikispecies | |
Benn. auct. P. rutilus non Wolfg. |
Straight-leaved pondweed, Narrowleaf pondweed |
Native, Endangered |
NYFA: 1 |
USDA-NN Go Botany Images Wikispecies | |
Hellquist & Crow Potamogeton strictifolius × Potamogeton zosteriformis |
Hybrid pondweed | Native, Endangered |
NYFA: 1? |
USDA-NN Images Wikispecies | |
Genus Potamogeton clade 2C (excluded species) | Pondweed | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
1753. P. compressus L. |
Grass-wrack pondweed, Flatstem pondweed, Eelgrass pondweed |
Introduced from Eurasia, N.Y. excluded |
NYFA-Excluded |
Kew WCSP Images Wikispecies | |
Wolfg. 1827. P. rutilus Wolfg. |
Shetland pondweed | Introduced from Eurasia, N.Y. excluded |
NYFA-Excluded |
Kew WCSP Images Wikispecies | |
[edit | edit source]Genus Stuckenia | Pondweed | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
(L.) Börner Potamogeton pectinatus L.
Stuckenia pectinata (L.) Börner
Coleogeton pectinatum (L.) Les & R.R.Haynes |
Sago pondweed | Native, CoC: 2, Secure |
NYFA: 5 |
USDA-NN Images Wikispecies | |
(Pers.) Börner |
Thread-leaved pondweed, Fineleaf pondweed |
Native, Endangered |
NYFA: 1 |
USDA-NN Images Wikispecies | |
Genus Stuckenia (excluded species) | Pondweed | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
(Turcz.) Holub 1854. Potamogeton vaginatus Turcz.
1984. Stuckenia vaginata (Turcz.) Holub |
Sheathed pondweed, Big sheathed pondweed, Large sheathed pondweed Potamot engainé |
N. America native, Endangered |
NYFA-Excluded |
USDA-NN FNA Images Wikispecies | |
Tribe Zannichellieae
[edit | edit source]Zannichellia
[edit | edit source]Genus Zannichellia | Horned pondweed | N.Y. Status | Images | Distribution | NY NPT |
L. 1753. Zannichellia palustris L. |
Horned pondweed | Native, Secure |
NYFA: 5 |
USDA-NN Go Botany VASCAN ITIS FNA Images Wikispecies | |