Flora of New York/Table of contents
[edit | edit source]Class | Order | Family | Subfamily | Genus | Common names | # |
Lycopodiopsida (lycophytes) |
Lycopodiales | Lycopodiaceae | Lycopodielloideae | Lycopodiella | bog clubmoss | 5 |
Pseudolycopodiella | false bog clubmoss | 1 | ||||
Lycopodioideae | Lycopodium | clubmoss | 2 | |||
Dendrolycopodium | tree clubmoss | 3 | ||||
Spinulum | interrupted clubmoss | 3 | ||||
Diphasiastrum | ground cedar | 7 | ||||
Huperzioideae | Huperzia | firmoss | 5 | |||
Isoetales | Isoetaceae | — | Isoetes | quillwort | 8 | |
Selaginellales | Selaginellaceae | — | Selaginella | spikemoss | 3 |
[edit | edit source]Acrogymnospermae
[edit | edit source]Clade | Order | Family | Subfamily | Genus | Common names | # |
gymnosperms | Ginkgoales | Ginkgoaceae | — | Ginkgo | maidenhair tree, ginkgo | 1 |
Pinales | Pinaceae | Pinoideae | Pinus subg. Strobus | soft pine | 1 | |
Pinus subg. Pinus | hard pines | 8 | ||||
Piceoideae | Picea | spruce | 5 | |||
Laricoideae | Pseudotsuga | Douglas-fir | 1 | |||
Larix | larch, tamarack | 3 | ||||
Abietoideae | Tsuga | hemlock | 1 | |||
Abies | fir (true firs) | 4 | ||||
Cupressaceae | Taxodioideae | Taxodium | cypress | 1 | ||
Cupressoideae | Thuja | arborvitae, white-cedar | 1 | |||
Juniperus | juniper, red-cedar | 4 | ||||
Chamaecyparis | cedar, false cypress | 2 | ||||
Taxaceae | — | Taxus | yew | 3 |
[edit | edit source]Angiosperm introduction: Flora of New York/Clade angiosperms and Flora of New York/Clade Magnoliidae.
basal angiosperms & magnoliids
[edit | edit source]Clade | Order | Family | Subfamily | Genus | Common name(s) | # |
basal angiosperms |
Nymphaeales | Cabombaceae | — | Brasenia | water-shield, wendock | 1 |
Cabomba | fanwort, watershield | 1 | ||||
Nymphaeaceae | Nupharoideae | Nuphar | yellow pond lily, spatterdock | 4 | ||
Nymphaeoideae | Nymphaea | white waterlily | 2 | |||
magnoliids | Piperales | Aristolochiaceae | Asaroideae | Asarum | wild ginger | 1 |
Hexastylis | heartleaf | 1 | ||||
Aristolochioideae | Endodeca | snakeroot, serpentary | 1 | |||
Isotrema | dutchman's pipe, pipevine | 2 | ||||
Aristolochia | birthwort, heartwort | 1 | ||||
Saururaceae | — | Saururus | lizard's tail, water-dragon, swamp root | 1 | ||
Laurales | Calycanthaceae | — | Calycanthus | sweet-shrub, strawberry bush | 2 | |
Lauraceae | — | Lindera | spicebush | 1 | ||
Sassafras | sassafras, ague tree, mitten tree | 1 | ||||
Persea | avocado | 1 | ||||
Magnoliales | Magnoliaceae | — | Magnolia | magnolia, cucumber tree, sweet-bay | 5 | |
Liriodendron | tulip tree, tulip poplar, yellow poplar | 1 | ||||
Annonaceae | Annonoideae | Asimina | pawpaw, dog banana, Indian banana | 1 |
alismatid monocots
[edit | edit source]Clade | Order | Family | Subfamily | Tribe | Genus | Common names | # |
alismatid monocots |
Acorales | Acoraceae | — | — | Acorus | sweetflag | 2 |
Alismatales | Araceae | Orontioideae | Orontieae | Orontium | goldenclub | 1 | |
Symplocarpeae | Symplocarpus | skunk cabbage | 1 | ||||
Lemnoideae | — | Spirodela | duckmeat | 1 | |||
Lemna | duckweed | 5 | |||||
Wolffia | watermeal | 3 | |||||
Aroideae | Calleae | Calla | callalily | 1 | |||
Peltandreae | Peltandra | arrow-arum | 1 | ||||
Arisaemateae | Arisaema | Jack-in-the-pulpit | 5 | ||||
Pinellia | pinellia | 1 | |||||
Pistieae | Pistia | water-lettuce | 1 | ||||
Tofieldiaceae | — | — | Triantha | tofieldia, false asphodel | 1 | ||
Hydrocharitaceae | Hydrocharitoideae | — | Egeria | waterweed | 1 | ||
Hydrocharis | frogbit | 1 | |||||
Limnobium | spongeplant | 1 | |||||
Anacharidoideae | — | Elodea | waterweed | 3 | |||
Hydrilloideae | — | Najas | waternymph, naiad | 8 | |||
Hydrilla | water-thyme | 1 | |||||
Vallisneria | eelgrass | 1 | |||||
Butomaceae | — | — | Butomus | flowering rush | 1 | ||
Alismataceae | — | — | Sagittaria | arrowhead | 9 | ||
Alisma | water-plantiain | 12 | |||||
Helanthium | burhead | 1 | |||||
Scheuchzeriaceae | — | — | Scheuchzeria | rannoch-rush | 1 | ||
Juncaginaceae | Juncaginoideae | — | Triglochin | arrowgrass | 2 | ||
Ruppiaceae | — | — | Ruppia | ditch-grass | 1 | ||
Zosteraceae | — | — | Zostera | eelgrass | 1 | ||
Potamogetonaceae | — | Potamogetoneae | Potamogeton | pondweed | 36 | ||
Stuckenia | fineleaf pondweed | 2 | |||||
Zannichellieae | Zannichellia | horned pondweed | 1 |
lilioid monocots
[edit | edit source]commelinid monocots
[edit | edit source]Ceratophyllales & basal eudicots
[edit | edit source]Clade | Order | Family | Subfamily | Tribe | Genus | Common names | # |
sister to eudicots |
Ceratophyllales | Ceratophyllaceae | — | — | Ceratophyllum | hornwort | 2 |
basal eudicots |
Ranunculales | Lardizabalaceae | Lardizabaloideae | Akebieae | Akebia | chocolate vine, fiveleaf akebia | 1 |
Menispermaceae | Menispermoideae | Menispermeae | Menispermum | moonseed | 1 | ||
Berberidaceae | Podophylloideae | Leonticeae | Caulophyllum | blue cohosh | 2 | ||
Podophylleae | Podophyllum | mayapple, wild mandrake | 1 | ||||
Jeffersonia | twinleaf, rheumatism-root | 1 | |||||
Berberidoideae | Berberideae | Berberis | barberry | 3 | |||
Mahonia | Oregon grape | 1 | |||||
Ranunculaceae | Hydrastoideae | Hydrastideae | Hydrastis | golden-seal, yellow puccoon | 1 | ||
Coptidoieae | Coptideae | Coptis | goldthread, three-leaved goldthread |
1 | |||
Xanthorhizeae | Xanthorhiza | yellowroot | 1 | ||||
Thalictroideae | Aquilegieae | Aquilegia | columbine, wild columbine | 2 | |||
Enemion | false rue anemone | 1 | |||||
Thalictreae | Thalictrum | meadow rue | 7 | ||||
Ranunculoideae | Actaeeae | Actaea | baneberry | 5 | |||
Eranthis | winter aconite | 1 | |||||
Caltheae | Caltha | marsh marigold | 1 | ||||
Trollius | globeflower | 1 | |||||
Adonis | pheasant's eye | 2 | |||||
Delphinieae | Aconitum | monkshood | 3 | ||||
Delphinium | lark-spur | 1 | |||||
Consolida | knight's-spur, lark-spur | 2 | |||||
Nigelleae | Nigella | love-in-a-mist | 1 | ||||
Helleboreae | Helleborus | hellebore, Christmas-rose | 2 | ||||
Anemoneae | Anemone | hepatica, thimbleweed | 9 | ||||
Clematis | leather flower, virgin's-bower | 6 | |||||
Ranunculeae | Halerpestes | seaside crowfoot | 1 | ||||
Ceratocephala | curvseed butterwort | 1 | |||||
Ficaria | celadine | 1 | |||||
Ranunculus | buttercup, crowfoot, spearwort | 23 | |||||
Papaveraceae | Papaveroideae | Papavereae | Argemone | pricklypoppy | 2 | ||
Papaver | poppy | 6 | |||||
Chelidonieae | Sanguinaria | bloodroot, red puccuoon | 1 | ||||
Chelidonium | greater celandine | 1 | |||||
Macleaya | plume poppy | 1 | |||||
Glaucium | hornpoppy | 2 | |||||
Stylophorum | celandine-poppy | 1 | |||||
Eschscholtzieae | Eschscholzia | California poppy | 1 | ||||
Fumarioideae | Fumarieae | Dicentra | bleeding-heart, Dutchman's breeches | 3 | |||
Lamprocapnos | Asian bleeding-heart | 1 | |||||
Adlumia | climbing fumitory | 1 | |||||
Capnoides | harlequin, pink corydalis | 1 | |||||
Corydalis | fumewort, corydalis | 3 | |||||
Fumaria | fumitory | 1 | |||||
Pseudofumaria | rock fumitory, yellow corydalis | 1 | |||||
Proteales | Nelumbonaceae | − | − | Nelumbo | lotus | 2 | |
Platanaceae | − | − | Platanus | sycamore | 2 | ||
Buxales | Buxaceae | Buxoideae | − | Buxus | boxwood | 1 | |
Pachysandroideae | Pachysandreae | Pachysandra | spurge | 2 |
[edit | edit source]The order Saxifragales is the basal clade of the superrosids, indicating that Saxifragales is the sister to the rosids.
Clade | Order | Family | Subfamily | Tribe | Genus | Common names | # |
sister to rosids |
Saxifragales | Paeoniaceae | − | − | Paeonia | peony | 1 |
Altingiaceae | − | − | Liquidambar | sweetgum | 1 | ||
Hamamelidaceae | Hamamelidoideae | Hamamelideae | Hamamelis | witchhazel | 1 | ||
Corylopsideae | Corylopsis | winterhazel | 4 | ||||
Cercidiphyllaceae | − | − | Cercidiphyllum | katsura tree | 1 | ||
Crassulaceae | Crassuloideae | − | Crassula | pygmyweed | 1 | ||
Sempervivoideae | Umbiliceae | Rhodiola | roseroot stonecrop | 2 | |||
Hylotelephium | stonecrop | 3 | |||||
Phedimus | false stonecrop | 1 | |||||
Semperviveae | Sempervivum | houseleek, hen-and-chickens | 1 | ||||
Sedeae | Sedum | stonecrop | 7 | ||||
Haloragaceae | − | Myriophylleae | Myriophyllum | watermilfoil | 10 | ||
Proserpinaca | mermaidweed | 2 | |||||
Penthoraceae | − | − | Penthorum | ditch-stonecrop | 1 | ||
Grossulariaceae | − | − | Ribes | currant, gooseberry | 12 | ||
Saxifragaceae | Saxifragoideae | Saxifrageae | Saxifraga | saxifrage | 5 | ||
Heucheroideae | Chrysosplenieae | Chrysosplenium | golden saxifrage | 1 | |||
Heuchereae | Tiarella | foamflower | 1 | ||||
Mitella | miterwort | 3 | |||||
Heuchera | alumroot | 2 | |||||
Astilbe | florist's spiraea | 1 |
Vitales & fabids
[edit | edit source]Fabales
[edit | edit source]Clade | Order | Family | Subfamily | Tribe | Subtribe | Genus | Common names | # |
rosids: fabids |
Fabales | Fabaceae | Brachystegioideae | Cercideae | — | Cercis | redbud | 1 |
Faboideae | Sophoreae | — | Cladrastis | yellow wood | 1 | |||
Thermopsideae | — | Baptisia | wild indigo | 3 | ||||
Thermopsis | golden-banner, false lupine | 1 | ||||||
Crotalarieae | — | Crotalaria | rattle box | 1 | ||||
Genisteae | — | Lupinus | lupine | 2 | ||||
Cytisus | scotch broom | 2 | ||||||
Genista | dyer's broom | 1 | ||||||
Ulex | dyer's broom | 1 | ||||||
Amorpheae | — | Amorpha | false-indigo | 1 | ||||
Dalea | prairie clover | 2 | ||||||
Dalbergieae | — | Stylosanthes | pencilflower | 1 | ||||
Millettieae | — | Tephrosia | hoary-pea, goat's-rue | 1 | ||||
Wisteria | wisteria | 3 | ||||||
Phaseoleae | Erythrininae | Apios | ground nut | 1 | ||||
Glycininae | Amphicarpaea | hog peanut | 1 | |||||
Pueraria | kudzu | 1 | ||||||
Glycine | soy bean | 1 | ||||||
Phaseolinae | Strophostyles | fuzzybean | 2 | |||||
Phaseolus | kidney-bean | 2 | ||||||
Lablab | hyacinth bean | 1 | ||||||
Vigna | cowpea | X | ||||||
Diocleinae | Galactia | milk pea | 1 | |||||
Clitoriinae | Clitoria | pigeon wings | 1 | |||||
Desmodieae | Desmodiinae | Desmodium | tick trefoil | 12 | ||||
Hylodesmum | tick trefoil | 3 | ||||||
Lespedezinae | Lespedeza | bush clover | 23 | |||||
Kummerowia | Asian clover | 2 | ||||||
Psoraleeae | — | Cullen | scurf pea | 1 | ||||
Pediomelum | Indian-breadroot | 1 | ||||||
Loteae | — | Acmispon | American trefoil | 1 | ||||
Lotus | trefoil | 2 | ||||||
Securigera | crown vetch | 1 | ||||||
Anthyllis | kidney vetch | 1 | ||||||
Ornithopus | bird's-foot | 1 | ||||||
Robinieae | — | Robinia | locust | 4 | ||||
Galegeae | — | Astragalus | milk vetch | 3 | ||||
Glycyrrhiza | licorice | 1 | ||||||
Galega | professor weed | 1 | ||||||
Colutea | bladder senna | 1 | ||||||
Hedysareae | — | Caragana | pea shrub | 1 | ||||
Cicereae | — | Cicer | chick pea | 1 | ||||
Trifolieae | — | Medicago | alfalfa, medick | 7 | ||||
Melilotus | sweet clover | 4 | ||||||
Trifolium | clover | 14 | ||||||
Trigonella | fenugreek | 2 | ||||||
Fabeae | — | Lathyrus | pea | 8 | ||||
Lens | lentil | 1 | ||||||
Pisum | pea, garden pea | 1 | ||||||
Vicia | vetch | 15 | ||||||
Caesalpinioideae | Cassieae | — | Chamaecrista | sensitive pea | 2 | |||
Senna | wild senna | 2 | ||||||
Caesalpinieae | — | Gleditsia | locust | 1 | ||||
Gymnocladus | coffee tree | 1 | ||||||
Mimosoideae | Ingeae | — | Albizia | mimosa, silktree | 1 | |||
Polygalaceae | — | Polygaleae | — | Polygala | milkwort, snakeroot | 12 |
[edit | edit source]Clades | Order | Family | Subfamily | Tribe | Genus | Common names | # |
superrosids: rosids: fabids: NFC |
Rosales | Rosaceae | Rosoideae | Ulmarieae | Filipendula | queen, dropwort | 3 |
Rubeae | Dalibarda | dewdrop | 1 | ||||
Rubus | blackberry, raspberry, dewberry | 23 | |||||
Colurieae | Waldsteinia | barren strawberry | 1 | ||||
Geum | avens | 16 | |||||
Sanguisorbeae | Agrimonia | agrimony | 6 | ||||
Sanguisorba | burnet | 1 | |||||
Roseae | Rosa | rose | 27 | ||||
Potentilleae | Potentilla | cinquefoil | 14 | ||||
Argentina | silverweed | 2 | |||||
Duchesnea | mock strawberry | 1 | |||||
Comarum | marsh cinquefoil | 1 | |||||
Drymocallis | tall cinquefoil | 1 | |||||
Dasiphora | shrubby cinquefoil | 1 | |||||
Sibbaldia | cinquefoil | 1 | |||||
Fragaria | strawberry | 8 | |||||
Alchemilla | lady's mantle | 14 | |||||
Aphanes | parsley-piert | 1 | |||||
Amygdaloideae | Neillieae | Physocarpus | ninebark | 1 | |||
Amygdaleae | Prunus | cherry, plum, peach | 18 | ||||
Exochordeae | Exochorda | pearlbrush | 1 | ||||
Kerrieae | Rhodotypos | jetbead | 1 | ||||
Kerria | Japanese rose | 1 | |||||
Sorbarieae | Sorbaria | false spiraea | 1 | ||||
Spiraeeae | Spiraea | meadowsweet | 1 | ||||
Aruncus | goatsbeard, bride's feathers | 16 | |||||
Gillenieae | Gillenia | Indian physic, Bowman's root | 2 | ||||
Maleae | Amelanchier | serviceberry | 14 | ||||
Aronia | chokeberry | 3 | |||||
Pourthiaea | Christmas berry | 1 | |||||
Cydonia | quince | 1 | |||||
Chaenomeles | flowering quince | 2 | |||||
Cotoneaster | cotoneaster | 3 | |||||
Crataegus | hawthorn | 47 | |||||
Malus | apple | 8 | |||||
Pyrus | pear | 2 | |||||
Sorbus | mountain ash | 3 | |||||
Rhamnaceae | Rhamnoideae | Rhamneae | Rhamnus | buckthorn | 4 | ||
Frangula | glossy buckthorn | 2 | |||||
Ziziphoideae | Pomaderreae | Ceanothus | New Jersey tea | 2 | |||
Elaeagnaceae | — | — | Shepherdia | buffaloberry | 2 | ||
Elaeagnus | silverberry, Russian olive, autumn olive | 5 | |||||
Ulmaceae | — | — | Ulmus | elm | 6 | ||
Cannabaceae | — | — | Celtis | hackberry | 2 | ||
Humulus | hops | 4 | |||||
Cannabis | hemp | 1 | |||||
Moraceae | — | Moreae | Morus | mulberry | 2 | ||
Broussonetia | paper mulberry | 1 | |||||
Fatoua | crabweed | 1 | |||||
Maclureae | Maclura | Osage orange | 1 | ||||
Ficeae | Ficus | fig | 1 | ||||
Urticaceae | Urticoideae | Urticeae | Laportea | wood nettle | 1 | ||
Urtica | nettle | 4 | |||||
Lecantheae | Pilea | clearweed | 3 | ||||
Boehmerieae | Boehmeria | false nettle | 1 | ||||
Parietarieae | Parietaria | pellitory | 2 |
[edit | edit source]Clade | Order | Family | Tribe | Genus | Common names | # |
rosids: fabids |
Cucurbitales | Cucurbitaceae | Thladiantheae | Thladiantha | Manchu tubergourd | 1 |
Bryonieae | Ecballium | squirting-cucumber | 1 | |||
Sicyoeae | Echinocystis | wild cucumber | 1 | |||
Sicyos | burr cucumber | 1 | ||||
Benincaseae | Citrullus | watermelon | 1 | |||
Cucumis | melon | 3 | ||||
Lagenaria | bottle gourd | 1 | ||||
Cucurbiteae | Cucurbita | squash, pumpkin | 1 |
[edit | edit source]Clades | Order | Family | Subfamily | Tribe | Genus | Common names | # | |
angiosperms: eudicots: rosids: fabids |
Fagales | Fagaceae | Quercoideae | Querceae | Quercus | oak | white oak | 15 |
red oak | 16 | |||||||
Castaneeae | Castanea | chestnut | 4 | |||||
Fagoideae | — | Fagus | beech | 2 | ||||
Myricaceae | — | — | Comptonia | sweetfern | 1 | |||
Myrica | sweetgale | 1 | ||||||
Morella | bayberry | 2 | ||||||
Juglandaceae | Juglandoideae | Juglandeae | Juglans | walnut, butternut | 3 | |||
Caryeae | Carya | hickory | 8 | |||||
Betulaceae | Betuloideae | — | Alnus | alder | 5 | |||
Betula | birch | 15 | ||||||
Coryloideae | Carpineae | Carpinus | hornbeam | 3 | ||||
Ostrya | hop hornbean | 1 | ||||||
Coryleae | Corylus | hazelnut | 3 |
Geraniales & Myrtales
[edit | edit source]Clades | Order | Family | Subfamily | Tribe | Genus | Common names | # |
angiosperms eudicots: rosids: malvids |
Geraniales | Geraniaceae | — | — | Erodium | stork's-bill | 5 |
Geranium | crane's-bill | 15 | |||||
Myrtales | Onagraceae | Ludwigioideae | — | Ludwigia | primrose willow | 5 | |
Onagroideae | Circaeeae | Circaea | enchanter's nightshade | 3 | |||
Epilobieae | Chamaenerion | fireweed | 1 | ||||
Epilobium | willow herb | 9 | |||||
Onagreae | Gaura | bee blossom | 0 | ||||
Oenothera | evening primrose | 17 | |||||
Lythraceae | Lagerstroemioideae | — | Trapa | water chestnut | 1 | ||
Punicoideae | — | Cuphea | waxweed | 1 | |||
Rotala | toothcup | 1 | |||||
Lythroideae | — | Decodon | water willow | 1 | |||
Lythrum | loosestrife | 4 | |||||
Melastomataceae | Melastomatoideae | Melastomateae | Rhexia | meadow beauty | 2 |
Crossosomatales, Sapindales
[edit | edit source]Clades | Order | Family | Subfamily | Tribe | Genus | Common names | # |
angiosperms: eudicots: rosids: malvids |
Crossosomatales | Staphyleaceae | — | — | Staphylea | bladdernut | 1 |
Sapindales | Anacardiaceae | Anacardioideae | Rhoeae | Rhus | sumac | 5 | |
Toxicodendron | poison ivy, poison oak, poison sumac | 4 | |||||
Cotinus | smoketree | 2 | |||||
Sapindaceae | Hippocastanoideae | Acereae | Acer | maple | 15 | ||
Hippocastaneae | Aesculus | buckeye, horse chestnut | 2 | ||||
Sapindoideae | Koelreuterieae | Koelreuteria | golden rain tree | 1 | |||
Paullinieae | Cardiospermum | balloon vine | 1 | ||||
Simaroubaceae | — | Ailantheae | Ailanthus | tree-of-heaven, Chinese sumac | 1 | ||
Rutaceae | Rutoideae | — | Ruta | rue | 1 | ||
Toddalioideae | — | Zanthoxylum | prickly ash | 1 | |||
Ptelea | hop tree | 1 | |||||
Phellodendron | Amur cork tree | 1 | |||||
Dictamnus | gas plant | 1 | |||||
Meliaceae | Melioideae | Melieae | Melia | Chinaberry tree | 1 |
[edit | edit source]Clades | Order | Family | Subfamily | Tribe | Genus | Common Names | # |
angiosperms: eudicots: rosids: malvids |
Malvales | Thymelaeaceae | Thymelaeoideae | Thymelaeeae | Dirca | leatherwood | 1 |
Daphne | paradise plant, mezereon | 1 | |||||
Thymelaea | Spurge flax | ? | |||||
Cistaceae | — | — | Lechea | pin weed | 7 | ||
Hudsonia | golden heather | 2 | |||||
Crocanthemum | New-World frostweed | 4 | |||||
Helianthemum | Old-World frostweed | 1 | |||||
Malvaceae | Byttnerioideae | Lasiopetaleae | Melochia | chocolate-weed | 1 | ||
Tilioideae | — | Tilia | basswood, linden | 4 | |||
Malvoideae | Hibisceae | Hibiscus | rose mallow | 4 | |||
Kosteletzkya | sea-shore mallow | 1 | |||||
Malveae | Abutilon | Indian-mallow | 1 | ||||
Alcea | hollyhock | 1 | |||||
Althaea | marshmallow | 2 | |||||
Malva | mallow | 6 | |||||
Sida | fan petals | 1 | |||||
Sidalcea | checker bloom | 1 | |||||
Anoda | anoda | 1 | |||||
Callirhoe | poppy mallow | 2 |
[edit | edit source]Order | Family | Subfamily | Supertribe (Lineage) | Tribe | Genus | Common Names | T |
Brassicales | Tropaeolaceae | — | — | — | Tropaeolum | nasturtium | 1 |
Limnanthaceae | — | — | — | Floerkea | false mermaid-weed | 1 | |
Resedaceae | — | — | Resedeae | Reseda | mignonette, dyer's rocket | 4 | |
Cleomaceae | — | — | — | Cleomella (≥ Peritoma) | Rocky Mountain beeplant | 1 | |
Polanisia | clammyweed | 2 | |||||
Tarenaya | spiderflower | 2 | |||||
Gynandropsis | cat’s-whiskers | 1 | |||||
Brassicaceae | Aethionemoideae | — | Aethionemeae | Aethionema | stonecress | 0 | |
Brassicoideae | Camelinodae (I) | Cardamineae | Cardamine subg. Dentaria | toothwort | 3 | ||
Cardamine subg. Cardamine | bittercress | 9 | |||||
Armoracia | horse radish | 1 | |||||
Barbarea | yellow rocket | 3 | |||||
Nasturtium | water cress | 3 | |||||
Rorippa | yellow cress) | 7 | |||||
Lepidieae | Lepidium | pepper weed | 12 | ||||
Descurainieae | Descurainia | tansy mustard | 3 | ||||
Boechereae | Borodinia | rock-cress | 4 | ||||
Boechera | rock-cress | 2 | |||||
Erysimeae | Erysimum | wall flower | 5 | ||||
Malcolmieae | Malcolmia | Virginia stock | 1? | ||||
Arabidopsideae | Arabidopsis | rock cress | 2 | ||||
Camelineae | Camelina | false flax | 2 | ||||
Capsella | shepherd's purse | 1 | |||||
Neslia | ball mustard | 1 | |||||
Turritis | tower cress) | 1 | |||||
Brassicodae (II) | Brassiceae | Cakile | sea rocket | 3 | |||
Brassica | mustard | 4 | |||||
Mutarda | mustard | 2 | |||||
Sinapis | mustard | 1 | |||||
Coincya | star mustard | 1 | |||||
Diplotaxis | wall rocket | 3 | |||||
Eruca | rocket salad | 2 | |||||
Erucastrum | dog mustard | 1 | |||||
Raphanus | radish | 2 | |||||
Rapistrum | bastard cabbage | 1 | |||||
Conringieae | Conringia | hare's-ear-mustard | 1 | ||||
Isatideae | Isatis | dyer’s woad | 1 | ||||
Sisymbrieae | Sisymbrium | tumble-mustard | 5 | ||||
Thlaspideae | Alliaria | garlic mustard | 1 | ||||
Mummenhoffia | pennycress | 1 | |||||
Thlaspi | pennycress | 1 | |||||
Coluteocarpeae | Noccaea (Microthlaspi) | pennycress | 1 | ||||
Hesperodae (III) | Buniadeae | Bunias | warty cabbage | 1 | |||
Hesperideae | Hesperis | dame's rocket | 1 | ||||
Arabodae (IV) | Arabideae | Arabis | rockcress | 4 | |||
Draba | whitlow grass | 3 | |||||
Tomostima | whitlow grass | 1 | |||||
Alysseae | Lunaria | honesty | 1 | ||||
Alyssum | madwort | 1 | |||||
Odontarrhena | wall alyssum | 1 | |||||
Aurinia | goldentuft | 2 | |||||
Berteroa | false madwort | 1 | |||||
Lobularia | sweet alyssum | 1 | |||||
Heliophilodae (V) | Iberideae | Iberis | candytuft | 3 | |||
Teesdalia | shepherd's cress | 1 | |||||
Subularieae | Subularia | awl wort | 1 |
[edit | edit source]Order | Family | Subfamily | Tribe | Genera | G | T |
Santalales | Comandraceae | — | — | Comandra (bastard-toadflax) Geocaulon (false-toadflax) |
2 | 2 |
Cervantesiaceae | — | — | Pyrularia (buffalo-nut, oil-nut) | 1 | 1 | |
Viscaceae | — | — | Arceuthobium (dwarf-mistletoe) Phoradendron (mistletoe) |
2 | 2 |
[edit | edit source]Order | Family | Subfamily | Tribe | Genera | G | T |
Caryophyllales | Droseraceae | — | — | Drosera (sundew) | 1 | 4 |
Plumbaginaceae | Limonioideae | Limonieae | Limonium (sea lavender) | 1 | 2 | |
Polygonaceae | Polygonoideae | Fagopyreae | Fagopyrum (buckwheat) | 1 | 2 | |
Rumiceae | Rumex (dock) Rheum (rhubarb) |
2 | 16 | |||
Persicarieae | Persicaria (smartweed) | 1 | 19 | |||
Polygoneae | Fallopia (false buckwheat, knotweed) Polygonella (jointweed) Polygonum (knotweed) |
3 | 24 | |||
Caryophyllaceae | Illecebroideae | Paronychieae | Herniaria (rupture wort) Paronychia (nail wort) |
2 | 4 | |
Sperguleae | Spergularia (sand spurry) Spergula (spurry) |
2 | 6 | |||
Caryophylloideae | Sileneae | Silene (catchfly) Agrostemma (corncockle) Lychnis (campion) |
3 | 20 | ||
Caryophylleae | Dianthus (pink) Gypsophila (baby's breath) Petrorhagia (pink) Saponaria (soap wort) Vaccaria (pink) |
5 | 14 | |||
Alsinoideae | Arenarieae | Arenaria (sand wort) Moehringia (sand wort) |
2 | 2 | ||
Alsineae | Cerastium (mouse-ear chickweed) Holosteum (jagged chickweed) Myosoton (giant chickweed, water chickweed) Stellaria (common chickweed) |
4 | 19 | |||
Sagineae | Sagina (pearlwort) | 1 | 3 | |||
Sclerantheae | Honckenya (sea chickweed) Minuartia (stitchwort) Scleranthus (German-knotgrass) |
3 | 6 | |||
Amaranthaceae | Amaranthoideae | — | Amaranthus (pigweed) | 1 | 18 | |
Achyranthoideae | — | Achyranthes (chaff flower) | 1 | 1 | ||
Gomphrenoideae | — | Alternanthera (joyweed) Froelichia (snake cotton) Gomphrena (globe amaranth) |
3 | 4 | ||
Polycnemoideae | — | Polycnemum (needleleaf) | 1 | 1 | ||
Salicornioideae | Salicornieae | Salicornia (pickleweed) Sarcocornia (swampfire) |
2 | 3 | ||
Camphorosmoideae | Suaedeae | Suaeda (seepweed) | 1 | 4 | ||
Camphorosmeae | Bassia (smotherweed) Kochia (molly) Spirobassia (hairy smotherweed) |
3 | 4 | |||
Salsoloideae | Salsoleae | Salsola (Russian thistle) Kali (Russian thistle) |
1 | 4 | ||
Corispermoideae | — | Corispermum (bugseed) | 1 | 3 | ||
Chenopodioideae | Axyrideae | Axyris (Russian pigweed) | 1 | 1 | ||
Dysphanieae | Dysphania (goosefoot) Teloxys (wormseed) Cycloloma (pigweed) |
3 | 9 | |||
Anserineae | Spinacia (spinach) Blitum (goosefoot) Monolepis (poverty weed) |
2 | 5 | |||
Chenopodieae | Chenopodiastrum (goosefoot) Oxybasis (goosefoot) Atriplex (saltbush, orache) Chenopodium (goosefoot) |
4 | 34 | |||
Betoideae | — | Beta (beet) | 1 | 1 | ||
Aizoaceae | Tetragonioideae | — | Tetragonia (New Zealand spinach) | 1 | 1 | |
Sesuvioideae | — | Sesuvium (sea purslane) | 1 | 1 | ||
Nyctaginaceae | — | Nyctagineae | Mirabilis (four-o'clock) | 1 | 4 | |
Phytolaccaceae | — | — | Phytolacca (pokeweed) | 1 | 1 | |
Molluginaceae | — | — | Mollugo (carpetweed) | 1 | 1 | |
Portulacaceae | — | — | Claytonia (spring beauty) Portulaca (purslane, rose moss) |
2 | 4 | |
Cactaceae | Opuntioideae | Opuntieae | Opuntia (prickly-pear, devil's tongue cactus) | 1 | 1 |
[edit | edit source]Order | Family | Subfamily | Tribe | Genus | Common names | # |
Cornales | Hydrangeaceae | Hydrangeoideae | Philadelpheae | Deutzia | pride of Rochester | 1 |
Philadelphus | mock orange | 3 | ||||
Hydrangeae | Hydrangea | hydrangea | 3 | |||
Decumaria | (excluded) | X | ||||
Cornaceae | — | — | Cornus | dogwood | 13 | |
Nyssaceae | — | — | Nyssa | tupelo | 1 |
[edit | edit source]Gentianales
[edit | edit source]Order | Family | Subfamily | Tribe | Subtribe | Genera | G | T |
Gentianales | Rubiaceae | Cinchonoideae | Naucleeae | — | Cephalanthus (button bush) | 1 | 1 |
Rubioideae | Morindeae | — | Mitchella (partridge berry) | 1 | 1 | ||
Spermacoceae | — | Diodia (buttonweed) Houstonia (bluet) Oldenlandia (clustered bluets) |
3 | 6 | |||
Rubieae | — | Rubia (madder) Sherardia (field-madder) Asperula (woodruff) Cruciata (bedstraw) Galium (bedstraw, wild-licorice, cleavers) |
5 | 29 | |||
Loganiaceae | — | — | — | Spigelia (Indian pink, pinkroot) | 1 | 1 | |
Gentianaceae | — | Chironieae | — | Centaurium (centaury) Sabatia (rose gentian, pink) |
2 | 6 | |
Gentianeae | Gentianinae | Gentiana (gentian) | 1 | 5 | |||
Swertiinae | Bartonia (screwstem) Frasera (green-gentian) Gentianella (dwarf gentian) Gentianopsis (fringed-gentian) Halenia (spurred-gentian) |
5 | 7 | ||||
Apocynaceae | Rauvolfioideae | Vinceae | Vincinae | Vinca (periwinkle) | 1 | 2 | |
Amsonieae | — | Amsonia (bluestar) | 1 | 3 | |||
Apocynoideae | Apocyneae | — | Apocynum (dogbane) | 1 | 3 | ||
Periplocoideae | — | — | Periploca (silk vine) | 1 | 1 | ||
Asclepiadoideae | Asclepiadeae | Asclepiadinae | Asclepias (milkweed) | 1 | 12 | ||
Cynanchinae | Cynanchum (honeyvine) | 1 | 1 | ||||
Tylophorinae | Vincetoxicum (swallow-wort) | 1 | 3 |
[edit | edit source]Order | Family | Subfamily | Tribe | Genera | G | T |
Solanales | Convolvulaceae | Convolvuloideae | Convolvuleae | Convolvulus (bindweed) Calystegia (false bindweed) |
2 | 12 |
Ipomoeeae | Ipomoea (morning-glory, sweet potato) | 1 | 8 | |||
Cuscutoideae | — | Cuscuta (dodder) | 1 | 13 | ||
Solanaceae | Schizanthoideae | — | Schizanthus (poorman's orchid) | 1 | 1 | |
Petunioideae | — | Petunia (garden petunia) | 1 | 1 | ||
Nicotianoideae | Nicotianeae | Nicotiana (tobacco) | 1 | 4 | ||
Solanoideae | Nicandreae | Nicandra (shoofly plant) | 1 | 1 | ||
Hyoscyameae | Atropa (belladonna, nightshade) Hyoscyamus (henbane) Lycium (matrimony vine) |
3 | 3 | |||
Capsiceae | Capsicum (pepper) | 1 | 1 | |||
Datureae | Datura (jimsonweed) | 1 | 1 | |||
Physaleae | Physalis (ground cherry) Leucophysalis (false ground cherry) |
2 | 9 | |||
Solaneae | Solanum (nightshade, tomato) | 1 | 14 |
[edit | edit source]Order | Family | Subfamily | Tribe | Genera | G | T |
Boraginales | Boraginaceae | Boraginoideae | Boragineae | Anchusa (bugloss) Borago (borage) Brunnera (bugloss) Pulmonaria (lungwort) Symphytum (comfrey) |
5 | 8 |
Cynoglosseae | Cynoglossum (hound's tongue) | 1 | 3 | |||
Echieae | Echium (Viper's bugloss) | 1 | 3 | |||
Eritrichieae | Hackelia (stickseed) Mertensia (blue bells) Amsinckia (fiddleneck) Lappula (stickseed) Asperugo (German madwort) |
5 | 9 | |||
Lithospermeae | Lithospermum (stoneseed) Myosotis (forget-me-not) Buglossoides (corn gromwell) |
3 | 14 | |||
Hydrophylloideae | — | Hydrophyllum (waterleaf, John's cabbage) Ellisia (Aunt Lucy, false babyblueeyes) Phacelia (scorpion-weed, desert bluebells) |
3 | 6 | ||
Heliotropioideae | — | Heliotropium (heliotrope) | 1 | 4 |
[edit | edit source]Order | Family | Subfamily | Tribe | Subtribe | Genera | G | T |
Lamiales | Oleaceae | — | Forsythieae | — | Forsythia | 1 | 2 |
— | Oleeae | Fraxininae | Fraxinus (ash) | 1 | 5 | ||
Ligustrinae | Syringa (lilac) Ligustrum (privet) |
2 | 8 | ||||
Oleinae | Chionanthus (fringe tree) | 1 | 1 | ||||
Tetrachondraceae | — | — | — | Polypremum (juniper leaf) | 1 | 1 | |
Plantaginaceae | — | Gratioleae | — | Gratiola (hedge hyssop) Leucospora (cliff conobea) |
2 | 3 | |
Cheloneae | — | Chelone (turtlehead) Collinsia (blue-eyed Mary) Penstemon (beard tongue) |
3 | 8 | |||
Antirrhineae | — | Antirrhinum (snapdragon) Chaenorhinum (dwarf snapdragon) Cymbalaria (toadflax) Kickxia (cancerwort) Linaria (toadflax) Misopates (snapdragon) Nuttallanthus (toadflax) |
7 | 11 | |||
Callitricheae | — | Callitriche (water starwort) Hippuris (mare's-tail) |
2 | 6 | |||
Digitalideae | — | Digitalis (foxglove) | 1 | 4 | |||
Veroniceae | — | Veronica (speedwell) Veronicastrum (Culver's root) |
2 | 25 | |||
Plantagineae | — | Littorella (shore grass) Plantago (plantain) |
2 | 16 | |||
Scrophulariaceae | Scrophularioideae | Scrophularieae | — | Scrophularia (figwort) Verbascum (mullein) |
2 | 11 | |
Limoselleae | — | Limosella (mudwort) | 1 | 1 | |||
Buddlejoideae | Buddlejeae | — | Buddleja (butterfly bush) | 1 | 1 | ||
Lamiaceae | Viticoideae | — | — | Vitex (chasteberry) | 1 | 1 | |
Ajugoideae | Ajugeae | — | Trichostema (blue curls) Ajuga (bugle) |
2 | 3 | ||
Teucrieae | — | Teucrium (germander) | 1 | 3 | |||
Scutellarioideae | — | — | Scutellaria (skullcap) | 1 | 10 | ||
Lamioideae | Marrubieae | — | Ballota, Marrubium (horehound) Moluccella (shellflower) |
3 | 3 | ||
Lamieae | — | Lamiastrum (yellow archangel) Lamium (deadnettle) |
2 | 6 | |||
Leonureae | — | Leonurus (motherwort, lion's tail) | 1 | 2 | |||
Phlomideae | — | Phlomis (Jerusalem sage) | 1 | 1 | |||
Synandreae | — | Physostegia (lion's heart, obedient plant) | 1 | 1 | |||
Stachydeae | — | Stachys (hedgenettle) | 1 | 11 | |||
(unplaced) | — | Galeopsis (hempnettle) | 1 | 4 | |||
Nepetoideae | Elsholtzieae | — | Collinsonia (horsebalm, richweed) Elsholtzia (latesummer mint) Perilla (beefsteak plant) |
3 | 4 | ||
Mentheae | Salviinae | Melissa (balm) Salvia (sage) |
2 | 10 | |||
Prunellinae | Prunella (selfheal) | 1 | 3 | ||||
Lycopinae | Lycopus (bugle weed) | 1 | 7 | ||||
Neptinae | Agastache (giant hyssop) Dracocephalum (dragonhead) Glechoma (ground ivy) Hyssopus (hyssop) Nepeta (catnip) |
5 | 10 | ||||
Menthinae | Hedeoma (false-pennyroyal) Blephilia (pagoda-plant) Monarda (beebalm, wild bergamot, horse-mint) Pycnanthemum (mountain-mint) Cunila (dittany) Mentha (mint) Clinopodium, Calamintha (basil, calamint) Satureja (savory) Origanum (marjoram) Thymus (thyme) |
10 | 37 | ||||
Ocimeae | — | Lavandula, Ocimum (lavender, basil) | 2 | 2 | |||
Mazaceae | — | — | — | Mazus (mazus) | 1 | 2 | |
Phrymaceae | — | Mimuleae | — | Mimulus (monkey flower) | 1 | 4 | |
Phrymeae | — | Phryma (lopseed) | 1 | 1 | |||
Paulowniaceae | — | — | — | Paulownia (princess tree, foxglove tree) | 1 | 1 | |
Orobanchaceae | Rhinanthoideae | Castillejeae | — | Castilleja (Indian paintbrush) Orthocarpus (owl's clover) |
2 | 2 | |
Gerardieae | — | Aureolaria (false foxglove) Agalinis (false foxglove, gerardia) |
2 | 14 | |||
Pedicularideae | — | Pedicularis (lousewort) | 1 | 2 | |||
Buchnereae | — | Buchnera (blue hearts) | 1 | 1 | |||
Rhinantheae | — | Euphrasia (eyebright) Melampyrum (cow wheat) Odontites (bartsia) Rhinanthus (yellow rattle) |
4 | 7 | |||
Orobanchoideae | Orobancheae | — | Epifagus (beechdrops) Conopholis (squawroot) Orobanche (broom rape) |
3 | 4 | ||
Cymbarieae | — | Schwalbea (chaffseed) | 1 | 1 | |||
Verbenaceae | — | Verbeneae | — | Verbena (vervain) | 1 | 12 | |
Lantaneae | — | Phyla (fogfruit, bogfruit) | 2 | 2 | |||
Pedaliaceae | Pedalioideae | Sesameae | — | Sesamum (sesame) | 1 | 1 | |
Martyniaceae | — | — | — | Proboscidea (unicorn plant, devil's claw) | 1 | 1 | |
Linderniaceae | — | Lindernieae | — | Micranthemum (mudflower) Lindernia (false pimpernel) |
2 | 4 | |
Bignoniaceae | — | Tecomeae | — | Campsis (trumpet creeper) | 1 | 1 | |
Catalpeae | — | Catalpa (catalpa) | 1 | 3 | |||
Acanthaceae | Acanthoideae | Ruellieae | — | Ruellia (petunia) | 1 | 1 | |
Justicieae | — | Justicia (water willow) | 2 | 2 | |||
Lentibulariaceae | — | — | — | Pinguicula (butterwort) Utricularia (bladderwort) |
2 | 15 |
[edit | edit source]Order | Family | Subfamily | Tribe | Genus | Common Name | # |
Aquifoliales | Aquifoliaceae | — | — | Ilex | holly | 7 |
[edit | edit source]Apiales
[edit | edit source]Order | Family | Subfamily | Tribe | Subtribe | Genera | G | T |
Apiales | Araliaceae | Aralioideae | Hedereae | — | Hedera (English ivy) | 1 | 1 |
Aralieae | — | Aralia (spikenard, sarsaparilla, angelica tree) Panax (ginseng) Eleutherococcus (five-leaved aralia) |
3 | 8 | |||
Hydrocotyloideae | — | — | Hydrocotyle (water pennywort) | 1 | 5 | ||
Apiaceae | Saniculoideae | Saniculeae | — | Sanicula (sanicle, black snakeroot) Eryngium (eryngo, coyote thistle) |
2 | 7 | |
Apioideae | Oenantheae | — | Sium (water-parsnip) Cicuta (water-hemlock) Cryptotaenia (honewort) Ptilimnium (mock bishop-weed, herb-william) Lilaeopsis (grasswort) Oxypolis (cowbane, stiff cowbane, water dropwort) Berula (water parsnip) |
7 | 8 | ||
Scandiceae | Scandicinae | Osmorhiza (sweetroot, sweet-cicely) Chaerophyllum (chervil) Anthriscus (chervil, cow parsley) |
3 | 6 | |||
Daucinae | Daucus (wild carrot, Queen Anne's lace) | 1 | 1 | ||||
Torilidinae | Torilis (hedge parsley) | 1 | 1 | ||||
Careae | — | Carum (caraway, anise) Aegopodium (goutweed, ground elder) |
2 | 2 | |||
Pimpinelleae | — | Pimpinella (burnet-saxifrage) | 1 | 2 | |||
Coriandreae | — | Coriandrum (coriander) | 1 | 1 | |||
Apieae | — | Apium (celery) Anethum (dill) Foeniculum (fennel) Levisticum (lovage) Petroselinum (parsley) |
4 | 4 | |||
Tordylieae | — | Heracleum (cow parsnip, hogweed) Pastinaca (parsnip) |
2 | 4 | |||
Selineae | — | Taenidia (yellow pimpernel) Zizia (golden Alexanders) Angelica (angelica) Ligusticum (licorice-root) Thaspium (meadow-parsnip) Aethusa (fool's parsley) Peucedanum (masterwort) |
7 | 11 | |||
(unplaced) | — | Conioselinum (hemlock-parsley) Erigenia (pepper-and-salt) Conium (poison hemlock) |
3 | 3 |
[edit | edit source]Order | Family | Subfamily | Tribe | Genus | Common Names | # |
Dipsacales | Viburnaceae | Viburnoideae | Viburneae | Viburnum | hobblebush, nannyberry, arrowwood, possumhaw, cranberrybush | 19 |
Adoxoideae | Adoxeae | Sambucus | elderberry | 3 | ||
Adoxa | muskroot | 1 | ||||
Caprifoliaceae | Diervilloideae | — | Diervilla | northern bush-honeysuckle | 1 | |
Weigela | crimson weigela | 2 | ||||
Caprifolioideae | — | Triosteum | horse-gentian | 3 | ||
Lonicera | honeysuckle | 20 | ||||
Symphoricarpos | snowberry | 4 | ||||
Linnaeoideae | — | Linnaea | twinflower | 1 | ||
Kolkwitzia | beautybush | 2 | ||||
Dipsacoideae | Dipsaceae | Succisella | frosted pearls | 1 | ||
Dipsacus | teasel | 3 | ||||
Knautia | scabious, blue-buttons | 1 | ||||
Scabiosa | scabious, pincushions | 1 | ||||
Valerianoideae | — | Valeriana | valerian | 3 | ||
Valerianella | corn salad | 3 |
[edit | edit source]