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Here is your vocabulary for this chapter. Note that there will be other vocabulary in the Pronouns and Articles sections that will be integrated within the tutorial.:


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Gothic Latin Definition Gender
๐Œท๐Œฟ๐Œฝ๐Œณ๐ƒ Hunds A Dog/Hound Masculine
๐Œฑ๐Œฐ๐Œฟ๐‚๐Œฒ๐Œพ๐Œฐ Baรบrgja Citizen Feminine
๐ƒ๐…๐Œด๐Œน๐Œฝ Swein Pig Masculine
๐†๐‰๐Œฝ fon Fire Neuter


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Gothic Latin Definition Gender
๐Œณ๐‚๐Œด๐Œน๐Œฑ๐Œฐ๐Œฝ Dreiban To Drive Masculine
๐Œฑ๐Œด๐Œน๐„๐Œฐ๐Œฝ Beitan To Bite Masculine

Try to memorize them in the Gothic alphabet based on the Latin transcription. In further lessons when these are used, they will not use distinguished Latin characters and you must be able to know how to truly pronounce them. When to use which version of the word "the" will be covered in another page within this chapter.