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Hobo tourism/Creative trip to Mongolia

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On the outskirts of Mörön

Creative trip to Mongolia — project of the Russian traveler Viktor Pinchuk.

This trip is a practical example of cultural travel: displacement around the country was carried out on the traditional transport for local residents (minibuses, are filled with the capacity, where the aisle is cluttered with parcels); the traveller ate — only those meals, what aboriginals use; he lived — in budget accommodation facilities designed for the poor and at home of local residents — due to an accidental acquaintance.

General information

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  • Duration: 14 days.
  • Period: 11.05. 2007 — 25. 05. 2007
  • Idea: Viktor Pinchuk.
  • Number of participants: 1 (one).
  • Starting point: Ulaanbaatar.
  • Transit through: Moscow.
  • Number of countries visited: 1 (one).
  • Way to get: plane.
  • Ways to move: land transport, pedestrian routes.
  • Nature of the journey: creative trip, cultural travel.
  • Purpose: collection of material for printed articles, books, and photo exhibitions; study of features Mongolian language.
  • Attractions: nature, historical places.
  • Food: traditional meals.
  • Format: hobo tour (simplified version).

Places visited

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  • Ulaanbaatar, Mörön, Khatgal, Khatgal, Ölziit, Kharkhorin, Arvaikheer, Bayankhongor, Zuunmod.

Мap of the route

The methods used

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In the process of moving along the route the following accommodation options were used:

Outcomes and results

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Author’s articles in periodicals (in Russian):

  • «В Монголии почти как в Сибири» — Peninsula: newspaper. — 12.10.2007. — № 40 (244);
  • «Монгольский хуйвалдагч (passage from travel notes)» — Crimean time: newspaper. — 11.10.2007. — № 113 (2499);
  • «Путешествие на родину Чингисхана» — Crimean Observer: newspaper. — 16.10.2007. — № 42 (220);
  • «Забытая нами страна» — Southern Capital: newspaper. — 16.10.2007. — № 48 (822);
  • «Хуйтэн по-монгольски» — ProX: magazine. — 2008 — №1 (14);
  • «Хороша страна Монголия» — Republic of Crimea: newspaper. — 11. 03. 2010. — № 9 (870);
  • «Там, где правил Чингисхан» — Republic of Crimea: newspaper. — 15. 04. 2010. — № 13 (874);
  • «Прощание с Монголией» — Republic of Crimea: newspaper. — 3. 06. 2010. — № 20 (881).

  • Personal photo exhibition "14 days in Mongolia" was held in the exhibition hall of the Russian Cultural Center (Simferopol) from 10 to 31 October 2007 [1].
  • In 2017, the book "Mongolian huyvaldagch" was published, which describes the route of the trip and the adventures of the author [2].
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Illustrations from the book


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  1. A. Armashevskaya. "Mongolian Stories — Russian Cultural Center (news)". ruscultura.info (in Russian). Retrieved April 22, 2023.
  2. Pinchuk, Viktor (2017). Mongolian huyvaldagch (in Russian). Russia: Brovko. p. 40. ISBN 978-5-9909912-1-7.