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How to use a Motorola DVR/VOD Error Codes

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How to use a Motorola DVR
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There are six types of Video on Demand errors:

    • Connection Library Errors
    • Communication Module Errors
    • Compact Movies on Demand Errors
    • General Errors
    • Session Resource Manager Errors
    • Video Module Errors
  • Message ID Cause
    CL-2 Application Failure The client attempted to tune a streaming VOD video or the barker channel, however the first attempt to tune failed. The client will go on to retry the tune after the error message is displayed.
    CL-4 CL_ERROR_CLIENT_DISCONNECTED The subscriber attempted to stream a VOD video however the converter is in the "Disconnected" state and as a result an error message was displayed instead of the requested video.
    CL-5 CL_ERROR_CLIENT_DISC_WHILE_PLAY The converter is disconnected. Perhaps because they didn't pay the back balance on their account and the service disconnected while watching a VOD video.
    CL-7 Invalid Parameter VOD passed an invalid parameter.
    CL-8 CL_UNSUSPEND_FAILURE The probable cause of this problem is when an asset from a suspended list cannot be removed.
    CL-13 EnvironmentError This occurs if the time has not been set on the set top box. This should not happen on a deployed system.
    CL-14 Interactive Error A low level communication failure occurred.
    CL-15 Host Lookup Failed The client did not attempt to start the session because the subscriber is attempting to play a DVD asset. Current clients do not support streaming of the DVD asset.
    CL-17 No Instances The CMOD Library failed to select a servicing instance from the file containing the list of available VOD services. This error can be caused by any of the following scenarios: 1) There are no instances in the server list file available to service the request. 2) The client has attempted the request on all instances in the file, however it reached the end of the list and still no servicing instance was found.
    CM-12 LSC_WRONG_STATE The subscriber attempted to perform a VCR command on a VOD stream, however CM returned error 0x12, stream operations are not allowed because the application is in the wrong state. Example: trying to FF/REW if video session is not open.
    CM-14 LSC_NO_PERMISSION A stream operation was requested, however, VCR controls are disabled for the video.
    CM-19 LSC_TRANSIENT Stream op has failed. Low-level trick mode failure in media cluster. Retries may help.
    CM-20 LSC_SERVER_ERROR Server has failed. It may be recoverable.
    CM-21 LSC_SERVER_FAILURE Server has failed.
    CM-31 LSC_BAD_START Subscriber attempted a VCR command, however the client requested that the stream start in an invalid position.
    CM-40 Possible disconnection of the cable to the video server.
    CM-90 LSC_PVR_FF_END The user reached the end of FF while in PVR mode.
    CM-91 LSC_PAUSE_LIMIT The subscriber attempted to perform a VCR command on a stream, however CM returned error 0x91, the server has exceeded the simultaneous pauses that can be performed.
    CM-FF NO_CM_RESPONSE Subscriber attempted to perform a VCR command on a VOD stream, however no response was received from the Connection Manager (CM) even after retries and fail-over were performed.
    CL-14 Interactive Error The client does not have interactive connectivity to VOD system and cannot communicate back to the network. VOD menus will not work.
    CL-15 Host Lookup Failed The CMOD library failed when looking up the SeaChange VOD host name.
    CL-16 Timeout The CMOD Library attempted to contact SRM or MOD-Lite, however a response was not received from the service despite applying retries and fail-over.
    CL-17 No Instances The CMOD Library attempted to retrieve a servicing SCTP instance from the srvrlist.dat file and could not. Either there are no servicing instances in the server list file or the client attempted to contact all available instances and there was still no response from the server.
    CM-14 LSC_NO_PERMISSION The subscriber attempted to perform a VCR command on a VOD stream, however the pump returned error 0x14, stream operations are not allowed.
    CM-19 LSC_TRANSIENT The subscriber attempted to perform a VCR command on a VOD stream, there was a transient error.
    CM-20 LSC_SERVER_ERROR The subscriber attempted to perform a VCR command on a VOD stream, however pump returned error 0x20, there was a server error.
    CM-21 LSC_SERVER_FAILURE The subscriber attempted to perform a VCR command on a VOD stream and error 0x21 was returned. There was a server failure.
    CM-40 LSC_GIGE_UNPLUGGED The Gig E output from the VOD server is disconnected from the Gig E QAM.
    CM-FF NO_CM_RESPONSE Subscriber attempted to perform a VCR command on a VOD stream, however no response was received from the pump even after retries and fail-over were performed.
    CMOD-4 eClntInvalidPacketError This error is associated with client error module reflecting loss of network connectivity.
    CMOD-5 Server Busy Error Server returned a SERVER BUSY error for current request.
    CMOD-8 Item NotFoundError This occurs whenever an item cannot be found on the server.
    CMOD-10 Database TimeOut The client made a request that required mod-lite to suspend movies information from the IAD database, however the subscriber database was not available.
    CMOD-11 Status Online VOD disabled The client sent a package purchase request to mod-lite, however online sign up is disabled.
    CMOD-12 DatabaseError The client made a request that required mod-lite to contact the subscriber database, however the subscriber database was not available.
    CMOD-54001 MsoD Device NotFoundError The MSO server is indicating this device is not part of its database or device is not associated with the locality.
    CMOD-54002 MsoD Duplicate MacFound Error The MSO server is indicating this device already exists in its database.
    CMOD-54003 MsoDbMissingDbParameterError The MSO server is indicating the request had a missing parameter.
    CMOD-54004 MsoDbUnknownDbErrorError The MSO server is indicating that an unknown database error occurred.
    CMOD-55001 Mac Address Error The client identifier is not in the subscriber database.
    CMOD-55002 PackageId Error The converter client attempted to purchase a package using an invalid Package ID. It is possible that the package is defined in the Asset Manager, but is not activated in the Subscriber Database.
    CMOD-55003 HomeIdError This message will be displayed when fetching a list of authorized packages and HomeId is invalid.
    CMOD-55015 Subscription Exists Error This message will be displayed when purchasing a package and subscription for this package already exists.
    CMOD-55025 Credit CheckError The view attempted to purchase a package online, but the request was denied due to a credit problem.
    CMOD-56001 VUS Upsell Server Error Displayed when purchasing a package and Mod-Lite has lost its connection to the Upsell server.
    CMOD-56002 VUS Entitlement ServerError Displayed when purchasing a package and the Upsell Server has lost its connection to the Entitlement Server.
    CMOD-56003 VUS Subscriber Error Displayed when purchasing a package and the converter is not in the Entitlement Server.
    CMOD-56004 VusAccountError The viewer attempted to purchase a package online, but the request was denied due to a credit problem.
    CMOD-56005 VUS Database Error Displayed when purchasing a package and a serious database error occurred.
    ERR-0 This implies "No Error". The client is not supposed to report this error per design. If customers experience this error, there's a strong possibility the client encountered an error condition that has no error code assigned.
    ERR-1 This error is most likely generated by CMOD client component signifying a FileNotFound condition. This often occurs when a client requested a file that does not exist on SeaChange VOD server.
    ERR-3eRsnNeProcError This error should never occur. It should only occur if there is a defect in the client or Mod-lite.
    ERR-4 Connection error.
    ERR- 5 The call to the CMOD Library failed because the call is not yet supported.
    ERR-6 The call to the CMOD Library failed because the requested item could not be found.
    ERR-7 The set top box does not have an IP address
    ERR-16 The CM could not perform the requested VCR command. The subscriber attempted a VCR command on a stream, however the CM reported that the client's request was invalid.
    ERR-17 The CM could not perform the requested VCR command. The client application issued a VCR command with an invalid stream handle.
    ERR-18 The CM could not perform the requested VCR command given the current state.
    ERR-19 The CM could not perform the requested VCR command.
    ERR-21 Subscriber attempted a VCR command, however the CM reported that a bad parameter was supplied in the request. If the NPT is not set to be the beginning of stream, this error is returned.
    ERR-22 Subscriber attempted a VCR command, however the CM reported the requested function is not implemented.
    ERR-23 Subscriber attempted a VCR command, however the CM reported that it has run out of memory.
    ERR-24 Subscriber attempted a VCR command, however the CM reported that the operation failed because an implementation limit was reached.
    ERR-26 Subscriber attempted a VCR command, however the CM reported that the video stream was not available to perform the request.
    ERR-27 eRsnNeSessionReleas Network session release
    ERR-34 eRspClProcError Client processing error- client could not process the message sent.
    ERR-35 eRspNeProcError Network processing error- SRM ran into an issue/ could not process a request.
    ERR-37 eRspNeFormatError Network format error- something missing in message to SRM
    ERR-38 eRspSeFormatError Server format error- SRM sent a bad message to the CM
    ERR-41 eRspClRejResource Client rejected resource.
    ERR-48 Subscriber attempted a VCR command, however, the CM reported a bad scale parameter was supplied in the request.
    ERR-49 Subscriber attempted a VCR command, however the client requested the stream start in an invalid position.
    ERR-50 Subscriber attempted a VCR command, however, the CM reported that the request came from the client contained an invalid stop position.
    ERR-53 eRspResourceCompleted Server accepted the resource assigned by the network.
    ERR-66 eRspNeNotOwner Action requested on session by non-owner of session.
    ERR-32771 eRsnItvPositionError The Client Settop and Backoffice server are out of sync
    ERR-32772 eRsnItvUser Customer suspended this session- will not be seen on the converter.
    ERR-32773 eRsnItvSettop Legitimate request from the converter for suspend.
    ERR-32774 eRsnItvOtherError Request from converter to shut down stream under error.
    ERR-32784 eRsnItvXstrTokenMismatch Cross streaming session token does not match.
    ERR- 32785 eRsnItvXstrTokenMissing Cross streaming session token does not exist.
    ERR-36889 Subscriber attempted to start a VOD session. SRM returned error 36889 in the session set up response. The MSO has determined that the subscriber is currently viewing this asset on another converter and is not authorized for multiple concurrent viewings.
    ERR-36890 Subscriber attempted to start a VOD session. SRM returned error 36890 in the session set up response. SRM could not get any authorization from the server component within the configured time period.
    ERR- 36891 RspSeExtServiceError Subscriber attempted to start a VOD session. SRM returned error 36891 in the session set up response. The request was rejected because the external authorization service denied the request based on the service.
    ERR- 36892 RspSeExClientError Subscriber attempted to start a VOD session. SRM returned error 36892 in the session set up response. The request was rejected because the external authorization service denied the request based on the client.
    ERR-36893 RspSeExAssetError Subscriber attempted to start a VOD session. SRM returned error 36893 in the session set up response. The request was rejected because the external authorization service denied the request based on the asset.
    ERR-36894 RspSeExtDurationError Subscriber attempted to start a VOD session. SRM returned error 36894 in the session set up response. The request was rejected because the external authorization service denied the request based on the duration.
    ERR-36895 RspSeExtPackage Subscriber attempted to start a VOD session. SRM returned error 36895 in the session set up response. The request was rejected because the external authorization service denied the request based on entitlement.
    ERR-36896 RspSeExtCreditError Subscriber attempted to start a VOD session. SRM returned error 36896 in the session set up response. The request was rejected because the external authorization service (UD) denied the request based on credit problem.
    ERR-40961 eServerReleasedSession Server error occurred and session was released.
    ERR-65535 This happens when an invalid nodegroup ID is received in the session set up request. As a result, no video will be able to stream. This is due to improper server component(s) configuration.
    SRM-2 RspNeNoCalls The customer chose to start a VOD video. The SRM did not start the session because all available SRM's service instance's "Restrict Setup Request" option is set to true.
    SRM-4 This error is a VOD server side error.
    SRM-6 RspSeNoCalls The customer chose to start a VOD video. The SRM did not start the session because the server was never configured to start any session or it did not have connection to a required service.
    SRM-8 RspSeNoSevice The subscriber attempted to start a VOD session. SRM returned error 0x8 in the session set up response or the client was able to sent the session set up request but did not receive a response from the SRM.
    SRM- 18 RsnTimerExpired A VOD video was streaming however the SRM shut down the session because it did not receive a session keep-alive message from the client in time.
    SRM-20 RspSeNoResource The subscriber attempted to start a VOD session. The SRM returned error 0x20 in the session set up response. RF network filled to capacity. No resources available.
    SRM-24 RspSeProcError This is most likely due to ITV server experiencing procedural error during SRM session setup.
    SRM-27 RspSeFormatError The subscriber chose to start a VOD video. The SRM did not start the session because the VOD server detected a format error.
    SRM-900 ARspSeViewLimitReached The subscriber has exceeded the maximum number of times that the video can be viewed.
    SRM-8001 RsnItvTuningError Subscriber attempted to watch a VOD video, however, the converter could not tune to the stream even after the configurable number of tune attempts.
    SRM-8002 RsnItvCmConnectError Possible disconnection of converter with connection manager.
    SRM-8003 eRsnItvPositionError Vstream position error return
    SRM-8012 eRsnItvVideoLostQamOk Subscriber attempted to watch a VOD video, however the converter lost video and audio. Carrier lock, however, is still available.
    SRM-8013 eRsnItvRfNotAvailable Subscriber attempted to watch a VOD video, however the converter determined the carrier lock is missing. Therefore, could not go on with the streaming session.
    SRM-8014 eRsnItvNoMpegData Subscriber attempted to watch a VOD video, however the converter determined that data is missing.
    SRM-8016 RsnItvFreqModMismatch The viewer attempted to watch a VOD video and the VOD server successfully created the session, however the client closed it immediately because the stream failed the frequency validation.
    SRM-8017 RsnItvTsIdMismatch The viewer attempted to watch a VOD video and the VOD successfully set up the session, however the client closed it immediately because the stream failed the validation check.
    SRM-9000 RspSeNoAsset This is due to invalid asset ID being specified for a desired asset.
    SRM-9001 RspSeNoReplica Error typically occurs when the session setup process fails when the ITV server attempted the "Get Replication List" operation.
    SRM-9002 RspSeBadCredit Credit related issue.
    SRM-9003 RspSeDurationTmo This error occurs when a subscriber attempts to watch a video post expiration of asset viewing limit.
    SRM-9004 RspSeInternalError This is usually due to MOD internal error.
    SRM-9005 RspSeBadAsset This is due to MOD service experiencing IDS read/write error.
    SRM-9006 RspNeCasFailure The asset cannot be played because there was a conditional access failure. This is for future use.
    SRM-9007 RspSePkgAssetIdMisMatch This client issued a request to play a video with in a package, however the asset is no longer or never was a part of the package identified in the session set up request.
    SRM-9008 RspSeNotSubscribed The client attempted to play a video that is part of a package that he/she is not subscribed to. The client application allowed a subscriber to attempt to watch an asset that is part of a package that is not owned by the subscriber.
    SRM-9009 RspSeBlockedAsset Customer attempts to view a video that has been blocked.
    SRM-0x901b(ERR-36891) RspSeExtServiceError Subscriber attempted to start a VOD session. SRM returned error 36891 in the session set up response. The request was rejected because the external authorization service (UD) denied the request based on the service.
    SRM-0x901c(ERR-36892)RspSeExtClientError Subscriber attempted to start a VOD session. SRM returned error 36892 in the session set up response. The request was rejected because the external authorization service (UD) denied the request based on the client.
    SRM-0x901d(ERR-36893)RspSeExtAssetError Subscriber attempted to start a VOD session. SRM returned error 36893 in the session set up response. The request was rejected because the external authorization service (UD) denied the request based on the asset.
    SRM-0x901e(ERR-36894)RspSeExtDurationError Subscriber attempted to start a VOD session. SRM returned error 36894 in the session set up response. The request was rejected because the external authorization service (UD) denied the request based on the duration.
    SRM-0x901f(ERR-36895)RspSeExtPackageError Subscriber attempted to start a VOD session. SRM returned error 36895 in the session set up response. The request was rejected because the external authorization service (UD) denied the request based on entitlement.
    SRM-9020(ERR-36896)RspSeExtCreditError Subscriber attempted to start a VOD session. SRM returned error 36896 in the session set up response. The request was rejected because the external authorization service (UD) denied the request based on credit problem.
    VODLIB-4 Viewer attempts to start a session, and box is disconnected.
    VM-1 VM_ERROR_INVALID_NG_SELECTION_METHOD This problem occurs when the nodegroup selection method specified in the configuration file on the server does not contain a valid value for the client.
    VM-2 VM_ERROR_TUNE_RETRY The client attempted to tune a streaming VOD video or the barker channel however the first attempt to tune it has failed. The client will go on to retry the tune after the error message is displayed. This error will not be displayed if the default message file is in use.
    VM-4 VM_ERROR_CLIENT_DISCONNECTED Viewer attempted to open a session and set top is disconnected.
    VM-5 VM_ERROR_CLIENT_DISC_WHILE_PLAY Set top disconnected while watching a VOD video.
    VM-7 VM_USER_NOT_ENTITLED Viewer tried to view an asset that they are not entitled to
    VM-8 VM_UNSUSPEND_FAILURE The asset could not be removed from the suspended list.
    VM-13 VM_VIDEO_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_HIGH_DEF This error occurs when a customer wants to view a high definition title on a standard definition STB
    VM-14 VM_SVOD_DISABLED Viewer attempted to buy a package and online sign up is disabled.
    VM-15 VM_VIDEO_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_DVD The client did attempt to start the session because the subscriber is attempting to play a DVD asset. Current clients do not support streaming of the DVD assets.
    VM-16 VM_METADATA_ERROR The client encountered a problem while attempting to fetch metadata. This problem was not a direct result of a problem with the backend server.
    VM-17 VM_MEMORY_FAILURE The VOD Module Client encountered a problem while allocating memory on the set-top box. This likely means that the set-top is out of available memory.
    VM-18 VM_VIDEO_ERROR_INVALID_STREAM_REQ The VOD module client received a stream request for a session that is already closed. When this case is detected by the client, the stream request is never sent to the server.
    VM-255 eVM_GENERIC_ERROR An operation resulted in an unknown error condition. This is extremely rare.
    ERR-1 Not Initialized The call to the CMOD Library failed because the library has not successfully initialized.
    ERR-2 Application Failure The call to the CMOD Library failed because there was a generic application error.
    ERR-3 OSFailure The call to the CMOD Library failed because there was a set top OS (Platform) error.
    ERR-4 Server Failure The call to the CMOD Library failed due to an error returned by the VOD server.
    ERR-5 NotSupported The call to the CMOD Library failed because the call is not yet supported.
    ERR-6 Item Not Found The call to the CMOD Library failed because the requested item could not be found.
    ERR-7 Invalid Parameter The call to the CMOD Library failed because an invalid parameter was supplied.
    ERR-8 InvalidState The call to the CMOD Library failed because the operation cannot be performed given the current state of the CMOD Library.
    ERR-9 MemoryError The call to the CMOD Library failed because the CMOD library attempted to allocate memory but couldn't.
    ERR-10 TaskCreate Error The call to the CMOD Library failed because the CMOD client failed to create a task.
    ERR-11 IpcCreate Error The call to the CMOD Library failed because the CMOD library's attempt to create an IPC object failed.
    ERR-12 More Data Available The buffer supplied to the CMOD Library was too small. This error indicates that there was more data available than what could fit in the supplied buffer. The data that did fit was returned.
    ERR-13 EnvironmentError The call to the CMOD Library failed because there was a general exception caused by an environment problem.
    ERR-16 LSC_BAD_REQUEST The pump could not perform the requested VCR command. The subscriber attempted a VCR command on a stream, however the pump reported that the client's request was invalid.
    ERR-17 LSC_BAD_STREAM The pump could not perform the requested VCR command. The client application issued a VCR command with an invalid stream handle.
    ERR-18 LSC_WRONG_STATE The pump could not perform the requested VCR command given the stream's current state.
    ERR-19 LSC_UNKNOWN The pump could not perform the requested VCR command.
    ERR-21 LSC_BAD_PARAM Subscriber attempted a VCR command, however the pump reported that a bad parameter was supplied in the request. If the Stop NPT is not set to be the Beginning of the stream or end of stream, this error is returned.
    ERR-22 LSC_NO_IMPLEMENT Subscriber attempted a VCR command, however the pump reported that the requested function is not implemented.
    ERR-23 LSC_NO_MEMORY Subscriber attempted a VCR command, however the pump reported that it has run out of memory.
    ERR-24 LSC_IMP_LIMIT Subscriber attempted a VCR command, however the pump reported that the operation failed because an implementation limit was reached.
    ERR-26 LSC_NO_RESOURCES Subscriber attempted a VCR command, however the pump reported that the required resources were not available to perform the request.
    ERR-27 eRsnNeSessionRelease The session release keep-alive timed out
    ERR-36880 Movie Unavailable Offer Not Found