Informatics Practices for Class XI (CBSE)
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This wikibook is the old version and is not applicable for the revised CBSE syllabus that becomes mandatory in 2019. If your school uses Python (revised syllabus) instead of Java (old syllabus), this book is not for you. |
This is meant to be a textbook for the Informatics Practices subject that is part of CBSE (India) curriculum.
Learning Objectives
- To gain working knowledge of a computer system and peripherals
- To understand the application development process.
- To gain programming skills in front-end development
- To gain skills in Database Creation and querying using ANSI SQL.
- To design, program and develop database driven web applications using GUI Programming Tool and RDBMS.
- To understand and appreciate open source and open standard concepts
- Sound knowledge of computer system
- Familiarity with Application Development process using simple IDEs
- Ability to use, develop & debug programs independently.
- Ability to use ANSI SQL for storing and retrieving data from the RDBMS.
- Ability to develop a Web Application using Front end and Back end tools.
The entire syllabus can be found here (pages 152-155)
Table of Contents
- Computer System Organization
- Software Concepts
- Working with Operating System
- OpenOffice Writer
- Industries and Business Computing
- Introduction to Object Oriented Programming
- Programming fundamentals
- Netbeans IDE
- Programming Methodology
- Database Concepts
- Introducing MySQL
- Simple queries
- SQL Functions and Grouping
- Joins and Subqueries
- Database Objects
- More on DDL, DML and TCL