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Neapolitan Primer

'O tiémpo e 'o calannàrio (time and the calendar)

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'O rilorrgio (the clock)

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English Neapolitan
a second 'nu siconno
a minute 'nu minuto
a half-hour 'na mez óra
an hour 'n óra

'A semmàna (the week)

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English Neapolitan
day 'o juorno
days 'e juorne
morning 'a matina
tomorrow morning dimanummatina
noon, midday 'o miezojuòrno
afternoon 'a cuntróra
evening 'a séra
last evening ajeressera
tomorrow evening dimanassera
night 'a notte
yesterday ajere
the day before yesterday ll'autriere
today ogge
tomorrow dimane/craje†
the day after tomorrow doppedimane/pescraje†

Dimane is used more in Naples proper whereas craje is more common in northern Calabria. Craje comes from the Latin adverb cras (tomorrow) while dimane is constructed from the Latin words de + mane (mane= morning, de mane- in the morning) in the same manner as it is many other Romance languages.

'O calannàrio (the calendar)

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English Neapolitan
a week 'a semmàna
weeks 'e ssemmàne
Monday lunnerì
Tuesday marterì
Wednesday miercurì
Thursday gioverì
Friday viernarì
Saturday sàbbato
Sunday dumméneca

'E mise (the months)

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English Neapolitan
a month 'o mese
months 'e mise
January jennaro/gennaio
February febbraio/frevaro
March màrzo
April abbrile
May majo/maggio
June giùgno
July luglio
August aùsto
September settembre
October ottombre/ottobbre/ottovre
November nuvembre
December dicembre

'E staggióne (the seasons)

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English Neapolitan
spring 'a primmavèra
summer 'a staggiòne, 'a state
autumn 'a sfrunnata, ll'autunno
winter 'o viérno

Ll'anno (the year)

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English Neapolitan
a year ll'anno
years ll'anne
a century 'o século
centuries 'e sécule
  • The days of the week and the names of the months are all lower case.