Oberon/ETH Oberon/2.3.7/Compiler.Tool
< Oberon | ETH Oberon
The Oberon compiler
Compiler.Compile * Compiler.Compile *\f
Compiler.Compile *\s Compiler.Compile ^
Compiler.Compile @ Compiler.Compile ~
Compiler Options: (default values in parenthesis)
f find error position (select PC line in Trap viewer)
s allow generation of new symbol file (off)
e allow extension of symbol file (off)
x index check (on)
v overflow check (off)
t type check (on)
a ASSERT evaluation (on)
p initialize local pointer variables (on)
z also initialize other local variables (on)
w show warnings (off)
1 compile only Oberon-1 with dyn. arrays (off)
2 compile Oberon-2 extensions (off)
S allow importing of SYSTEM (on)
Px prefix input & output .Obj files with x
Ox prefix output .Obj file with x
The Oberon Definition Browser
Browser.ShowDef ^
Browser.ShowDef \e ^
Browser.ShowDef \d ^
Browser Options:
\e: expand types
\d: show detailed information (entry numbers, offsets, keys, etc)