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Persian/Persian Computing

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Reading Persian on the Internet

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If the following text appears as nonsense or boxes, you may need to enable Persian on your computer:

زبان فارسی

Sometimes it is necessary to make a page display properly by manually changing the encoding of the browser. In Firefox, follow View, Character Encoding, More Encodings, Middle Eastern and then Farsi.

Typing in Persian

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Windows Vista

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Windows XP

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To enable typing in Persian in Windows XP, follow these steps. You will need administrator rights on the computer on which you wish to enable Persian typing, therefore if you are on a network (such as at work, University or school) you may need to contact your network administrator. You may also be prompted to insert your Windows disk.

1. Go to Start, then go to the Control Panel and click on Date, Time, Language and Regional Options. 2. Click on "Add other Languages". 3. Click on Details. 4. Click on Add. 5. Select Input method as "Farsi" and for Keyboard layout/IME select "Farsi" from the menus.

The language bar will appear on your screen, enabling you to switch between Persian and your default or other languages. If you do not have the Persian alphabet on your keyboard, and only have a Latin alphabet, you can use the on screen keyboard to input Persian. The on-screen keyboard can be found by following Start then clicking on Accessories, Accessibility and On-Screen keyboard. It is also possible to buy Persian keyboard stickers, or you may find that you can memorize the positions of the varios letters.

Windows 2000

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Zero-Width Non-Joiner (ZWNJ)

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Zero-Width Joiner (ZWJ)

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Persian Alphabet lessons: 1 ( ۱ )2 ( ۲ )3 ( ۳ )4 ( ۴ )
Elementary grammar: 5 ( ۵ )6 ( ۶ )7 ( ۷ )8 ( ۸ )9 ( ۹ )
10 ( ۱۰ )11 ( ۱۱ )12 ( ۱۲ )13 ( ۱۳ )14 ( ۱۴ )15 ( ۱۵ )
Intermediate: 16 ( ۱۶ )17 ( ۱۷ )18 ( ۱۸ )19 ( ۱۹ )20 ( ۲۰ )
21 ( ۲۱ )22 ( ۲۲ )23 ( ۲۳ )24 ( ۲۴ )25 ( ۲۵ )26 ( ۲۶ )
Appendix: AlphabetGlossaryHandwriting