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< Pokémon‎ | Pokédex‎ | Types

There are 36 Bug Pokémon. Of these, 12 are first generation, 10 are second generation and 14 are third generation.

Of the 36 Bug Pokémon, only 9 are pure Bug. The other 27 are Flying(8), Poison(8), Rock(3), Grass(2), Steel(2), Fighting(1), Ground(1), Ghost(1) and Water(1).

First generation type matching of Bug Pokémon

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Name Other type Effected by moves of type
Normal Fire Water Electric Grass Ice Fighting Poison Ground Flying Psychic Bug Rock Ghost Dragon
Pure type X2 /2 /2 X2 /2 X2 X2
Beedrill Poison /4 /4 X1 X1 X2 X2
Butterfree Flying X2 /4 X2 /4 0 /2 X4
Kakuna Poison /4 /4 X1 X1 X2 X2
Paras Grass X4 /2 /2 /4 X2 X4 /4 X4 X2
Parasect Grass X4 /2 /2 /4 X2 X4 /4 X4 X2
Scyther Flying X2 /4 X2 /4 0 /2 X4
Venomoth Poison /4 /4 X1 X1 X2 X2
Venonat Poison /4 /4 X1 X1 X2 X2
Weedle Poison /4 /4 X1 X1 X2 X2


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  1. Metapod gains a type (Flying) when evolves into Butterfree.
  2. Bug type isn't resistant to itself.

Changes in Type Matching from first generation to second

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Poison moves on Bug: X1

Second/Third Generation type matching of Bug Pokémon

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Name Other type Effected by moves of type Physical def. / Special def.
Normal Fire Water Electric Grass Ice Fighting Poison Ground Flying Psychic Bug Rock Ghost Dragon Dark Steel
Pure type X2 /2 /2 /2 X2 X2
Anorith Rock /2 X1 X2 X1 X1 /2 X1 X1 X2 1:1
Ariados Poison /4 /4 /2 X1 X2 /2 7:6
Armaldo Rock /2 X1 X2 X1 X1 /2 X1 X1 X2 5:4
Beautifly Flying X2 /4 X2 /4 0 /2 X4 1:1
Beedrill Poison /4 /4 /2 X1 X2 /2 1:2
Butterfree Flying X2 /4 X2 /4 0 /2 X4 5:8
Cascoon 9:4
Caterpie 7:4
Dustox Poison /4 /4 /2 X1 X2 /2 7:9
Forretress Steel /2 X4 /4 /2 X1 0 X1 X1 /2 /2 X1 /2 /2 /2 /2 7:3
Heracross Fighting X4 X2 /2 X1 /2 4:5
Illumise 3:4
Kakuna Poison /4 /4 /2 X1 X2 /2 2:1
Ledian Flying X2 /4 X2 /4 0 /2 X4 4:9
Ledyba Flying X2 /4 X2 /4 0 /2 X4 3:8
Masquerain Flying X2 /4 X2 /4 0 /2 X4 3:4
Metapod 9:4
Nincada Ground X2 0 X1 X2 /2 X1 3:1
Ninjask Flying X2 /4 X2 /4 0 /2 X4 9:10
Paras Grass X4 /2 /2 /4 X2 X2 /4 X4 X2 1:1
Parasect Grass X4 /2 /2 /4 X2 X2 /4 X4 X2 1:1
Pineco 5:2
Pinsir 10:7
Scizor Steel /2 X4 /4 /2 X1 0 X1 X1 /2 /2 X1 /2 /2 /2 /2 5:4
Scyther Flying X2 /4 X2 /4 0 /2 X4 1:1
Shedinja Ghost 0 0 /2 /2 X2 X2 3:2
Shuckle Rock /2 X1 X2 X1 X1 /2 X1 X1 X2 1:1
Silcoon 9:4
Spinarak Poison /4 /4 /2 X1 X2 /2 1:1
Surskit Water X1 /2 X2 X1 /2 5:8
Venomoth Poison /4 /4 /2 X1 X2 /2 4:5
Venonat Poison /4 /4 /2 X1 X2 /2 9:10
Volbeat 3:4
Weedle Poison /4 /4 /2 X1 X2 /2 3:2
Wurmple 7:6
Yanma Flying X2 /4 X2 /4 0 /2 X4 1:1


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  1. This table ignores special abilities.
  2. Some Pokémon gain a new type when they evolve. If they already have 2 types, they will loose one.
  3. Forretress and Scizor are only weak to Fire type. This weakness is double weakness.
  4. Cascoon, Forretress, Metapod, Nincada, Pineco and Silcoon have a physical/special defence ratio of over 2; this means that a special move is better than a physical move for which the type matching says is twice as good.
  5. Ledian have a physical/special defence ratio of under 1/2; this means that a physical move is better than a special move for which the type matching says is twice as good.