25% developed

Straw Bale Construction

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Straw-bale construction is a building method that uses straw bales as structural elements, insulation, or both. It is commonly used in natural buildings.

About this book

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Straw bale building in Holland
  1. Introduction 25% developed  as of March 26, 2006
    1. History 25% developed  as of June 13, 2012
    2. Current Perspective and Regulations 25% developed  as of June 13, 2012
  2. Materials 25% developed  as of March 26, 2006
    1. Straw sources, bale dimensions and compression 25% developed  as of June 11, 2013
    2. Choosing your bales 25% developed  as of June 11, 2013
  3. Tools 25% developed  as of March 26, 2006
    1. Straw bale needle 25% developed  as of June 11, 2013
    2. Drawknife and shaving horse 75% developed  as of June 11, 2013
    3. Moisture meter75% developed  as of June 11, 2013
    4. Big wooden hammer75% developed  as of June 11, 2013
    5. Plastic strapping tensioner75% developed  as of June 11, 2013
    6. Stucco sprayer75% developed  as of June 11, 2013
  4. Characteristics 25% developed  as of March 26, 2006
    1. Acoustics 25% developed  as of March 26, 2006
    2. Insulation 25% developed  as of March 26, 2006
    3. Thermal mass 25% developed  as of March 26, 2006
    4. Passive solar 25% developed  as of March 26, 2006
    5. Availability, types and cost 25% developed  as of March 26, 2006
    6. Resistance to pests 25% developed  as of March 26, 2006
    7. Resistance to fire 25% developed  as of March 26, 2006
    8. Structural properties 25% developed  as of March 26, 2006
    9. Design and construction challenges 25% developed  as of March 26, 2006
  5. Techniques 25% developed  as of March 26, 2006
    1. Foundations 25% developed  as of March 26, 2006
    2. Walls 25% developed  as of March 26, 2006
    3. Finishes 25% developed  as of March 26, 2006
    4. Openings 25% developed  as of March 26, 2006
    5. Roofing 25% developed  as of March 26, 2006
    6. Pushing the Limit 25% developed  as of March 26, 2006
  6. Resources 25% developed  as of March 26, 2006
    1. Software 50% developed  as of March 26, 2006
    2. Technical Studies, Reports and Tests 50% developed  as of March 26, 2006
    3. Worldwide organisations and contacts 75% developed  as of March 26, 2006
    4. Straw Bale Building Registries 75% developed  as of March 26, 2006
    5. Resources on the internet 75% developed  as of March 26, 2006
  7. Bibliography 25% developed  as of March 26, 2006
  8. Glossary of Terms 25% developed  as of March 26, 2006
Wikibook Development Stages
Sparse text 0% Developing text 25% Maturing text 50% Developed text 75% Comprehensive text 100%